Title: | Complete Environment for Bayesian Inference |
Description: | Provides a complete environment for Bayesian inference using a variety of different samplers (see ?LaplacesDemon for an overview). |
Authors: | Byron Hall [aut], Martina Hall [aut], Statisticat, LLC [aut], Eric Brown [ctb], Richard Hermanson [ctb], Emmanuel Charpentier [ctb], Daniel Heck [ctb], Stephane Laurent [ctb], Quentin F. Gronau [ctb], Henrik Singmann [cre] |
Maintainer: | Henrik Singmann <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 16.1.6 |
Built: | 2025-02-10 04:43:59 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/laplacesdemonr/laplacesdemon |
Provides a complete environment for Bayesian inference using a variety of different samplers (see ?LaplacesDemon for an overview).
Package: | LaplacesDemon |
Version: | 16.1.6 |
Title: | Complete Environment for Bayesian Inference |
Authors@R: | c(person("Byron", "Hall", role = "aut"), person("Martina", "Hall", role = "aut"), person(family="Statisticat, LLC", role = "aut"), person(given="Eric", family="Brown", role = "ctb"), person(given="Richard", family="Hermanson", role = "ctb"), person(given="Emmanuel", family="Charpentier", role = "ctb"), person(given="Daniel", family="Heck", role = "ctb"), person(given="Stephane", family="Laurent", role = "ctb"), person(given="Quentin F.", family="Gronau", role = "ctb"), person(given="Henrik", family="Singmann", email="[email protected]", role="cre")) |
Depends: | R (>= 3.0.0) |
Imports: | parallel, grDevices, graphics, stats, utils |
Suggests: | KernSmooth |
ByteCompile: | TRUE |
Description: | Provides a complete environment for Bayesian inference using a variety of different samplers (see ?LaplacesDemon for an overview). |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
URL: | https://github.com/LaplacesDemonR/LaplacesDemon |
BugReports: | https://github.com/LaplacesDemonR/LaplacesDemon/issues |
Repository: | https://laplacesdemonr.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/laplacesdemonr/laplacesdemon |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | de9107d46c215a9db57ad6e9c95a9ebcaf75ef25 |
Author: | Byron Hall [aut], Martina Hall [aut], Statisticat, LLC [aut], Eric Brown [ctb], Richard Hermanson [ctb], Emmanuel Charpentier [ctb], Daniel Heck [ctb], Stephane Laurent [ctb], Quentin F. Gronau [ctb], Henrik Singmann [cre] |
Maintainer: | Henrik Singmann <[email protected]> |
Index of help topics:
ABB Approximate Bayesian Bootstrap AcceptanceRate Acceptance Rate BMK.Diagnostic BMK Convergence Diagnostic BayesFactor Bayes Factor BayesTheorem Bayes' Theorem BayesianBootstrap The Bayesian Bootstrap BigData Big Data Blocks Blocks CSF Cumulative Sample Function CenterScale Centering and Scaling Combine Combine Demonoid Objects Consort Consort with Laplace's Demon Cov2Prec Precision ESS Effective Sample Size due to Autocorrelation GIV Generate Initial Values GaussHermiteQuadRule Math Utility Functions Gelfand.Diagnostic Gelfand's Convergence Diagnostic Gelman.Diagnostic Gelman and Rubin's MCMC Convergence Diagnostic Geweke.Diagnostic Geweke's Convergence Diagnostic Hangartner.Diagnostic Hangartner's Convergence Diagnostic Heidelberger.Diagnostic Heidelberger and Welch's MCMC Convergence Diagnostic IAT Integrated Autocorrelation Time Importance Variable Importance IterativeQuadrature Iterative Quadrature Juxtapose Juxtapose MCMC Algorithm Inefficiency KLD Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KLD) KS.Diagnostic Kolmogorov-Smirnov Convergence Diagnostic LML Logarithm of the Marginal Likelihood LPL.interval Lowest Posterior Loss Interval LaplaceApproximation Laplace Approximation LaplacesDemon Laplace's Demon LaplacesDemon-package Complete Environment for Bayesian Inference LaplacesDemon.RAM LaplacesDemon RAM Estimate Levene.Test Levene's Test LossMatrix Loss Matrix MCSE Monte Carlo Standard Error MISS Multiple Imputation Sequential Sampling MinnesotaPrior Minnesota Prior Mode The Mode(s) of a Vector Model.Spec.Time Model Specification Time PMC Population Monte Carlo PMC.RAM PMC RAM Estimate PosteriorChecks Posterior Checks Raftery.Diagnostic Raftery and Lewis's diagnostic RejectionSampling Rejection Sampling SIR Sampling Importance Resampling SensitivityAnalysis Sensitivity Analysis Stick Truncated Stick-Breaking Thin Thin Validate Holdout Validation VariationalBayes Variational Bayes WAIC Widely Applicable Information Criterion as.covar Proposal Covariance as.indicator.matrix Matrix Utility Functions as.initial.values Initial Values as.parm.names Parameter Names as.ppc As Posterior Predictive Check burnin Burn-in caterpillar.plot Caterpillar Plot cloglog The log-log and complementary log-log functions cond.plot Conditional Plots dStick Truncated Stick-Breaking Prior Distribution dalaplace Asymmetric Laplace Distribution: Univariate dallaplace Asymmetric Log-Laplace Distribution daml Asymmetric Multivariate Laplace Distribution dbern Bernoulli Distribution dcat Categorical Distribution dcrmrf Continuous Relaxation of a Markov Random Field Distribution ddirichlet Dirichlet Distribution de.Finetti.Game de Finetti's Game deburn De-Burn delicit Prior Elicitation demonchoice Demon Choice Data Set demonfx Demon FX Data Set demonsessions Demon Sessions Data Set demonsnacks Demon Snacks Data Set demontexas Demon Space-Time Data Set dgpd Generalized Pareto Distribution dgpois Generalized Poisson Distribution dhalfcauchy Half-Cauchy Distribution dhalfnorm Half-Normal Distribution dhalft Half-t Distribution dhs Horseshoe Distribution dhuangwand Huang-Wand Distribution dhyperg Hyperprior-g Prior and Zellner's g-Prior dinvbeta Inverse Beta Distribution dinvchisq (Scaled) Inverse Chi-Squared Distribution dinvgamma Inverse Gamma Distribution dinvgaussian Inverse Gaussian Distribution dinvmatrixgamma Inverse Matrix Gamma Distribution dinvwishart Inverse Wishart Distribution dinvwishartc Inverse Wishart Distribution: Cholesky Parameterization dlaplace Laplace Distribution: Univariate Symmetric dlaplacem Mixture of Laplace Distributions dlaplacep Laplace Distribution: Precision Parameterization dlasso LASSO Distribution dllaplace Log-Laplace Distribution: Univariate Symmetric dlnormp Log-Normal Distribution: Precision Parameterization dmatrixgamma Matrix Gamma Distribution dmatrixnorm Matrix Normal Distribution dmvc Multivariate Cauchy Distribution dmvcc Multivariate Cauchy Distribution: Cholesky Parameterization dmvcp Multivariate Cauchy Distribution: Precision Parameterization dmvcpc Multivariate Cauchy Distribution: Precision-Cholesky Parameterization dmvl Multivariate Laplace Distribution dmvlc Multivariate Laplace Distribution: Cholesky Parameterization dmvn Multivariate Normal Distribution dmvnc Multivariate Normal Distribution: Cholesky Parameterization dmvnp Multivariate Normal Distribution: Precision Parameterization dmvnpc Multivariate Normal Distribution: Precision-Cholesky Parameterization dmvpe Multivariate Power Exponential Distribution dmvpec Multivariate Power Exponential Distribution: Cholesky Parameterization dmvpolya Multivariate Polya Distribution dmvt Multivariate t Distribution dmvtc Multivariate t Distribution: Cholesky Parameterization dmvtp Multivariate t Distribution: Precision Parameterization dmvtpc Multivariate t Distribution: Precision-Cholesky Parameterization dnorminvwishart Normal-Inverse-Wishart Distribution dnormlaplace Normal-Laplace Distribution: Univariate Asymmetric dnormm Mixture of Normal Distributions dnormp Normal Distribution: Precision Parameterization dnormv Normal Distribution: Variance Parameterization dnormwishart Normal-Wishart Distribution dpareto Pareto Distribution dpe Power Exponential Distribution: Univariate Symmetric dsdlaplace Skew Discrete Laplace Distribution: Univariate dsiw Scaled Inverse Wishart Distribution dslaplace Skew-Laplace Distribution: Univariate dst Student t Distribution: Univariate dstp Student t Distribution: Precision Parameterization dtrunc Truncated Distributions dwishart Wishart Distribution dwishartc Wishart Distribution: Cholesky Parameterization dyangberger Yang-Berger Distribution interval Constrain to Interval is.appeased Appeased is.bayesfactor Logical Check of Classes is.bayesian Logical Check of a Bayesian Model is.constant Logical Check of a Constant is.constrained Logical Check of Constraints is.data Logical Check of Data is.model Logical Check of a Model is.proper Logical Check of Propriety is.stationary Logical Check of Stationarity joint.density.plot Joint Density Plot joint.pr.plot Joint Probability Region Plot logit The logit and inverse-logit functions p.interval Probability Interval plot.bmk Plot Hellinger Distances plot.demonoid Plot samples from the output of Laplace's Demon plot.demonoid.ppc Plots of Posterior Predictive Checks plot.importance Plot Variable Importance plot.iterquad Plot the output of 'IterativeQuadrature' plot.iterquad.ppc Plots of Posterior Predictive Checks plot.juxtapose Plot MCMC Juxtaposition plot.laplace Plot the output of 'LaplaceApproximation' plot.laplace.ppc Plots of Posterior Predictive Checks plot.miss Plot samples from the output of MISS plot.pmc Plot samples from the output of PMC plot.pmc.ppc Plots of Posterior Predictive Checks plot.vb Plot the output of 'VariationalBayes' plot.vb.ppc Plots of Posterior Predictive Checks plotMatrix Plot a Numerical Matrix plotSamples Plot Samples predict.demonoid Posterior Predictive Checks predict.iterquad Posterior Predictive Checks predict.laplace Posterior Predictive Checks predict.pmc Posterior Predictive Checks predict.vb Posterior Predictive Checks print.demonoid Print an object of class 'demonoid' to the screen. print.heidelberger Print an object of class 'heidelberger' to the screen. print.iterquad Print an object of class 'iterquad' to the screen. print.laplace Print an object of class 'laplace' to the screen. print.miss Print an object of class 'miss' to the screen. print.pmc Print an object of class 'pmc' to the screen. print.raftery Print an object of class 'raftery' to the screen. print.vb Print an object of class 'vb' to the screen. server_Listening Server Listening summary.demonoid.ppc Posterior Predictive Check Summary summary.iterquad.ppc Posterior Predictive Check Summary summary.laplace.ppc Posterior Predictive Check Summary summary.miss MISS Summary summary.pmc.ppc Posterior Predictive Check Summary summary.vb.ppc Posterior Predictive Check Summary
The goal of LaplacesDemon, often referred to as LD, is to provide a complete and self-contained Bayesian environment within R. For example, this package includes dozens of MCMC algorithms, Laplace Approximation, iterative quadrature, variational Bayes, parallelization, big data, PMC, over 100 examples in the “Examples” vignette, dozens of additional probability distributions, numerous MCMC diagnostics, Bayes factors, posterior predictive checks, a variety of plots, elicitation, parameter and variable importance, Bayesian forms of test statistics (such as Durbin-Watson, Jarque-Bera, etc.), validation, and numerous additional utility functions, such as functions for multimodality, matrices, or timing your model specification. Other vignettes include an introduction to Bayesian inference, as well as a tutorial.
No further development of this package is currently being done as the original maintainer has stopped working on the package. Contributions to this package are welcome at https://github.com/LaplacesDemonR/LaplacesDemon.
The main function in this package is the LaplacesDemon
function, and the best place to start is probably with the
LaplacesDemon Tutorial vignette.
Byron Hall [aut], Martina Hall [aut], Statisticat, LLC [aut], Eric Brown [ctb], Richard Hermanson [ctb], Emmanuel Charpentier [ctb], Daniel Heck [ctb], Stephane Laurent [ctb], Quentin F. Gronau [ctb], Henrik Singmann [cre]
Maintainer: Henrik Singmann <[email protected]>
This function performs multiple imputation (MI) with the Approximate Bayesian Bootstrap (ABB) of Rubin and Schenker (1986).
ABB(X, K=1)
ABB(X, K=1)
X |
This is a vector or matrix of data that must include both
observed and missing values. When |
K |
This is the number of imputations. |
The Approximate Bayesian Bootstrap (ABB) is a modified form of the
(Rubin, 1981) that is used for
multiple imputation (MI). Imputation is a family of statistical
methods for replacing missing values with estimates. Introduced by
Rubin and Schenker (1986) and Rubin (1987), MI is a family of
imputation methods that includes multiple estimates, and therefore
includes variability of the estimates.
The data, , are assumed to be independent and
identically distributed (IID), contain both observed and missing
values, and its missing values are assumed to be ignorable (meaning
enough information is available in the data that the missingness
mechanism can be ignored, if the information is used properly) and
Missing Completely At Random (MCAR). When
is used in
conjunction with a propensity score (described below), missing values
may be Missing At Random (MAR).
does not add auxiliary information, but performs imputation
with two sampling (with replacement) steps. First,
is sampled from
. Then,
is sampled from
. The result is a sample of
the posterior predictive distribution of
. The first
sampling step is also known as hotdeck imputation, and the second
sampling step changes the variance. Since auxiliary information is not
is appropriate for missing values that are
ignorable and MCAR.
Auxiliary information may be included in the process of imputation by
introducing a propensity score (Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1983; Rosenbaum
and Rubin, 1984), which is an estimate of the probability of
missingness. The propensity score is often the result of a binary
logit model, where missingness is predicted as a function of other
variables. The propensity scores are discretized into quantile-based
groups, usually quintiles. Each quintile must have both observed and
missing values. ABB
is applied to each quintile. This is called
within-class imputation. It is assumed that the missing mechanism
depends only on the variables used to estimate the propensity score.
With ,
may be used in MCMC, such as in
, more commonly along with a propensity
score for missingness. MI is performed, despite , because
imputation occurs at each MCMC iteration. The practical advantage of
this form of imputation is the ease with which it may be
implemented. For example, full-likelihood imputation should perform
better, but requires a chain to be updated for each missing value.
An example of a limitation of ABB
with propensity scores is to
consider imputing missing values of income from age in a context where
age and income have a positive relationship, and where the highest
incomes are missing systematically. ABB
with propensity scores
should impute these highest missing incomes given the highest observed
ages, but is unable to infer beyond the observed data.
ABB has been extended (Parzen et al., 2005) to reduce bias, by
introducing a correction factor that is applied to the MI variance
estimate. This correction may be applied to output from ABB
This function returns a list with components, one for each set
of imputations. Each component contains a vector of imputations equal
in length to the number of missing values in the data.
does not currently return the mean of the imputations, or
the between-imputation variance or within-imputation variance.
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
Parzen, M., Lipsitz, S.R., and Fitzmaurice, G.M. (2005). "A Note on Reducing the Bias of the Approximate Bayesian Bootstrap Imputation Variance Estimator". Biometrika, 92, 4, p. 971–974.
Rosenbaum, P.R. and Rubin, D.B. (1983). "The Central Role of the Propensity Score in Observational Studies for Causal Effects". Biometrika, 70, p. 41–55.
Rosenbaum, P.R. and Rubin, D.B. (1984). "Reducing Bias in Observational Studies Using Subclassification in the Propensity Score". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 79, p. 516–524.
Rubin, D.B. (1981). "The Bayesian Bootstrap". Annals of Statistics, 9, p. 130–134.
Rubin, D.B. (1987). "Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys". John Wiley and Sons: New York, NY.
Rubin, D.B. and Schenker, N. (1986). "Multiple Imputation for Interval Estimation from Simple Random Samples with Ignorable Nonresponse". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 81, p. 366–374.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) ### Create Data J <- 10 #Number of variables m <- 20 #Number of missings N <- 50 #Number of records mu <- runif(J, 0, 100) sigma <- runif(J, 0, 100) X <- matrix(0, N, J) for (j in 1:J) X[,j] <- rnorm(N, mu[j], sigma[j]) ### Create Missing Values M1 <- rep(0, N*J) M2 <- sample(N*J, m) M1[M2] <- 1 M <- matrix(M1, N, J) X <- ifelse(M == 1, NA, X) ### Approximate Bayesian Bootstrap imp <- ABB(X, K=1) ### Replace Missing Values in X (when K=1) X.imp <- X X.imp[which(is.na(X.imp))] <- unlist(imp) X.imp
library(LaplacesDemon) ### Create Data J <- 10 #Number of variables m <- 20 #Number of missings N <- 50 #Number of records mu <- runif(J, 0, 100) sigma <- runif(J, 0, 100) X <- matrix(0, N, J) for (j in 1:J) X[,j] <- rnorm(N, mu[j], sigma[j]) ### Create Missing Values M1 <- rep(0, N*J) M2 <- sample(N*J, m) M1[M2] <- 1 M <- matrix(M1, N, J) X <- ifelse(M == 1, NA, X) ### Approximate Bayesian Bootstrap imp <- ABB(X, K=1) ### Replace Missing Values in X (when K=1) X.imp <- X X.imp[which(is.na(X.imp))] <- unlist(imp) X.imp
The Acceptance.Rate
function calculates the acceptance rate per
chain from a matrix of posterior MCMC samples.
x |
This required argument accepts a |
The acceptance rate of an MCMC algorithm is the percentage of iterations in which the proposals were accepted.
Optimal Acceptance Rates
The optimal acceptance rate varies with the number of parameters and
by algorithm. Algorithms with componentwise Gaussian proposals have an
optimal acceptance rate of 0.44, regardless of the number of
parameters. Algorithms that update with multivariate Gaussian
proposals tend to have an optimal acceptance rate that ranges from
0.44 for one parameter (one IID Gaussian target distribution) to 0.234
for an infinite number of parameters (IID Gaussian target
distributions), and 0.234 is approached quickly as the number of
parameters increases. The AHMC, HMC, and THMC algorithms have an
optimal acceptance rate of 0.67, except with the algorithm
specification L=1
, where the optimal acceptance rate is
0.574. The target acceptance rate is specified in HMCDA and NUTS, and
the recommended rate is 0.65 and 0.60 respectively. Some algorithms
have an acceptance rate of 1, such as AGG, ESS, GG, GS (MISS only),
SGLD, or Slice.
Global and Local Acceptance RatesLaplacesDemon
reports the global acceptance rate for the
un-thinned chains. However, componentwise algorithms make a proposal
per parameter, and therefore have a local acceptance rate for each
parameter. Since only the global acceptance rate is reported, the
function may be used to calculate the local
acceptance rates from a matrix of un-thinned posterior samples.
Thinned samples tend to have higher local acceptance rates than
un-thinned samples. With enough samples and enough thinning, local
acceptance rates approach 1. Local acceptance rates do not need to
approach the optimal acceptance rates above. Conversely, local
acceptance rates do not need to approach 1, because too much
information may possibly be discarded by thinning. For more
information on thinning, see the Thin
The AcceptanceRate
function may be used to calculate local
acceptance rates on a matrix of thinned or un-thinned samples. Any
chain with a local acceptance rate that is an outlier may be studied
for reasons that may cause the outlier. A local acceptance rate
outlier does not violate theory and is often acceptable, but may
indicate a potential problem. Only some of the many potential problems
include: identifiability, model misspecification, multicollinearity,
multimodality, choice of prior distributions, or becoming trapped in a
low-probability space. The solution to local acceptance rate outliers
tends to be either changing the MCMC algorithm or re-specifying the
model or priors. For example, an MCMC algorithm that makes
multivariate Gaussian proposals for a large number of parameters may
have low global and local acceptance rates when far from the target
The AcceptanceRate
function returns a vector of acceptance
rates, one for each chain.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) AcceptanceRate(matrix(rnorm(5000),1000,5))
library(LaplacesDemon) AcceptanceRate(matrix(rnorm(5000),1000,5))
This function returns the most recent covariance matrix or a list of
blocking covariance matrices from an object of class demonoid
the most recent covariance matrix from iterquad
, or vb
, the most recent covariance matrix from
the chain with the lowest deviance in an object of class
, and a number of covariance matrices of an object
of class pmc
equal to the number of mixture components. The
returned covariance matrix or matrices are intended to be the initial
proposal covariance matrix or matrices for future updates. A variance
vector from an object of class demonoid
or demonoid.hpc
is converted to a covariance matrix.
x |
This is an object of class |
Unless it is known beforehand how many iterations are required for
iterative quadrature, Laplace Approximation, or Variational Bayes to
converge, MCMC to appear converged, or the normalized perplexity to
stabilize in PMC, multiple updates are necessary. An additional
update, however, should not begin with the same proposal covariance
matrix or matrices as the original update, because it will have to
repeat the work already accomplished. For this reason, the
function may be used at the end of an update to change
the previous initial values to the latest values.
The as.covar
function is most helpful with objects of class
that have multiple mixture components. For more
information, see PMC
The returned value is a matrix (or array in the case of PMC with multiple mixture components) of the latest observed or proposal covariance, which may now be used as an initial proposal covariance matrix or matrices for a future update.
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
, and
This function returns the most recent posterior samples from an object
of class demonoid
or demonoid.hpc
, the posterior means
of an object of class iterquad
, the posterior modes of an
object of class laplace
or vb
, the posterior means of an
object of class pmc
with one mixture component, or the latest
means of the importance sampling distribution of an object of class
with multiple mixture components. The returned values are
intended to be the initial values for future updates.
x |
This is an object of class |
Unless it is known beforehand how many iterations are required for
, LaplaceApproximation
or VariationalBayes
to converge, MCMC in
to appear converged, or the normalized
perplexity to stabilize in PMC
, multiple updates are
necessary. An additional update, however, should not begin with the
same initial values as the original update, because it will have to
repeat the work already accomplished. For this reason, the
function may be used at the end of an update
to change the previous initial values to the latest values.
When using LaplacesDemon.hpc
, as.initial.values
should be used when the output is of class demonoid.hpc
, before
the Combine
function is used to combine the multiple
chains for use with Consort
and other functions, because
the Combine
function returns an object of class
, and the number of chains will become unknown. The
function may suggest using
, but when applied to an object of class
, it will return the latest values as if there were
only one chain.
The returned value is a vector (or matrix in the case of an object of
class demonoid.hpc
, or pmc
with multiple mixture
components) of the latest values, which may now be used as initial
values for a future update.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
This function creates a vector of parameter names from a list of parameters, and the list may contain any combination of scalars, vectors, matrices, upper-triangular matrices, and arrays.
as.parm.names(x, uppertri=NULL)
as.parm.names(x, uppertri=NULL)
x |
This required argument is a list of named parameters. The list may contain scalars, vectors, matrices, and arrays. The value of the named parameters does not matter here, though they are usually set to zero. However, if a missing value occurs, then the associated element is omitted in the output. |
uppertri |
This optional argument must be a vector with a length
equal to the number of named parameters. Each element in
Each model
function for IterativeQuadrature
, LaplacesDemon
, or VariationalBayes
requires a vector
of parameters (specified at first as Initial.Values
) and a list
of data. One component in the list of data must be named
. Each element of parm.names
is a name
associated with the corresponding parameter in Initial.Values
The parm.names
vector is easy to program explicitly for a simple
model, but can require considerably more programming effort for more
complicated models. The as.parm.names
function is a utility
function designed to minimize programming by the user.
For example, a simple model may only require parm.names <-
c("alpha", "beta[1]", "beta[2]", "sigma")
. A more complicated model
may contain hundreds of parameters that are a combination of scalars,
vectors, matrices, upper-triangular matrices, and arrays, and is the
reason for the as.parm.names
function. The code for the above
is as.parm.names(list(alpha=0, beta=rep(0,2), sigma=0))
In the case of an upper-triangular matrix, simply pass the full matrix
to as.parm.names
and indicate that only the upper-triangular
will be used via the uppertri
argument. For example,
as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J),U=diag(K)), uppertri=c(0,1))
creates parameter names for a vector of parameters of
and an upper-triangular matrix
Numerous examples may be found in the accompanying “Examples” vignette.
This function returns a vector of parameter names.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) N <- 100 J <- 5 y <- rnorm(N,0,1) X <- matrix(runif(N*J,-2,2),N,J) S <- diag(J) T <- diag(2) mon.names <- c("LP","sigma") parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(log.sigma=0, beta=rep(0,J), S=diag(J), T=diag(2)), uppertri=c(0,0,0,1)) MyData <- list(J=J, N=N, S=S, T=T, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, y=y) MyData
library(LaplacesDemon) N <- 100 J <- 5 y <- rnorm(N,0,1) X <- matrix(runif(N*J,-2,2),N,J) S <- diag(J) T <- diag(2) mon.names <- c("LP","sigma") parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(log.sigma=0, beta=rep(0,J), S=diag(J), T=diag(2)), uppertri=c(0,0,0,1)) MyData <- list(J=J, N=N, S=S, T=T, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, y=y) MyData
This function converts an object of class demonoid.val
to an
object of class demonoid.ppc
as.ppc(x, set=3)
as.ppc(x, set=3)
x |
This is an object of class |
set |
This is an integer that indicates which list component is
to be used. When |
After using the Validate
function for holdout
validation, it is often suggested to perform posterior predictive
checks. The as.ppc
function converts the output object of
, which is an object of class
, to an object of class demonoid.ppc
. The
returned object is the same as if it were created with the
function, rather than the
After this conversion, the user may use posterior predictive checks,
as usual, with the summary.demonoid.ppc
The returned object is an object of class demonoid.ppc
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
This function calculates Bayes factors for two or more fitted objects
of class demonoid
, iterquad
, laplace
, pmc
or vb
that were estimated respectively with the
, IterativeQuadrature
, or
functions, and indicates the strength
of evidence in favor of the hypothesis (that each model,
, is better than another model,
x |
This is a list of two or more fitted objects of class
Introduced by Harold Jeffreys, a 'Bayes factor' is a Bayesian
alternative to frequentist hypothesis testing that is most often used
for the comparison of multiple models by hypothesis testing, usually
to determine which model better fits the data (Jeffreys, 1961). Bayes
factors are notoriously difficult to compute, and the Bayes factor is
only defined when the marginal density of under
each model is proper (see
). However, the Bayes
factor is easy to approximate with the Laplace-Metropolis estimator
(Lewis and Raftery, 1997) and other methods of approximating the
logarithm of the marginal likelihood (for more information, see
Hypothesis testing with Bayes factors is more robust than frequentist hypothesis testing, since the Bayesian form avoids model selection bias, evaluates evidence in favor of the null hypothesis, includes model uncertainty, and allows non-nested models to be compared (though of course the model must have the same dependent variable). Also, frequentist significance tests become biased in favor of rejecting the null hypothesis with sufficiently large sample size.
The Bayes factor for comparing two models may be approximated as the ratio of the marginal likelihood of the data in model 1 and model 2. Formally, the Bayes factor in this case is
where is the marginal
likelihood of the data in model 1.
The IterativeQuadrature
, LaplacesDemon
, and VariationalBayes
functions each
return the LML
, the approximate logarithm of the
marginal likelihood of the data, in each fitted object of class
, laplace
, demonoid
, pmc
, or
. The BayesFactor
function calculates matrix B
a matrix of Bayes factors, where each element of matrix B
is a
comparison of two models. Each Bayes factor is calculated as the
exponentiated difference of LML
of model 1
() and
of model 2
(), and the hypothesis for each element of
is that the model associated with the row is greater
than the model associated with the column. For example, element
is the Bayes factor that model 3 is greater than model
2. The 'Strength of Evidence' aids in the interpretation (Jeffreys,
A table for the interpretation of the strength of evidence for Bayes factors is available at https://web.archive.org/web/20150214194051/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/bayesfactors.
Each Bayes factor, B
, is the posterior odds in favor of the
hypothesis divided by the prior odds in favor of the hypothesis, where
the hypothesis is usually
. For example, when
, the data favor over
with 2:1 odds.
It is also popular to consider the natural logarithm of the Bayes factor. The scale of the logged Bayes factor is the same above and below one, which is more appropriate for visual comparisons. For example, when comparing two Bayes factors at 0.5 and 2, the logarithm of these Bayes factors is -0.69 and 0.69.
Gelman finds Bayes factors generally to be irrelevant, because they
compute the relative probabilities of the models conditional on one
of them being true. Gelman prefers approaches that measure the
distance of the data to each of the approximate models (Gelman et al.,
2004, p. 180), such as with posterior predictive checks (see the
function regarding iterative
quadrature, predict.laplace
function in the context of
Laplace Approximation, predict.demonoid
function in the
context of MCMC, predict.pmc
function in the context
of PMC, or predict.vb
function in the context of
Variational Bayes). Kass et al. (1995) asserts this can be done
without assuming one model is the true model.
returns an object of class bayesfactor
is a list with the following components:
B |
This is a matrix of Bayes factors. |
Hypothesis |
This is the hypothesis, and is stated as 'row > column', indicating
that the model associated with the row of an element in matrix
Strength.of.Evidence |
This is the strength of evidence in favor of the hypothesis. |
Posterior.Probability |
This is a vector of the posterior probability of each model, given flat priors. |
Statisticat, LLC.
Gelman, A., Carlin, J., Stern, H., and Rubin, D. (2004). "Bayesian Data Analysis, Texts in Statistical Science, 2nd ed.". Chapman and Hall, London.
Jeffreys, H. (1961). "Theory of Probability, Third Edition". Oxford University Press: Oxford, England.
Kass, R.E. and Raftery, A.E. (1995). "Bayes Factors". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90(430), p. 773–795.
Lewis, S.M. and Raftery, A.E. (1997). "Estimating Bayes Factors via Posterior Simulation with the Laplace-Metropolis Estimator". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, p. 648–655.
, and
# The following example fits a model as Fit1, then adds a predictor, and # fits another model, Fit2. The two models are compared with Bayes # factors. library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) J <- 2 y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,10]+1))) X[,2] <- CenterScale(X[,2]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- "LP" parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) { beta <- rnorm(Data$J) sigma <- runif(1) return(c(beta, sigma)) } MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log-Prior beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=LP, yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } ############################ Initial Values ############################# Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) ######################## Laplace Approximation ########################## Fit1 <- LaplaceApproximation(Model, Initial.Values, Data=MyData, Iterations=10000) Fit1 ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) J <- 3 y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(demonsnacks[,c(7,8)])) X[,2] <- CenterScale(X[,2]) X[,3] <- CenterScale(X[,3]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- c("sigma","mu[1]") parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) return(c(rnormv(Data$J,0,10), rhalfcauchy(1,5))) MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ############################ Initial Values ############################# Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) ######################## Laplace Approximation ########################## Fit2 <- LaplaceApproximation(Model, Initial.Values, Data=MyData, Iterations=10000) Fit2 ############################# Bayes Factor ############################## Model.list <- list(M1=Fit1, M2=Fit2) BayesFactor(Model.list)
# The following example fits a model as Fit1, then adds a predictor, and # fits another model, Fit2. The two models are compared with Bayes # factors. library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) J <- 2 y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,10]+1))) X[,2] <- CenterScale(X[,2]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- "LP" parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) { beta <- rnorm(Data$J) sigma <- runif(1) return(c(beta, sigma)) } MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log-Prior beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=LP, yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } ############################ Initial Values ############################# Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) ######################## Laplace Approximation ########################## Fit1 <- LaplaceApproximation(Model, Initial.Values, Data=MyData, Iterations=10000) Fit1 ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) J <- 3 y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(demonsnacks[,c(7,8)])) X[,2] <- CenterScale(X[,2]) X[,3] <- CenterScale(X[,3]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- c("sigma","mu[1]") parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) return(c(rnormv(Data$J,0,10), rhalfcauchy(1,5))) MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ############################ Initial Values ############################# Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) ######################## Laplace Approximation ########################## Fit2 <- LaplaceApproximation(Model, Initial.Values, Data=MyData, Iterations=10000) Fit2 ############################# Bayes Factor ############################## Model.list <- list(M1=Fit1, M2=Fit2) BayesFactor(Model.list)
This function performs the Bayesian bootstrap of Rubin (1981), returning either bootstrapped weights or statistics.
BayesianBootstrap(X, n=1000, Method="weights", Status=NULL)
BayesianBootstrap(X, n=1000, Method="weights", Status=NULL)
X |
This is a vector or matrix of data. When a matrix is supplied, sampling is based on the first column. |
n |
This is the number of bootstrapped replications. |
Method |
When |
Status |
This determines the periodicity of status messages. When
The term, ‘bootstrap’, comes from the German novel Adventures of Baron Munchausen by Rudolph Raspe, in which the hero saves himself from drowning by pulling on his own bootstraps. The idea of the statistical bootstrap is to evaluate properties of an estimator through the empirical, rather than theoretical, CDF.
Rubin (1981) introduced the Bayesian bootstrap. In contrast to the frequentist bootstrap which simulates the sampling distribution of a statistic estimating a parameter, the Bayesian bootstrap simulates the posterior distribution.
The data, , are assumed to be independent and
identically distributed (IID), and to be a representative sample of
the larger (bootstrapped) population. Given that the data has
rows in one bootstrap replication, the row weights are sampled from a
Dirichlet distribution with all
concentration parameters equal
(a uniform distribution over an open standard
simplex). The distributions of a parameter inferred from considering
many samples of weights are interpretable as posterior distributions
on that parameter.
The Bayesian bootstrap is useful for estimating marginal posterior
covariance and standard deviations for the posterior modes of
, especially when the model
dimension (the number of parameters) is large enough that estimating
the Hessian
matrix of second partial derivatives is too
computationally demanding.
Just as with the frequentist bootstrap, inappropriate use of the Bayesian bootstrap can lead to inappropriate inferences. The Bayesian bootstrap violates the likelihood principle, because the evaluation of a statistic of interest depends on data sets other than the observed data set. For more information on the likelihood principle, see https://web.archive.org/web/20150213002158/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/likelihood#likelihoodprinciple.
The BayesianBootstrap
function has many uses, including
creating test statistics on the population data given the observed
data (supported here), imputation (with this variation:
), validation, and more.
When Method="weights"
, this function returns a
matrix of weights, where the number of rows
is equal to the number of rows in
For statistics, a matrix or array is returned, depending on the number of dimensions. The replicates are indexed by row in a matrix or in the first dimension of the array.
Bogumil Kaminski, [email protected] and Statisticat, LLC.
Rubin, D.B. (1981). "The Bayesian Bootstrap". The Annals of Statistics, 9(1), p. 130–134.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) #Example 1: Samples x <- 1:2 BB <- BayesianBootstrap(X=x, n=100, Method="weights"); BB #Example 2: Mean, Univariate x <- 1:2 BB <- BayesianBootstrap(X=x, n=100, Method=weighted.mean); BB #Example 3: Mean, Multivariate data(demonsnacks) BB <- BayesianBootstrap(X=demonsnacks, n=100, Method=function(x,w) apply(x, 2, weighted.mean, w=w)); BB #Example 4: Correlation dye <- c(1.15, 1.70, 1.42, 1.38, 2.80, 4.70, 4.80, 1.41, 3.90) efp <- c(1.38, 1.72, 1.59, 1.47, 1.66, 3.45, 3.87, 1.31, 3.75) X <- matrix(c(dye,efp), length(dye), 2) colnames(X) <- c("dye","efp") BB <- BayesianBootstrap(X=X, n=100, Method=function(x,w) cov.wt(x, w, cor=TRUE)$cor); BB #Example 5: Marginal Posterior Covariance #The following example is commented out due to package build time. #To run the following example, use the code from the examples in #the LaplaceApproximation function for the data, model specification #function, and initial values. Then perform the Laplace #Approximation as below (with CovEst="Identity" and sir=FALSE) until #convergence, set the latest initial values, then use the Bayesian #bootstrap on the data, run the Laplace Approximation again to #convergence, save the posterior modes, and repeat until S samples #of the posterior modes are collected. Finally, calculate the #parameter covariance or standard deviation. #Fit <- LaplaceApproximation(Model, Initial.Values, Data=MyData, # Iterations=1000, Method="SPG", CovEst="Identity", sir=FALSE) #Initial.Values <- as.initial.values(Fit) #S <- 100 #Number of bootstrapped sets of posterior modes (parameters) #Z <- rbind(Fit$Summary1[,1]) #Bootstrapped parameters collected here #N <- nrow(MyData$X) #Number of records #MyData.B <- MyData #for (s in 1:S) { # cat("\nIter:", s, "\n") # BB <- BayesianBootstrap(MyData$y, n=N) # z <- apply(BB, 2, function(x) sample.int(N, size=1, prob=x)) # MyData.B$y <- MyData$y[z] # MyData.B$X <- MyData$X[z,] # Fit <- LaplaceApproximation(Model, Initial.Values, Data=MyData.B, # Iterations=1000, Method="SPG", CovEst="Identity", sir=FALSE) # Z <- rbind(Z, Fit$Summary1[,1])} #cov(Z) #Bootstrapped marginal posterior covariance #sqrt(diag(cov(Z))) #Bootstrapped marginal posterior standard deviations
library(LaplacesDemon) #Example 1: Samples x <- 1:2 BB <- BayesianBootstrap(X=x, n=100, Method="weights"); BB #Example 2: Mean, Univariate x <- 1:2 BB <- BayesianBootstrap(X=x, n=100, Method=weighted.mean); BB #Example 3: Mean, Multivariate data(demonsnacks) BB <- BayesianBootstrap(X=demonsnacks, n=100, Method=function(x,w) apply(x, 2, weighted.mean, w=w)); BB #Example 4: Correlation dye <- c(1.15, 1.70, 1.42, 1.38, 2.80, 4.70, 4.80, 1.41, 3.90) efp <- c(1.38, 1.72, 1.59, 1.47, 1.66, 3.45, 3.87, 1.31, 3.75) X <- matrix(c(dye,efp), length(dye), 2) colnames(X) <- c("dye","efp") BB <- BayesianBootstrap(X=X, n=100, Method=function(x,w) cov.wt(x, w, cor=TRUE)$cor); BB #Example 5: Marginal Posterior Covariance #The following example is commented out due to package build time. #To run the following example, use the code from the examples in #the LaplaceApproximation function for the data, model specification #function, and initial values. Then perform the Laplace #Approximation as below (with CovEst="Identity" and sir=FALSE) until #convergence, set the latest initial values, then use the Bayesian #bootstrap on the data, run the Laplace Approximation again to #convergence, save the posterior modes, and repeat until S samples #of the posterior modes are collected. Finally, calculate the #parameter covariance or standard deviation. #Fit <- LaplaceApproximation(Model, Initial.Values, Data=MyData, # Iterations=1000, Method="SPG", CovEst="Identity", sir=FALSE) #Initial.Values <- as.initial.values(Fit) #S <- 100 #Number of bootstrapped sets of posterior modes (parameters) #Z <- rbind(Fit$Summary1[,1]) #Bootstrapped parameters collected here #N <- nrow(MyData$X) #Number of records #MyData.B <- MyData #for (s in 1:S) { # cat("\nIter:", s, "\n") # BB <- BayesianBootstrap(MyData$y, n=N) # z <- apply(BB, 2, function(x) sample.int(N, size=1, prob=x)) # MyData.B$y <- MyData$y[z] # MyData.B$X <- MyData$X[z,] # Fit <- LaplaceApproximation(Model, Initial.Values, Data=MyData.B, # Iterations=1000, Method="SPG", CovEst="Identity", sir=FALSE) # Z <- rbind(Z, Fit$Summary1[,1])} #cov(Z) #Bootstrapped marginal posterior covariance #sqrt(diag(cov(Z))) #Bootstrapped marginal posterior standard deviations
Bayes' theorem shows the relation between two conditional
probabilities that are the reverse of each other. This theorem is
named after Reverend Thomas Bayes (1702-1761), and is also referred to
as Bayes' law or Bayes' rule (Bayes and Price, 1763). Bayes' theorem
expresses the conditional probability, or ‘posterior probability’, of
an event after
is observed in terms of the 'prior
probability' of
, prior probability of
, and the
conditional probability of
. Bayes' theorem is
valid in all common interpretations of probability. This function
provides one of several forms of calculations that are possible with
Bayes' theorem.
BayesTheorem(PrA, PrBA)
BayesTheorem(PrA, PrBA)
PrA |
This required argument is the prior probability of |
PrBA |
This required argument is the conditional probability of
Bayes' theorem provides an expression for the conditional probability
of given
, which is equal to
For example, suppose one asks the question: what is the probability of
going to Hell, conditional on consorting (or given that a person
consorts) with Laplace's Demon. By replacing with
, the question becomes
Note that a common fallacy is to assume that , which is called the conditional
probability fallacy.
Another way to state Bayes' theorem (and this is the form in the provided function) is
Let's examine our burning question, by replacing
with Hell or Heaven, and replacing
Laplace's Demon was conjured and asked for some data. He was glad to oblige.
6 people consorted out of 9 who went to Hell.
5 people consorted out of 7 who went to Heaven.
75% of the population goes to Hell.
25% of the population goes to Heaven.
Now, Bayes' theorem is applied to the data. Four pieces are worked out as follows
Finally, the desired conditional probability is calculated using Bayes'
The probability of someone consorting with Laplace's Demon and going to Hell is 73.7%, which is less than the prevalence of 75% in the population. According to these findings, consorting with Laplace's Demon does not increase the probability of going to Hell.
For an introduction to model-based Bayesian inference, see the accompanying vignette entitled “Bayesian Inference” or https://web.archive.org/web/20150206004608/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/bayesian.
The BayesTheorem
function returns the conditional probability
of given
, known in Bayesian inference as the
posterior. The returned object is of class
Statisticat, LLC.
Bayes, T. and Price, R. (1763). "An Essay Towards Solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances". By the late Rev. Mr. Bayes, communicated by Mr. Price, in a letter to John Canton, M.A. and F.R.S. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 53, p. 370–418.
, and
# Pr(Hell|Consort) = PrA <- c(0.75,0.25) PrBA <- c(6/9, 5/7) BayesTheorem(PrA, PrBA)
# Pr(Hell|Consort) = PrA <- c(0.75,0.25) PrBA <- c(6/9, 5/7) BayesTheorem(PrA, PrBA)
This function enables Bayesian inference with data that is too large for computer memory (RAM) with the simplest method: reading in batches of data (where each batch is a section of rows), applying a function to the batch, and combining the results.
BigData(file, nrow, ncol, size=1, Method="add", CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK", FUN, ...)
BigData(file, nrow, ncol, size=1, Method="add", CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK", FUN, ...)
file |
This required argument accepts a path and filename that must refer to a .csv file, and that must contain only a numeric matrix without a header, row names, or column names. |
nrow |
This required argument accepts a scalar integer that indicates the number of rows in the big data matrix. |
ncol |
This required argument accepts a scalar integer that indicates the number of columns in the big data matrix. |
size |
This argument accepts a scalar integer that specifies the number of rows of each batch. The last batch is not required to have the same number of rows as the other batches. The largest possible size, and therefore the fewest number of batches, should be preferred. |
Method |
This argument accepts a scalar string, defaults to
"add", and alternatively accepts "rbind". When
CPUs |
This argument accepts an integer that specifies the number
of central processing units (CPUs) of the multicore computer or
computer cluster. This argument defaults to |
Type |
This argument specifies the type of parallel processing to
perform, accepting either |
This required argument accepts a user-specified function that will be performed on each batch. The first argument in the function must be the data. |
... |
Additional arguments are used within the user-specified function. Additional arguments often refer to parameters. |
Big data is defined loosely here as data that is too large for
computer memory (RAM). The BigData
function uses the
split-apply-combine strategy with a big data set. The unmanageable
big data set is split into smaller, manageable pieces (batches),
a function is applied to each batch, and results are combined.
Each iteration, the BigData
function opens a connection to a
big data set and keeps the connection open while the scan
function reads in each batch of data (elsewhere, batches are often
referred to chunks). A user-specified function is applied to each
batch of data, the results are combined together, the connection is
closed, and the results are returned.
As an introductory example, suppose a statistician updates a linear
regression model, but the design matrix is too
large for computer memory. Suppose the design matrix has 100 million
rows, and the statistician specifies
. The statistician
combines dependent variable with design matrix
. Each iteration in
, LaplacesDemon
, or VariationalBayes
, the
function sequentially reads in one million rows of the
combined data , calculates expectation vector
, and finally returns the sum of the log-likelihood. The sum
of the log-likelihood is added together for all batches, and returned.
There are many limitations with this function.
This function is not fast, in the sense that the entire big data set is processed in batches, each iteration. With iterative methods, this may perform well, albeit slowly.
There are many functions that cannot be performed on batches, though most models in the Examples vignette may easily be updated with big data.
Large matrices of samples are unaddressed, only the data.
Although many (but not all) models may be estimated, many additional
functions in this package will not work when applied after the model
has updated. Instead, a batch or random sample of data (see the
function for sampling from big data) should
be used in the usual way, in the Data
argument, and the
function coded in the usual way without the
Parallel processing may be performed when the user specifies
to be greater than one, implying that the specified number
of CPUs exists and is available. Parallelization may be performed on a
multicore computer or a computer cluster. Either a Simple Network of
Workstations (SNOW) or Message Passing Interface (MPI) is used. Each
call to BigData
establishes and closes the parallelization,
which is costly, and unfortunately results in copious output to the
console. With small data sets, parallel processing may be slower, due
to computer network communication. With larger data sets, the user
should experience a faster run-time.
There have been several alternative approaches suggested for big data.
Huang and Gelman (2005) propose that the user creates batches by sampling from big data, updating a separate Bayesian model on each batch, and combining the results into a consensus posterior. This many-mini-model approach may be faster when feasible, because multiple models may be updated in parallel, say one per CPU. Such results will work with all functions in this package. With the many-mini-model approach, several methods are proposed for combining posterior samples from batch-level models, such as by using a normal approximation, updating from prior to posterior sequentially (the posterior from the last batch becomes the prior of the next batch), sample from the full posterior via importance sampling from the batched posteriors, and more.
Scott et al. (2013) propose a method that they call Consensus Monte Carlo, which consists of breaking the data down into chunks, calling each chunk a shard, and use a many-mini-model approach as well, but propose their own method of weighting the posteriors back together.
Balakrishnan and Madigan (2006) introduced a Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) sampler, a refinement of an earlier proposal, that was designed for big data. It makes one pass through the massive data set, after an initial MCMC estimation on a small sample. Each particle is updated for each record, resulting in numerous evaluations per record.
Welling and Teh (2011) proposed a new class of MCMC sampler in which
only a random sample of big data is used each iteration. The
stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics (SGLD) algorithm is available
in the LaplacesDemon
An important alternative to consider is using the ff
where "ff" stands for fast access file. The ff
package has been
tested successfully with updating a model in LaplacesDemon
Once the big data set, say , is an object of
, simply include it in the list of data as
usual, and modify the Model
specification function
appropriately. For example, change mu <- tcrossprod(X, t(beta))
to mu <- tcrossprod(X[], t(beta))
. The ff
package is
not included as a dependency in the LaplacesDemon
package, so
it must be installed and activated.
The BigData
function returns output that is the result of
performing a user-specified function on batches of big data. Output is
a matrix, and may have one or more column vectors.
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
Balakrishnan, S. and Madigan, D. (2006). "A One-Pass Sequential Monte Carlo Method for Bayesian Analysis of Massive Datasets". Bayesian Analysis, 1(2), p. 345–362.
Huang, Z. and Gelman, A. (2005) "Sampling for Bayesian Computation with Large Datasets". SSRN eLibrary.
Scott, S.L., Blocker, A.W. and Bonassi, F.V. (2013). "Bayes and Big Data: The Consensus Monte Carlo Algorithm". In Bayes 250.
Welling, M. and Teh, Y.W. (2011). "Bayesian Learning via Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics". Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), p. 681–688.
, and
### Below is an example of a linear regression model specification ### function in which BigData reads in a batch of 1,000 records of ### Data$N records from a data set that is too large to fully open ### in memory. The example simulates on 10,000 records, which is ### not big data; it's just a toy example. The data set is file X.csv, ### and the first column of matrix X is the dependent variable y. The ### user supplies a function to BigData along with parameters beta and ### sigma. When each batch of 1,000 records is read in, ### mu = XB is calculated, and then the LL is calculated as ### y ~ N(mu, sigma^2). These results are added together from all ### batches, and returned as LL. library(LaplacesDemon) N <- 10000 J <- 10 #Number of predictors, including the intercept X <- matrix(1,N,J) for (j in 2:J) {X[,j] <- rnorm(N,runif(1,-3,3),runif(1,0.1,1))} beta.orig <- runif(J,-3,3) e <- rnorm(N,0,0.1) y <- as.vector(tcrossprod(beta.orig, X) + e) mon.names <- c("LP","sigma") parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), log.sigma=0)) PGF <- function(Data) return(c(rnormv(Data$J,0,0.01), log(rhalfcauchy(1,1)))) MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, N=N, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names) #Notice that X and y are not included here filename <- tempfile("X.csv") write.table(cbind(y,X), filename, sep=",", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE) Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[1:Data$J] sigma <- exp(parm[Data$J+1]) ### Log(Prior Densities) beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood LL <- BigData(file=filename, nrow=Data$N, ncol=Data$J+1, size=1000, Method="add", CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK", FUN=function(x, beta, sigma) sum(dnorm(x[,1], tcrossprod(x[,-1], t(beta)), sigma, log=TRUE)), beta, sigma) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=c(LP,sigma), yhat=0,#rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } ### From here, the user may update the model as usual.
### Below is an example of a linear regression model specification ### function in which BigData reads in a batch of 1,000 records of ### Data$N records from a data set that is too large to fully open ### in memory. The example simulates on 10,000 records, which is ### not big data; it's just a toy example. The data set is file X.csv, ### and the first column of matrix X is the dependent variable y. The ### user supplies a function to BigData along with parameters beta and ### sigma. When each batch of 1,000 records is read in, ### mu = XB is calculated, and then the LL is calculated as ### y ~ N(mu, sigma^2). These results are added together from all ### batches, and returned as LL. library(LaplacesDemon) N <- 10000 J <- 10 #Number of predictors, including the intercept X <- matrix(1,N,J) for (j in 2:J) {X[,j] <- rnorm(N,runif(1,-3,3),runif(1,0.1,1))} beta.orig <- runif(J,-3,3) e <- rnorm(N,0,0.1) y <- as.vector(tcrossprod(beta.orig, X) + e) mon.names <- c("LP","sigma") parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), log.sigma=0)) PGF <- function(Data) return(c(rnormv(Data$J,0,0.01), log(rhalfcauchy(1,1)))) MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, N=N, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names) #Notice that X and y are not included here filename <- tempfile("X.csv") write.table(cbind(y,X), filename, sep=",", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE) Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[1:Data$J] sigma <- exp(parm[Data$J+1]) ### Log(Prior Densities) beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood LL <- BigData(file=filename, nrow=Data$N, ncol=Data$J+1, size=1000, Method="add", CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK", FUN=function(x, beta, sigma) sum(dnorm(x[,1], tcrossprod(x[,-1], t(beta)), sigma, log=TRUE)), beta, sigma) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=c(LP,sigma), yhat=0,#rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } ### From here, the user may update the model as usual.
The Blocks
function returns a list of blocks of
parameters, for use with some MCMC algorithms in the
function. Blocks may be created either
sequentially, or from a hierarchical clustering of the posterior
correlation matrix.
Blocks(Initial.Values, N, PostCor=NULL)
Blocks(Initial.Values, N, PostCor=NULL)
Initial.Values |
This required argument is a vector of initial values. |
N |
This optional argument indicates the desired number of
blocks. If omitted, then the truncated square root of the number of
initial values is used. If a posterior correlation matrix is
supplied to |
PostCor |
This optional argument defaults to |
Usually, there is more than one target distribution in MCMC, in which case it must be determined whether it is best to sample from target distributions individually, in groups, or all at once. Blockwise sampling (also called block updating) refers to splitting a multivariate vector into groups called blocks, and each block is sampled separately. A block may contain one or more parameters.
Parameters are usually grouped into blocks such that parameters within
a block are as correlated as possible, and parameters between blocks
are as independent as possible. This strategy retains as much of the
parameter correlation as possible for blockwise sampling, as opposed
to componentwise sampling where parameter correlation is ignored.
The PosteriorChecks
function can be used on the output
of previous runs to find highly correlated parameters. See examples
Advantages of blockwise sampling are that a different MCMC algorithm may be used for each block (or parameter, for that matter), creating a more specialized approach (though different algorithms by block are not supported here), the acceptance of a newly proposed state is likely to be higher than sampling from all target distributions at once in high dimensions, and large proposal covariance matrices can be reduced in size, which is most helpful again in high dimensions.
Disadvantages of blockwise sampling are that correlations probably exist between parameters between blocks, and each block is updated while holding the other blocks constant, ignoring these correlations of parameters between blocks. Without simultaneously taking everything into account, the algorithm may converge slowly or never arrive at the proper solution. However, there are instances when it may be best when everything is not taken into account at once, such as in state-space models. Also, as the number of blocks increases, more computation is required, which slows the algorithm. In general, blockwise sampling allows a more specialized approach at the expense of accuracy, generalization, and speed. Blockwise sampling is offered in the following algorithms: Adaptive-Mixture Metropolis (AMM), Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs (AMWG), Automated Factor Slice Sampler (AFSS), Elliptical Slice Sampler (ESS), Hit-And-Run Metropolis (HARM), Metropolis-within-Gibbs (MWG), Random-Walk Metropolis (RWM), Robust Adaptive Metropolis (RAM), Slice Sampler (Slice), and the Univariate Eigenvector Slice Sampler (UESS).
Large-dimensional models often require blockwise sampling. For
example, with thousands of parameters, a componentwise algorithm
must evaluate the model specification function once per parameter per
iteration, resulting in an algorithm that may take longer than is
acceptable to produce samples. Algorithms that require derivatives,
such as the family of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), require even more
evaluations of the model specification function per iteration, and
quickly become too costly in large dimensions. Finally, algorithms
with multivariate proposals often have difficulty producing an
accepted proposal in large-dimensional models. The most practical
solution is to group parameters into blocks, and each
iteration the algorithm evaluates the model specification function
times, each with a reduced set of parameters.
The Blocks
function performs either a sequential assignment of
parameters to blocks when posterior correlation is not supplied, or
uses hierarchical clustering to create blocks based on posterior
correlation. If posterior correlation is supplied, then the user may
specify a range of the number of blocks to consider, and the optimal
number of blocks is considered to be the maximum of the mean
silhouette width of each hierarchical clustering. Silhouette width
is calculated as per the cluster
package. Hierarchical
clustering is performed on the distance matrix calculated from the
dissimilarity matrix (1 - abs(PostCor)) of the posterior correlation
matrix. With sequential assignment, the number of parameters per
block is approximately equal. With hierarchical clustering, the
number of parameters per block may vary widely. Creating blocks from
hierarchical clustering performs well in practice, though there are
many alternative methods the user may consider outside of this
function, such as using factor analysis, model-based clustering, or
other methods.
Aside from sequentially-assigned blocks, or blocks based on posterior
correlation, it is also common to group parameters with similar uses,
such as putting regression effects parameters into one block, and
autocorrelation parameters into another block. Another popular way to
group parameters into blocks is by time-period for some time-series
models. These alternative blocking strategies are unsupported in the
function, and best left to user discretion.
Some MCMC algorithms that accept blocked parameters also require
blocked variance-covariance matrices. The Blocks
does not return these matrices, because it may not be necessary,
or when it is, the user may prefer identity matrices, scaled identity
matrices, or matrices with explicitly-defined elements.
If the user is looking for a place to begin with blockwise sampling,
then the recommended, default approach (when blocked parameters by
time-period are not desired in a time-series) is to begin with a
trial run of the adaptive, unblocked HARM algorithm (since covariance
matrices are not required) for the purposes of obtaining a posterior
correlation matrix. Next, create blocks with the Blocks
function based on the posterior correlation matrix obtained from the
trial run. Finally, run the desired, blocked algorithm with the newly
created blocks (and possibly user-specified covariance matrices),
beginning where the trial run ended.
If hierarchical clustering is used, then it is important to note that hierarchical clustering has no idea that the user intends to perform blockwise sampling in MCMC. If hierarchical clustering returns numerous small blocks, then the user may consider combining some or all of those blocks. For example, if several 1-parameter blocks are returned, then blockwise sampling will equal componentwise sampling for those blocks, which will iterate slower. Conversely, if hierarchical clustering returns one or more big blocks, each with enough parameters that multivariate sampling will have difficulty getting an accepted proposal, or an accepted proposal that moves more than a small amount, then the user may consider subdividing these big blocks into smaller, more manageable blocks, though with the understanding that more posterior correlation is unaccounted for.
The Blocks
function returns an object of class blocks
which is a list. Each component of the list is a block of parameters,
and parameters are indicated by their position in the initial values
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
library(LaplacesDemon) ### Create the default number of sequentially assigned blocks: Initial.Values <- rep(0,1000) MyBlocks <- Blocks(Initial.Values) MyBlocks ### Or, a pre-specified number of sequentially assigned blocks: #Initial.Values <- rep(0,1000) #MyBlocks <- Blocks(Initial.Values, N=20) ### If scaled diagonal covariance matrices are desired: #VarCov <- list() #for (i in 1:length(MyBlocks)) # VarCov[[i]] <- diag(length(MyBlocks[[i]]))*2.38^2/length(MyBlocks[[i]]) ### Or, determine the number of blocks in the range of 2 to 50 from ### hierarchical clustering on the posterior correlation matrix of an ### object, say called Fit, output from LaplacesDemon: #MyBlocks <- Blocks(Initial.Values, N=c(2,50), # PostCor=cor(Fit$Posterior1)) #lapply(MyBlocks, length) #See the number of parameters per block ### Or, create a pre-specified number of blocks from hierarchical ### clustering on the posterior correlation matrix of an object, ### say called Fit, output from LaplacesDemon: #MyBlocks <- Blocks(Initial.Values, N=20, PostCor=cor(Fit$Posterior1)) ### Posterior correlation from a previous trial run could be obtained ### with either method below (though cor() will be fastest because ### additional checks are not calculated for the parameters): #rho <- cor(Fit$Posterior1) #rho <- PosteriorChecks(Fit)$Posterior.Correlation
library(LaplacesDemon) ### Create the default number of sequentially assigned blocks: Initial.Values <- rep(0,1000) MyBlocks <- Blocks(Initial.Values) MyBlocks ### Or, a pre-specified number of sequentially assigned blocks: #Initial.Values <- rep(0,1000) #MyBlocks <- Blocks(Initial.Values, N=20) ### If scaled diagonal covariance matrices are desired: #VarCov <- list() #for (i in 1:length(MyBlocks)) # VarCov[[i]] <- diag(length(MyBlocks[[i]]))*2.38^2/length(MyBlocks[[i]]) ### Or, determine the number of blocks in the range of 2 to 50 from ### hierarchical clustering on the posterior correlation matrix of an ### object, say called Fit, output from LaplacesDemon: #MyBlocks <- Blocks(Initial.Values, N=c(2,50), # PostCor=cor(Fit$Posterior1)) #lapply(MyBlocks, length) #See the number of parameters per block ### Or, create a pre-specified number of blocks from hierarchical ### clustering on the posterior correlation matrix of an object, ### say called Fit, output from LaplacesDemon: #MyBlocks <- Blocks(Initial.Values, N=20, PostCor=cor(Fit$Posterior1)) ### Posterior correlation from a previous trial run could be obtained ### with either method below (though cor() will be fastest because ### additional checks are not calculated for the parameters): #rho <- cor(Fit$Posterior1) #rho <- PosteriorChecks(Fit)$Posterior.Correlation
Given a matrix of posterior samples from MCMC, the
function calculates Hellinger distances between
consecutive batches for each chain. This is useful for monitoring
convergence of MCMC chains.
BMK.Diagnostic(X, batches=10)
BMK.Diagnostic(X, batches=10)
X |
This required argument accepts a matrix of posterior
samples or an object of class |
batches |
This is the number of batches on which the convergence
diagnostic will be calculated. The |
Hellinger distance is used to quantify dissimilarity between two
probability distributions. It is based on the Hellinger integral,
introduced by Hellinger (1909). Traditionally, Hellinger distance is
bound to the interval [0,1], though another popular form occurs in
the interval [0,]. A higher value of Hellinger
distance is associated with more dissimilarity between the
Convergence is assumed when Hellinger distances are below a threshold,
indicating that posterior samples are similar between consecutive
batches. If all Hellinger distances beyond a given batch of samples is
below the threshold, then burnin
is suggested to occur
immediately before the first batch of satisfactory Hellinger
As an aid to interpretation, consider a matrix of 1,000 posterior
samples from three chains: beta[1]
, beta[2]
, and
. With 10 batches, the column names are: 100, 200,
..., 900. A Hellinger distance for the chain beta[1]
at 100
is the Hellinger distance between two batches: samples 1-100, and
samples 101:200.
A benefit to using BMK.Diagnostic
is that the resulting
Hellinger distances may easily be plotted with the plotMatrix
function, allowing the user to see quickly which consecutive batches
of which chains were dissimilar. This makes it easier to find
problematic chains.
The BMK.Diagnostic
is calculated automatically in the
function, and is one of the criteria in
the Consort
function regarding the recommendation of
when to stop updating the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler in
For more information on the related topics of burn-in and
stationarity, see the burnin
and is.stationary
functions, and the accompanying vignettes.
The BMK.Diagnostic
function returns an object of class
that is a matrix of Hellinger
distances between consecutive batches for
parameters of
posterior samples. The number of columns,
is equal to the
number of batches minus one.
The BMK.Diagnostic
function is similar to the
function in package BMK.
Boone, E.L., Merrick, J.R. and Krachey, M.J. (2013). "A Hellinger Distance Approach to MCMC Diagnostics". Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, in press.
Hellinger, E. (1909). "Neue Begrundung der Theorie quadratischer Formen von unendlichvielen Veranderlichen" (in German). Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 136, p. 210–271.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) N <- 1000 #Number of posterior samples J <- 10 #Number of parameters Theta <- matrix(runif(N*J),N,J) colnames(Theta) <- paste("beta[", 1:J, "]", sep="") for (i in 2:N) {Theta[i,1] <- Theta[i-1,1] + rnorm(1)} HD <- BMK.Diagnostic(Theta, batches=10) plot(HD, title="Hellinger distance between batches")
library(LaplacesDemon) N <- 1000 #Number of posterior samples J <- 10 #Number of parameters Theta <- matrix(runif(N*J),N,J) colnames(Theta) <- paste("beta[", 1:J, "]", sep="") for (i in 2:N) {Theta[i,1] <- Theta[i-1,1] + rnorm(1)} HD <- BMK.Diagnostic(Theta, batches=10) plot(HD, title="Hellinger distance between batches")
The burnin
function estimates the duration of burn-in in
iterations for one or more Markov chains. “Burn-in” refers to the
initial portion of a Markov chain that is not stationary and is still
affected by its initial value.
burnin(x, method="BMK")
burnin(x, method="BMK")
x |
This is a vector or matrix of posterior samples for which a the number of burn-in iterations will be estimated. |
method |
This argument defaults to |
Burn-in is a colloquial term for the initial iterations in a Markov chain prior to its convergence to the target distribution. During burn-in, the chain is not considered to have “forgotten” its initial value.
Burn-in is not a theoretical part of MCMC, but its use is the norm because of the need to limit the number of posterior samples due to computer memory. If burn-in were retained rather than discarded, then more posterior samples would have to be retained. If a Markov chain starts anywhere close to the center of its target distribution, then burn-in iterations do not need to be discarded.
In the LaplacesDemon
function, stationarity is estimated
with the BMK.Diagnostic
function on all thinned
posterior samples of each chain, beginning at cumulative 10% intervals
relative to the total number of samples, and the lowest number in
which all chains are stationary is considered the burn-in.
The term, “burn-in”, originated in electronics regarding the initial testing of component failure at the factory to eliminate initial failures (Geyer, 2011). Although “burn-in' has been the standard term for decades, some are referring to these as “warm-up” iterations.
The burnin
function returns a vector equal in length to the
number of MCMC chains in x
, and each element indicates the
maximum iteration in burn-in.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Geyer, C.J. (2011). "Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo". In S Brooks, A Gelman, G Jones, and M Xiao-Li (eds.), "Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo", p. 3–48. Chapman and Hall, Boca Raton, FL.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(1000) burnin(x)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(1000) burnin(x)
A caterpillar plot is a horizontal plot of 3 quantiles of selected
distributions. This may be used to produce a caterpillar plot of
posterior samples (parameters and monitored variables) from an object
either of class demonoid
, demonoid.hpc
, iterquad
, pmc
, vb
, or a matrix.
caterpillar.plot(x, Parms=NULL, Title=NULL)
caterpillar.plot(x, Parms=NULL, Title=NULL)
x |
This required argument is an object of class |
Parms |
This argument accepts a vector of quoted strings to be matched for
selecting parameters and monitored variables for plotting (though
all parameters are selected when a generic matrix is supplied). This
argument defaults to |
Title |
This argument accepts a title for the plot. |
Caterpillar plots are popular plots in Bayesian inference for
summarizing the quantiles of posterior samples. A caterpillar plot is
similar to a horizontal boxplot, though without quartiles, making it
easier for the user to study more distributions in a single plot. The
following quantiles are plotted as a line for each parameter: 0.025 and
0.975, with the exception of a generic matrix, where unimodal 95% HPD
intervals are estimated (for more information, see
). A vertical, gray line is included at zero.
For all but class demonoid.hpc
, the median appears as a black
dot, and the quantile line is black. For class demonoid.hpc
, the
color of the median and quantile line differs by chain; the first
chain is black and additional chains appear beneath.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
#An example is provided in the LaplacesDemon function.
#An example is provided in the LaplacesDemon function.
This function either centers and scales a continuous variable and provides options for binary variables, or returns an untransformed variable from a centered and scaled variable.
CenterScale(x, Binary="none", Inverse=FALSE, mu, sigma, Range, Min)
CenterScale(x, Binary="none", Inverse=FALSE, mu, sigma, Range, Min)
x |
This is a vector to be centered and scaled, or to be
untransformed if |
Binary |
This argument indicates how binary variables will be
treated, and defaults to |
Inverse |
Logical. If |
mu , sigma , Range , Min
These arguments are required only when
Gelman (2008) recommends centering and scaling continuous predictors
to facilitate MCMC convergence and enable comparisons between
coefficients of centered and scaled continuous predictors with
coefficients of untransformed binary predictors. A continuous
predictor is centered and scaled as follows: x.cs <- (x -
mean(x)) / (2*sd(x))
. This is an improvement over the usual
practice of standardizing predictors, which is x.z <- (x -
mean(x)) / sd(x)
, where coefficients cannot be validly compared
between binary and continuous predictors.
In MCMC, such as in LaplacesDemon
, a centered and
scaled predictor often results in a higher effective sample size
), and therefore the chain mixes better. Centering
and scaling is a method of re-parameterization to improve mixing.
Griffin and Brown (2013) also assert that the user may not want to scale predictors that are measured on the same scale, since scaling in this case may increase noisy, low signals. In this case, centering (without scaling) is recommended. To center a predictor, subtract its mean.
The CenterScale
function returns a centered and scaled vector,
or the untransformed vector.
Gelman, A. (2008). "Scaling Regression Inputs by Dividing by Two Standard Devations". Statistics in Medicine, 27, p. 2865–2873.
Griffin, J.E. and Brown, P.J. (2013) "Some Priors for Sparse Regression Modelling". Bayesian Analysis, 8(3), p. 691–702.
, and
### See the LaplacesDemon function for an example in use. library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(100,10,1) x.cs <- CenterScale(x) x.orig <- CenterScale(x.cs, Inverse=TRUE, mu=mean(x), sigma=sd(x))
### See the LaplacesDemon function for an example in use. library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(100,10,1) x.cs <- CenterScale(x) x.orig <- CenterScale(x.cs, Inverse=TRUE, mu=mean(x), sigma=sd(x))
This function combines objects of class demonoid
Combine(x, Data, Thinning=1)
Combine(x, Data, Thinning=1)
x |
This is a list of objects of class |
Data |
This is the data, and must be identical to the data used
to create the |
Thinning |
This is the amount of thinning to apply to the
posterior samples after appending them together. |
The purpose of the Combine
function is to enable a user to
combine objects of class demonoid
for one of three
reasons. First, parallel chains from LaplacesDemon.hpc
may be combined after convergence is assessed with
. Second, consecutive updates of single
chains from LaplacesDemon
or parallel chains from
may be combined when the computer has
insufficient random-access memory (RAM) for the user to update once
with enough iterations. Third, consecutive single-chain or
parallel-chain updates may be combined when it seems that the
logarithm of the joint posterior distribution, LP
, seems to be
oscillating up and down, which is described in more detail below.
The most common use regards the combination of parallel chains output
from LaplacesDemon.hpc
. Typically, a user with parallel
chains examines them graphically with the
and plot
) functions, and assesses convergence
with the Gelman.Diagnostic
function. Thereafter, the
parallel chain output in the object of class demonoid.hpc
should be combined into a single object of class demonoid
before doing posterior predictive checks and making inferences. In
this case, the Thinning
argument usually is recommended to
remain at its default.
It is also common with a high-dimensional model (a model with a large
number of parameters) to need more posterior samples than allowed by
the random-access memory (RAM) of the computer. In this case, it is
best to use the LaplacesDemon.RAM
function to estimate
the amount of RAM that a given model will require with a given number
of iterations, and then update LaplacesDemon
almost as
much as RAM allows, and save the output object of class
. Then, the user is advised to continue onward with a
consecutive update (after using as.initial.values
anything else appropriate to prepare for the consecutive
update). Suppose a user desires to update a gigantic model with
thousands of parameters, and with the aid of
, estimates that they can safely update
only 100,000 iterations, and that 150,000 iterations would exceed RAM
and crash the computer. The patient user can update several
consecutive models, each with retaining only 1,000 thinned posterior
samples, and combine them later with the Combine
function, by
placing multiple objects into a list, as described below. In this way,
it is possible for a user to update models that otherwise far exceed
computer RAM.
Less commonly, multiple updates of single-chain objects should be
combined into a single object of class demonoid
. This is most
useful in complicated models that are run for large numbers of
iterations, where it may be suspected that stationarity has been
achieved, but that thinning is insufficient, and the samples may be
combined and thinned. If followed, then these suggestions may continue
seemingly to infinity, and the unnormalized logarithm of the joint
posterior density, LP
, may seem to oscillate, sometimes
improving and getting higher, and getting lower during other updates.
For this purpose, the prior covariance matrix of the last model is
retained (rather than combining them). This may be an unpleasant
surprise for combining parallel updates, so be aware of it.
In these cases, which usually involve complicated models with high
autocorrelation in the chains, the user may opt to use parallel
processing with the LaplacesDemon.hpc
function, or may
use the LaplacesDemon
function as follows. The user
should save (meaning, not overwrite) each object of class
, place multiple objects into a list, and use the
function to combine these objects.
For example, suppose a user names the object Fit, as in the
example. Now, rather than overwriting
object Fit, object Fit is renamed, after updating a million
iterations, to Fit1. As suggested by Consort
, another
million iterations are used, but now to create object Fit2. Further
suppose this user specified Thinning=1000
, meaning that the million iterations are
thinned by 1,000, so only 1,000 iterations are retained in each
object, Fit1 and Fit2. In this case, Combine
combines the
information in Fit1 and Fit2, and returns an object the user names
Fit3. Fit3 has only 1,000 iterations, which is the result of appending
the iterations in Fit1 and Fit2, and thinning by 2. If 2,000,000
iterations were updated from the beginning, and were thinned by 2,000,
then the same information exists now in Fit3. The Consort
function can now be applied to Fit3, to see if stationarity is found.
If not, then more objects of class demonoid
can be collected and
This function returns an object of class demonoid
. For more
information on an object of class demonoid
, see the
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
This function provides several styles of conditional plots with base graphics.
cond.plot(x, y, z, Style="smoothscatter")
cond.plot(x, y, z, Style="smoothscatter")
x |
This required argument accepts a numeric vector. |
y |
This argument accepts a numeric vector, and is only used with some styles. |
z |
This required argument accepts a discrete vector. |
Style |
This argument specifies the style of plot, and accepts "boxplot", "densover" (density overlay), "hist", "scatter", or "smoothscatter". |
The cond.plot
function provides simple conditional plots with
base graphics. All plot styles are conditional upon z
. Up to
nine conditional plots are produced in a panel.
Plots include:
boxplot: y ~ x | z densover: f(x | z) hist: x | z scatter: x, y | z smoothscatter: x, y | z
The cond.plot
function is not intended to try to compete with
some of the better graphics packages, but merely to provide simple
Conditional plots are returned.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(1000) y <- runif(1000) z <- rcat(1000, rep(1/4,4)) cond.plot(x, y, z, Style="smoothscatter")
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(1000) y <- runif(1000) z <- rcat(1000, rep(1/4,4)) cond.plot(x, y, z, Style="smoothscatter")
This may be used to consort with Laplace's Demon regarding an object
of class demonoid
. Laplace's Demon will offer suggestions.
object |
This required argument is an object of class
First, Consort
calls print.demonoid
, which prints most
of the components to the screen from the supplied object of class
Second, Laplace's Demon considers a combination of five conditions
when making the largest part of its suggestion. These conditions are:
the algorithm, acceptance rate, MCSE, ESS, and stationarity. Other
things are considered as well, such as the recommended thinning value
is used to suggest a new number of iterations, how fast the algorithm
is expected to be, and if the condition of diminishing adaptation
(also called the vanishing adaptation condition) was met (for an
adaptive algorithm). Diminishing adaptation occurs only when the
absolute value of the proposed variances trends downward (toward zero)
over the course of all adaptations. When an algorithm is adaptive and
it does not have diminishing adaptations, the Consort
will suggest a different adaptive algorithm. The Periodicity
argument is suggested to be set equal to the value of
Appeasement applies only when all parameters are continuous.The
should be considered for discrete
Appeasement Conditions
Algorithm: The final algorithm must be non-adaptive, so that the Markov property holds. This is conservative. A user may have an adaptive (non-final) algorithm in which adaptations in the latest update are stationary, or no longer diminishing. Laplace's Demon is unaware of previous updates, and conservatively interprets this as failing to meet the condition of diminishing adaptation, when the output may be satisfactory. On the other hand, if the adaptive algorithm has essentially stopped adapting, and if there is a non-adaptive version, then the user should consider switching to the non-adaptive algorithm. User discretion is advised.
Acceptance Rate: The acceptance rate is considered satisfactory if it is within the interval [15%,50%] for most algorithms. Some algorithms have different recommended intervals.
MCSE: The Monte Carlo Standard Error (MCSE) is considered
satisfactory for each target distribution if it is less than 6.27%
of the standard deviation of the target distribution. This allows
the true mean to be within 5% of the area under a Gaussian
distribution around the estimated mean. The MCSE
function is used. Toft et al. (2007) propose a stricter criterion of
5%. The criterion of 6.27% for this stopping rule is arbitrary,
and may be too lenient or strict, depending on the needs of the
user. Nonetheless, it has performed well, and this type of stopping
rule has been observed to perform better than MCMC convergence
diagnostics (Flegal et al., 2008).
ESS: The effective sample size (ESS) is considered
satisfactory for each target distribution if it is at least 100,
which is usually enough to describe 95% probability intervals (see
and LPL.interval
for more
information). The ESS
function is used. When this
criterion is unmet, the name of the worst mixing chain in Summary1
Stationarity: Each target distribution is considered
satisfactory if it is estimated to be stationary with the
Bear in mind that the MCSE, ESS, and stationarity criteria are all univariate measures applied to each marginal posterior distribution. Multivariate forms are not included. By chance alone due to multiple independent tests, 5% of these diagnostics should indicate non-convergence when 'convergence' exists. In contrast, even one non-convergent nuisance parameter is associated with non-convergence in all other parameters. Assessing convergence is difficult.
If all five conditions are satisfactory, then Laplace's Demon is appeased. Otherwise, Laplace's Demon will suggest and supply R code that is ready to be copy/pasted and executed.
To visualize the MCSE-based stopping rule, run the following code:
x <- seq(from=-3, to=3, by=0.1);
plot(x, dnorm(x,0,1), type="l");
abline(v=-0.0627); abline(v=0.0627);
abline(v=2*-0.0627, col="red"); abline(v=2*0.0627, col="red")
The black vertical lines show the standard error, and the red vertical lines show the 95% interval.
If the user has an object of class demonoid.hpc
, then the
function may be still be applied, but a particular
chain in the object must be specified as a component in a list. For
example, with an object called Fit
and a goal of consorting
over the second chain, the code would be: Consort(Fit[[2]])
The Demonic Suggestion is usually very helpful, but should not be
followed blindly. Do not let it replace critical thinking. For
example, Consort
may find that diminishing adaptation is unmet,
and recommend a different algorithm. However, the user may be
convinced that the current algorithm is best, and believe instead that
MCMC found a local solution, and is leaving it to find the global
solution, in which case adaptations may increase again. Diminishing
adaptation may have occurred in a previous run, and is not found in
the current run because adaptation is essentially finished. If either
of these is true, then it may be best to ignore the newly suggested
algorithm, and continue with the current algorithm. The suggested code
may be helpful, but it is merely a suggestion.
If achieving the appeasement of Laplace's Demon is difficult, consider ignoring the MCSE criterion and terminate when all other criteria have been met, placing special emphasis on ESS.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Flegal, J.M., Haran, M., and Jones, G.L. (2008). "Markov chain Monte Carlo: Can We Trust the Third Significant Figure?". Statistical Science, 23, p. 250–260.
Toft, N., Innocent, G., Gettinby, G., and Reid, S. (2007). "Assessing the Convergence of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods: An Example from Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests in Absence of a Gold Standard". Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 79, p. 244–256.
, and
The Cumulative Sample Function (CSF) is a visual MCMC diagnostic in
which the user may select a measure (such as a variable, summary
statistic, or other diagnostic), and observe a plot of how the measure
changes over cumulative posterior samples from MCMC, such as the
output of LaplacesDemon
. This may be considered to be a
generalized extension of the cumuplot
in the coda package,
which is a more restrictive form of the cusum diagnostic introduced by
Yu and Myckland (1998).
Yu and Myckland (1998) suggest that CSF plots should be examined after
traditional trace plots seem convergent, and assert that faster mixing
chains (which are more desirable) result in CSF plots that are more
‘hairy’ (as opposed to smooth), though this is subjective and has been
debated. The LaplacesDemon
package neither supports nor
contradicts the suggestion of mixing and ‘hairiness’, but suggests
that CSF plots may be used to provide additional information about a
chain. For example, a user may decide on a practical
given when a conditional mean obtains a certain
standard error.
CSF(x, name, method="Quantiles", quantiles=c(0.025,0.500,0.975), output=FALSE)
CSF(x, name, method="Quantiles", quantiles=c(0.025,0.500,0.975), output=FALSE)
x |
This is a vector of posterior samples from MCMC. |
name |
This is an optional name for vector |
method |
This is a measure that will be observed over the course
of cumulative samples of |
quantiles |
This optional argument applies only when
output |
Logical. If |
When method="ESS"
, the effective sample size (ESS) is observed
as a function of the cumulative samples of x
. For more
information, see the ESS
When method="Geweke.Diagnostic"
, the Z-score output of the
Geweke diagnostic is observed as a function of the cumulative samples
of x
. For more information, see the
When method="HPD"
, the Highest Posterior Density (HPD) interval
is observed as a function of the cumulative samples of x
. For
more information, see the p.interval
When method="is.stationary"
, stationarity is logically
tested and the result is observed as a function of the cumulative
samples of x
. For more information, see the
When method="Kurtosis"
, kurtosis is observed as a function of
the cumulative samples of x
When method="MCSE"
, the Monte Carlo Standard Error (MCSE)
estimated with the IMPS
method is observed as a function of
the cumulative samples of x
. For more information, see the
When method="MCSE.bm"
, the Monte Carlo Standard Error (MCSE)
estimated with the batch.means
method is observed as a
function of the cumulative samples of x
. For more information,
see the MCSE
When method="MCSE.sv"
, the Monte Carlo Standard Error (MCSE)
estimated with the sample.variance
method is observed as a
function of the cumulative samples of x
. For more information,
see the MCSE
When method="Mean"
, the mean is observed as a function of
the cumulative samples of x
When method="Mode"
, the estimated mode is observed as a
function of the cumulative samples of x
. For more information,
see the Mode
When method="N.Modes"
, the estimated number of modes is
observed as a function of the cumulative samples of x
. For
more information, see the Modes
When method="Precision"
, the precision (inverse variance) is
observed as a function of the cumulative samples of x
When method="Quantiles"
, the quantiles selected with the
argument are observed as a function of the
cumulative samples of x
When method="Skewness"
, skewness is observed as a function of
the cumulative samples of x
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Yu, B. and Myckland, P. (1997). "Looking at Markov Samplers through Cusum Path Plots: A Simple Diagnostic Idea". Statistics and Computing, 8(3), p. 275–286.
, and
#Commented-out because of run-time for package builds #library(LaplacesDemon) #x <- rnorm(1000) #CSF(x, method="ESS") #CSF(x, method="Geweke.Diagnostic") #CSF(x, method="HPD") #CSF(x, method="is.stationary") #CSF(x, method="Kurtosis") #CSF(x, method="MCSE") #CSF(x, method="MCSE.bm") #CSF(x, method="MCSE.sv") #CSF(x, method="Mean") #CSF(x, method="Mode") #CSF(x, method="N.Modes") #CSF(x, method="Precision") #CSF(x, method="Quantiles") #CSF(x, method="Skewness")
#Commented-out because of run-time for package builds #library(LaplacesDemon) #x <- rnorm(1000) #CSF(x, method="ESS") #CSF(x, method="Geweke.Diagnostic") #CSF(x, method="HPD") #CSF(x, method="is.stationary") #CSF(x, method="Kurtosis") #CSF(x, method="MCSE") #CSF(x, method="MCSE.bm") #CSF(x, method="MCSE.sv") #CSF(x, method="Mean") #CSF(x, method="Mode") #CSF(x, method="N.Modes") #CSF(x, method="Precision") #CSF(x, method="Quantiles") #CSF(x, method="Skewness")
This data set is for discrete choice models and consists of the choice of commuting route to school: arterial, two-lane, or freeway. There were 151 Pennsylvania commuters who started from a residential complex in State College, PA, and commute to downtown State College.
This data frame contains 151 rows of individual choices and 9 columns. The following data dictionary describes each variable or column.
This is the route choice: four-lane arterial (35 MPH speed limit), two-lane highway (35 MPH speed limit, with one lane in each direction), or a limited-access four-lane freeway (55 MPH speed liimit.)
This is an ordinal variable of annual household income of the commuter in USD. There are four categories: 1 is less than 20,000 USD, 2 is 20,000-29,999 USD, 3 is 30,000-39,999 USD, and 4 is 40,000 USD or greater.
This is the age in years of the vehicle of the commuter.
This is the number of stop signs along the arterial route.
This is the number of stop signs along the two-lane route.
This is the number of stop signs along the freeway route.
This is distance in miles of the arterial route.
This is the distance in miles of the two-lane route.
This is the distance in miles of the freeway route.
Washington, S., Congdon, P., Karlaftis, M., and Mannering, F. (2009). "Bayesian Multinomial Logit: Theory and Route Choice Example". Transportation Research Record, 2136, p. 28–36.
This data set consists of daily currency pair prices from 2010 through 2014. Each currency pair has a close, high, and low price.
This data frame contains 1,301 rows as time-periods (with row names) and 39 columns of currency pair prices. The following data dictionary describes each time-series or column.
This is the currency pair closing price.
This is the currency pair high price.
This is the currency pair low price.
This is the currency pair closing price.
This is the currency pair high price.
This is the currency pair low price.
This is the currency pair closing price.
This is the currency pair high price.
This is the currency pair low price.
This is the currency pair closing price.
This is the currency pair high price.
This is the currency pair low price.
This is the currency pair closing price.
This is the currency pair high price.
This is the currency pair low price.
This is the currency pair closing price.
This is the currency pair high price.
This is the currency pair low price.
This is the currency pair closing price.
This is the currency pair high price.
This is the currency pair low price.
This is the currency pair closing price.
This is the currency pair high price.
This is the currency pair low price.
This is the currency pair closing price.
This is the currency pair high price.
This is the currency pair low price.
This is the currency pair closing price.
This is the currency pair high price.
This is the currency pair low price.
This is the currency pair closing price.
This is the currency pair high price.
This is the currency pair low price.
This is the currency pair closing price.
This is the currency pair high price.
This is the currency pair low price.
This is the currency pair closing price.
This is the currency pair high price.
This is the currency pair low price.
These are the monthly number of user sessions at https://web.archive.org/web/20141224051720/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/index by continent. Additional data may be added in the future.
This data frame contains 26 rows (with row names) and 6 columns. The following data dictionary describes each variable or column.
This is the African continent.
This is North and South America.
This is the Asian continent.
This is Europe as a continent.
This is Oceania, such as Australia.
This includes sessions in which the continent was not set, or is unknown.
Late one night, after witnessing Laplace's Demon in action, I followed him back to what seemed to be his lair. Minutes later, he left again. I snuck inside and saw something labeled 'Demon Snacks'. Hurriedly, I recorded the 39 items, each with a name and 10 nutritional attributes.
This data frame contains 39 rows (with row names) and 10 columns. The following data dictionary describes each variable or column.
This is serving size in grams.
This is the number of calories.
This is total fat in grams.
This is saturated fat in grams.
This is cholesterol in milligrams.
This is sodium in milligrams.
This is the total carbohydrates in grams.
This is dietary fiber in grams.
This is sugar in grams.
This is protein in grams.
This data was obtained from the lair of Laplace's Demon!
This data set is for space-time models that require latitude and longitude, or coordinates. This data set consists of the minimum, mean, and maximum temperatures in Texas for 13 months.
This data frame contains 369 rows of sites in Texas and 43 columns. The following data dictionary describes each variable or column.
This is the elevation of the site.
This is the latitude of the site.
This is the longitude of the site.
This is a gulf indicator of the site.
This is the maximum temperature in month 1.
This is the maximum temperature in month 2.
This is the maximum temperature in month 3.
This is the maximum temperature in month 4.
This is the maximum temperature in month 5.
This is the maximum temperature in month 6.
This is the maximum temperature in month 7.
This is the maximum temperature in month 8.
This is the maximum temperature in month 9.
This is the maximum temperature in month 10.
This is the maximum temperature in month 11.
This is the maximum temperature in month 12.
This is the maximum temperature in month 13.
This is the mean temperature in month 1.
This is the mean temperature in month 2.
This is the mean temperature in month 3.
This is the mean temperature in month 4.
This is the mean temperature in month 5.
This is the mean temperature in month 6.
This is the mean temperature in month 7.
This is the mean temperature in month 8.
This is the mean temperature in month 9.
This is the mean temperature in month 10.
This is the mean temperature in month 11.
This is the mean temperature in month 12.
This is the mean temperature in month 13.
This is the minimum temperature in month 1.
This is the minimum temperature in month 2.
This is the minimum temperature in month 3.
This is the minimum temperature in month 4.
This is the minimum temperature in month 5.
This is the minimum temperature in month 6.
This is the minimum temperature in month 7.
This is the minimum temperature in month 8.
This is the minimum temperature in month 9.
This is the minimum temperature in month 10.
This is the minimum temperature in month 11.
This is the minimum temperature in month 12.
This is the minimum temperature in month 13.
The de.Finetti.Game
function estimates the interval of a
subjective probability regarding a possible event in the near future.
width |
This is the maximum acceptable width of the interval for the returned subjective probability. The user must specify a width between 0 and 1. |
This function is a variation on the game introduced by de Finetti, who is one of the main developers of subjective probability, along with Ramsey and Savage. In the original context, de Finetti proposed a gamble regarding life on Mars one billion years ago.
The frequentist interpretation of probability defines the probability of an event as the limit of its relative frequency in a large number of trials. Frequentist inference is undefined, for example, when there are no trials from which to calculate a probability. By defining probability relative to frequencies of physical events, frequentists attempt to objectify probability. However, de Finetti asserts that the frequentist (or objective) interpretation always reduces to a subjective interpretation of probability, because probability is a human construct and does not exist independently of humans in nature. Therefore, probability is a degree of belief, and is called subjective or personal probability.
The de.Finetti.Game
function returns a vector of length
two. The respective elements are the lower and upper bounds of the
subjective probability of the participant regarding the possible event
in the near future.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
The deburn
function discards or removes a user-specified number
of burn-in iterations from an object of class demonoid
deburn(x, BurnIn=0)
deburn(x, BurnIn=0)
x |
This is an object of class |
BurnIn |
This argument defaults to |
Documentation for the burnin
function provides an
introduction to the concept of burn-in as it relates to Markov chains.
The deburn
function discards a number of the first posterior
samples, as specified by the BurnIn
argument. Stationarity is
not checked, because it is assumed the user has a reason for using the
function, rather than using the results from the object
of class demonoid
. Therefore, the posterior samples in
and Posterior2
are identical, as are
and Summary2
The deburn
function returns an object of class demonoid
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
### Assuming the user has Fit which is an object of class demonoid: #library(LaplacesDemon) #Fit2 <- deburn(Fit, BurnIn=100)
### Assuming the user has Fit which is an object of class demonoid: #library(LaplacesDemon) #Fit2 <- deburn(Fit, BurnIn=100)
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile
function, and random generation for the univariate, asymmetric Laplace
distribution with location parameter location
, scale parameter
, and asymmetry or skewness parameter kappa
dalaplace(x, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1, log=FALSE) palaplace(q, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1) qalaplace(p, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1) ralaplace(n, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1)
dalaplace(x, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1, log=FALSE) palaplace(q, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1) qalaplace(p, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1) ralaplace(n, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
location |
This is the location parameter |
scale |
This is the scale parameter |
kappa |
This is the asymmetry or skewness parameter
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Kotz, Kozubowski, and Podgorski (2001)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location parameter
Parameter 2: scale parameter
Parameter 3: skewness parameter
The asymmetric Laplace of Kotz, Kozubowski, and Podgorski (2001), also
referred to as AL, is an extension of the univariate, symmetric Laplace
distribution to allow for skewness. It is parameterized according to
three parameters: location parameter , scale parameter
, and asymmetry or skewness parameter
. The special case of
is the
symmetric Laplace distribution. Values of
in the
correspond to positive (right) and negative (left) skewness,
respectively. The AL distribution is leptokurtic, and its kurtosis
ranges from 3 to 6 as
ranges from 1 to infinity. The
skewness of the AL has been useful in engineering and finance. As an
example, the AL distribution has been used as a replacement for
Gaussian-distributed GARCH residuals. There is also an extension to the
asymmetric multivariate Laplace distribution.
The asymmetric Laplace distribution is demonstrated in Kozubowski and Podgorski (2001) to be well-suited for financial modeling, specifically with currency exchange rates.
These functions are similar to those in the VGAM
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
Kotz, S., Kozubowski, T.J., and Podgorski, K. (2001). "The Laplace Distribution and Generalizations: a Revisit with Applications to Communications, Economics, Engineering, and Finance". Boston: Birkhauser.
Kozubowski, T.J. and Podgorski, K. (2001). "Asymmetric Laplace Laws and Modeling Financial Data". Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 34, p. 1003-1021.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dalaplace(1,0,1,1) x <- palaplace(1,0,1,1) x <- qalaplace(0.5,0,1,1) x <- ralaplace(100,0,1,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dalaplace(x,0,1,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dalaplace(x,0,1,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dalaplace(x,0,1,5), type="l", col="blue") legend(1, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1, ", ", kappa==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1, ", ", kappa==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1, ", ", kappa==5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dalaplace(1,0,1,1) x <- palaplace(1,0,1,1) x <- qalaplace(0.5,0,1,1) x <- ralaplace(100,0,1,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dalaplace(x,0,1,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dalaplace(x,0,1,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dalaplace(x,0,1,5), type="l", col="blue") legend(1, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1, ", ", kappa==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1, ", ", kappa==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1, ", ", kappa==5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile
function, and random generation for the univariate, asymmetric,
log-Laplace distribution with location parameter ,
scale parameter
, and asymmetry or skewness
dallaplace(x, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1, log=FALSE) pallaplace(q, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1) qallaplace(p, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1) rallaplace(n, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1)
dallaplace(x, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1, log=FALSE) pallaplace(q, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1) qallaplace(p, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1) rallaplace(n, location=0, scale=1, kappa=1)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
location |
This is the location parameter |
scale |
This is the scale parameter |
kappa |
This is the asymmetry or skewness parameter
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Density 1:
Density 2:
Inventor: Pierre-Simon Laplace
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location parameter
Parameter 2: scale parameter
The univariate, asymmetric log-Laplace distribution is derived from the Laplace distribution. Multivariate and symmetric versions also exist.
These functions are similar to those in the VGAM
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
Kozubowski, T. J. and Podgorski, K. (2003). "Log-Laplace Distributions". International Mathematical Journal, 3, p. 467–495.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dallaplace(1,0,1,1) x <- pallaplace(1,0,1,1) x <- qallaplace(0.5,0,1,1) x <- rallaplace(100,0,1,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=10, by=0.1) plot(x, dallaplace(x,0,1,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dallaplace(x,0,1,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dallaplace(x,0,1,5), type="l", col="blue") legend(5, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1, ", ", kappa==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1, ", ", kappa==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1, ", ", kappa==5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dallaplace(1,0,1,1) x <- pallaplace(1,0,1,1) x <- qallaplace(0.5,0,1,1) x <- rallaplace(100,0,1,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=10, by=0.1) plot(x, dallaplace(x,0,1,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dallaplace(x,0,1,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dallaplace(x,0,1,5), type="l", col="blue") legend(5, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1, ", ", kappa==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1, ", ", kappa==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1, ", ", kappa==5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density and random generation for the
asymmetric multivariate Laplace distribution with location and skew
parameter and covariance
daml(x, mu, Sigma, log=FALSE) raml(n, mu, Sigma)
daml(x, mu, Sigma, log=FALSE) raml(n, mu, Sigma)
x |
This is a |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
mu |
This is the location and skew parameter |
Sigma |
This is the |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Kotz, Kozubowski, and Podgorski (2003)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location-skew parameter
Parameter 2: positive-definite covariance matrix
Mean: Unknown
Variance: Unknown
The asymmetric multivariate Laplace distribution of Kotz, Kozubowski,
and Podgorski (2003) is a multivariate extension of the univariate,
asymmetric Laplace distribution. It is parameterized according to
two parameters: location-skew parameter and positive-definite
covariance matrix
. Location and skew occur in the
same parameter. When
, the density is the (symmetric)
multivariate Laplace of Anderson (1992). As each location deviates from
zero, the marginal distribution becomes more skewed. Since location and
skew are combined, it is appropriate for zero-centered variables, such
as a matrix of centered and scaled dependent variables in cluster
analysis, factor analysis, multivariate regression, or multivariate
The asymmetric multivariate Laplace distribution is also discussed earlier in Kozubowski and Podgorski (2001), and is well-suited for financial modeling via multivariate regression, specifically with currency exchange rates. Cajigas and Urga (2005) fit residuals in a multivariate GARCH model with the asymmetric multivariate Laplace distribution, regarding stocks and bonds. They find that it "overwhelmingly outperforms" normality.
gives the density, and
generates random deviates.
Anderson, D.N. (1992). "A Multivariate Linnik Distribution". Statistical Probability Letters, 14, p. 333–336.
Cajigas, J.P. and Urga, G. (2005) "Dynamic Conditional Correlation Models with Asymmetric Laplace Innovations". Centre for Economic Analysis: Cass Business School.
Kotz, S., Kozubowski, T.J., and Podgorski, K. (2003). "An Asymmetric Multivariate Laplace Distribution". Working Paper.
Kozubowski, T.J. and Podgorski, K. (2001). "Asymmetric Laplace Laws and Modeling Financial Data". Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 34, p. 1003–1021.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- daml(c(1,2,3), c(0,1,2), diag(3)) X <- raml(1000, c(0,1,2), diag(3)) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=FALSE)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- daml(c(1,2,3), c(0,1,2), diag(3)) X <- raml(1000, c(0,1,2), diag(3)) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=FALSE)
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile function, and random generation for the Bernoulli distribution.
dbern(x, prob, log=FALSE) pbern(q, prob, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qbern(p, prob, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rbern(n, prob)
dbern(x, prob, log=FALSE) pbern(q, prob, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qbern(p, prob, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rbern(n, prob)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations. If |
prob |
This is the probability of success on each trial. |
log , log.p
Logical. if |
lower.tail |
Logical. if |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Density: ,
Inventor: Jacob Bernoulli
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: probability parameter
The Bernoulli distribution is a binomial distribution with
, and one instance of a Bernoulli distribution is called a
Bernoulli trial. One coin flip is a Bernoulli trial, for example. The
categorical distribution is the generalization of the Bernoulli
distribution for variables with more than two discrete values. The
beta distribution is the conjugate prior distribution of the Bernoulli
distribution. The geometric distribution is the number of Bernoulli
trials needed to get one success.
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
library(LaplacesDemon) dbern(1, 0.7) rbern(10, 0.5)
library(LaplacesDemon) dbern(1, 0.7) rbern(10, 0.5)
This is the density and random deviates function for the categorical
distribution with probabilities parameter .
dcat(x, p, log=FALSE) qcat(pr, p, lower.tail=TRUE, log.pr=FALSE) rcat(n, p)
dcat(x, p, log=FALSE) qcat(pr, p, lower.tail=TRUE, log.pr=FALSE) rcat(n, p)
x |
This is a vector of discrete data with |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive
integer that has length 1. When |
p |
This is a vector of length |
pr |
This is a vector of probabilities, or log-probabilities. |
log |
Logical. If |
log.pr |
Logical. if |
lower.tail |
Logical. if |
Application: Discrete Univariate
Inventor: Unknown (to me, anyway)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: probabilities
Mean: = Unknown
Variance: = Unknown
Mode: = Unknown
Also called the discrete distribution, the categorical distribution
describes the result of a random event that can take on one of
possible outcomes, with the probability
of each outcome
separately specified. The vector
of probabilities for each
event must sum to 1. The categorical distribution is often used, for
example, in the multinomial logit model. The conjugate prior is the
Dirichlet distribution.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) dcat(x=1, p=c(0.3,0.3,0.4)) rcat(n=10, p=c(0.1,0.3,0.6))
library(LaplacesDemon) dcat(x=1, p=c(0.3,0.3,0.4)) rcat(n=10, p=c(0.1,0.3,0.6))
This is the density function and random generation from the continuous relaxation of a Markov random field (MRF) distribution.
dcrmrf(x, alpha, Omega, log=FALSE) rcrmrf(n, alpha, Omega)
dcrmrf(x, alpha, Omega, log=FALSE) rcrmrf(n, alpha, Omega)
x |
This is a vector of length |
n |
This is the number of random deviates to generate. |
alpha |
This is a vector of length |
Omega |
This is the |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Zhang et al. (2012)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: shape vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite matrix
It is often easier to solve or optimize a problem with continuous variables rather than a problem that involves discrete variables. A continuous variable may also have a gradient, contour, and curvature that may be useful for optimization or sampling. Continuous MCMC samplers are far more common.
Zhang et al. (2012) introduced a generalized form of the Gaussian integral trick from statistical physics to transform a discrete variable so that it may be estimated with continuous variables. An auxiliary Gaussian variable is added to a discrete Markov random field (MRF) so that discrete dependencies cancel out, allowing the discrete variable to be summed away, and leaving a continuous problem. The resulting continuous representation of the problem allows the model to be updated with a continuous MCMC sampler, and may benefit from a MCMC sampler that uses derivatives. Another advantage of continuous MCMC is that stationarity of discrete Markov chains is problematic to assess.
A disadvantage of solving a discrete problem with continuous parameters is that the continuous solution requires more parameters.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Zhang, Y., Ghahramani, Z., Storkey, A.J., and Sutton, C.A. (2012). "Continuous Relaxations for Discrete Hamiltonian Monte Carlo". Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 25, p. 3203–3211.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dcrmrf(rnorm(5), rnorm(5), diag(5)) x <- rcrmrf(10, rnorm(5), diag(5))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dcrmrf(rnorm(5), rnorm(5), diag(5)) x <- rcrmrf(10, rnorm(5), diag(5))
This is the density function and random generation from the Dirichlet distribution.
ddirichlet(x, alpha, log=FALSE) rdirichlet(n, alpha)
ddirichlet(x, alpha, log=FALSE) rdirichlet(n, alpha)
x |
This is a vector containing a single deviate or matrix containing one random deviate per row. Each vector, or matrix row, must sum to 1. |
n |
This is the number of random deviates to generate. |
alpha |
This is a vector or matrix of shape parameters. |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet (1805-1859)
Notation 1:
Notation 2: Dirichlet(
Notation 3:
Notation 4:
Parameter: 'prior sample sizes'
The Dirichlet distribution is the multivariate generalization of the
univariate beta distribution. Its probability density function returns
the belief that the probabilities of rival events are
given that each event has been observed
The Dirichlet distribution is commonly used as a prior distribution in Bayesian inference. The Dirichlet distribution is the conjugate prior distribution for the parameters of the categorical and multinomial distributions.
A very common special case is the symmetric Dirichlet distribution,
where all of the elements in parameter vector have
the same value. Symmetric Dirichlet distributions are often used as
vague or weakly informative Dirichlet prior distributions, so that one
component is not favored over another. The single value that is entered
into all elements of
is called the concentration
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- ddirichlet(c(.1,.3,.6), c(1,1,1)) x <- rdirichlet(10, c(1,1,1))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- ddirichlet(c(.1,.3,.6), c(1,1,1)) x <- rdirichlet(10, c(1,1,1))
These are the density and random generation functions for the generalized Pareto distribution.
dgpd(x, mu, sigma, xi, log=FALSE) rgpd(n, mu, sigma, xi)
dgpd(x, mu, sigma, xi, log=FALSE) rgpd(n, mu, sigma, xi)
x |
This is a vector of data. |
n |
This is a positive scalar integer, and is the number of observations to generate randomly. |
mu |
This is a scalar or vector location parameter
sigma |
This is a positive-only scalar or vector of scale
parameters |
xi |
This is a scalar or vector of shape parameters
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Density: where
Inventor: Pickands (1975)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location , where
, and
Parameter 2: scale
Parameter 3: shape
Mean: when
Variance: when
The generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) is a more flexible extension
of the Pareto (dpareto
) distribution. It is equivalent to
the exponential distribution when both and
, and it is equivalent to the Pareto
distribution when
The GPD is often used to model the tails of another distribution, and
the shape parameter relates to
tail-behavior. Distributions with tails that decrease exponentially are
modeled with shape
. Distributions with tails that
decrease as a polynomial are modeled with a positive shape
parameter. Distributions with finite tails are modeled with a negative
shape parameter.
gives the density, and
generates random deviates.
Pickands J. (1975). "Statistical Inference Using Extreme Order Statistics". The Annals of Statistics, 3, p. 119–131.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dgpd(0,0,1,0,log=TRUE) x <- rgpd(10,0,1,0)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dgpd(0,0,1,0,log=TRUE) x <- rgpd(10,0,1,0)
The density function is provided for the univariate, discrete,
generalized Poisson distribution with location parameter
and scale parameter
dgpois(x, lambda=0, omega=0, log=FALSE)
dgpois(x, lambda=0, omega=0, log=FALSE)
x |
This is a vector of quantiles. |
lambda |
This is the parameter |
omega |
This is the parameter |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Discrete Univariate
Inventor: Consul (1989) and Ntzoufras et al. (2005)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location parameter
Parameter 2: scale parameter
The generalized Poisson distribution (Consul, 1989) is also called the Lagrangian Poisson distribution. The simple Poisson distribution is a special case of the generalized Poisson distribution. The generalized Poisson distribution is used in generalized Poisson regression as an extension of Poisson regression that accounts for overdispersion.
The dgpois
function is parameterized according to Ntzoufras et
al. (2005), which is easier to interpret and estimates better with MCMC.
Valid values for omega are in the interval [0,1) for positive counts.
For , the generalized Poisson reduces to a
simple Poisson with mean
. Note that it is possible
, but this implies underdispersion in
count data, which is uncommon. The
function returns
warnings or errors, so should be non-negative here.
The dispersion index (DI) is a variance-to-mean ratio, and is . A simple Poisson has DI=1.
When DI is far from one, the assumption that the variance equals the
mean of a simple Poisson is violated.
gives the density.
Consul, P. (1989). '"Generalized Poisson Distribution: Properties and Applications". Marcel Decker: New York, NY.
Ntzoufras, I., Katsis, A., and Karlis, D. (2005). "Bayesian Assessment of the Distribution of Insurance Claim Counts using Reversible Jump MCMC", North American Actuarial Journal, 9, p. 90–108.
library(LaplacesDemon) y <- rpois(100, 5) lambda <- rpois(100, 5) x <- dgpois(y, lambda, 0.5) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0, to=20, by=1) plot(x, dgpois(x,1,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dlaplace(x,1,0.6), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dlaplace(x,1,0.7), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(lambda==1, ", ", omega==0.5), paste(lambda==1, ", ", omega==0.6), paste(lambda==1, ", ", omega==0.7)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) y <- rpois(100, 5) lambda <- rpois(100, 5) x <- dgpois(y, lambda, 0.5) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0, to=20, by=1) plot(x, dgpois(x,1,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dlaplace(x,1,0.6), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dlaplace(x,1,0.7), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(lambda==1, ", ", omega==0.5), paste(lambda==1, ", ", omega==0.6), paste(lambda==1, ", ", omega==0.7)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile function, and random generation for the half-Cauchy distribution.
dhalfcauchy(x, scale=25, log=FALSE) phalfcauchy(q, scale=25) qhalfcauchy(p, scale=25) rhalfcauchy(n, scale=25)
dhalfcauchy(x, scale=25, log=FALSE) phalfcauchy(q, scale=25) qhalfcauchy(p, scale=25) rhalfcauchy(n, scale=25)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
scale |
This is the scale parameter |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Derived from Cauchy
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: scale parameter
Mean: = does not exist
Variance: = does not exist
The half-Cauchy distribution with scale is a
recommended, default, weakly informative prior distribution for a scale
parameter. Otherwise, the scale,
, is recommended to
be set to be just a little larger than the expected standard deviation,
as a weakly informative prior distribution on a standard deviation
The Cauchy distribution is known as a pathological distribution because its mean and variance are undefined, and it does not satisfy the central limit theorem.
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dhalfcauchy(1,25) x <- phalfcauchy(1,25) x <- qhalfcauchy(0.5,25) x <- rhalfcauchy(1,25) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0, to=20, by=0.1) plot(x, dhalfcauchy(x,1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dhalfcauchy(x,5), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dhalfcauchy(x,10), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(alpha==1, alpha==5, alpha==10), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dhalfcauchy(1,25) x <- phalfcauchy(1,25) x <- qhalfcauchy(0.5,25) x <- rhalfcauchy(1,25) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0, to=20, by=0.1) plot(x, dhalfcauchy(x,1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dhalfcauchy(x,5), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dhalfcauchy(x,10), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(alpha==1, alpha==5, alpha==10), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile function, and random generation for the half-normal distribution.
dhalfnorm(x, scale=sqrt(pi/2), log=FALSE) phalfnorm(q, scale=sqrt(pi/2), lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qhalfnorm(p, scale=sqrt(pi/2), lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rhalfnorm(n, scale=sqrt(pi/2))
dhalfnorm(x, scale=sqrt(pi/2), log=FALSE) phalfnorm(q, scale=sqrt(pi/2), lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qhalfnorm(p, scale=sqrt(pi/2), lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rhalfnorm(n, scale=sqrt(pi/2))
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
scale |
This is the scale parameter |
log , log.p
Logical. If |
lower.tail |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Derived from the normal or Gaussian
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: scale parameter
The half-normal distribution is recommended as a weakly informative prior distribution for a scale parameter that may be useful as an alternative to the half-Cauchy, half-t, or vague gamma.
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dhalfnorm(1) x <- phalfnorm(1) x <- qhalfnorm(0.5) x <- rhalfnorm(10) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=20, by=0.1) plot(x, dhalfnorm(x,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dhalfnorm(x,0.5), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dhalfnorm(x,1), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(sigma==0.1, sigma==0.5, sigma==1), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dhalfnorm(1) x <- phalfnorm(1) x <- qhalfnorm(0.5) x <- rhalfnorm(10) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=20, by=0.1) plot(x, dhalfnorm(x,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dhalfnorm(x,0.5), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dhalfnorm(x,1), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(sigma==0.1, sigma==0.5, sigma==1), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile function, and random generation for the half-t distribution.
dhalft(x, scale=25, nu=1, log=FALSE) phalft(q, scale=25, nu=1) qhalft(p, scale=25, nu=1) rhalft(n, scale=25, nu=1)
dhalft(x, scale=25, nu=1, log=FALSE) phalft(q, scale=25, nu=1) qhalft(p, scale=25, nu=1) rhalft(n, scale=25, nu=1)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
scale |
This is the scale parameter |
nu |
This is the scalar degrees of freedom parameter, which is
usually represented as |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Derived from the Student t
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: scale parameter
Parameter 2: degrees of freedom parameter
Mean: = unknown
Variance: = unknown
The half-t distribution is derived from the Student t distribution, and
is useful as a weakly informative prior distribution for a scale
parameter. It is more adaptable than the default recommended
half-Cauchy, though it may also be more difficult to estimate due to its
additional degrees of freedom parameter, . When
, the density is proportional to a proper half-Cauchy
distribution. When
, the density becomes an improper,
uniform prior distribution. For more information on propriety, see
Wand et al. (2011) demonstrated that the half-t distribution may be represented as a scale mixture of inverse-gamma distributions. This representation is useful for conjugacy.
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
Wand, M.P., Ormerod, J.T., Padoan, S.A., and Fruhwirth, R. (2011). "Mean Field Variational Bayes for Elaborate Distributions". Bayesian Analysis, 6: p. 847–900.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dhalft(1,25,1) x <- phalft(1,25,1) x <- qhalft(0.5,25,1) x <- rhalft(10,25,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=20, by=0.1) plot(x, dhalft(x,1,-1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dhalft(x,1,0.5), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dhalft(x,1,500), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(alpha==1, ", ", nu==-1), paste(alpha==1, ", ", nu==0.5), paste(alpha==1, ", ", nu==500)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dhalft(1,25,1) x <- phalft(1,25,1) x <- qhalft(0.5,25,1) x <- rhalft(10,25,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=20, by=0.1) plot(x, dhalft(x,1,-1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dhalft(x,1,0.5), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dhalft(x,1,500), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(alpha==1, ", ", nu==-1), paste(alpha==1, ", ", nu==0.5), paste(alpha==1, ", ", nu==500)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
This is the density function and random generation from the horseshoe distribution.
dhs(x, lambda, tau, log=FALSE) rhs(n, lambda, tau)
dhs(x, lambda, tau, log=FALSE) rhs(n, lambda, tau)
n |
This is the number of draws from the distribution. |
x |
This is a location vector at which to evaluate density. |
lambda |
This vector is a positive-only local parameter
tau |
This scalar is a positive-only global parameter
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Multivariate Scale Mixture
Density: (see below)
Inventor: Carvalho et al. (2008)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: local scale
Parameter 2: global scale
The horseshoe distribution (Carvalho et al., 2008) is a heavy-tailed mixture distribution that can be considered a variance mixture, and it is in the family of multivariate scale mixtures of normals.
The horseshoe distribution was proposed as a prior distribution, and recommended as a default choice for shrinkage priors in the presence of sparsity. Horseshoe priors are most appropriate in large-p models where dimension reduction is necessary to avoid overly complex models that predict poorly, and also perform well in estimating a sparse covariance matrix via Cholesky decomposition (Carvalho et al., 2009).
When the number of parameters in variable selection is assumed to be sparse, meaning that most elements are zero or nearly zero, a horseshoe prior is a desirable alternative to the Laplace-distributed parameters in the LASSO, or the parameterization in ridge regression. When the true value is far from zero, the horseshoe prior leaves the parameter unshrunk. Yet, the horseshoe prior is accurate in shrinking parameters that are truly zero or near-zero. Parameters near zero are shrunk more than parameters far from zero. Therefore, parameters far from zero experience less shrinkage and are closer to their true values. The horseshoe prior is valuable in discriminating signal from noise.
By replacing the Laplace-distributed parameters in LASSO with horseshoe-distributed parameters and including a global scale, the result is called horseshoe regression.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Carvalho, C.M., Polson, N.G., and Scott, J.G. (2008). "The Horseshoe Estimator for Sparse Signals". Discussion Paper 2008-31. Duke University Department of Statistical Science.
Carvalho, C.M., Polson, N.G., and Scott, J.G. (2009). "Handling Sparsity via the Horseshoe". Journal of Machine Learning Research, 5, p. 73–80.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(100) lambda <- rhalfcauchy(100, 5) tau <- 5 x <- dhs(x, lambda, tau, log=TRUE) x <- rhs(100, lambda=lambda, tau=tau) plot(density(x))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(100) lambda <- rhalfcauchy(100, 5) tau <- 5 x <- dhs(x, lambda, tau, log=TRUE) x <- rhs(100, lambda=lambda, tau=tau) plot(density(x))
These are the density and random generation functions for the Huang-Wand prior distribution for a covariance matrix.
dhuangwand(x, nu=2, a, A, log=FALSE) dhuangwandc(x, nu=2, a, A, log=FALSE) rhuangwand(nu=2, a, A) rhuangwandc(nu=2, a, A)
dhuangwand(x, nu=2, a, A, log=FALSE) dhuangwandc(x, nu=2, a, A, log=FALSE) rhuangwand(nu=2, a, A) rhuangwandc(nu=2, a, A)
x |
This is a |
nu |
This is a scalar degrees of freedom parameter
a |
This is a positive-only vector of scale parameters
A |
This is a positive-only vector of of scale hyperparameters
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Huang and Wand (2013)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: degrees of freedom
Parameter 2: scale
Parameter 3: scale
Huang and Wand (2013) proposed a prior distribution for a covariance matrix that uses a hierarchical inverse Wishart. This is a more flexible alternative to the inverse Wishart distribution, and the Huang-Wand prior retains conjugacy. The Cholesky parameterization is also provided here.
The Huang-Wand prior distribution alleviates two main limitations of an inverse Wishart distribution. First, the uncertainty in the diagonal variances of a covariance matrix that is inverse Wishart distributed is represented with only one degrees of freedom parameter, which may be too restrictive. The Huang-Wand prior overcomes this limitation. Second, the inverse Wishart distribution imposes a dependency between variance and correlation. The Huang-Wand prior lessens, but does not fully remove, this dependency.
The standard deviations of a Huang-Wand distributed covariance matrix
are half-t distributed, as . This is in accord with modern assumptions about distributions of
scale parameters, and is also useful for sparse covariance matrices.
The rhuangwand
function allows either a
or A
to be
missing. When a
is missing, the covariance matrix is generated
from the hyperparameters. When A
is missing, the covariance
matrix is generated from the parameters.
and dhuangwandc
give the density, and
and rhuangwandc
generate random deviates.
Huang, A., Wand, M., et al. (2013), "Simple Marginally Noninformative Prior Distributions for Covariance Matrices". Bayesian Analysis, 8, p. 439–452.
library(LaplacesDemon) dhuangwand(diag(3), nu=2, a=runif(3), A=rep(1e6,3), log=TRUE) rhuangwand(nu=2, A=rep(1e6, 3)) #Missing a rhuangwand(nu=2, a=runif(3)) #Missing A
library(LaplacesDemon) dhuangwand(diag(3), nu=2, a=runif(3), A=rep(1e6,3), log=TRUE) rhuangwand(nu=2, A=rep(1e6, 3)) #Missing a rhuangwand(nu=2, a=runif(3)) #Missing A
This is the density function and random generation from the inverse beta distribution.
dinvbeta(x, a, b, log=FALSE) rinvbeta(n, a, b)
dinvbeta(x, a, b, log=FALSE) rinvbeta(n, a, b)
n |
This is the number of draws from the distribution. |
x |
This is a location vector at which to evaluate density. |
a |
This is the scalar shape parameter |
b |
This is the scalar shape parameter |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Dubey (1970)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: shape
Parameter 2: shape
Mean: , for
The inverse-beta, also called the beta prime distribution, applies to variables that are continuous and positive. The inverse beta is the conjugate prior distribution of a parameter of a Bernoulli distribution expressed in odds.
The inverse-beta distribution has also been extended to the generalized beta prime distribution, though it is not (yet) included here.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Dubey, S.D. (1970). "Compound Gamma, Beta and F Distributions". Metrika, 16, p. 27–31.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dinvbeta(5:10, 2, 3) x <- rinvbeta(10, 2, 3) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=20, by=0.1) plot(x, dinvbeta(x,2,2), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dinvbeta(x,2,3), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dinvbeta(x,3,2), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(alpha==2, ", ", beta==2), paste(alpha==2, ", ", beta==3), paste(alpha==3, ", ", beta==2)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dinvbeta(5:10, 2, 3) x <- rinvbeta(10, 2, 3) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=20, by=0.1) plot(x, dinvbeta(x,2,2), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dinvbeta(x,2,3), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dinvbeta(x,3,2), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(alpha==2, ", ", beta==2), paste(alpha==2, ", ", beta==3), paste(alpha==3, ", ", beta==2)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
This is the density function and random generation for the (scaled) inverse chi-squared distribution.
dinvchisq(x, df, scale, log=FALSE) rinvchisq(n, df, scale=1/df)
dinvchisq(x, df, scale, log=FALSE) rinvchisq(n, df, scale=1/df)
x |
This is a vector of quantiles. |
n |
This is the number of observations. If |
df |
This is the degrees of freedom parameter, usually
represented as |
scale |
This is the scale parameter, usually represented as
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Derived from the chi-squared distribution
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: degrees of freedom parameter
Parameter 2: scale parameter
Mean: = unknown
Variance: = unknown
The inverse chi-squared distribution, also called the
inverted chi-square distribution, is the multiplicate inverse of the
chi-squared distribution. If has the chi-squared distribution
degrees of freedom, then
has the
inverse chi-squared distribution with
degrees of freedom,
has the inverse chi-squared distribution with
degrees of freedom.
These functions are similar to those in the GeoR package.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dinvchisq(1,1,1) x <- rinvchisq(10,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=5, by=0.01) plot(x, dinvchisq(x,0.5,1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dinvchisq(x,1,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dinvchisq(x,5,1), type="l", col="blue") legend(3, 0.9, expression(paste(nu==0.5, ", ", lambda==1), paste(nu==1, ", ", lambda==1), paste(nu==5, ", ", lambda==1)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dinvchisq(1,1,1) x <- rinvchisq(10,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=5, by=0.01) plot(x, dinvchisq(x,0.5,1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dinvchisq(x,1,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dinvchisq(x,5,1), type="l", col="blue") legend(3, 0.9, expression(paste(nu==0.5, ", ", lambda==1), paste(nu==1, ", ", lambda==1), paste(nu==5, ", ", lambda==1)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
This is the density function and random generation from the inverse gamma distribution.
dinvgamma(x, shape=1, scale=1, log=FALSE) rinvgamma(n, shape=1, scale=1)
dinvgamma(x, shape=1, scale=1, log=FALSE) rinvgamma(n, shape=1, scale=1)
n |
This is the number of draws from the distribution. |
x |
This is the scalar location to evaluate density. |
shape |
This is the scalar shape parameter |
scale |
This is the scalar scale parameter |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Unknown (to me, anyway)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: shape
Parameter 2: scale
Mean: , for
The inverse-gamma is the conjugate prior distribution for the normal
or Gaussian variance, and has been traditionally specified as a vague
prior in that application. The density is always finite; its integral is
finite if . Prior information decreases as
These functions are similar to those in the MCMCpack
gives the density and
generates random deviates. The parameterization
is consistent with the Gamma Distribution in the stats package.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dinvgamma(4.3, 1.1) x <- rinvgamma(10, 3.3) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=20, by=0.1) plot(x, dinvgamma(x,1,1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dinvgamma(x,1,0.6), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dinvgamma(x,0.6,1), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(alpha==1, ", ", beta==1), paste(alpha==1, ", ", beta==0.6), paste(alpha==0.6, ", ", beta==1)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dinvgamma(4.3, 1.1) x <- rinvgamma(10, 3.3) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=20, by=0.1) plot(x, dinvgamma(x,1,1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dinvgamma(x,1,0.6), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dinvgamma(x,0.6,1), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(alpha==1, ", ", beta==1), paste(alpha==1, ", ", beta==0.6), paste(alpha==0.6, ", ", beta==1)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
This is the density function and random generation from the inverse gaussian distribution.
dinvgaussian(x, mu, lambda, log=FALSE) rinvgaussian(n, mu, lambda)
dinvgaussian(x, mu, lambda, log=FALSE) rinvgaussian(n, mu, lambda)
n |
This is the number of draws from the distribution. |
x |
This is the scalar location to evaluate density. |
mu |
This is the mean parameter, |
lambda |
This is the inverse-variance parameter,
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Schrodinger (1915)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: shape
Parameter 2: scale
The inverse-Gaussian distribution, also called the Wald distribution, is
used when modeling dependent variables that are positive and
continuous. When
(or variance
to zero), the inverse-Gaussian distribution becomes similar to a normal
(Gaussian) distribution. The name, inverse-Gaussian, is misleading,
because it is not the inverse of a Gaussian distribution, which is
obvious from the fact that
must be positive.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Schrodinger E. (1915). "Zur Theorie der Fall-und Steigversuche an Teilchenn mit Brownscher Bewegung". Physikalische Zeitschrift, 16, p. 289–295.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dinvgaussian(2, 1, 1) x <- rinvgaussian(10, 1, 1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=1, to=20, by=0.1) plot(x, dinvgaussian(x,1,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dinvgaussian(x,1,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dinvgaussian(x,1,5), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==1, ", ", sigma==0.5), paste(mu==1, ", ", sigma==1), paste(mu==1, ", ", sigma==5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dinvgaussian(2, 1, 1) x <- rinvgaussian(10, 1, 1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=1, to=20, by=0.1) plot(x, dinvgaussian(x,1,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dinvgaussian(x,1,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dinvgaussian(x,1,5), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==1, ", ", sigma==0.5), paste(mu==1, ", ", sigma==1), paste(mu==1, ", ", sigma==5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
This function provides the density for the inverse matrix gamma distribution.
dinvmatrixgamma(X, alpha, beta, Psi, log=FALSE)
dinvmatrixgamma(X, alpha, beta, Psi, log=FALSE)
X |
This is a |
alpha |
This is a scalar shape parameter (the degrees of freedom),
beta |
This is a scalar, positive-only scale parameter,
Psi |
This is a |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate Matrix
Inventors: Unknown
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: shape
Parameter 2: scale
Parameter 3: positive-definite scale
The inverse matrix gamma (IMG), also called the inverse matrix-variate
gamma, distribution is a generalization of the inverse gamma
distribution to positive-definite matrices. It is a more general and
flexible version of the inverse Wishart distribution
), and is a conjugate prior of the covariance
matrix of a multivariate normal distribution (dmvn
) and
matrix normal distribution (dmatrixnorm
The compound distribution resulting from compounding a matrix normal with an inverse matrix gamma prior over the covariance matrix is a generalized matrix t-distribution.
The inverse matrix gamma distribution is identical to the inverse
Wishart distribution when and
gives the density.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) k <- 10 dinvmatrixgamma(X=diag(k), alpha=(k+1)/2, beta=2, Psi=diag(k), log=TRUE) dinvwishart(Sigma=diag(k), nu=k+1, S=diag(k), log=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) k <- 10 dinvmatrixgamma(X=diag(k), alpha=(k+1)/2, beta=2, Psi=diag(k), log=TRUE) dinvwishart(Sigma=diag(k), nu=k+1, S=diag(k), log=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the inverse Wishart distribution.
dinvwishart(Sigma, nu, S, log=FALSE) rinvwishart(nu, S)
dinvwishart(Sigma, nu, S, log=FALSE) rinvwishart(nu, S)
Sigma |
This is the symmetric, positive-definite
nu |
This is the scalar degrees of freedom, |
S |
This is the symmetric, positive-semidefinite
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: John Wishart (1928)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: degrees of freedom
Parameter 2: symmetric, positive-semidefinite
scale matrix
The inverse Wishart distribution is a probability distribution defined on
real-valued, symmetric, positive-definite matrices, and is used as the
conjugate prior for the covariance matrix, , of a
multivariate normal distribution. The inverse-Wishart density is always
finite, and the integral is always finite. A degenerate form occurs when
When applicable, the alternative Cholesky parameterization should be
preferred. For more information, see dinvwishartc
The inverse Wishart prior lacks flexibility, having only one parameter,
, to control the variability for all
elements. Popular choices for the scale matrix
include an identity matrix or sample covariance matrix. When the model
sample size is small, the specification of the scale matrix can be
The inverse Wishart distribution has a dependency between variance and correlation, although its relative for a precision matrix (inverse covariance matrix), the Wishart distribution, does not have this dependency. This relationship becomes weaker with more degrees of freedom.
Due to these limitations (lack of flexibility, and dependence between
variance and correlation), alternative distributions have been
developed. Alternative distributions that are available here include
Huang-Wand (dhuangwand
), inverse matrix gamma
), Scaled Inverse Wishart
), and Yang-Berger (dyangberger
These functions are parameterized as per Gelman et al. (2004).
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Gelman, A., Carlin, J., Stern, H., and Rubin, D. (2004). "Bayesian Data Analysis, Texts in Statistical Science, 2nd ed.". Chapman and Hall, London.
Wishart, J. (1928). "The Generalised Product Moment Distribution in Samples from a Normal Multivariate Population". Biometrika, 20A(1-2), p. 32–52.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dinvwishart(matrix(c(2,-.3,-.3,4),2,2), 3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2)) x <- rinvwishart(3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dinvwishart(matrix(c(2,-.3,-.3,4),2,2), 3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2)) x <- rinvwishart(3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2))
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the inverse Wishart distribution with the Cholesky parameterization.
dinvwishartc(U, nu, S, log=FALSE) rinvwishartc(nu, S)
dinvwishartc(U, nu, S, log=FALSE) rinvwishartc(nu, S)
U |
This is the upper-triangular |
nu |
This is the scalar degrees of freedom, |
S |
This is the symmetric, positive-semidefinite
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: John Wishart (1928)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: degrees of freedom
Parameter 2: symmetric, positive-semidefinite
scale matrix
The inverse Wishart distribution is a probability distribution defined on
real-valued, symmetric, positive-definite matrices, and is used as the
conjugate prior for the covariance matrix, , of a
multivariate normal distribution. In this parameterization,
has been decomposed to the upper-triangular Cholesky
, as per
. The
inverse-Wishart density is always finite, and the integral is always
finite. A degenerate form occurs when .
In practice, is fully unconstrained for proposals
when its diagonal is log-transformed. The diagonal is exponentiated
after a proposal and before other calculations. Overall, the
Cholesky parameterization is faster than the traditional
parameterization. Compared with
, dinvwishartc
must additionally matrix-multiply the Cholesky back to the covariance
matrix, but it does not have to check for or correct the covariance
matrix to positive-semidefiniteness, which overall is slower. Compared
with rinvwishart
, rinvwishartc
must additionally
calculate a Cholesky decomposition, and is therefore slower.
The inverse Wishart prior lacks flexibility, having only one parameter,
, to control the variability for all
elements. Popular choices for the scale matrix
include an identity matrix or sample covariance matrix. When the model
sample size is small, the specification of the scale matrix can be
The inverse Wishart distribution has a dependency between variance and correlation, although its relative for a precision matrix (inverse covariance matrix), the Wishart distribution, does not have this dependency. This relationship becomes weaker with more degrees of freedom.
Due to these limitations (lack of flexibility, and dependence between
variance and correlation), alternative distributions have been
developed. Alternative distributions that are available here include the
inverse matrix gamma (dinvmatrixgamma
), Scaled Inverse
Wishart (dsiw
) and Huang-Wand (dhuangwand
Huang-Wand is recommended.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Wishart, J. (1928). "The Generalised Product Moment Distribution in Samples from a Normal Multivariate Population". Biometrika, 20A(1-2), p. 32–52.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) Sigma <- matrix(c(2,-.3,-.3,4),2,2) U <- chol(Sigma) x <- dinvwishartc(U, 3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2)) x <- rinvwishartc(3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2))
library(LaplacesDemon) Sigma <- matrix(c(2,-.3,-.3,4),2,2) U <- chol(Sigma) x <- dinvwishartc(U, 3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2)) x <- rinvwishartc(3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2))
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile
function, and random generation for the univariate, symmetric, Laplace
distribution with location parameter and scale
dlaplace(x, location=0, scale=1, log=FALSE) plaplace(q, location=0, scale=1) qlaplace(p, location=0, scale=1) rlaplace(n, location=0, scale=1)
dlaplace(x, location=0, scale=1, log=FALSE) plaplace(q, location=0, scale=1) qlaplace(p, location=0, scale=1) rlaplace(n, location=0, scale=1)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
location |
This is the location parameter |
scale |
This is the scale parameter |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Pierre-Simon Laplace (1774)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Notation 3:
Notation 4:
Parameter 1: location parameter
Parameter 2: scale parameter
The Laplace distribution (Laplace, 1774) is also called the double
exponential distribution, because it looks like two exponential
distributions back to back with respect to location . It is
also called the “First Law of Laplace”, just as the normal
distribution is referred to as the “Second Law of Laplace”. The
Laplace distribution is symmetric with respect to
, though
there are asymmetric versions of the Laplace distribution. The PDF of
the Laplace distribution is reminiscent of the normal distribution;
however, whereas the normal distribution is expressed in terms of the
squared difference from the mean
, the Laplace density is
expressed in terms of the absolute difference from the mean,
. Consequently, the Laplace distribution has fatter
tails than the normal distribution. It has been argued that the Laplace
distribution fits most things in nature better than the normal
There are many extensions to the Laplace distribution, such as the asymmetric Laplace, asymmetric log-Laplace, Laplace (re-parameterized for precision), log-Laplace, multivariate Laplace, and skew-Laplace, among many more.
These functions are similar to those in the VGAM
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
Laplace, P. (1774). "Memoire sur la Probabilite des Causes par les Evenements." l'Academie Royale des Sciences, 6, 621–656. English translation by S.M. Stigler in 1986 as "Memoir on the Probability of the Causes of Events" in Statistical Science, 1(3), p. 359–378.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dlaplace(1,0,1) x <- plaplace(1,0,1) x <- qlaplace(0.5,0,1) x <- rlaplace(100,0,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dlaplace(x,0,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dlaplace(x,0,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dlaplace(x,0,2), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==2)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dlaplace(1,0,1) x <- plaplace(1,0,1) x <- qlaplace(0.5,0,1) x <- rlaplace(100,0,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dlaplace(x,0,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dlaplace(x,0,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dlaplace(x,0,2), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==2)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density, cumulative, and random generation
for the mixture of univariate Laplace distributions with probability
, location
and scale
dlaplacem(x, p, location, scale, log=FALSE) plaplacem(q, p, location, scale) rlaplacem(n, p, location, scale)
dlaplacem(x, p, location, scale, log=FALSE) plaplacem(q, p, location, scale) rlaplacem(n, p, location, scale)
x , q
This is vector of values at which the density will be evaluated. |
p |
This is a vector of length |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
location |
This is a vector of length |
scale |
This is a vector of length |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Unknown
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location parameters
Parameter 2: scale parameters
A mixture distribution is a probability distribution that is a combination of other probability distributions, and each distribution is called a mixture component, or component. A probability (or weight) exists for each component, and these probabilities sum to one. A mixture distribution (though not these functions here in particular) may contain mixture components in which each component is a different probability distribution. Mixture distributions are very flexible, and are often used to represent a complex distribution with an unknown form. When the number of mixture components is unknown, Bayesian inference is the only sensible approach to estimation.
A Laplace mixture distribution is a combination of Laplace probability distributions.
One of many applications of Laplace mixture distributions is the Laplace Mixture Model (LMM).
gives the density,
returns the CDF, and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
library(LaplacesDemon) p <- c(0.3,0.3,0.4) mu <- c(-5, 1, 5) sigma <- c(1,2,1) x <- seq(from=-10, to=10, by=0.1) plot(x, dlaplacem(x, p, mu, sigma, log=FALSE), type="l") #Density plot(x, plaplacem(x, p, mu, sigma), type="l") #CDF plot(density(rlaplacem(10000, p, mu, sigma))) #Random Deviates
library(LaplacesDemon) p <- c(0.3,0.3,0.4) mu <- c(-5, 1, 5) sigma <- c(1,2,1) x <- seq(from=-10, to=10, by=0.1) plot(x, dlaplacem(x, p, mu, sigma, log=FALSE), type="l") #Density plot(x, plaplacem(x, p, mu, sigma), type="l") #CDF plot(density(rlaplacem(10000, p, mu, sigma))) #Random Deviates
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile
function, and random generation for the univariate, symmetric, Laplace
distribution with location parameter and precision
, which is the inverse of the usual scale
dlaplacep(x, mu=0, tau=1, log=FALSE) plaplacep(q, mu=0, tau=1) qlaplacep(p, mu=0, tau=1) rlaplacep(n, mu=0, tau=1)
dlaplacep(x, mu=0, tau=1, log=FALSE) plaplacep(q, mu=0, tau=1) qlaplacep(p, mu=0, tau=1) rlaplacep(n, mu=0, tau=1)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
mu |
This is the location parameter |
tau |
This is the precision parameter |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Pierre-Simon Laplace (1774)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Notation 3:
Notation 4:
Parameter 1: location parameter
Parameter 2: precision parameter
The Laplace distribution is also called the double exponential
distribution, because it looks like two exponential distributions back to
back with respect to location . It is also called the
“First Law of Laplace”, just as the normal distribution is referred to
as the “Second Law of Laplace”. The Laplace distribution is
symmetric with respect to
, though there are asymmetric
versions of the Laplace distribution. The PDF of the Laplace
distribution is reminiscent of the normal distribution; however,
whereas the normal distribution is expressed in terms of the squared
difference from the mean
, the Laplace density is
expressed in terms of the absolute difference from the mean,
. Consequently, the Laplace distribution has fatter
tails than the normal distribution. It has been argued that the Laplace
distribution fits most things in nature better than the normal
distribution. Elsewhere, there are a large number of extensions to the
Laplace distribution, including asymmetric versions and
multivariate versions, among many more. These functions provide the
precision parameterization for convenience and familiarity in Bayesian
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dlaplacep(1,0,1) x <- plaplacep(1,0,1) x <- qlaplacep(0.5,0,1) x <- rlaplacep(100,0,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dlaplacep(x,0,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dlaplacep(x,0,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dlaplacep(x,0,2), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==2)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dlaplacep(1,0,1) x <- plaplacep(1,0,1) x <- qlaplacep(0.5,0,1) x <- rlaplacep(100,0,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dlaplacep(x,0,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dlaplacep(x,0,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dlaplacep(x,0,2), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==2)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density and random generation for the Bayesian LASSO prior distribution.
dlasso(x, sigma, tau, lambda, a=1, b=1, log=FALSE) rlasso(n, sigma, tau, lambda, a=1, b=1)
dlasso(x, sigma, tau, lambda, a=1, b=1, log=FALSE) rlasso(n, sigma, tau, lambda, a=1, b=1)
x |
This is a location vector of length |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
sigma |
This is a positive-only scalar hyperparameter
tau |
This is a positive-only vector of hyperparameters,
lambda |
This is a positive-only scalar hyperhyperparameter,
a , b
These are positive-only scalar hyperhyperhyperparameters
for gamma distributed |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Multivariate Scale Mixture
Inventor: Parks and Casella (2008)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: hyperparameter global scale
Parameter 2: hyperparameter local scale
Parameter 3: hyperhyperparameter global scale
Parameter 4: hyperhyperhyperparameter scale
Parameter 5: hyperhyperhyperparameter scale
The Bayesian LASSO distribution (Parks and Casella, 2008) is a heavy-tailed mixture distribution that can be considered a variance mixture, and it is in the family of multivariate scale mixtures of normals.
The LASSO distribution was proposed as a prior distribution, as a
Bayesian version of the frequentist LASSO, introduced by Tibshirani
(1996). It is applied as a shrinkage prior in the presence of sparsity
for regression effects. LASSO priors are most appropriate in
large-dimensional models where dimension reduction is necessary to
avoid overly complex models that predict poorly.
The Bayesian LASSO results in regression effects that are a compromise between regression effects in the frequentist LASSO and ridge regression. The Bayesian LASSO applies more shrinkage to weak regression effects than ridge regression.
The Bayesian LASSO is an alternative to horseshoe regression and ridge regression.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Park, T. and Casella, G. (2008). "The Bayesian Lasso". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103, p. 672–680.
Tibshirani, R. (1996). "Regression Shrinkage and Selection via the Lasso". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 58, p. 267–288.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(100) sigma <- rhalfcauchy(1, 5) tau <- rhalfcauchy(100, 5) lambda <- rhalfcauchy(1, 5) x <- dlasso(x, sigma, tau, lambda, log=TRUE) x <- rlasso(length(tau), sigma, tau, lambda)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(100) sigma <- rhalfcauchy(1, 5) tau <- rhalfcauchy(100, 5) lambda <- rhalfcauchy(1, 5) x <- dlasso(x, sigma, tau, lambda, log=TRUE) x <- rlasso(length(tau), sigma, tau, lambda)
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile
function, and random generation for the univariate, symmetric,
log-Laplace distribution with location parameter location
scale parameter scale
dllaplace(x, location=0, scale=1, log=FALSE) pllaplace(q, location=0, scale=1) qllaplace(p, location=0, scale=1) rllaplace(n, location=0, scale=1)
dllaplace(x, location=0, scale=1, log=FALSE) pllaplace(q, location=0, scale=1) qllaplace(p, location=0, scale=1) rllaplace(n, location=0, scale=1)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
location |
This is the location parameter |
scale |
This is the scale parameter |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Density 1:
Density 2:
Inventor: Pierre-Simon Laplace
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location parameter
Parameter 2: scale parameter
The univariate, symmetric log-Laplace distribution is derived from the Laplace distribution. Multivariate and asymmetric versions also exist.
These functions are similar to those in the VGAM
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
Kozubowski, T. J. and Podgorski, K. (2003). "Log-Laplace Distributions". International Mathematical Journal, 3, p. 467–495.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dllaplace(1,0,1) x <- pllaplace(1,0,1) x <- qllaplace(0.5,0,1) x <- rllaplace(100,0,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=20, by=0.1) plot(x, dllaplace(x,0,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dllaplace(x,0,0.5), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dllaplace(x,0,1.5), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==0.1), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1.5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dllaplace(1,0,1) x <- pllaplace(1,0,1) x <- qllaplace(0.5,0,1) x <- rllaplace(100,0,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=20, by=0.1) plot(x, dllaplace(x,0,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dllaplace(x,0,0.5), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dllaplace(x,0,1.5), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==0.1), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1.5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile
function, and random generation for the univariate log-normal
distribution with mean and precision
dlnormp(x, mu, tau=NULL, var=NULL, log=FALSE) plnormp(q, mu, tau, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qlnormp(p, mu, tau, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rlnormp(n, mu, tau=NULL, var=NULL)
dlnormp(x, mu, tau=NULL, var=NULL, log=FALSE) plnormp(q, mu, tau, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qlnormp(p, mu, tau, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rlnormp(n, mu, tau=NULL, var=NULL)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
mu |
This is the mean parameter |
tau |
This is the precision parameter |
var |
This is the variance parameter, which must be positive. Tau and var cannot be used together |
log , log.p
Logical. If |
lower.tail |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Carl Friedrich Gauss or Abraham De Moivre
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: mean parameter
Parameter 2: precision parameter
The log-normal distribution, also called the Galton distribution, is
applied to a variable whose logarithm is normally-distributed. The
distribution is usually parameterized with mean and variance, or in
Bayesian inference, with mean and precision, where precision is the
inverse of the variance. In contrast, Base R
parameterizes the
log-normal distribution with the mean and standard deviation. These
functions provide the precision parameterization for convenience and
A flat distribution is obtained in the limit as
These functions are similar to those in base R
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dlnormp(1,0,1) x <- plnormp(1,0,1) x <- qlnormp(0.5,0,1) x <- rlnormp(100,0,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=3, by=0.01) plot(x, dlnormp(x,0,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dlnormp(x,0,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dlnormp(x,0,5), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==0.1), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dlnormp(1,0,1) x <- plnormp(1,0,1) x <- qlnormp(0.5,0,1) x <- rlnormp(100,0,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=3, by=0.01) plot(x, dlnormp(x,0,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dlnormp(x,0,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dlnormp(x,0,5), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==0.1), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
This function provides the density for the matrix gamma distribution.
dmatrixgamma(X, alpha, beta, Sigma, log=FALSE)
dmatrixgamma(X, alpha, beta, Sigma, log=FALSE)
X |
This is a |
alpha |
This is a scalar shape parameter (the degrees of freedom),
beta |
This is a scalar, positive-only scale parameter,
Sigma |
This is a |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate Matrix
Inventors: Unknown
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: shape
Parameter 2: scale
Parameter 3: positive-definite scale matrix
The matrix gamma (MG), also called the matrix-variate gamma,
distribution is a generalization of the gamma distribution to
positive-definite matrices. It is a more general and flexible version of
the Wishart distribution (dwishart
), and is a conjugate
prior of the precision matrix of a multivariate normal distribution
) and matrix normal distribution
The compound distribution resulting from compounding a matrix normal with a matrix gamma prior over the precision matrix is a generalized matrix t-distribution.
The matrix gamma distribution is identical to the Wishart distribution
when and
gives the density.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) k <- 10 dmatrixgamma(X=diag(k), alpha=(k+1)/2, beta=2, Sigma=diag(k), log=TRUE) dwishart(Omega=diag(k), nu=k+1, S=diag(k), log=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) k <- 10 dmatrixgamma(X=diag(k), alpha=(k+1)/2, beta=2, Sigma=diag(k), log=TRUE) dwishart(Omega=diag(k), nu=k+1, S=diag(k), log=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the matrix normal distribution.
dmatrixnorm(X, M, U, V, log=FALSE) rmatrixnorm(M, U, V)
dmatrixnorm(X, M, U, V, log=FALSE) rmatrixnorm(M, U, V)
X |
This is data or parameters in the form of a matrix with
M |
This is mean matrix with |
U |
This is a |
V |
This is a |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate Matrix
Inventors: Unknown
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location matrix
Parameter 2: positive-definite scale matrix
Parameter 3: positive-definite scale matrix
Variance: Unknown
Mode: Unknown
The matrix normal distribution is also called the matrix Gaussian, matrix-variate normal, or matrix-variate Gaussian distribution. It is a generalization of the multivariate normal distribution to matrix-valued random variables.
An example of the use of a matrix normal distribution is multivariate
regression, in which there is a matrix of
regression effects of
predictors for
variables. For univariate regression, having only one dependent
variable, the
regression effects may be multivariate normally
distributed. For multivariate regression, this multivariate normal
distribution may be extended to a matrix normal distribution to account
for relationships of the regression effects across
variables. In this example, the matrix normal distribution is the
conjugate prior distribution for these regression effects.
The matrix normal distribution has two covariance matrices, one for the
rows and one for the columns. When is diagonal, the rows are
independent. When
is diagonal, the columns are independent.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) N <- 10 K <- 4 U <- as.positive.definite(matrix(rnorm(N*N),N,N)) V <- as.positive.definite(matrix(rnorm(K*K),K,K)) x <- dmatrixnorm(matrix(0,N,K), matrix(0,N,K), U, V) X <- rmatrixnorm(matrix(0,N,K), U, V) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) N <- 10 K <- 4 U <- as.positive.definite(matrix(rnorm(N*N),N,N)) V <- as.positive.definite(matrix(rnorm(K*K),K,K)) x <- dmatrixnorm(matrix(0,N,K), matrix(0,N,K), U, V) X <- rmatrixnorm(matrix(0,N,K), U, V) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate Cauchy distribution.
dmvc(x, mu, S, log=FALSE) rmvc(n=1, mu, S)
dmvc(x, mu, S, log=FALSE) rmvc(n=1, mu, S)
x |
This is either a vector of length |
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is a numeric vector representing the location parameter,
S |
This is a |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Unknown (to me, anyway)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite scale
The multivariate Cauchy distribution is a multidimensional extension of the one-dimensional or univariate Cauchy distribution. The multivariate Cauchy distribution is equivalent to a multivariate t distribution with 1 degree of freedom. A random vector is considered to be multivariate Cauchy-distributed if every linear combination of its components has a univariate Cauchy distribution.
The Cauchy distribution is known as a pathological distribution because its mean and variance are undefined, and it does not satisfy the central limit theorem.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) Sigma <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) f <- dmvc(cbind(x,y,z), mu, Sigma) X <- rmvc(1000, rep(0,2), diag(2)) X <- X[rowSums((X >= quantile(X, probs=0.025)) & (X <= quantile(X, probs=0.975)))==2,] joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) Sigma <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) f <- dmvc(cbind(x,y,z), mu, Sigma) X <- rmvc(1000, rep(0,2), diag(2)) X <- X[rowSums((X >= quantile(X, probs=0.025)) & (X <= quantile(X, probs=0.975)))==2,] joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate Cauchy distribution, given the Cholesky parameterization.
dmvcc(x, mu, U, log=FALSE) rmvcc(n=1, mu, U)
dmvcc(x, mu, U, log=FALSE) rmvcc(n=1, mu, U)
x |
This is either a vector of length |
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is a numeric vector representing the location parameter,
U |
This is the |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Unknown (to me, anyway)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite scale
The multivariate Cauchy distribution is a multidimensional extension of the one-dimensional or univariate Cauchy distribution. The multivariate Cauchy distribution is equivalent to a multivariate t distribution with 1 degree of freedom. A random vector is considered to be multivariate Cauchy-distributed if every linear combination of its components has a univariate Cauchy distribution.
The Cauchy distribution is known as a pathological distribution because its mean and variance are undefined, and it does not satisfy the central limit theorem.
In practice, is fully unconstrained for proposals
when its diagonal is log-transformed. The diagonal is exponentiated
after a proposal and before other calculations. Overall, the Cholesky
parameterization is faster than the traditional parameterization.
Compared with
, dmvcc
must additionally
matrix-multiply the Cholesky back to the scake matrix, but it
does not have to check for or correct the scale matrix to
positive-definiteness, which overall is slower. Compared with
, rmvcc
is faster because the Cholesky decomposition
has already been performed.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) Sigma <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) U <- chol(Sigma) f <- dmvcc(cbind(x,y,z), mu, U) X <- rmvcc(1000, rep(0,2), diag(2)) X <- X[rowSums((X >= quantile(X, probs=0.025)) & (X <= quantile(X, probs=0.975)))==2,] joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) Sigma <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) U <- chol(Sigma) f <- dmvcc(cbind(x,y,z), mu, U) X <- rmvcc(1000, rep(0,2), diag(2)) X <- X[rowSums((X >= quantile(X, probs=0.025)) & (X <= quantile(X, probs=0.975)))==2,] joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate Cauchy distribution. These functions use the precision parameterization.
dmvcp(x, mu, Omega, log=FALSE) rmvcp(n=1, mu, Omega)
dmvcp(x, mu, Omega, log=FALSE) rmvcp(n=1, mu, Omega)
x |
This is either a vector of length |
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is a numeric vector representing the location parameter,
Omega |
This is a |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Unknown (to me, anyway)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite precision
The multivariate Cauchy distribution is a multidimensional extension of the one-dimensional or univariate Cauchy distribution. A random vector is considered to be multivariate Cauchy-distributed if every linear combination of its components has a univariate Cauchy distribution. The multivariate Cauchy distribution is equivalent to a multivariate t distribution with 1 degree of freedom.
The Cauchy distribution is known as a pathological distribution because its mean and variance are undefined, and it does not satisfy the central limit theorem.
It is usually parameterized with mean and a covariance matrix, or in Bayesian inference, with mean and a precision matrix, where the precision matrix is the matrix inverse of the covariance matrix. These functions provide the precision parameterization for convenience and familiarity. It is easier to calculate a multivariate Cauchy density with the precision parameterization, because a matrix inversion can be avoided.
This distribution has a mean parameter vector of length
, and a
precision matrix
which must be positive-definite.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) Omega <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) f <- dmvcp(cbind(x,y,z), mu, Omega) X <- rmvcp(1000, rep(0,2), diag(2)) X <- X[rowSums((X >= quantile(X, probs=0.025)) & (X <= quantile(X, probs=0.975)))==2,] joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) Omega <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) f <- dmvcp(cbind(x,y,z), mu, Omega) X <- rmvcp(1000, rep(0,2), diag(2)) X <- X[rowSums((X >= quantile(X, probs=0.025)) & (X <= quantile(X, probs=0.975)))==2,] joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate Cauchy distribution. These functions use the precision and Cholesky parameterization.
dmvcpc(x, mu, U, log=FALSE) rmvcpc(n=1, mu, U)
dmvcpc(x, mu, U, log=FALSE) rmvcpc(n=1, mu, U)
x |
This is either a vector of length |
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is a numeric vector representing the location parameter,
U |
This is the |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Unknown (to me, anyway)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite precision
The multivariate Cauchy distribution is a multidimensional extension of the one-dimensional or univariate Cauchy distribution. A random vector is considered to be multivariate Cauchy-distributed if every linear combination of its components has a univariate Cauchy distribution. The multivariate Cauchy distribution is equivalent to a multivariate t distribution with 1 degree of freedom.
The Cauchy distribution is known as a pathological distribution because its mean and variance are undefined, and it does not satisfy the central limit theorem.
It is usually parameterized with mean and a covariance matrix, or in Bayesian inference, with mean and a precision matrix, where the precision matrix is the matrix inverse of the covariance matrix. These functions provide the precision parameterization for convenience and familiarity. It is easier to calculate a multivariate Cauchy density with the precision parameterization, because a matrix inversion can be avoided.
This distribution has a mean parameter vector of length
, and a
precision matrix
, which must be positive-definite. The precision
matrix is replaced with the upper-triangular Cholesky factor, as in
In practice, is fully unconstrained for proposals
when its diagonal is log-transformed. The diagonal is exponentiated
after a proposal and before other calculations. Overall, Cholesky
parameterization is faster than the traditional parameterization.
Compared with
, dmvcpc
must additionally
matrix-multiply the Cholesky back to the covariance matrix, but it
does not have to check for or correct the precision matrix to
positive-definiteness, which overall is slower. Compared with
, rmvcpc
is faster because the Cholesky decomposition
has already been performed.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) Omega <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) U <- chol(Omega) f <- dmvcpc(cbind(x,y,z), mu, U) X <- rmvcpc(1000, rep(0,2), diag(2)) X <- X[rowSums((X >= quantile(X, probs=0.025)) & (X <= quantile(X, probs=0.975)))==2,] joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) Omega <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) U <- chol(Omega) f <- dmvcpc(cbind(x,y,z), mu, U) X <- rmvcpc(1000, rep(0,2), diag(2)) X <- X[rowSums((X >= quantile(X, probs=0.025)) & (X <= quantile(X, probs=0.975)))==2,] joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate Laplace distribution.
dmvl(x, mu, Sigma, log=FALSE) rmvl(n, mu, Sigma)
dmvl(x, mu, Sigma, log=FALSE) rmvl(n, mu, Sigma)
x |
This is data or parameters in the form of a vector of length
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is mean vector |
Sigma |
This is the |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Fang et al. (1990)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Notation 3:
Notation 4:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite
covariance matrix
The multivariate Laplace distribution is a multidimensional extension of the one-dimensional or univariate symmetric Laplace distribution. There are multiple forms of the multivariate Laplace distribution.
The bivariate case was introduced by Ulrich and Chen (1987), and the first form in larger dimensions may have been Fang et al. (1990), which requires a Bessel function. Alternatively, multivariate Laplace was soon introduced as a special case of a multivariate Linnik distribution (Anderson, 1992), and later as a special case of the multivariate power exponential distribution (Fernandez et al., 1995; Ernst, 1998). Bayesian considerations appear in Haro-Lopez and Smith (1999). Wainwright and Simoncelli (2000) presented multivariate Laplace as a Gaussian scale mixture. Kotz et al. (2001) present the distribution formally. Here, the density is calculated with the asymptotic formula for the Bessel function as presented in Wang et al. (2008).
The multivariate Laplace distribution is an attractive alternative to the multivariate normal distribution due to its wider tails, and remains a two-parameter distribution (though alternative three-parameter forms have been introduced as well), unlike the three-parameter multivariate t distribution, which is often used as a robust alternative to the multivariate normal distribution.
gives the density, and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Anderson, D.N. (1992). "A Multivariate Linnik Distribution". Statistical Probability Letters, 14, p. 333–336.
Eltoft, T., Kim, T., and Lee, T. (2006). "On the Multivariate Laplace Distribution". IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 13(5), p. 300–303.
Ernst, M. D. (1998). "A Multivariate Generalized Laplace Distribution". Computational Statistics, 13, p. 227–232.
Fang, K.T., Kotz, S., and Ng, K.W. (1990). "Symmetric Multivariate and Related Distributions". Monographs on Statistics and Probability, 36, Chapman-Hall, London.
Fernandez, C., Osiewalski, J. and Steel, M.F.J. (1995). "Modeling and Inference with v-spherical Distributions". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90, p. 1331–1340.
Gomez, E., Gomez-Villegas, M.A., and Marin, J.M. (1998). "A Multivariate Generalization of the Power Exponential Family of Distributions". Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 27(3), p. 589–600.
Haro-Lopez, R.A. and Smith, A.F.M. (1999). "On Robust Bayesian Analysis for Location and Scale Parameters". Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 70, p. 30–56.
Kotz., S., Kozubowski, T.J., and Podgorski, K. (2001). "The Laplace Distribution and Generalizations: A Revisit with Applications to Communications, Economics, Engineering, and Finance". Birkhauser: Boston, MA.
Ulrich, G. and Chen, C.C. (1987). "A Bivariate Double Exponential Distribution and its Generalization". ASA Proceedings on Statistical Computing, p. 127–129.
Wang, D., Zhang, C., and Zhao, X. (2008). "Multivariate Laplace Filter: A Heavy-Tailed Model for Target Tracking". Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition: FL.
Wainwright, M.J. and Simoncelli, E.P. (2000). "Scale Mixtures of Gaussians and the Statistics of Natural Images". Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 12, p. 855–861.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dmvl(c(1,2,3), c(0,1,2), diag(3)) X <- rmvl(1000, c(0,1,2), diag(3)) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dmvl(c(1,2,3), c(0,1,2), diag(3)) X <- rmvl(1000, c(0,1,2), diag(3)) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate Laplace distribution, given the Cholesky parameterization.
dmvlc(x, mu, U, log=FALSE) rmvlc(n, mu, U)
dmvlc(x, mu, U, log=FALSE) rmvlc(n, mu, U)
x |
This is data or parameters in the form of a vector of length
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is mean vector |
U |
This is the |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Fang et al. (1990)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Notation 3:
Notation 4:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite
covariance matrix
The multivariate Laplace distribution is a multidimensional extension of the one-dimensional or univariate symmetric Laplace distribution. There are multiple forms of the multivariate Laplace distribution.
The bivariate case was introduced by Ulrich and Chen (1987), and the first form in larger dimensions may have been Fang et al. (1990), which requires a Bessel function. Alternatively, multivariate Laplace was soon introduced as a special case of a multivariate Linnik distribution (Anderson, 1992), and later as a special case of the multivariate power exponential distribution (Fernandez et al., 1995; Ernst, 1998). Bayesian considerations appear in Haro-Lopez and Smith (1999). Wainwright and Simoncelli (2000) presented multivariate Laplace as a Gaussian scale mixture. Kotz et al. (2001) present the distribution formally. Here, the density is calculated with the asymptotic formula for the Bessel function as presented in Wang et al. (2008).
The multivariate Laplace distribution is an attractive alternative to the multivariate normal distribution due to its wider tails, and remains a two-parameter distribution (though alternative three-parameter forms have been introduced as well), unlike the three-parameter multivariate t distribution, which is often used as a robust alternative to the multivariate normal distribution.
In practice, is fully unconstrained for proposals
when its diagonal is log-transformed. The diagonal is exponentiated
after a proposal and before other calculations. Overall, the Cholesky
parameterization is faster than the traditional parameterization.
Compared with
, dmvlc
must additionally
matrix-multiply the Cholesky back to the covariance matrix, but it
does not have to check for or correct the covariance matrix to
positive-definiteness, which overall is slower. Compared with
, rmvlc
is faster because the Cholesky decomposition
has already been performed.
gives the density, and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Anderson, D.N. (1992). "A Multivariate Linnik Distribution". Statistical Probability Letters, 14, p. 333–336.
Eltoft, T., Kim, T., and Lee, T. (2006). "On the Multivariate Laplace Distribution". IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 13(5), p. 300–303.
Ernst, M. D. (1998). "A Multivariate Generalized Laplace Distribution". Computational Statistics, 13, p. 227–232.
Fang, K.T., Kotz, S., and Ng, K.W. (1990). "Symmetric Multivariate and Related Distributions". Monographs on Statistics and Probability, 36, Chapman-Hall, London.
Fernandez, C., Osiewalski, J. and Steel, M.F.J. (1995). "Modeling and Inference with v-spherical Distributions". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90, p. 1331–1340.
Gomez, E., Gomez-Villegas, M.A., and Marin, J.M. (1998). "A Multivariate Generalization of the Power Exponential Family of Distributions". Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 27(3), p. 589–600.
Haro-Lopez, R.A. and Smith, A.F.M. (1999). "On Robust Bayesian Analysis for Location and Scale Parameters". Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 70, p. 30–56.
Kotz., S., Kozubowski, T.J., and Podgorski, K. (2001). "The Laplace Distribution and Generalizations: A Revisit with Applications to Communications, Economics, Engineering, and Finance". Birkhauser: Boston, MA.
Ulrich, G. and Chen, C.C. (1987). "A Bivariate Double Exponential Distribution and its Generalization". ASA Proceedings on Statistical Computing, p. 127–129.
Wang, D., Zhang, C., and Zhao, X. (2008). "Multivariate Laplace Filter: A Heavy-Tailed Model for Target Tracking". Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition: FL.
Wainwright, M.J. and Simoncelli, E.P. (2000). "Scale Mixtures of Gaussians and the Statistics of Natural Images". Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 12, p. 855–861.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) Sigma <- diag(3) U <- chol(Sigma) x <- dmvlc(c(1,2,3), c(0,1,2), U) X <- rmvlc(1000, c(0,1,2), U) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) Sigma <- diag(3) U <- chol(Sigma) x <- dmvlc(c(1,2,3), c(0,1,2), U) X <- rmvlc(1000, c(0,1,2), U) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate normal distribution.
dmvn(x, mu, Sigma, log=FALSE) rmvn(n=1, mu, Sigma)
dmvn(x, mu, Sigma, log=FALSE) rmvn(n=1, mu, Sigma)
x |
This is data or parameters in the form of a vector of length
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is mean vector |
Sigma |
This is the |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventors: Robert Adrain (1808), Pierre-Simon Laplace (1812), and Francis Galton (1885)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Notation 3:
Notation 4:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite covariance matrix
The multivariate normal distribution, or multivariate Gaussian
distribution, is a multidimensional extension of the one-dimensional
or univariate normal (or Gaussian) distribution. A random vector is
considered to be multivariate normally distributed if every linear
combination of its components has a univariate normal distribution.
This distribution has a mean parameter vector of length
and a
covariance matrix
, which must be positive-definite.
The conjugate prior of the mean vector is another multivariate normal
distribution. The conjugate prior of the covariance matrix is the
inverse Wishart distribution (see dinvwishart
When applicable, the alternative Cholesky parameterization should be
preferred. For more information, see dmvnc
For models where the dependent variable, Y, is specified to be
distributed multivariate normal given the model, the Mardia test (see
, plot.laplace.ppc
, or
) may be used to test the residuals.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dmvn(c(1,2,3), c(0,1,2), diag(3)) X <- rmvn(1000, c(0,1,2), diag(3)) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dmvn(c(1,2,3), c(0,1,2), diag(3)) X <- rmvn(1000, c(0,1,2), diag(3)) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate normal distribution, given the Cholesky parameterization.
dmvnc(x, mu, U, log=FALSE) rmvnc(n=1, mu, U)
dmvnc(x, mu, U, log=FALSE) rmvnc(n=1, mu, U)
x |
This is data or parameters in the form of a vector of length
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is mean vector |
U |
This is the |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Unknown (to me, anyway)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Notation 3:
Notation 4:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite matrix
The multivariate normal distribution, or multivariate Gaussian
distribution, is a multidimensional extension of the one-dimensional
or univariate normal (or Gaussian) distribution. A random vector is
considered to be multivariate normally distributed if every linear
combination of its components has a univariate normal distribution.
This distribution has a mean parameter vector of length
and an upper-triangular
matrix that is
Cholesky factor
, as per the
function for Cholesky decomposition.
In practice, is fully unconstrained for proposals
when its diagonal is log-transformed. The diagonal is exponentiated
after a proposal and before other calculations. Overall, the Cholesky
parameterization is faster than the traditional parameterization.
Compared with
, dmvnc
must additionally
matrix-multiply the Cholesky back to the covariance matrix, but it
does not have to check for or correct the covariance matrix to
positive-definiteness, which overall is slower. Compared with
, rmvnc
is faster because the Cholesky decomposition
has already been performed.
For models where the dependent variable, Y, is specified to be
distributed multivariate normal given the model, the Mardia test (see
, plot.laplace.ppc
, or
) may be used to test the residuals.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) Sigma <- diag(3) U <- chol(Sigma) x <- dmvnc(c(1,2,3), c(0,1,2), U) X <- rmvnc(1000, c(0,1,2), U) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) Sigma <- diag(3) U <- chol(Sigma) x <- dmvnc(c(1,2,3), c(0,1,2), U) X <- rmvnc(1000, c(0,1,2), U) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate normal distribution, given the precision parameterization.
dmvnp(x, mu, Omega, log=FALSE) rmvnp(n=1, mu, Omega)
dmvnp(x, mu, Omega, log=FALSE) rmvnp(n=1, mu, Omega)
x |
This is data or parameters in the form of a vector of length
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is mean vector |
Omega |
This is the |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Unknown (to me, anyway)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Notation 3:
Notation 4:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite precision matrix
The multivariate normal distribution, or multivariate Gaussian distribution, is a multidimensional extension of the one-dimensional or univariate normal (or Gaussian) distribution. It is usually parameterized with mean and a covariance matrix, or in Bayesian inference, with mean and a precision matrix, where the precision matrix is the matrix inverse of the covariance matrix. These functions provide the precision parameterization for convenience and familiarity. It is easier to calculate a multivariate normal density with the precision parameterization, because a matrix inversion can be avoided.
A random vector is considered to be multivariate normally distributed
if every linear combination of its components has a univariate normal
distribution. This distribution has a mean parameter vector
of length
and a
precision matrix
, which must be positive-definite.
The conjugate prior of the mean vector is another multivariate normal
distribution. The conjugate prior of the precision matrix is the
Wishart distribution (see dwishart
When applicable, the alternative Cholesky parameterization should be
preferred. For more information, see dmvnpc
For models where the dependent variable, Y, is specified to be
distributed multivariate normal given the model, the Mardia test (see
, plot.laplace.ppc
, or
) may be used to test the residuals.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dmvnp(c(1,2,3), c(0,1,2), diag(3)) X <- rmvnp(1000, c(0,1,2), diag(3)) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dmvnp(c(1,2,3), c(0,1,2), diag(3)) X <- rmvnp(1000, c(0,1,2), diag(3)) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate normal distribution, given the precision-Cholesky parameterization.
dmvnpc(x, mu, U, log=FALSE) rmvnpc(n=1, mu, U)
dmvnpc(x, mu, U, log=FALSE) rmvnpc(n=1, mu, U)
x |
This is data or parameters in the form of a vector of length
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is mean vector |
U |
This is the |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Unknown (to me, anyway)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Notation 3:
Notation 4:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite precision matrix
The multivariate normal distribution, or multivariate Gaussian
distribution, is a multidimensional extension of the one-dimensional
or univariate normal (or Gaussian) distribution. It is usually
parameterized with mean and a covariance matrix, or in Bayesian
inference, with mean and a precision matrix, where the precision matrix
is the matrix inverse of the covariance matrix. These functions
provide the precision-Cholesky parameterization for convenience and
familiarity. It is easier to calculate a multivariate normal density
with the precision parameterization, because a matrix inversion can be
avoided. The precision matrix is replaced with an upper-triangular
matrix that is Cholesky factor
, as per the
function for Cholesky
A random vector is considered to be multivariate normally distributed
if every linear combination of its components has a univariate normal
distribution. This distribution has a mean parameter vector
of length
and a
precision matrix
, which must be positive-definite.
In practice, is fully unconstrained for proposals
when its diagonal is log-transformed. The diagonal is exponentiated
after a proposal and before other calculations. Overall, Cholesky
parameterization is faster than the traditional parameterization.
Compared with
, dmvnpc
must additionally
matrix-multiply the Cholesky back to the covariance matrix, but it
does not have to check for or correct the precision matrix to
positive-definiteness, which overall is slower. Compared with
, rmvnpc
is faster because the Cholesky decomposition
has already been performed.
For models where the dependent variable, Y, is specified to be
distributed multivariate normal given the model, the Mardia test (see
, plot.laplace.ppc
, or
) may be used to test the residuals.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) Omega <- diag(3) U <- chol(Omega) x <- dmvnpc(c(1,2,3), c(0,1,2), U) X <- rmvnpc(1000, c(0,1,2), U) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) Omega <- diag(3) U <- chol(Omega) x <- dmvnpc(c(1,2,3), c(0,1,2), U) X <- rmvnpc(1000, c(0,1,2), U) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate Polya distribution.
dmvpolya(x, alpha, log=FALSE) rmvpolya(n, alpha)
dmvpolya(x, alpha, log=FALSE) rmvpolya(n, alpha)
x |
This is data or parameters in the form of a vector of length
n |
This is the number of random draws to take from the distribution. |
alpha |
This is shape vector |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Discrete Multivariate
Inventor: George Polya (1887-1985)
Notation 1:
Notation 3:
Parameter 1: shape parameter vector
The multivariate Polya distribution is named after George Polya
(1887-1985). It is also called the Dirichlet compound multinomial
distribution or the Dirichlet-multinomial distribution. The multivariate
Polya distribution is a compound probability distribution, where a
probability vector is drawn from a Dirichlet distribution with
parameter vector
, and a set of
samples is drawn from the categorical distribution with probability
and having
discrete categories. The compounding
corresponds to a Polya urn scheme. In document classification, for
example, the distribution is used to represent probabilities over word
counts for different document types. The multivariate Polya distribution
is a multivariate extension of the univariate Beta-binomial distribution.
gives the density and rmvpolya
generates random
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) dmvpolya(x=1:3, alpha=1:3, log=TRUE) x <- rmvpolya(1000, c(0.1,0.3,0.6))
library(LaplacesDemon) dmvpolya(x=1:3, alpha=1:3, log=TRUE) x <- rmvpolya(1000, c(0.1,0.3,0.6))
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate power exponential distribution.
dmvpe(x=c(0,0), mu=c(0,0), Sigma=diag(2), kappa=1, log=FALSE) rmvpe(n, mu=c(0,0), Sigma=diag(2), kappa=1)
dmvpe(x=c(0,0), mu=c(0,0), Sigma=diag(2), kappa=1, log=FALSE) rmvpe(n, mu=c(0,0), Sigma=diag(2), kappa=1)
x |
This is data or parameters in the form of a vector of length
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is mean vector |
Sigma |
This is the |
kappa |
This is the kurtosis parameter, |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Gomez, Gomez-Villegas, and Marin (1998)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Notation 3:
Notation 4:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite
covariance matrix
Parameter 3: kurtosis parameter
The multivariate power exponential distribution, or multivariate exponential power distribution, is a multidimensional extension of the one-dimensional or univariate power exponential distribution. Gomez-Villegas (1998) and Sanchez-Manzano et al. (2002) proposed multivariate and matrix generalizations of the PE family of distributions and studied their properties in relation to multivariate Elliptically Contoured (EC) distributions.
The multivariate power exponential distribution includes the
multivariate normal distribution () and
multivariate Laplace distribution (
) as
special cases, depending on the kurtosis or
parameter. A multivariate uniform occurs as
If the goal is to use a multivariate Laplace distribution, the
function will perform faster and more accurately.
The rmvpe
function is a modified form of the rmvpowerexp function
in the MNM package.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Gomez, E., Gomez-Villegas, M.A., and Marin, J.M. (1998). "A Multivariate Generalization of the Power Exponential Family of Distributions". Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 27(3), p. 589–600.
Sanchez-Manzano, E.G., Gomez-Villegas, M.A., and Marn-Diazaraque, J.M. (2002). "A Matrix Variate Generalization of the Power Exponential Family of Distributions". Communications in Statistics, Part A - Theory and Methods [Split from: J(CommStat)], 31(12), p. 2167–2182.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) n <- 100 k <- 3 x <- matrix(runif(n*k),n,k) mu <- matrix(runif(n*k),n,k) Sigma <- diag(k) dmvpe(x, mu, Sigma, kappa=1) X <- rmvpe(n, mu, Sigma, kappa=1) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) n <- 100 k <- 3 x <- matrix(runif(n*k),n,k) mu <- matrix(runif(n*k),n,k) Sigma <- diag(k) dmvpe(x, mu, Sigma, kappa=1) X <- rmvpe(n, mu, Sigma, kappa=1) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate power exponential distribution, given the Cholesky parameterization.
dmvpec(x=c(0,0), mu=c(0,0), U, kappa=1, log=FALSE) rmvpec(n, mu=c(0,0), U, kappa=1)
dmvpec(x=c(0,0), mu=c(0,0), U, kappa=1, log=FALSE) rmvpec(n, mu=c(0,0), U, kappa=1)
x |
This is data or parameters in the form of a vector of length
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is mean vector |
U |
This is the |
kappa |
This is the kurtosis parameter, |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Gomez, Gomez-Villegas, and Marin (1998)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Notation 3:
Notation 4:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite
covariance matrix
Parameter 3: kurtosis parameter
The multivariate power exponential distribution, or multivariate exponential power distribution, is a multidimensional extension of the one-dimensional or univariate power exponential distribution. Gomez-Villegas (1998) and Sanchez-Manzano et al. (2002) proposed multivariate and matrix generalizations of the PE family of distributions and studied their properties in relation to multivariate Elliptically Contoured (EC) distributions.
The multivariate power exponential distribution includes the
multivariate normal distribution () and
multivariate Laplace distribution (
) as
special cases, depending on the kurtosis or
parameter. A multivariate uniform occurs as
If the goal is to use a multivariate Laplace distribution, the
function will perform faster and more accurately.
In practice, is fully unconstrained for proposals
when its diagonal is log-transformed. The diagonal is exponentiated
after a proposal and before other calculations. Overall, the Cholesky
parameterization is faster than the traditional parameterization.
Compared with
, dmvpec
must additionally
matrix-multiply the Cholesky back to the covariance matrix, but it
does not have to check for or correct the covariance matrix to
positive-definiteness, which overall is slower. Compared with
, rmvpec
is faster because the Cholesky decomposition
has already been performed.
The rmvpec
function is a modified form of the rmvpowerexp function
in the MNM package.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Gomez, E., Gomez-Villegas, M.A., and Marin, J.M. (1998). "A Multivariate Generalization of the Power Exponential Family of Distributions". Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 27(3), p. 589–600.
Sanchez-Manzano, E.G., Gomez-Villegas, M.A., and Marn-Diazaraque, J.M. (2002). "A Matrix Variate Generalization of the Power Exponential Family of Distributions". Communications in Statistics, Part A - Theory and Methods [Split from: J(CommStat)], 31(12), p. 2167–2182.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) n <- 100 k <- 3 x <- matrix(runif(n*k),n,k) mu <- matrix(runif(n*k),n,k) Sigma <- diag(k) U <- chol(Sigma) dmvpec(x, mu, U, kappa=1) X <- rmvpec(n, mu, U, kappa=1) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) n <- 100 k <- 3 x <- matrix(runif(n*k),n,k) mu <- matrix(runif(n*k),n,k) Sigma <- diag(k) U <- chol(Sigma) dmvpec(x, mu, U, kappa=1) X <- rmvpec(n, mu, U, kappa=1) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate t distribution, otherwise called the multivariate Student distribution.
dmvt(x, mu, S, df=Inf, log=FALSE) rmvt(n=1, mu, S, df=Inf)
dmvt(x, mu, S, df=Inf, log=FALSE) rmvt(n=1, mu, S, df=Inf)
x |
This is either a vector of length |
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is a numeric vector or matrix representing the location
parameter, |
S |
This is a |
df |
This is the degrees of freedom, and is often represented
with |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Unknown (to me, anyway)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite scale
Parameter 3: degrees of freedom (df in the
Mean: , for
, otherwise undefined
Variance: , for
The multivariate t distribution, also called the multivariate Student or
multivariate Student t distribution, is a multidimensional extension of the
one-dimensional or univariate Student t distribution. A random vector is
considered to be multivariate t-distributed if every linear
combination of its components has a univariate Student t-distribution.
This distribution has a mean parameter vector of length
, and a
scale matrix
which must be positive-definite. When degrees of freedom
, this is the multivariate Cauchy distribution.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) S <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) df <- 4 f <- dmvt(cbind(x,y,z), mu, S, df) X <- rmvt(1000, c(0,1,2), S, 5) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) S <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) df <- 4 f <- dmvt(cbind(x,y,z), mu, S, df) X <- rmvt(1000, c(0,1,2), S, 5) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate t distribution, otherwise called the multivariate Student distribution, given the Cholesky parameterization.
dmvtc(x, mu, U, df=Inf, log=FALSE) rmvtc(n=1, mu, U, df=Inf)
dmvtc(x, mu, U, df=Inf, log=FALSE) rmvtc(n=1, mu, U, df=Inf)
x |
This is either a vector of length |
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is a numeric vector or matrix representing the location
parameter, |
U |
This is the |
df |
This is the degrees of freedom, and is often represented
with |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Unknown (to me, anyway)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite scale
Parameter 3: degrees of freedom (df in the
Mean: , for
, otherwise undefined
Variance: , for
The multivariate t distribution, also called the multivariate Student or
multivariate Student t distribution, is a multidimensional extension of the
one-dimensional or univariate Student t distribution. A random vector is
considered to be multivariate t-distributed if every linear
combination of its components has a univariate Student t-distribution.
This distribution has a mean parameter vector of length
, and an upper-triangular
matrix that is
Cholesky factor
, as per the
function for Cholesky decomposition. When degrees of freedom
, this is the multivariate Cauchy distribution.
In practice, is fully unconstrained for proposals
when its diagonal is log-transformed. The diagonal is exponentiated
after a proposal and before other calculations. Overall, the Cholesky
parameterization is faster than the traditional parameterization.
Compared with
, dmvtc
must additionally
matrix-multiply the Cholesky back to the scale matrix, but it
does not have to check for or correct the scale matrix to
positive-definiteness, which overall is slower. The same is true when
comparing rmvt
and rmvtc
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) S <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) U <- chol(S) df <- 4 f <- dmvtc(cbind(x,y,z), mu, U, df) X <- rmvtc(1000, c(0,1,2), U, 5) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) S <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) U <- chol(S) df <- 4 f <- dmvtc(cbind(x,y,z), mu, U, df) X <- rmvtc(1000, c(0,1,2), U, 5) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate t distribution, otherwise called the multivariate Student distribution. These functions use the precision parameterization.
dmvtp(x, mu, Omega, nu=Inf, log=FALSE) rmvtp(n=1, mu, Omega, nu=Inf)
dmvtp(x, mu, Omega, nu=Inf, log=FALSE) rmvtp(n=1, mu, Omega, nu=Inf)
x |
This is either a vector of length |
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is a numeric vector representing the location parameter,
Omega |
This is a |
nu |
This is the degrees of freedom |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Unknown (to me, anyway)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite precision
Parameter 3: degrees of freedom
Mean: , for
, otherwise undefined
Variance: , for
The multivariate t distribution, also called the multivariate Student or multivariate Student t distribution, is a multidimensional extension of the one-dimensional or univariate Student t distribution. A random vector is considered to be multivariate t-distributed if every linear combination of its components has a univariate Student t-distribution.
It is usually parameterized with mean and a covariance matrix, or in Bayesian inference, with mean and a precision matrix, where the precision matrix is the matrix inverse of the covariance matrix. These functions provide the precision parameterization for convenience and familiarity. It is easier to calculate a multivariate t density with the precision parameterization, because a matrix inversion can be avoided.
This distribution has a mean parameter vector of length
, and a
precision matrix
, which must be positive-definite. When degrees of
, this is the multivariate Cauchy distribution.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) Omega <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) nu <- 4 f <- dmvtp(cbind(x,y,z), mu, Omega, nu) X <- rmvtp(1000, c(0,1,2), diag(3), 5) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) Omega <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) nu <- 4 f <- dmvtp(cbind(x,y,z), mu, Omega, nu) X <- rmvtp(1000, c(0,1,2), diag(3), 5) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the multivariate t distribution, otherwise called the multivariate Student distribution. These functions use the precision and Cholesky parameterization.
dmvtpc(x, mu, U, nu=Inf, log=FALSE) rmvtpc(n=1, mu, U, nu=Inf)
dmvtpc(x, mu, U, nu=Inf, log=FALSE) rmvtpc(n=1, mu, U, nu=Inf)
x |
This is either a vector of length |
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
mu |
This is a numeric vector representing the location parameter,
U |
This is a |
nu |
This is the degrees of freedom |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Unknown (to me, anyway)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2: positive-definite precision
Parameter 3: degrees of freedom
Mean: , for
, otherwise undefined
Variance: , for
The multivariate t distribution, also called the multivariate Student or multivariate Student t distribution, is a multidimensional extension of the one-dimensional or univariate Student t distribution. A random vector is considered to be multivariate t-distributed if every linear combination of its components has a univariate Student t-distribution.
It is usually parameterized with mean and a covariance matrix, or in
Bayesian inference, with mean and a precision matrix, where the
precision matrix is the matrix inverse of the covariance matrix. These
functions provide the precision parameterization for convenience and
familiarity. It is easier to calculate a multivariate t density
with the precision parameterization, because a matrix inversion can be
avoided. The precision matrix is replaced with an upper-triangular
matrix that is Cholesky factor
, as per the
function for Cholesky
This distribution has a mean parameter vector of length
, and a
precision matrix
, which must be positive-definite. When degrees of
, this is the multivariate Cauchy distribution.
In practice, is fully unconstrained for proposals
when its diagonal is log-transformed. The diagonal is exponentiated
after a proposal and before other calculations. Overall, the Cholesky
parameterization is faster than the traditional parameterization.
Compared with
, dmvtpc
must additionally
matrix-multiply the Cholesky back to the precision matrix, but it
does not have to check for or correct the precision matrix to
positive-definiteness, which overall is slower. Compared with
, rmvtpc
is faster because the Cholesky decomposition
has already been performed.
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) Omega <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) U <- chol(Omega) nu <- 4 f <- dmvtpc(cbind(x,y,z), mu, U, nu) X <- rmvtpc(1000, c(0,1,2), U, 5) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-2,4,length=21) y <- 2*x+10 z <- x+cos(y) mu <- c(1,12,2) Omega <- matrix(c(1,2,0,2,5,0.5,0,0.5,3), 3, 3) U <- chol(Omega) nu <- 4 f <- dmvtpc(cbind(x,y,z), mu, U, nu) X <- rmvtpc(1000, c(0,1,2), U, 5) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the normal-inverse-Wishart distribution.
dnorminvwishart(mu, mu0, lambda, Sigma, S, nu, log=FALSE) rnorminvwishart(n=1, mu0, lambda, S, nu)
dnorminvwishart(mu, mu0, lambda, Sigma, S, nu, log=FALSE) rnorminvwishart(n=1, mu0, lambda, S, nu)
mu |
This is data or parameters in the form of a vector of length
mu0 |
This is mean vector |
lambda |
This is a positive-only scalar. |
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
nu |
This is the scalar degrees of freedom |
Sigma |
This is a |
S |
This is the symmetric, positive-semidefinite, |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventors: Unknown
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2:
Parameter 3: symmetric, positive-semidefinite
scale matrix
Parameter 4: degrees of freedom
Mean: Unknown
Variance: Unknown
Mode: Unknown
The normal-inverse-Wishart distribution, or Gaussian-inverse-Wishart distribution, is a multivariate four-parameter continuous probability distribution. It is the conjugate prior of a multivariate normal distribution with unknown mean and covariance matrix.
gives the density and
generates random deviates and returns a list
with two components.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
library(LaplacesDemon) K <- 3 mu <- rnorm(K) mu0 <- rnorm(K) nu <- K + 1 S <- diag(K) lambda <- runif(1) #Real scalar Sigma <- as.positive.definite(matrix(rnorm(K^2),K,K)) x <- dnorminvwishart(mu, mu0, lambda, Sigma, S, nu, log=TRUE) out <- rnorminvwishart(n=10, mu0, lambda, S, nu) joint.density.plot(out$mu[,1], out$mu[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) K <- 3 mu <- rnorm(K) mu0 <- rnorm(K) nu <- K + 1 S <- diag(K) lambda <- runif(1) #Real scalar Sigma <- as.positive.definite(matrix(rnorm(K^2),K,K)) x <- dnorminvwishart(mu, mu0, lambda, Sigma, S, nu, log=TRUE) out <- rnorminvwishart(n=10, mu0, lambda, S, nu) joint.density.plot(out$mu[,1], out$mu[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density and random generation for the
univariate, asymmetric, normal-Laplace distribution with location
parameter , scale parameter
, and
tail-behavior parameters
dnormlaplace(x, mu=0, sigma=1, alpha=1, beta=1, log=FALSE) rnormlaplace(n, mu=0, sigma=1, alpha=1, beta=1)
dnormlaplace(x, mu=0, sigma=1, alpha=1, beta=1, log=FALSE) rnormlaplace(n, mu=0, sigma=1, alpha=1, beta=1)
x |
This is a vector of data. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
mu |
This is the location parameter |
sigma |
This is the scale parameter |
alpha |
This is shape parameter |
beta |
This is shape parameter |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Reed (2006)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location parameter
Parameter 2: scale parameter
Parameter 3: shape parameter
Parameter 4: shape parameter
The normal-Laplace (NL) distribution is the convolution of a normal
distribution and a skew-Laplace distribution. When the NL distribution
is symmetric (when ), it behaves
somewhat like the normal distribution in the middle of its range,
somewhat like the Laplace distribution in its tails, and functions
generally between the normal and Laplace distributions. Skewness is
parameterized by including a skew-Laplace component. It may be applied,
for example, to the logarithmic price of a financial instrument.
Parameters and
determine the
behavior in the left and right tails, respectively. A small value
corresponds to heaviness in the corresponding tail. As
approaches zero, the NL distribution approaches a
skew-Laplace distribution. As
approaches infinity,
the NL distribution approaches a normal distribution, though it never
quite reaches it.
gives the density, and
generates random deviates.
Reed, W.J. (2006). "The Normal-Laplace Distribution and Its Relatives". In Advances in Distribution Theory, Order Statistics and Inference, p. 61–74, Birkhauser, Boston.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dnormlaplace(1,0,1,0.5,2) x <- rnormlaplace(100,0,1,0.5,2) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dlaplace(x,0,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dlaplace(x,0,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dlaplace(x,0,2), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==2)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dnormlaplace(1,0,1,0.5,2) x <- rnormlaplace(100,0,1,0.5,2) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dlaplace(x,0,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dlaplace(x,0,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dlaplace(x,0,2), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", lambda==2)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density, cumulative, and random generation
for the mixture of univariate normal distributions with probability
, mean
and standard deviation
dnormm(x, p, mu, sigma, log=FALSE) pnormm(q, p, mu, sigma, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rnormm(n, p, mu, sigma)
dnormm(x, p, mu, sigma, log=FALSE) pnormm(q, p, mu, sigma, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rnormm(n, p, mu, sigma)
x , q
This is vector of values at which the density will be evaluated. |
p |
This is a vector of length |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
mu |
This is a vector of length |
sigma |
This is a vector of length |
lower.tail |
Logical. This defaults to |
log , log.p
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Unknown
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: mean parameters
Parameter 2: standard deviation parameters
A mixture distribution is a probability distribution that is a combination of other probability distributions, and each distribution is called a mixture component, or component. A probability (or weight) exists for each component, and these probabilities sum to one. A mixture distribution (though not these functions here in particular) may contain mixture components in which each component is a different probability distribution. Mixture distributions are very flexible, and are often used to represent a complex distribution with an unknown form. When the number of mixture components is unknown, Bayesian inference is the only sensible approach to estimation.
A normal mixture, or Gaussian mixture, distribution is a combination of normal probability distributions.
gives the density,
returns the CDF, and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
library(LaplacesDemon) p <- c(0.3,0.3,0.4) mu <- c(-5, 1, 5) sigma <- c(1,2,1) x <- seq(from=-10, to=10, by=0.1) plot(x, dnormm(x, p, mu, sigma, log=FALSE), type="l") #Density plot(x, pnormm(x, p, mu, sigma), type="l") #CDF plot(density(rnormm(10000, p, mu, sigma))) #Random Deviates
library(LaplacesDemon) p <- c(0.3,0.3,0.4) mu <- c(-5, 1, 5) sigma <- c(1,2,1) x <- seq(from=-10, to=10, by=0.1) plot(x, dnormm(x, p, mu, sigma, log=FALSE), type="l") #Density plot(x, pnormm(x, p, mu, sigma), type="l") #CDF plot(density(rnormm(10000, p, mu, sigma))) #Random Deviates
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile
function, and random generation for the univariate normal distribution
with mean and precision
dnormp(x, mean=0, prec=1, log=FALSE) pnormp(q, mean=0, prec=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qnormp(p, mean=0, prec=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rnormp(n, mean=0, prec=1)
dnormp(x, mean=0, prec=1, log=FALSE) pnormp(q, mean=0, prec=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qnormp(p, mean=0, prec=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rnormp(n, mean=0, prec=1)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
mean |
This is the mean parameter |
prec |
This is the precision parameter |
log , log.p
Logical. If |
lower.tail |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Carl Friedrich Gauss or Abraham De Moivre
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: mean parameter
Parameter 2: precision parameter
The normal distribution, also called the Gaussian distribution and the
Second Law of Laplace, is usually parameterized with mean and variance,
or in Bayesian inference, with mean and precision, where precision is
the inverse of the variance. In contrast, Base R
the normal distribution with the mean and standard deviation. These
functions provide the precision parameterization for convenience and
Some authors attribute credit for the normal distribution to Abraham de Moivre in 1738. In 1809, Carl Friedrich Gauss published his monograph “Theoria motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus conicis solem ambientium”, in which he introduced the method of least squares, method of maximum likelihood, and normal distribution, among many other innovations.
Gauss, himself, characterized this distribution according to mean and
precision, though his definition of precision differed from the modern
one. The modern Bayesian use of precision developed
because it was more straightforward to estimate
with a
gamma distribution as a conjugate prior, than to estimate
with an inverse-gamma distribution as a
conjugate prior.
Although the normal distribution is very common, it often does not fit data as well as more robust alternatives with fatter tails, such as the Laplace or Student t distribution.
A flat distribution is obtained in the limit as
For models where the dependent variable, y, is specified to be
normally distributed given the model, the Jarque-Bera test (see
or plot.laplace.ppc
) may
be used to test the residuals.
These functions are similar to those in base R
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dnormp(1,0,1) x <- pnormp(1,0,1) x <- qnormp(0.5,0,1) x <- rnormp(100,0,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dnormp(x,0,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dnormp(x,0,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dnormp(x,0,5), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dnormp(1,0,1) x <- pnormp(1,0,1) x <- qnormp(0.5,0,1) x <- rnormp(100,0,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dnormp(x,0,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dnormp(x,0,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dnormp(x,0,5), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile
function, and random generation for the univariate normal distribution
with mean and variance
dnormv(x, mean=0, var=1, log=FALSE) pnormv(q, mean=0, var=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qnormv(p, mean=0, var=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rnormv(n, mean=0, var=1)
dnormv(x, mean=0, var=1, log=FALSE) pnormv(q, mean=0, var=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qnormv(p, mean=0, var=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rnormv(n, mean=0, var=1)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
mean |
This is the mean parameter |
var |
This is the variance parameter |
log , log.p
Logical. If |
lower.tail |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Carl Friedrich Gauss or Abraham De Moivre
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: mean parameter
Parameter 2: variance parameter
The normal distribution, also called the Gaussian distribution and the
Second Law of Laplace, is usually parameterized with mean and variance.
Base R
uses the mean and standard deviation. These functions
provide the variance parameterization for convenience and familiarity.
For example, it is easier to code dnormv(1,1,1000)
Some authors attribute credit for the normal distribution to Abraham de Moivre in 1738. In 1809, Carl Friedrich Gauss published his monograph “Theoria motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus conicis solem ambientium”, in which he introduced the method of least squares, method of maximum likelihood, and normal distribution, among many other innovations.
Gauss, himself, characterized this distribution according to mean and precision, though his definition of precision differed from the modern one.
Although the normal distribution is very common, it often does not fit data as well as more robust alternatives with fatter tails, such as the Laplace or Student t distribution.
A flat distribution is obtained in the limit as
For models where the dependent variable, y, is specified to be
normally distributed given the model, the Jarque-Bera test (see
or plot.laplace.ppc
) may
be used to test the residuals.
These functions are similar to those in base R
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dnormv(1,0,1) x <- pnormv(1,0,1) x <- qnormv(0.5,0,1) x <- rnormv(100,0,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dnormv(x,0,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dnormv(x,0,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dnormv(x,0,5), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma^2==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma^2==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma^2==5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dnormv(1,0,1) x <- pnormv(1,0,1) x <- qnormv(0.5,0,1) x <- rnormv(100,0,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dnormv(x,0,0.5), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dnormv(x,0,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dnormv(x,0,5), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma^2==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma^2==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma^2==5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the normal-Wishart distribution.
dnormwishart(mu, mu0, lambda, Omega, S, nu, log=FALSE) rnormwishart(n=1, mu0, lambda, S, nu)
dnormwishart(mu, mu0, lambda, Omega, S, nu, log=FALSE) rnormwishart(n=1, mu0, lambda, S, nu)
mu |
This is data or parameters in the form of a vector of length
mu0 |
This is mean vector |
lambda |
This is a positive-only scalar. |
n |
This is the number of random draws. |
nu |
This is the scalar degrees of freedom |
Omega |
This is a |
S |
This is the symmetric, positive-semidefinite, |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventors: Unknown
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location vector
Parameter 2:
Parameter 3: symmetric, positive-semidefinite
scale matrix
Parameter 4: degrees of freedom
Mean: Unknown
Variance: Unknown
Mode: Unknown
The normal-Wishart distribution, or Gaussian-Wishart distribution, is a multivariate four-parameter continuous probability distribution. It is the conjugate prior of a multivariate normal distribution with unknown mean and precision matrix.
gives the density and
generates random deviates and returns a list with
two components.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
library(LaplacesDemon) K <- 3 mu <- rnorm(K) mu0 <- rnorm(K) nu <- K + 1 S <- diag(K) lambda <- runif(1) #Real scalar Omega <- as.positive.definite(matrix(rnorm(K^2),K,K)) x <- dnormwishart(mu, mu0, lambda, Omega, S, nu, log=TRUE) out <- rnormwishart(n=10, mu0, lambda, S, nu) joint.density.plot(out$mu[,1], out$mu[,2], color=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) K <- 3 mu <- rnorm(K) mu0 <- rnorm(K) nu <- K + 1 S <- diag(K) lambda <- runif(1) #Real scalar Omega <- as.positive.definite(matrix(rnorm(K^2),K,K)) x <- dnormwishart(mu, mu0, lambda, Omega, S, nu, log=TRUE) out <- rnormwishart(n=10, mu0, lambda, S, nu) joint.density.plot(out$mu[,1], out$mu[,2], color=TRUE)
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile function, and random generation for the pareto distribution.
dpareto(x, alpha, log=FALSE) ppareto(q, alpha) qpareto(p, alpha) rpareto(n, alpha)
dpareto(x, alpha, log=FALSE) ppareto(q, alpha) qpareto(p, alpha) rpareto(n, alpha)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
alpha |
This is the shape parameter |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: shape parameter
The Pareto distribution, sometimes called the Bradford distribution, is
related to the exponential distribution. The gamma distribution is the
conjugate prior distribution for the shape parameter
in the Pareto distribution. The Pareto distribution is the conjugate
prior distribution for the range parameters of a uniform
distribution. An extension, elsewhere, is the symmetric Pareto
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dpareto(1,1) x <- ppareto(0.5,1) x <- qpareto(0.5,1) x <- rpareto(10,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=1, to=5, by=0.01) plot(x, dpareto(x,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dpareto(x,0.5), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dpareto(x,1), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(alpha==0.1, alpha==0.5, alpha==1), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dpareto(1,1) x <- ppareto(0.5,1) x <- qpareto(0.5,1) x <- rpareto(10,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=1, to=5, by=0.01) plot(x, dpareto(x,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dpareto(x,0.5), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dpareto(x,1), type="l", col="blue") legend(2, 0.9, expression(alpha==0.1, alpha==0.5, alpha==1), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile
function, and random generation for the univariate, symmetric, power
exponential distribution with location parameter , scale
, and kurtosis parameter
dpe(x, mu=0, sigma=1, kappa=2, log=FALSE) ppe(q, mu=0, sigma=1, kappa=2, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qpe(p, mu=0, sigma=1, kappa=2, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rpe(n, mu=0, sigma=1, kappa=2)
dpe(x, mu=0, sigma=1, kappa=2, log=FALSE) ppe(q, mu=0, sigma=1, kappa=2, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qpe(p, mu=0, sigma=1, kappa=2, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rpe(n, mu=0, sigma=1, kappa=2)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
mu |
This is the location parameter |
sigma |
This is the scale parameter |
kappa |
This is the kurtosis parameter |
log , log.p
Logical. If |
lower.tail |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: Subbotin, M.T. (1923)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location parameter
Parameter 2: scale parameter
Parameter 3: kurtosis parameter
The power exponential distribution is also called the exponential power
distribution, generalized error distribution, generalized Gaussian
distribution, and generalized normal distribution. The original form was
introduced by Subbotin (1923) and re-parameterized by Lunetta
(1963). These functions use the more recent parameterization by Lunetta
(1963). A shape parameter, , is added to the
normal distribution. When
, the power exponential
distribution is the same as the Laplace distribution. When
, the power exponential distribution is the same
as the normal distribution. As
, this becomes a uniform distribution
. Tails that are heavier than
normal occur when
, or lighter than normal
. This distribution is univariate and
symmetric, and there exist multivariate and asymmetric versions.
These functions are similar to those in the normalp
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
Lunetta, G. (1963). "Di una Generalizzazione dello Schema della Curva Normale". Annali della Facolt'a di Economia e Commercio di Palermo, 17, p. 237–244.
Subbotin, M.T. (1923). "On the Law of Frequency of Errors". Matematicheskii Sbornik, 31, p. 296–301.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dpe(1,0,1,2) x <- ppe(1,0,1,2) x <- qpe(0.5,0,1,2) x <- rpe(100,0,1,2) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=3, by=0.01) plot(x, dpe(x,0,1,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dpe(x,0,1,2), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dpe(x,0,1,5), type="l", col="blue") legend(1.5, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma==1, ", ", kappa==0.1), paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma==1, ", ", kappa==2), paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma==1, ", ", kappa==5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dpe(1,0,1,2) x <- ppe(1,0,1,2) x <- qpe(0.5,0,1,2) x <- rpe(100,0,1,2) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=3, by=0.01) plot(x, dpe(x,0,1,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dpe(x,0,1,2), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dpe(x,0,1,5), type="l", col="blue") legend(1.5, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma==1, ", ", kappa==0.1), paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma==1, ", ", kappa==2), paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma==1, ", ", kappa==5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the scaled inverse Wishart distribution.
dsiw(Q, nu, S, zeta, mu, delta, log=FALSE) rsiw(nu, S, mu, delta)
dsiw(Q, nu, S, zeta, mu, delta, log=FALSE) rsiw(nu, S, mu, delta)
Q |
This is the symmetric, positive-definite
nu |
This is the scalar degrees of freedom, |
S |
This is the symmetric, positive-semidefinite
zeta |
This is a positive-only vector of length |
mu |
This is a vector of length |
delta |
This is a positive-only vector of length |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Density: (see below)
Inventor: O'Malley and Zaslavsky (2005)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: symmetric, positive-definite
Parameter 2: degrees of freedom
Parameter 3: symmetric, positive-semidefinite
scale matrix
Parameter 4: Auxiliary scale parameter vector
Parameter 5: Hyperparameter location vector
Parameter 6: Hyperparameter scale vector
The scaled inverse Wishart (SIW) distribution is a prior probability distribution for a covariance matrix, and is an alternative to the inverse Wishart distribution.
While the inverse Wishart distribution is applied directly to covariance
matrix , the SIW distribution is applied to a
decomposed matrix
and diagonal scale matrix
. For information on how to apply it to
, see the example below.
SIW is more flexible than the inverse Wishart distribution because it has additional, and some say somewhat redundant, scale parameters. This makes up for one limitation of the inverse Wishart, namely that all uncertainty about posterior variances is represented in one parameter. The SIW prior may somewhat alleviate the dependency in the inverse Wishart between variances and correlations, though the SIW prior still retains some of this relationship.
The Huang-Wand (dhuangwand
) prior is a hierarchical
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
O'Malley, A.J. and Zaslavsky, A.M. (2005), "Domain-Level Covariance Analysis for Survey Data with Structured Nonresponse".
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) ### In the model specification function, input U and zeta, then: # Q <- t(U) %*% U # Zeta <- diag(zeta) # Sigma <- Zeta %*% Q %*% Zeta # Sigma.prior <- dsiw(Q, nu=Data$K+1, S=diag(Data$K), zeta, mu=0, delta=1) ### Examples x <- dsiw(diag(3), 4, diag(3), runif(3), rep(0,3), rep(1,3), log=TRUE) x <- rsiw(4, diag(3), rep(0,3), rep(1,3))
library(LaplacesDemon) ### In the model specification function, input U and zeta, then: # Q <- t(U) %*% U # Zeta <- diag(zeta) # Sigma <- Zeta %*% Q %*% Zeta # Sigma.prior <- dsiw(Q, nu=Data$K+1, S=diag(Data$K), zeta, mu=0, delta=1) ### Examples x <- dsiw(diag(3), 4, diag(3), runif(3), rep(0,3), rep(1,3), log=TRUE) x <- rsiw(4, diag(3), rep(0,3), rep(1,3))
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile
function, and random generation for the univariate, skew discrete
Laplace distribution with parameters and
dsdlaplace(x, p, q, log=FALSE) psdlaplace(x, p, q) qsdlaplace(prob, p, q) rsdlaplace(n, p, q)
dsdlaplace(x, p, q, log=FALSE) psdlaplace(x, p, q) qsdlaplace(prob, p, q) rsdlaplace(n, p, q)
x |
This is a vector of data. |
p |
This is a scalar or vector of parameter |
q |
This is a scalar or vector of parameter |
prob |
This is a probability scalar or vector. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Discrete Univariate
Density 1:
Density 2:
Inventor: Kozubowski, T.J. and Inusah, S. (2006)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1:
Parameter 2:
Mean 1:
Mean 2:
This is a discrete form of the skew-Laplace distribution. The symmetric
discrete Laplace distribution occurs when . DL(p,0) is a
geometric distribution, and DL(0,q) is a geometric distribution of
non-positive integers. The distribution is degenerate when
DL(0,0). Since the geometric distribution is a discrete analog of the
exponential distribution, the distribution of the difference of two
geometric variables is a discrete Laplace distribution.
These functions are similar to those in the DiscreteLaplace
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
Kozubowski, T.J. and Inusah, S. (2006). "A Skew Laplace Distribution on Integers". AISM, 58, p. 555–571.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dsdlaplace(1,0.5,0.5) x <- psdlaplace(1,0.5,0.5) x <- qsdlaplace(0.5,0.5,0.5) x <- rsdlaplace(5,0.5,0.5) #Plot Probability Functions x <- c(-3:3) plot(x, dsdlaplace(x,0.5,0.5), ylim=c(0,0.6), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dsdlaplace(x,0.3,0.6), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dsdlaplace(x,0.9,0.1), type="l", col="blue") legend(-2.5, 0.5, expression(paste(p==0.5, ", ", q==0.5), paste(p==0.3, ", ", q==0.6), paste(p==0.9, ", ", q==0.1)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dsdlaplace(1,0.5,0.5) x <- psdlaplace(1,0.5,0.5) x <- qsdlaplace(0.5,0.5,0.5) x <- rsdlaplace(5,0.5,0.5) #Plot Probability Functions x <- c(-3:3) plot(x, dsdlaplace(x,0.5,0.5), ylim=c(0,0.6), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dsdlaplace(x,0.3,0.6), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dsdlaplace(x,0.9,0.1), type="l", col="blue") legend(-2.5, 0.5, expression(paste(p==0.5, ", ", q==0.5), paste(p==0.3, ", ", q==0.6), paste(p==0.9, ", ", q==0.1)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile
function, and random generation for the univariate, skew-Laplace
distribution with location parameter , and two mixture
dslaplace(x, mu, alpha, beta, log=FALSE) pslaplace(q, mu, alpha, beta) qslaplace(p, mu, alpha, beta) rslaplace(n, mu, alpha, beta)
dslaplace(x, mu, alpha, beta, log=FALSE) pslaplace(q, mu, alpha, beta) qslaplace(p, mu, alpha, beta) rslaplace(n, mu, alpha, beta)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
mu |
This is the location parameter |
alpha |
This is a mixture parameter |
beta |
This is a mixture parameter |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Density 1:
Density 2:
Inventor: Fieller, et al. (1992)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location parameter
Parameter 2: mixture parameter
Parameter 3: mixture parameter
This is the three-parameter general skew-Laplace distribution, which is
an extension of the two-parameter central skew-Laplace distribution. The
general form allows the mode to be shifted along the real line with
parameter . In contrast, the central skew-Laplace has mode
zero, and may be reproduced here by setting
The general skew-Laplace distribution is a mixture of a negative
exponential distribution with mean , and the negative
of an exponential distribution with mean
. The
weights of the positive and negative components are proportional to
their means. The distribution is symmetric when
, in which case the mean is
These functions are similar to those in the HyperbolicDist
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
Fieller, N.J., Flenley, E.C., and Olbricht, W. (1992). "Statistics of Particle Size Data". Applied Statistics, 41, p. 127–146.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dslaplace(1,0,1,1) x <- pslaplace(1,0,1,1) x <- qslaplace(0.5,0,1,1) x <- rslaplace(100,0,1,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=3, by=0.01) plot(x, dslaplace(x,0,1,1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dslaplace(x,0,0.5,2), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dslaplace(x,0,2,0.5), type="l", col="blue") legend(1.5, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", alpha==1, ", ", beta==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", alpha==0.5, ", ", beta==2), paste(mu==0, ", ", alpha==2, ", ", beta==0.5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dslaplace(1,0,1,1) x <- pslaplace(1,0,1,1) x <- qslaplace(0.5,0,1,1) x <- rslaplace(100,0,1,1) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=0.1, to=3, by=0.01) plot(x, dslaplace(x,0,1,1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dslaplace(x,0,0.5,2), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dslaplace(x,0,2,0.5), type="l", col="blue") legend(1.5, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", alpha==1, ", ", beta==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", alpha==0.5, ", ", beta==2), paste(mu==0, ", ", alpha==2, ", ", beta==0.5)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density and random number generation of
the original, truncated stick-breaking (TSB) prior distribution given
, as per Ishwaran and James
dStick(theta, gamma, log=FALSE) rStick(M, gamma)
dStick(theta, gamma, log=FALSE) rStick(M, gamma)
M |
This accepts an integer that is equal to one less than the
number of truncated number of possible mixture components
( |
theta |
This is |
gamma |
This is |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Discrete Multivariate
Inventor: Sethuraman, J. (1994)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Notation 3:
Notation 4:
Parameter 1: shape parameter
Parameter 2: shape parameter
The original truncated stick-breaking (TSB) prior distribution assigns
each to be beta-distributed with parameters
(Ishwaran and
James, 2001). This distribution is commonly used in truncated Dirichlet
processes (TDPs).
gives the density and
generates a random deviate vector of length .
Ishwaran, H. and James, L. (2001). "Gibbs Sampling Methods for Stick Breaking Priors". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96(453), p. 161–173.
Sethuraman, J. (1994). "A Constructive Definition of Dirichlet Priors". Statistica Sinica, 4, p. 639–650.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) dStick(runif(4), 0.1) rStick(4, 0.1)
library(LaplacesDemon) dStick(runif(4), 0.1) rStick(4, 0.1)
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile
function, and random generation for the univariate Student t
distribution with location parameter , scale parameter
, and degrees of freedom parameter
dst(x, mu=0, sigma=1, nu=10, log=FALSE) pst(q, mu=0, sigma=1, nu=10, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qst(p, mu=0, sigma=1, nu=10, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rst(n, mu=0, sigma=1, nu=10)
dst(x, mu=0, sigma=1, nu=10, log=FALSE) pst(q, mu=0, sigma=1, nu=10, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qst(p, mu=0, sigma=1, nu=10, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rst(n, mu=0, sigma=1, nu=10)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
mu |
This is the location parameter |
sigma |
This is the scale parameter |
nu |
This is the degrees of freedom parameter |
lower.tail |
Logical. If |
log , log.p
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: William Sealy Gosset (1908)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location parameter
Parameter 2: scale parameter
Parameter 3: degrees of freedom
Mean: , for
, otherwise undefined
Variance: , for
The Student t-distribution is often used as an alternative to the normal distribution as a model for data. It is frequently the case that real data have heavier tails than the normal distribution allows for. The classical approach was to identify outliers and exclude or downweight them in some way. However, it is not always easy to identify outliers (especially in high dimensions), and the Student t-distribution is a natural choice of model-form for such data. It provides a parametric approach to robust statistics.
The degrees of freedom parameter, , controls the kurtosis
of the distribution, and is correlated with the scale parameter
. The likelihood can have multiple local maxima
and, as such, it is often necessary to fix
at a fairly
low value and estimate the other parameters taking this as given.
Some authors report that values between 3 and 9 are often good
choices, and some authors suggest 5 is often a good choice.
In the limit , the
Student t-distribution approaches
. The
case of
is the Cauchy distribution.
The pst
and qst
functions are similar to those in the
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dst(1,0,1,10) x <- pst(1,0,1,10) x <- qst(0.5,0,1,10) x <- rst(100,0,1,10) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dst(x,0,1,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dst(x,0,1,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dst(x,0,1,10), type="l", col="blue") legend(1, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma==1, ", ", nu==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma==1, ", ", nu==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma==1, ", ", nu==10)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dst(1,0,1,10) x <- pst(1,0,1,10) x <- qst(0.5,0,1,10) x <- rst(100,0,1,10) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dst(x,0,1,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dst(x,0,1,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dst(x,0,1,10), type="l", col="blue") legend(1, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma==1, ", ", nu==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma==1, ", ", nu==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", sigma==1, ", ", nu==10)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
These functions provide the density, distribution function, quantile
function, and random generation for the univariate Student t
distribution with location parameter , precision parameter
, and degrees of freedom parameter
dstp(x, mu=0, tau=1, nu=10, log=FALSE) pstp(q, mu=0, tau=1, nu=10, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qstp(p, mu=0, tau=1, nu=10, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rstp(n, mu=0, tau=1, nu=10)
dstp(x, mu=0, tau=1, nu=10, log=FALSE) pstp(q, mu=0, tau=1, nu=10, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qstp(p, mu=0, tau=1, nu=10, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rstp(n, mu=0, tau=1, nu=10)
x , q
These are each a vector of quantiles. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
n |
This is the number of observations, which must be a positive integer that has length 1. |
mu |
This is the location parameter |
tau |
This is the precision parameter |
nu |
This is the degrees of freedom parameter |
lower.tail |
Logical. If |
log , log.p
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Univariate
Inventor: William Sealy Gosset (1908)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location parameter
Parameter 2: precision parameter
Parameter 3: degrees of freedom
Mean: , for
, otherwise undefined
Variance: , for
The Student t-distribution is often used as an alternative to the normal distribution as a model for data. It is frequently the case that real data have heavier tails than the normal distribution allows for. The classical approach was to identify outliers and exclude or downweight them in some way. However, it is not always easy to identify outliers (especially in high dimensions), and the Student t-distribution is a natural choice of model-form for such data. It provides a parametric approach to robust statistics.
The degrees of freedom parameter, , controls the kurtosis
of the distribution, and is correlated with the precision parameter
. The likelihood can have multiple local maxima
and, as such, it is often necessary to fix
at a fairly
low value and estimate the other parameters taking this as given.
Some authors report that values between 3 and 9 are often good
choices, and some authors suggest 5 is often a good choice.
In the limit , the
Student t-distribution approaches
. The
case of
is the Cauchy distribution.
gives the density,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function, and
generates random deviates.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dstp(1,0,1,10) x <- pstp(1,0,1,10) x <- qstp(0.5,0,1,10) x <- rstp(100,0,1,10) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dstp(x,0,1,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dstp(x,0,1,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dstp(x,0,1,10), type="l", col="blue") legend(1, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==1, ", ", nu==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==1, ", ", nu==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==1, ", ", nu==10)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dstp(1,0,1,10) x <- pstp(1,0,1,10) x <- qstp(0.5,0,1,10) x <- rstp(100,0,1,10) #Plot Probability Functions x <- seq(from=-5, to=5, by=0.1) plot(x, dstp(x,0,1,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), type="l", main="Probability Function", ylab="density", col="red") lines(x, dstp(x,0,1,1), type="l", col="green") lines(x, dstp(x,0,1,10), type="l", col="blue") legend(1, 0.9, expression(paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==1, ", ", nu==0.5), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==1, ", ", nu==1), paste(mu==0, ", ", tau==1, ", ", nu==10)), lty=c(1,1,1), col=c("red","green","blue"))
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for truncated distributions.
dtrunc(x, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, log=FALSE, ...) extrunc(spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) ptrunc(x, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) qtrunc(p, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) rtrunc(n, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) vartrunc(spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...)
dtrunc(x, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, log=FALSE, ...) extrunc(spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) ptrunc(x, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) qtrunc(p, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) rtrunc(n, spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...) vartrunc(spec, a=-Inf, b=Inf, ...)
n |
This is a the number of random draws for |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities. |
x |
This is a vector to be evaluated. |
spec |
The base name of a probability distribution is
specified here. For example, to estimate the density of a
truncated normal distribution, enter |
a |
This is the lower bound of truncation, which defaults to negative infinity. |
b |
This is the upper bound of truncation, which defaults to infinity. |
log |
Logical. If |
... |
Additional arguments pertain to the probability
distribution specified in the |
A truncated distribution is a conditional distribution that results
from a priori restricting the domain of some other probability
distribution. More than merely preventing values outside of truncated
bounds, a proper truncated distribution integrates to one within the
truncated bounds. For more information on propriety, see
. In contrast to a truncated distribution, a
censored distribution occurs when the probability distribution is
still allowed outside of a pre-specified range. Here, distributions
are truncated to the interval , such as
The dtrunc
function is often used in conjunction with the
function to truncate prior probability
distributions in the model specification function for use with these
numerical approximation functions: LaplaceApproximation
, and PMC
The R code of Nadarajah and Kotz (2006) has been modified to work with log-densities.
gives the density,
gives the expectation,
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function,
generates random deviates, and
gives the variance of the truncated distribution.
Nadarajah, S. and Kotz, S. (2006). "R Programs for Computing Truncated Distributions". Journal of Statistical Software, 16, Code Snippet 2, p. 1–8.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, by = 0.1) y <- dtrunc(x, "norm", a=-0.5, b=0.5, mean=0, sd=2)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, by = 0.1) y <- dtrunc(x, "norm", a=-0.5, b=0.5, mean=0, sd=2)
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the Wishart distribution.
dwishart(Omega, nu, S, log=FALSE) rwishart(nu, S)
dwishart(Omega, nu, S, log=FALSE) rwishart(nu, S)
Omega |
This is the symmetric, positive-definite |
nu |
This is the scalar degrees of freedom |
S |
This is the symmetric, positive-semidefinite, |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: John Wishart (1928)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: degrees of freedom
Parameter 2: symmetric, positive-semidefinite
scale matrix
Mode: , for
The Wishart distribution is a generalization to multiple dimensions of the chi-square distribution, or, in the case of non-integer degrees of freedom, of the gamma distribution. However, the Wishart distribution is not called the multivariate chi-squared distribution because the marginal distribution of the off-diagonal elements is not chi-squared.
The Wishart is the conjugate prior distribution for the precision matrix
, the inverse of which (covariance matrix
) is used in a multivariate normal distribution.
The integral is finite when , where
is the scalar degrees of freedom parameter, and
the dimension of scale matrix
. The density is finite
, which is recommended.
The degrees of freedom, , is equivalent to specifying a
prior sample size, indicating the confidence in
is a prior guess at the order of covariance
. A flat prior distribution is
obtained as
When applicable, the alternative Cholesky parameterization should be
preferred. For more information, see dwishartc
The Wishart prior lacks flexibility, having only one parameter,
, to control the variability for all
elements. Popular choices for the scale matrix
include an identity matrix or sample covariance matrix. When the model
sample size is small, the specification of the scale matrix can be
Although the related inverse Wishart distribution has a dependency between variance and correlation, the Wishart distribution does not have this dependency.
The matrix gamma (dmatrixgamma
) distribution is a more
general version of the Wishart distribution, and the Yang-Berger
) distribution is an alterative that is a
least informative prior (LIP).
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Wishart, J. (1928). "The Generalised Product Moment Distribution in Samples from a Normal Multivariate Population". Biometrika, 20A(1-2), p. 32–52.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dwishart(matrix(c(2,-.3,-.3,4),2,2), 3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2)) x <- rwishart(3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- dwishart(matrix(c(2,-.3,-.3,4),2,2), 3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2)) x <- rwishart(3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2))
These functions provide the density and random number generation for the Wishart distribution with the Cholesky parameterization.
dwishartc(U, nu, S, log=FALSE) rwishartc(nu, S)
dwishartc(U, nu, S, log=FALSE) rwishartc(nu, S)
U |
This is the upper-triangular |
nu |
This is the scalar degrees of freedom |
S |
This is the symmetric, positive-semidefinite, |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: John Wishart (1928)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: degrees of freedom
Parameter 2: symmetric, positive-semidefinite
scale matrix
Mode: , for
The Wishart distribution is a generalization to multiple dimensions of the chi-square distribution, or, in the case of non-integer degrees of freedom, of the gamma distribution. However, the Wishart distribution is not called the multivariate chi-squared distribution because the marginal distribution of the off-diagonal elements is not chi-squared.
The Wishart is the conjugate prior distribution for the precision matrix
, the inverse of which (covariance matrix
) is used in a multivariate normal distribution. In
this parameterization,
has been decomposed to the
upper-triangular Cholesky factor
, as per
The integral is finite when , where
is the scalar degrees of freedom parameter, and
the dimension of scale matrix
. The density is finite
, which is recommended.
The degrees of freedom, , is equivalent to specifying a
prior sample size, indicating the confidence in
is a prior guess at the order of covariance
. A flat prior distribution is
obtained as
In practice, is fully unconstrained for proposals
when its diagonal is log-transformed. The diagonal is exponentiated
after a proposal and before other calculations. Overall, the
Cholesky parameterization is faster than the traditional
parameterization. Compared with
, dwishartc
must additionally matrix-multiply the Cholesky back to the precision
matrix, but it does not have to check for or correct the precision
matrix to positive-semidefiniteness, which overall is slower. Compared
with rwishart
, rwishartc
must additionally
calculate a Cholesky decomposition, and is therefore slower.
The Wishart prior lacks flexibility, having only one parameter,
, to control the variability for all
elements. Popular choices for the scale matrix
include an identity matrix or sample covariance matrix. When the model
sample size is small, the specification of the scale matrix can be
Although the related inverse Wishart distribution has a dependency between variance and correlation, the Wishart distribution does not have this dependency.
The matrix gamma (dmatrixgamma
) distribution is a more
general version of the Wishart distribution, and the Yang-Berger
) distribution is an alterative that is a
least informative prior (LIP).
gives the density and
generates random deviates.
Wishart, J. (1928). "The Generalised Product Moment Distribution in Samples from a Normal Multivariate Population". Biometrika, 20A(1-2), p. 32–52.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) Omega <- matrix(c(2,-.3,-.3,4),2,2) U <- chol(Omega) x <- dwishartc(U, 3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2)) x <- rwishartc(3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2))
library(LaplacesDemon) Omega <- matrix(c(2,-.3,-.3,4),2,2) U <- chol(Omega) x <- dwishartc(U, 3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2)) x <- rwishartc(3, matrix(c(1,.1,.1,1),2,2))
This is the density function for the Yang-Berger prior distribution for a covariance matrix or precision matrix.
dyangberger(x, log=FALSE) dyangbergerc(x, log=FALSE)
dyangberger(x, log=FALSE) dyangbergerc(x, log=FALSE)
x |
This is the |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Density: ,
are increasing eigenvalues. See equation 13 in
Yang and Berger (1994).
Inventor: Yang and Berger (1994)
Notation 1:
Yang and Berger (1994) derived a least informative prior (LIP) for a covariance matrix or precision matrix. The Yang-Berger (YB) distribution does not have any parameters. It is a reference prior for objective Bayesian inference. The Cholesky parameterization is also provided here.
The YB prior distribution results in a proper posterior. It involves an eigendecomposition of the covariance matrix or precision matrix. It is difficult to interpret a model that uses the YB prior, due to a lack of intuition regarding the relationship between eigenvalues and correlations.
Compared to Jeffreys prior for a covariance matrix, this reference prior encourages equal eigenvalues, and therefore results in a covariance matrix or precision matrix with a better shrinkage of its eigenstructure.
and dyangbergerc
give the density.
Yang, R. and Berger, J.O. (1994). "Estimation of a Covariance Matrix using the Reference Prior". Annals of Statistics, 2, p. 1195-1211.
library(LaplacesDemon) X <- matrix(c(1,0.8,0.8,1), 2, 2) dyangberger(X, log=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) X <- matrix(c(1,0.8,0.8,1), 2, 2) dyangberger(X, log=TRUE)
These functions provide the density of the hyper-g prior (Liang et al., 2008), and both the density and random generation of Zellner's g-prior (Zellner, 1986).
dhyperg(g, alpha=3, log=FALSE) dzellner(beta, g, sigma, X, log=FALSE) rzellner(n, g, sigma, X)
dhyperg(g, alpha=3, log=FALSE) dzellner(beta, g, sigma, X, log=FALSE) rzellner(n, g, sigma, X)
alpha |
This is a positive scale hyperhyperparameter that is
proper when |
beta |
This is regression effects |
g |
This is hyperparameter |
n |
This is the number of random deviates to generate. |
sigma |
This is the residual standard deviation
X |
This is a full-rank |
log |
Logical. If |
Application: Continuous Multivariate
Inventor: Zellner, A. (1986)
Notation 1:
Notation 2:
Parameter 1: location parameter
Parameter 2: scale parameter
Parameter 3: scale parameter
Zellner's g-prior is a popular, data-dependent, elliptical, improper,
least-informative prior distribution on regression effects
in a Gaussian regression model. It is a particular
form in the conjugate Normal-Gamma family. Zellner's g-prior is also
used for estimating Bayes factors (for hypothesis testing) with a
simpler form, as well as in model selection and variable selection. The
marginal posterior distribution of regression effects
is multivariate t.
One of many nice properties of Zellner's g-prior is that it adapts
automatically to near-collinearity between different
predictors. Zellner's g-prior puts most of its prior mass in the
direction that causes the regression coefficients of correlated
predictors to be smoothed away from each other. When coupled with model
selection, Zellner's g-prior discourages highly collinear predictors
from entering the models simultaneously by inducing a negative
correlation between the coefficients. However, when it is desirable for
collinear predictors to enter simultaneously, a modification has been
proposed (though not included here) in which
is replaced with
. For more
information, see Krishna et al. (2009).
For variable selection, large values of , with a prior mean of
zero for
, encourage models with few, large
coefficients. Conversely, small values of
encourage saturated
models with many, small coefficients.
The design matrix is converted to Fisher's
information matrix, which is used as a covariance matrix for
. This is computationally efficient, because each
element of the covariance matrix does not need to be estimated as a
parameter. When
is nearly singular, regression
may be poorly estimated.
Hyperparameter acts as an inverse relative prior sample size, or
as a dimensionality penalty. Zellner (1986) recommended that a
hyperprior distribution is assigned to
so that it is estimated
from the data, although in practice
has often been fixed, usually
when no information is available, since it has the
interpretation of adding prior information equivalent to one
observation. A variety of hyperpriors have been suggested for
such as in Bove and Held (2011), Liang et al. (2008), and Maruyama and
George (2011).
becomes diffuse as it approaches infinity, and
the Bayes factor approaches zero. The hyper-g prior of Liang et al.
(2008) is proper when
, and any value in
the interval
may be reasonable.
gives the density of the hyper-g prior of Liang et
al. (2008), dzellner
gives the density of Zellner's g-prior,
and rzellner
generates random deviates.
Bove, D.S. and Held, L. (2011). "Hyper-g Priors for Generalized Linear Models". Bayesian Analysis, 6(3), p. 387–410.
Krishna, A., Bondell, H.D., and Ghosh, S.K. (2009). "Bayesian Variable Selection Using an Adaptive Powered Correlation Prior". Journal of Statistical Planning Inference, 139(8), p. 2665-2674..
Liang, F., Paulo, R., Molina, G., Clyde, M.A., and Berger, J.O. (2008). "Mixtures of g Priors for Bayesian Variable Selection". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103, p. 410–423.
Maruyama, Y. and George, E.I. (2011). "Fully Bayes Factors with a Generalised g-Prior". Annals of Statistics, 39, p. 2740–2765.
Zellner, A. (1986). "On Assessing Prior Distributions and Bayesian Regression Analysis with g-Prior Distributions". In Bayesian Inference and Decision Techniques: Essays in Honor of Bruno de Finetti, p. 233–243. Elsevier: Amsterdam, North Holland.
library(LaplacesDemon) set.seed(667) beta <- rnorm(10) g <- 100 sigma <- 2 X <- cbind(1,matrix(rnorm(100*9),100,9)) dhyperg(g, alpha=3) dzellner(beta, g, sigma, X) rzellner(1, g, sigma, X)
library(LaplacesDemon) set.seed(667) beta <- rnorm(10) g <- 100 sigma <- 2 X <- cbind(1,matrix(rnorm(100*9),100,9)) dhyperg(g, alpha=3) dzellner(beta, g, sigma, X) rzellner(1, g, sigma, X)
Prior elicitation is the act of inducing personal opinion to be
expressed by the probabilities the person associates with an event
(Savage, 1971). The elicit
function elicits personal opinion
and the delicit
function estimates probability density to be
used with model specification in the
, LaplaceApproximation
, LaplacesDemon.hpc
, or VariationalBayes
delicit(theta, x, a=-Inf, b=Inf, log=FALSE) elicit(n, cats, cat.names, show.plot=FALSE)
delicit(theta, x, a=-Inf, b=Inf, log=FALSE) elicit(n, cats, cat.names, show.plot=FALSE)
theta |
This is a scalar or vector of parameters for which the
density is estimated with respect to the kernel density estimate of
x |
This is the elicited vector. |
a |
This is an optional lower bound for support. |
b |
This is an optional upper bound for support. |
log |
Logical. If |
n |
This is the number of chips. |
cats |
This is a vector of |
cat.names |
This is a vector of category names. For example, if
the continuous interval [0,1] has 5 equal-sized categories, then one
way or naming the categories may be |
show.plot |
Logical. If |
The elicit
function elicits a univariate, discrete,
non-conjugate, informative, prior probability distribution by
offering a number of chips (specified as n
by the statistician)
for the user to allocate into categories specified by the
statistician. The results of multiple elicitations (meaning, with
multiple people), each the output of elicit
, may be combined
with the c
function in base R.
This discrete distribution is included with the data for
a model and supplied to a model specification function, where in turn
it is supplied to the delicit
function, which estimates the
density at the current value of the prior distribution,
. The prior distribution may be either
continuous or discrete, will be proper, and may have bounded support
(constrained to an interval).
For a minimal example, a statistician elicits the prior probability
distribution for a regression effect, . Non-statisticians
would not be asked about expected parameters, but could be asked about
how much
would be expected to change given a
one-unit change in
. After consulting with others
who have prior knowledge, the support does not need to be bounded,
and their guesses at the range result in the statistician creating
5 catgories from the interval [-1,4], where each interval has a width
of one. The statistician schedules time with 3 people, and each person
participates when the statistician runs the following R code:
x <- elicit(n=10, cats=c(-0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5),
cat.names=c("-1:<0", "0:<1", "1:<2", "2:<3", "3:4"), show.plot=TRUE)
Each of the 3 participants receives 10 chips to allocate among the 5 categories according to personal beliefs in the probability of the regression effect. When the statistician and each participant accept their elicited distribution, all 3 vectors are combined into one vector. In the model form, the prior is expressed as
and the code for the model specification is
elicit.prior <- delicit(beta, x, log=TRUE)
This method is easily extended to priors that are multivariate, correlated, or conditional.
As an alternative, Hahn (2006) also used a categorical approach,
eliciting judgements about the relative likelihood of each category,
and then minimizes the KLD (for more information on KLD, see the
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Hahn, E.D. (2006). "Re-examining Informative Prior Elicitation Through the Lens of Markov chain Monte Carlo Methods". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A 169 (1), p. 37–48.
Savage, L.J. (1971). "Elicitation of Personal Probabilities and Expectations". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 66(336), p. 783–801.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- c(1,2,2,3,3,3,4,7,8,8,9,10) #Elicited with elicit function theta <- seq(from=-5,to=15,by=.1) plot(theta, delicit(theta,x), type="l", xlab=expression(theta), ylab=expression("p(" * theta * ")"))
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- c(1,2,2,3,3,3,4,7,8,8,9,10) #Elicited with elicit function theta <- seq(from=-5,to=15,by=.1) plot(theta, delicit(theta,x), type="l", xlab=expression(theta), ylab=expression("p(" * theta * ")"))
This function may be used to estimate the effective sample size (ESS) (not to be confused with Elliptical Slice Sampling) of a continuous target distribution, where the sample size is reduced by autocorrelation. ESS is a measure of how well each continuous chain is mixing.
ESS is a univariate function that is often applied to each continuous, marginal posterior distribution. A multivariate form is not included. By chance alone due to multiple independent tests, 5% of the continuous parameters may indicate that ESS is below a user threshold of acceptability, such as 100, even when above the threshold. Assessing convergence is difficult.
x |
This required argument is a vector or matrix of posterior samples. |
Effective Sample Size (ESS) was recommended by Radford Neal in the
panel discussion of Kass et al. (1998). When a continuous, marginal
posterior distribution is sampled with a Markov chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC) algorithm, there is usually autocorrelation present in the
samples. More autocorrelation is associated with less posterior
sampled information, because the information in the samples is
autocorrelated, or put another way, successive samples are not
independent from earlier samples. This reduces the effective sample
size of, and precision in representing, the continuous, marginal
posterior distribution. ESS
is one of the criteria in the
function, where stopping the MCMC updates is
not recommended until ESS
. Although the need
for precision of each modeler differs with each model, it is often
a good goal to obtain
is related to the integrated autocorrelation time (see
for more information).
ESS is usually defined as
where is the number of posterior samples,
is the autocorrelation at lag
, and
is the vector of marginal posterior samples. The
infinite sum is often truncated at lag
. Just as with the
function in the coda
package, the
argument in the ar
function is used to estimate the
ESS is a measure of how well each continuous chain is mixing, and a
continuous chain mixes better when in the target distribution. This
does not imply that a poorly mixing chain still searching for its
target distribution will suddenly mix well after finding it, though
mixing should improve. A poorly mixing continuous chain does not
necessarily indicate problems. A smaller ESS is often due to
correlated parameters, and is commonly found with scale
parameters. Posterior correlation may be obtained from the
function, and plotted with the
function. Common remedies for poor mixing
include re-parameterizing the model or trying a different MCMC
algorithm that better handles correlated parameters. Slow mixing is
indicative of an inefficiency in which a continuous chain takes longer
to find its target distribution, and once found, takes longer to
explore it. Therefore, slow mixing results in a longer required
run-time to find and adequately represent the continuous target
distribution, and increases the chance that the user may make
inferences from a less than adequate representation of the continuous
target distribution.
There are many methods of re-parameterization to improve mixing. It
is helpful when predictors are centered and scaled, such as with the
function. Parameters for predictors are
often assigned prior distributions that are independent per parameter,
in which case an exchangeable prior distribution or a multivariate
prior distribution may help. If a parameter with poor mixing is
bounded with the interval
function, then
transforming it to the real line (such as with a log transformation
for a scale parameter) is often helpful, since constraining a
parameter to an interval often reduces ESS. Another method is to
re-parameterize so that one or more latent variables represent the
process that results in slow mixing. Such re-parameterization uses
data augmentation.
This is numerically the same as the effectiveSize
function in
the coda
package, but programmed to accept a simple vector or
matrix so it does not require an mcmc
or mcmc.list
object, and the result is bound to be less than or equal to the
original number of samples.
A vector is returned, and each element is the effective sample size
(ESS) for a corresponding column of x
, after autocorrelation has
been taken into account.
Kass, R.E., Carlin, B.P., Gelman, A., and Neal, R. (1998). "Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice: A Roundtable Discussion". The American Statistician, 52, p. 93–100.
, and
Gelfand et al. (1990) proposed a convergence diagnostic for Markov
chains. The Gelfand.Diagnostic
function is an interpretation of
Gelfand's “thick felt-tip pen” MCMC convergence diagnostic. This
diagnostic plots a series of kernel density plots at
intervals of cumulative samples. Given a vector of
from a marginal posterior distribution,
, multiple
kernel density lines are plotted together, where each includes samples
from a different interval. It is assumed that
iterations have been discarded.
Gelfand et al. (1990) assert that convergence is violated when the
plotted lines are farther apart than the width of a thick, felt-tip
pen. This depends on the size of the plot, and, of course, the
pen. The estimated width of a “thick felt-tip pen” is included as a
black, vertical line. The pen in Gelfand.Diagnostic
is included
for historical reasons. This diagnostic requires numerous samples.
Gelfand.Diagnostic(x, k=3, pen=FALSE)
Gelfand.Diagnostic(x, k=3, pen=FALSE)
x |
This required argument is a vector of marginal posterior
samples, such as selected from the output of
k |
This argument specifies the number |
pen |
Logical. This argument defaults to |
The Gelfand.Diagnostic
returns a plot.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Gelfand, A.E., Hills, S., Racine-Poon, A., and Smith, A.F.M. (1990). "Illustration of Bayesian Inference in Normal Data Models Using Gibbs Sampling". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 85, p. 972–985.
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(1000) Gelfand.Diagnostic(x)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(1000) Gelfand.Diagnostic(x)
Gelman and Rubin (1992) proposed a general approach to monitoring
convergence of MCMC output in which parallel chains are
updated with initial values that are overdispersed relative to each
target distribution, which must be normally distributed. Convergence
is diagnosed when the chains have ‘forgotten’ their initial values,
and the output from all chains is indistinguishable. The
function makes a comparison of within-chain
and between-chain variances, and is similar to a classical analysis of
variance. A large deviation between these two variances indicates
This diagnostic is popular as a stopping rule, though it requires
parallel chains. The LaplacesDemon.hpc
function is an
extension of LaplacesDemon
to enable parallel chains.
As an alternative, the popular single-chain stopping rule is based on
Gelman.Diagnostic(x, confidence=0.95, transform=FALSE)
Gelman.Diagnostic(x, confidence=0.95, transform=FALSE)
x |
This required argument accepts an object of class
confidence |
This is the coverage probability of the confidence interval for the potential scale reduction factor (PSRF). |
transform |
Logical. If |
To use the Gelman.Diagnostic
function, the user must first have
multiple MCMC chains for the same model, and three chains is usually
sufficient. The easiest way to obtain multiple chains is with the
Although the LaplacesDemon
function does not
simultaneously update multiple MCMC chains, it is easy enough to
obtain multiple chains, and if the computer has multiple processors
(which is common), then multiple chains may be obtained simultaneously
as follows. The model file may be opened in separate, concurrent R
sessions, and it is recommended that a maximum number of sessions is
equal to the number of processors, minus one. Each session constitutes
its own chain, and the code is identical, except the initial values
should be randomized with the GIV
function so the chains
begin in different places. The resulting object of class
for each chain is saved, all objects are read into one
session, put into a list, and passed to the Gelman.Diagnostic
Initial values must be overdispersed with respect to each target
distribution, though these distributions are unknown in the
beginning. Since the Gelman.Diagnostic
function relies heavily
on overdispersion with respect to the target distribution, the user
should consider using MCMC twice, first to estimate the target
distributions, and secondly to overdisperse initial values with
respect to them. This may help identify multimodal target
distributions. If multiple modes are found, it remain possible that
more modes exist. When multiple modes are found, and if chains are
combined with the Combine
function, each mode is
probably not represented in a proportion correct to the distribution.
The ‘potential scale reduction factor’ (PSRF) is an estimated factor
by which the scale of the current distribution for the target
distribution might be reduced if the simulations were continued for
an infinite number of iterations. Each PSRF declines to 1 as the
number of iterations approaches infinity. PSRF is also often
represented as R-hat. PSRF is calculated for each marginal posterior
distribution in x
, together with upper and lower confidence
limits. Approximate convergence is diagnosed when the upper limit is
close to 1. The recommended proximity of each PSRF to 1 varies with
each problem, but a general goal is to achieve PSRF < 1.1. PSRF is an
estimate of how much narrower the posterior might become with an
infinite number of iterations. When PSRF = 1.1, for example, it may be
interpreted as a potential reduction of 10% in posterior interval
width, given infinite iterations. The multivariate form bounds above
the potential scale reduction factor for any linear combination of the
(possibly transformed) variables.
The confidence limits are based on the assumption that the
target distribution is stationary and normally distributed. The
argument may be used to improve the normal
A large PSRF indicates that the between-chain variance is
substantially greater than the within-chain variance, so that longer
simulation is needed. If a PSRF is close to 1, then the associated
chains are likely to have converged to one target distribution. A
large PSRF (perhaps generally when a PSRF > 1.2) indicates convergence
failure, and can indicate the presence of a multimodal marginal
posterior distribution in which different chains may have converged
to different local modes (see is.multimodal
), or the
need to update the associated chains longer, because burn-in (see
) has yet to be completed.
The Gelman.Diagnostic
is essentially the same as the
function in the coda
package, but here it is
programmed to work with objects of class demonoid
There are two ways to estimate the variance of the stationary
distribution: the mean of the empirical variance within each chain,
, and the empirical variance from all chains combined, which
can be expressed as
where is the number of iterations and
is the
empirical between-chain variance.
If the chains have converged, then both estimates are unbiased. Otherwise the first method will underestimate the variance, since the individual chains have not had time to range all over the stationary distribution, and the second method will overestimate the variance, since the initial values were chosen to be overdispersed (and this assumes the target distribution is known, see above).
This convergence diagnostic is based on the assumption that each
target distribution is normal. A Bayesian probability interval (see
) can be constructed using a t-distribution
with mean
and degrees of freedom estimated by the method of moments
Use of the t-distribution accounts for the fact that the mean and variance of the posterior distribution are estimated. The convergence diagnostic itself is
Values substantially above 1 indicate lack of convergence. If the chains have not converged, then Bayesian probability intervals based on the t-distribution are too wide, and have the potential to shrink by this factor if the MCMC run is continued.
The multivariate version of Gelman and Rubin's diagnostic was proposed by Brooks and Gelman (1998). Unlike the univariate proportional scale reduction factor, the multivariate version does not include an adjustment for the estimated number of degrees of freedom.
A list is returned with the following components:
This is a list containing the point-estimates of the
potential scale reduction factor (labelled |
This is the point-estimate of the multivariate potential scale reduction factor. |
Brooks, S.P. and Gelman, A. (1998). "General Methods for Monitoring Convergence of Iterative Simulations". Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 7, p. 434–455.
Gelman, A. and Rubin, D.B. (1992). "Inference from Iterative Simulation using Multiple Sequences". Statistical Science, 7, p. 457–511.
, and
#library(LaplacesDemon) ###After updating multiple chains with LaplacesDemon.hpc, do: #Gelman.Diagnostic(Fit)
#library(LaplacesDemon) ###After updating multiple chains with LaplacesDemon.hpc, do: #Gelman.Diagnostic(Fit)
Geweke (1992) proposed a convergence diagnostic for Markov chains. This diagnostic is based on a test for equality of the means of the first and last part of a Markov chain (by default the first 10% and the last 50%). If the samples are drawn from a stationary distribution of the chain, then the two means are equal and Geweke's statistic has an asymptotically standard normal distribution.
The test statistic is a standard Z-score: the difference between the two sample means divided by its estimated standard error. The standard error is estimated from the spectral density at zero, and so takes into account any autocorrelation.
The Z-score is calculated under the assumption that the two parts of the chain are asymptotically independent.
The Geweke.Diagnostic
is a univariate diagnostic that is
usually applied to each marginal posterior distribution. A
multivariate form is not included. By chance alone due to multiple
independent tests, 5% of the marginal posterior distributions should
appear non-stationary when stationarity exists. Assessing multivariate
convergence is difficult.
x |
This required argument is a vector or matrix of posterior
samples, such as from the output of the |
The Geweke.Diagnostic
is essentially the same as the
function in the coda
package, but
programmed to accept a simple vector or matrix, so it does not require
an mcmc
A vector is returned, in which each element is a Z-score for a test of
equality that compares the means of the first and last parts of each
chain supplied as x
to Geweke.Diagnostic
Geweke, J. (1992). "Evaluating the Accuracy of Sampling-Based Approaches to Calculating Posterior Moments". In Bayesian Statistics 4 (ed JM Bernardo, JO Berger, AP Dawid, and AFM Smith). Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) Geweke.Diagnostic(rnorm(100)) Geweke.Diagnostic(matrix(rnorm(100),10,10))
library(LaplacesDemon) Geweke.Diagnostic(rnorm(100)) Geweke.Diagnostic(matrix(rnorm(100),10,10))
function generates initial values for use with the
, LaplaceApproximation
, and
GIV(Model, Data, n=1000, PGF=FALSE)
GIV(Model, Data, n=1000, PGF=FALSE)
Model |
This required argument is a model specification
function. For more information, see |
Data |
This required argument is a list of data. For more
information, see |
n |
This is the number of attempts to generate acceptable initial values. |
Logical. When |
Initial values are required for optimization or sampling algorithms. A
user may specify initial values, or use the GIV
function for
random generation. Initial values determined by the user may fail to
produce a finite posterior in complicated models, and the GIV
function is here to help.
has several uses. First, the
, LaplaceApproximation
, and VariationalBayes
functions use GIV
internally if unacceptable initial values are
discovered. Second, the user may use GIV
when developing their
model specification function, Model
, to check for potential
problems. Third, the user may prefer to randomly generate acceptable
initial values. Lastly, GIV
is recommended when running
multiple or parallel chains with the LaplacesDemon.hpc
function (such as for later use with the Gelman.Diagnostic
) for
dispersed starting locations. For dispersed starting locations,
should be run once for each parallel chain, and the results
should be stored per row in a matrix of initial values. For more
information, see the LaplacesDemon.hpc
documentation for
initial values.
It is strongly recommended that the user specifies a Parameter-Generating Function (PGF), and includes this function in the list of data. Although the PGF may be specified according to the prior distributions (possibly considered as a Prior-Generating Function), it is often specified with a more restricted range. For example, if a user has a model with the following prior distributions
then the PGF, given the prior distributions, is
PGF <- function(Data) return(c(rnormv(5,0,1000),rhalfcauchy(1,25)))
However, the user may not want to begin with initial values that could be so far from zero (as determined by the variance of 1000), and may instead prefer
PGF <- function(Data) return(c(rnormv(5,0,10),rhalfcauchy(1,5)))
, initial values are attempted to be constrained
to the interval . This is done to prevent numeric
overflows with parameters that are exponentiated within the model
specification function. First,
passes the upper and lower
bounds of this interval to the model, and any changed parameters are
At this point, it is hoped that a non-finite posterior is not
found. If found, then the remainder of the process is random and
without the previous bounds. This can be particularly problematic in
the case of, say, initial values that are the elements of a matrix
that must be positive-definite, especially with large matrices. If a
random solution is not found, then GIV
will fail.
If the posterior is finite and PGF=FALSE
, then initial values
are randomly generated with a normal proposal and a small variance at
the center of the returned range of each parameter. As GIV
fails to find acceptable initial values, the algorithm iterates toward
its maximum number of iterations, n
. In each iteration, the
variance increases for the proposal.
Initial values are considered acceptable only when the first two
returned components of Model
(which are LP
) are finite, and when initial values do not change through
constraints, as returned in the fifth component of the list:
fails to return acceptable initial values, then it is
best to study the model specification function. When the model is
complicated, here is a suggestion. Remove the log-likelihood,
, from the equation that calculates the logarithm of the
unnormalized joint posterior density, LP
. For example, convert
LP <- LL + beta.prior
to LP <- beta.prior
. Now, maximize
, which is merely the set of prior densities, with any
optimization algorithm. Replace LL
, and run the model with
initial values that are in regions of high prior density (preferably
. If this fails, then the model specification
should be studied closely, because a non-finite posterior should
(especially) never be associated with regions of high prior density.
function returns a vector equal in length to the
number of parameters, and each element is an initial value for the
associated parameter in Data$parm.names
. When GIV
to find acceptable initial values, each returned element is NA
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,c(1,4,10)]+1))) J <- ncol(X) for (j in 2:J) X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- c("LP","sigma") parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) { beta <- rnorm(Data$J) sigma <- runif(1) return(c(beta, sigma)) } MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log-Prior beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=LP, yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } ######################## Generate Initial Values ######################## Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,c(1,4,10)]+1))) J <- ncol(X) for (j in 2:J) X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- c("LP","sigma") parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) { beta <- rnorm(Data$J) sigma <- runif(1) return(c(beta, sigma)) } MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log-Prior beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=LP, yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } ######################## Generate Initial Values ######################## Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE)
Hangartner et al. (2011) proposed a convergence diagnostic for discrete Markov chains. A simple Pearson's Chi-squared test for two or more non-overlapping periods of a discrete Markov chain is a reliable diagnostic of convergence. It does not rely upon the estimation of spectral density, on suspect normality assumptions, or determining overdispersion within a small number of outcomes, all of which can be problematic with discrete measures. A discrete Markov chain is split into two or more non-overlapping windows. Two windows are recommended, and results may be sensitive to the number of selected windows, as well as sample size. As such, a user may try several window configurations before concluding there is no evidence of non-convergence.
As the number of discrete events in the sample space increases, this diagnostic becomes less appropriate and standard diagnostics become more appropriate.
Hangartner.Diagnostic(x, J=2)
Hangartner.Diagnostic(x, J=2)
x |
This required argument is a vector of marginal posterior
samples of a discrete Markov chain, such as selected from the output
of |
J |
This argument specifies the number |
The Hangartner.Diagnostic
returns an object of class
, including the output from a Pearson's Chi-squared
test. A frequentist p-value less than or equal to 0.05 is usually
considered to be indicative of non-convergence.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Hangartner, D., Gill, J., and Cranmer, S., (2011). "An MCMC Diagnostic for Purely Discrete Parameters". Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Hotel InterContinental, New Orleans, Louisiana Online.
library(LaplacesDemon) N <- 1000 K <- 3 x <- rcat(N, rep(1/K,K)) hd <- Hangartner.Diagnostic(x, J=2) hd
library(LaplacesDemon) N <- 1000 K <- 3 x <- rcat(N, rep(1/K,K)) hd <- Hangartner.Diagnostic(x, J=2) hd
Heidelberger and Welch (1981; 1983) proposed a two-part MCMC convergence diagnostic that calculates a test statistic (based on the Cramer-von Mises test statistic) to accept or reject the null hypothesis that the Markov chain is from a stationary distribution.
Heidelberger.Diagnostic(x, eps=0.1, pvalue=0.05)
Heidelberger.Diagnostic(x, eps=0.1, pvalue=0.05)
x |
This required argument accepts an object of class
eps |
This argument specifies the target value for the ratio of halfwidth to sample mean. |
pvalue |
This argument specifies the level of statistical significance. |
The Heidelberg and Welch MCMC convergence diagnostic consists of two parts:
First Part
1. Generate a chain of iterations and define an alpha level.
2. Calculate the test statistic on the whole chain. Accept or reject
the null hypothesis that the chain is from a stationary distribution.
3. If the null hypothesis is rejected, then discard the first 10% of
the chain. Calculate the test statistic and accept or reject the null
4. If the null hypothesis is rejected, then discard the next 10% and
calculate the test statistic.
5. Repeat until the null hypothesis is accepted or 50% of the chain
is discarded. If the test still rejects the null hypothesis, then
the chain fails the test and needs to be run longer.
Second Part If the chain passes the first part of the diagnostic, then the part of the chain that was not discarded from the first part is used to test the second part.
The halfwidth test calculates half the width of the (1 - alpha)% probability interval (credible interval) around the mean.
If the ratio of the halfwidth and the mean is lower than eps
then the chain passes the halfwidth test. Otherwise, the chain fails
the halfwidth test and must be updated for more iterations until
sufficient accuracy is obtained. In order to avoid problems caused by
sequential testing, the test should not be repeated too frequently.
Heidelberger and Welch (1981) suggest increasing the run length by a
factor I > 1.5, each time, so that estimate has the same, reasonably
large, proportion of new data.
The Heidelberger and Welch MCMC convergence diagnostic conducts multiple hypothesis tests. The number of potentially wrong results increases with the number of non-independent hypothesis tests conducted.
The Heidelberger.Diagnostic
is a univariate diagnostic that is
usually applied to each marginal posterior distribution. A
multivariate form is not included. By chance alone due to multiple
independent tests, 5% of the marginal posterior distributions should
appear non-stationary when stationarity exists. Assessing multivariate
convergence is difficult.
The Heidelberger.Diagnostic
function returns an object of class
. This object is a
matrix, and it is intended to be summarized with the
function. Nonetheless, this object of
class heidelberger
has rows, each of which corresponds
to a Markov chain. The column names are
, start
, htest
, mean
, and halfwidth
. The
column indicates convergence with a one, and
non-convergence with a zero, regarding the stationarity test. When
non-convergence is indicated, the remaining columns have missing
values. The start
column indicates the starting iteration, and
the pvalue
column shows the p-value associated with the first
test. The htest
column indicates convergence for the halfwidth
test. The mean
and halfwidth
columns report the mean and
The Heidelberger.Diagnostic
function was adapted from the
function in the coda package.
Heidelberger, P. and Welch, P.D. (1981). "A Spectral Method for Confidence Interval Generation and Run Length Control in Simulations". Comm. ACM., 24, p. 233–245.
Heidelberger, P. and Welch, P.D. (1983). "Simulation Run Length Control in the Presence of an Initial Transient". Opns Res., 31, p. 1109–1144.
Schruben, L.W. (1982). "Detecting Initialization Bias in Simulation Experiments". Opns. Res., 30, p. 569–590.
, and
#library(LaplacesDemon) ###After updating with LaplacesDemon, do: #hd <- Heidelberger.Diagnostic(Fit) #print(hd)
#library(LaplacesDemon) ###After updating with LaplacesDemon, do: #hd <- Heidelberger.Diagnostic(Fit) #print(hd)
This function is not intended to be called directly by the user. It is
an internal-only function to prevent cluster problems while using the
algorithm in the LaplacesDemon.hpc
server_Listening(n=2, port=19009)
server_Listening(n=2, port=19009)
n |
This is the number of CPUs. For more information, see
port |
This is a port for server listening, and defaults to
port |
For the INCA
algorithm, a server has been built into the
function. The server exchanges information
between processes, and has been designed to be portable. The
function is run as a separate process via the
function, when INCA
is selected in
Socket connections and the serialize
function are used as per
the Snow package to update a single proposal covariance matrix
given all parallel chains. The sockets are opened/closed in each
process with a small random sleep time to avoid collisions during
connections to the internal server of
. Blocking sockets are used to synchronize
Silvere Vialet-Chabrand [email protected]
function estimates integrated autocorrelation time,
which is the computational inefficiency of a continuous chain or MCMC
sampler. IAT is also called the IACT, ACT, autocorrelation time,
autocovariance time, correlation time, or inefficiency factor. A lower
value of IAT
is better. IAT
is a MCMC diagnostic that is
an estimate of the number of iterations, on average, for an
independent sample to be drawn, given a continuous chain or Markov
chain. Put another way, IAT
is the number of correlated samples
with the same variance-reducing power as one independent sample.
IAT is a univariate function. A multivariate form is not included.
x |
This requried argument is a vector of samples from a chain. |
is a MCMC diagnostic that is often used to compare
continuous chains of MCMC samplers for computational inefficiency,
where the sampler with the lowest IAT
s is the most efficient
sampler. Otherwise, chains may be compared within a model, such as
with the output of LaplacesDemon
to learn about the
inefficiency of the continuous chain. For more information on
comparing MCMC algorithmic inefficiency, see the
is also estimated in the PosteriorChecks
function. IAT
is usually applied to a stationary, continuous
chain after discarding burn-in iterations (see burnin
for more information). The IAT
of a continuous chain correlates
with the variability of the mean of the chain, and relates to
Effective Sample Size (ESS
) and Monte Carlo Standard
Error (MCSE
and ESS
are inversely related, though not
perfectly, because each is estimated a little differently. Given
samples and taking autocorrelation into account,
estimates a reduced number of samples.
estimates the number of autocorrelated samples,
on average, required to produce one independently drawn sample.
function is similar to the IAT
function in the
package of Christen and Fox (2010), which is currently
unavailabe on CRAN.
function returns the integrated autocorrelation time of
a chain.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Christen, J.A. and Fox, C. (2010). "A General Purpose Sampling Algorithm for Continuous Distributions (the t-walk)". Bayesian Analysis, 5(2), p. 263–282.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) theta <- rnorm(100) IAT(theta)
library(LaplacesDemon) theta <- rnorm(100) IAT(theta)
The Importance
function considers variable importance (or
predictor importance) to be the effect that the variable has on
replicates (or
) when the variable is removed from the
model by setting it equal to zero. Here, variable importance is
considered in terms of the comparison of posterior predictive
checks. This may be considered to be a form of sensitivity analysis,
and can be useful for model revision, variable selection, and model
Currently, this function only tests the variable importance of design
matrix .
Importance(object, Model, Data, Categorical=FALSE, Discrep, d=0, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK")
Importance(object, Model, Data, Categorical=FALSE, Discrep, d=0, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK")
object |
An object of class |
Model |
The model specification function is required. |
Data |
A data set in a list is required. The dependent variable
is required to be named either |
Categorical |
Logical. If |
Discrep |
This optional argument allows a discrepancy statistic to
be included. For more information on discrepancy statistics, see
d |
This is an optional integer to be used with the
CPUs |
This argument accepts an integer that specifies the number
of central processing units (CPUs) of the multicore computer or
computer cluster. This argument defaults to |
Type |
This argument specifies the type of parallel processing to
perform, accepting either |
Variable importance is defined here as the impact of each
variable (predictor, or column vector) in design matrix
), when the variable is removed.
First, the full model is predicted with the
, predict.iterquad
, predict.pmc
, or
function, and summarized with the
, summary.laplace.ppc
, or summary.vb.ppc
function, respectively. The results are stored in the first row of the
output. Each successive row in the output corresponds to the
application of predict
and summary
functions, but with
each variable in design matrix being set to zero
and effectively removed. The results show the impact of sequentially
removing each predictor.
The criterion for variable importance may differ from model to
model. As a default, BPIC is recommended. The Bayesian Predictive
Information Criterion (BPIC) was introduced by Ando (2007). BPIC is a
variation of the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) that has been
modified for predictive distributions. For more information on DIC
(Spiegelhalter et al., 2002), see the accompanying vignette entitled
"Bayesian Inference". .
With BPIC, variable importance has a positive relationship, such that larger values indicate a more important variable, because removing that variable resulted in a worse fit to the data. The best model has the lowest BPIC.
In a model in which the dependent variable is not categorical, it is
also recommended to consider the L-criterion (Laud and Ibrahim, 1995),
provided that sample size is small enough that it does not result in
. For more information on the L-criterion, see the
accompanying vignette entitled "Bayesian Inference".
With the L-criterion, variable importance has a positive relationship,
such that larger values indicate a more important variable, because
removing that variable resulted in a worse fit to the data. Ibrahim
(1995) recommended considering the model with the lowest
L-criterion, say as , and the model with the closest
L-criterion, say as
, and creating a comparison score
, where
is from the model. If the comparison score,
is less than 2, then
is within 2
standard deviations of
, and is the recommended cut-off
for model choice.
The Importance
function may suggest that a model fits the data
better with a variable removed. In which case, the user may
choose to leave the variable in the model (perhaps the model is
misspecified without the variable), investigate and possibly
re-specify the relationship between the independent and dependent
variable(s), or remove the variable and update the model again.
In contrast to variable importance, the PosteriorChecks
function calculates parameter importance, which is the probability
that each parameter's marginal posterior distribution is greater than
zero, where an important parameter does not include zero in its
probability interval (see p.interval
). Parameter
importance and variable importance may disagree, and both should be
The Importance
function tends to indicate that a model fits the
data better when variables are removed that have parameters with
marginal posterior distributions that include 0 in the 95%
probability interval (variables associated with lower parameter
Often, in complicated models, it is difficult to assess variable importance by examining the marginal posterior distribution of the associated parameter(s). Consider polynomial regression, in which each variable may have multiple parameters.
The information provided by the Importance
function may be used
for model revision, or reporting the relative importance of variables.
The plot.importance
function is available to plot the
output of the Importance
function according to BPIC, predictive
concordance (Gelfand, 1996), the selected discrepancy statistic
(Gelman et al., 1996), or the L-criterion.
Parallel processing may be performed when the user specifies
to be greater than one, implying that the specified number
of CPUs exists and is available. Parallelization may be performed on a
multicore computer or a computer cluster. Either a Simple Network of
Workstations (SNOW) or Message Passing Interface is used (MPI). With
small data sets and few samples, parallel processing may be slower,
due to computer network communication. With larger data sets and more
samples, the user should experience a faster run-time.
returns an object of class importance
, which
is a matrix with a number of rows equal to the number of columns in
design matrix + 1 (including the full model), and
4 columns, which are BPIC, Concordance (or Mean.Lift if categorical),
Discrep, and L-criterion. Each row represents a model with a predictor
removed (except for the first row, which is the
full model), and the resulting posterior predictive checks. For
non-categorical dependent variables, an attribute is returned with the
object, and the attribute is a vector of
, the calibration
number of the L-criterion.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Ando, T. (2007). "Bayesian Predictive Information Criterion for the Evaluation of Hierarchical Bayesian and Empirical Bayes Models". Biometrika, 94(2), p. 443–458.
Gelfand, A. (1996). "Model Determination Using Sampling Based Methods". In Gilks, W., Richardson, S., Spiegehalter, D., Chapter 9 in Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice. Chapman and Hall: Boca Raton, FL.
Laud, P.W. and Ibrahim, J.G. (1995). "Predictive Model Selection". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 57, p. 247–262.
Spiegelhalter, D.J., Best, N.G., Carlin, B.P., and van der Linde, A. (2002). "Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit (with Discussion)". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 64, p. 583–639.
, and
#First, update the model with the LaplacesDemon function, such as #the example with linear regression, creating an object called Fit. #Then #Importance(Fit, Model, MyData, Discrep="Chi-Square", CPUs=1)
#First, update the model with the LaplacesDemon function, such as #the example with linear regression, creating an object called Fit. #Then #Importance(Fit, Model, MyData, Discrep="Chi-Square", CPUs=1)
This function constrains the value(s) of a scalar, vector, matrix, or
array to a specified interval, . In Bayesian inference, it
is often used both to truncate a parameter to an interval, such as
. The
function is often used in conjunction with the dtrunc
function to truncate the prior probability distribution associated
with the constrained parameter. While dtrunc
assigning density outside of its interval and re-estimates density
within the interval, the interval
function is used to prevent
the parameter from moving outside of the interval in the first place.
After the parameter is constrained to an interval in
, LaplaceApproximation
, or
, the constrained parameter should be
updated back into the parm
vector, so the algorithm knows it
has been constrained.
This is unrelated to the probability interval (see
and LPL.interval
interval(x, a=-Inf, b=Inf, reflect=TRUE)
interval(x, a=-Inf, b=Inf, reflect=TRUE)
x |
This required argument is a scalar, vector, matrix or array,
and its elements will be constrained to the interval
[ |
a |
This optional argument allows the specification of the lower
bound of the interval, and defaults to |
b |
This optional argument allows the specification of the upper
bound of the interval, and defaults to |
reflect |
Logical. When |
It is common for a parameter to be constrained to an interval. The
function provides two methods of constraining
proposals. The default is to reflect an out-of-bounds proposal off of
the boundaries until the proposal is within the specified
interval. This is rare in the literature but works very well in
practice. The other method does not reflect off of boundaries, but
sets the value equal to the violated boundary. This is also rare in
the literature and is not generally recommended.
If the interval
function is unacceptable, then there are
several alternatives.
It is common to re-parameterize by transforming the constrained
parameter to the real line. For example, a positive-only scale
parameter may be log-transformed. A parameter that is re-parameterized
to the real line often mixes better in MCMC, exhibiting a higher
effective sample size (ESS
), and each evaluation of the
model specification function is faster as well. However, without a
hard constraint, it remains possible for the transformed parameter
still become problematic, such as a log-transformed scale parameter
that reaches negative infinity. This is much more common in the
Another method is to allow the parameters to move outside of the desired, constrained interval in MCMC during the model update, and when the model update is finished, to discard any samples outside of the constraint boundaries. This is a method of rejecting unacceptable proposals in regions of zero probability. However, it is possible for parameters to remain outside of acceptable bounds long enough to be problematic.
In LaplacesDemon
, the Gibbs sampler allows more control
in the FC function, where a user can customize how constraints are
The interval
function returns a scalar, vector, matrix, or
array in accord with its argument, x
. Each element is
constrained to the interval [a
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
#See the Examples vignette for numerous examples. library(LaplacesDemon) x <- 2 interval(x,0,1) X <- matrix(runif(25,-2,2),5,5) interval(X,-1,1)
#See the Examples vignette for numerous examples. library(LaplacesDemon) x <- 2 interval(x,0,1) X <- matrix(runif(25,-2,2),5,5) interval(X,-1,1)
This function returns TRUE
if Laplace's Demon is appeased by the
object of class demonoid
, and FALSE
otherwise. If
appeased, then the object passes several tests that indicate potential
convergence of the Markov chains.
x |
This is an object of class |
After updating a model with the LaplacesDemon
an output object is created. The output object is of class
. The object may be passed to the Consort
function, which will apply several criteria regarding the potential
convergence of its Markov chains. If all criteria are met, then
Laplace's Demon is appeased. Otherwise, Laplace's Demon suggests R
code to be copy/pasted and executed. The Consort
function prints a large amount of information to the screen. The
function may be applied as an alternative, though
it only informs the user as to whether or not Laplace's Demon was
appeased, as TRUE
The is.appeased
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object passes several potential Markov
chain convergence criteria. If the object passes all criteria, then
Laplace's Demon is appeased, and the logical value returned is
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
This function provides a logical test of whether or not a Model
specification function is Bayesian.
is.bayesian(Model, Initial.Values, Data)
is.bayesian(Model, Initial.Values, Data)
Model |
This is a model specification function. For more
information, see the |
Initial.Values |
This is a vector of initial values, or current
parameter values. For more information, see the
Data |
This is a list of data. For more information, see the
This function tests whether or not a model is Bayesian by comparing
the first two returned arguments: the logarithm of the unnormalized
joint posterior density (LP
) and deviance (Dev
). The
deviance (D) is
where LL is the log-likelihood. Consequently,
and LP is the sum of LL and prior probability densities. If LP = LL, then the model is not Bayesian, because prior densities are absent.
The is.bayesian
function returns a logical value of TRUE
when the model is Bayesian, and FALSE
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
These functions each provide a logical test of the class of an object.
is.bayesfactor(x) is.blocks(x) is.bmk(x) is.demonoid(x) is.demonoid.hpc(x) is.demonoid.ppc(x) is.demonoid.val(x) is.hangartner(x) is.heidelberger(x) is.importance(x) is.iterquad(x) is.iterquad.ppc(x) is.juxtapose(x) is.laplace(x) is.laplace.ppc(x) is.miss(x) is.pmc(x) is.pmc.ppc(x) is.pmc.val(x) is.posteriorchecks(x) is.raftery(x) is.rejection(x) is.sensitivity(x) is.vb(x) is.vb.ppc(x)
is.bayesfactor(x) is.blocks(x) is.bmk(x) is.demonoid(x) is.demonoid.hpc(x) is.demonoid.ppc(x) is.demonoid.val(x) is.hangartner(x) is.heidelberger(x) is.importance(x) is.iterquad(x) is.iterquad.ppc(x) is.juxtapose(x) is.laplace(x) is.laplace.ppc(x) is.miss(x) is.pmc(x) is.pmc.ppc(x) is.pmc.val(x) is.posteriorchecks(x) is.raftery(x) is.rejection(x) is.sensitivity(x) is.vb(x) is.vb.ppc(x)
x |
This is an object that will be subjected to a logical test of its class. |
Functions in Laplace's Demon often assigns a class to an output
object. For example, after updating a model with the
or LaplacesDemon.hpc
function, an output object is created. The output object is of class
or demonoid.hpc
, respectively. Likewise, after
passing a model to the LaplaceApproximation
function, an
output object is created, and it is of class laplace
. The class
of these and other objects may be logically tested.
By assigning a class to an output object, the package is able to
discern which other functions are appropriate for it. For example,
after updating a model with LaplacesDemon
, which creates
an object of class demonoid
, the user may desire to plot its
output. Since it is assigned a class, the user may use the generic
function, which internally selects the
function, which differs from
for objects of class laplace
For more information on object classes, see the class
The is.bayesfactor
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class bayesfactor
The is.blocks
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class blocks
The is.bmk
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class bmk
The is.demonoid
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class demonoid
The is.demonoid.hpc
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class demonoid.hpc
The is.demonoid.ppc
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class demonoid.ppc
The is.demonoid.val
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class demonoid.val
The is.hangartner
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class hangartner
The is.heidelberger
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class heidelberger
The is.importance
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class importance
The is.iterquad
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class iterquad
The is.iterquad.ppc
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class iterquad.ppc
The is.juxtapose
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class juxtapose
The is.laplace
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class laplace
The is.laplace.ppc
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class laplace.ppc
The is.miss
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class miss
The is.pmc
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class pmc
The is.pmc.ppc
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class pmc.ppc
The is.pmc.val
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class pmc.val
The is.posteriorchecks
function returns a logical value
indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class
The is.raftery
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class raftery
The is.rejection
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class rejection
The is.sensitivity
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class sensitivity
The is.vb
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class vb
The is.vb.ppc
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the supplied object is of class vb.ppc
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
This function provides a logical test of whether or not a vector is a constant.
x |
This is a vector. |
As opposed to a variable, a constant is a vector in which the elements contain less than or equal to one unique value.
The is.constant
function returns a logical result, reporting
when a vector is a constant, or FALSE
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
library(LaplacesDemon) is.constant(rep(1,10)) #TRUE is.constant(1:10) #FALSE
library(LaplacesDemon) is.constant(rep(1,10)) #TRUE is.constant(1:10) #FALSE
This function provides a logical test of constraints for each initial value or parameter for a model specification, given data.
is.constrained(Model, Initial.Values, Data)
is.constrained(Model, Initial.Values, Data)
Model |
This is a model specification function. For more
information, see the |
Initial.Values |
This is a vector of initial values, or current
parameter values. For more information, see the
Data |
This is a list of data. For more information, see the
This function is useful for testing whether or not initial values
changed due to constraints when being passed through a Model
specification function. If any initial value changes, then the
constrained values that are ouput in the fifth component of the
specification are suitable as initial values, not the
tested initial values.
A parameter may be constrained and this function may not discover the constraint, since the discovery depends on the initial values and whether or not they change as they are passed through the model.
The is.constrained
function returns a logical vector, equal in
length to the number of initial values. Each element receives
if the corresponding initial value changed due to a
constraint, or FALSE
if it did not.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
This function provides a logical test of whether or not a given list
of data meets minimum criteria to be considered data for
, LaplaceApproximation
, or
Data |
This is a list of data. For more information, see the
This function is useful for testing whether or not a list of data
meets minimum criteria to be considered data in this package. The
minimum requirements are that Data
is a list, and it contains
and parm.names
This function is not extensive. For example, it does not match the
length of parm.names
with the length of Initial.Values
or compare the length of mon.names
to the number of monitored
variables output from the Model
function. Additional checks are conducted in
, LaplaceApproximation
, and
The is.data
function returns a logical value. It returns
if Data
meets minimum requirements to be considered
data in this package, and FALSE
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
This function provides a logical test of whether or not a Model
specification function meets mininum requirements to be considered as
is.model(Model, Initial.Values, Data)
is.model(Model, Initial.Values, Data)
Model |
This is a model specification function. For more
information, see the |
Initial.Values |
This is a vector of initial values, or current
parameter values. For more information, see the
Data |
This is a list of data. For more information, see the
This function tests for minimum criteria for Model
to be
considered a model specification function. Specifically, it tests:
must be a function
must execute without errors
must return a list
must have five components in the list
The first component must be named LP and have length 1
The second component must be named Dev and have length 1
The third component must be named Monitor
The lengths of Monitor and mon.names must be equal
The fourth component must be named yhat
The fifth component must be named parm
The lengths of parm and parm.names must be equal
This function is not extensive, and checks only for these minimum
criteria. Additional checks are conducted in
, LaplaceApproximation
, and
The is.model
function returns a logical value of TRUE
when Model
meets minimum criteria of a model specification
function, and FALSE
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
This function provides a logical check of the propriety of a univariate prior probability distribution or the joint posterior distribution.
is.proper(f, a, b, tol=1e-5)
is.proper(f, a, b, tol=1e-5)
f |
This is either a probability density function or an object of
class |
a |
This is the lower limit of integration, and may be negative infinity. |
b |
This is the upper limit of integration, and may be positive infinity. |
tol |
This is the tolerance, and indicates the allowable difference from one. |
A proper probability distribution is a probability distribution that integrates to one, and an improper probability distribution does not integrate to one. If a probability distribution integrates to any positive and finite value other than one, then it is an improper distribution, but is merely unnormalized. An unnormalized distribution may be multiplied by a constant so that it integrates to one.
In Bayesian inference, the posterior probability distribution should be proper. An improper prior distribution can cause an improper posterior distribution. When the posterior distribution is improper, inferences are invalid, it is non-integrable, and Bayes factors cannot be used (though there are exceptions).
To avoid these problems, it is suggested that the prior probability distribution should be proper, though it is possible to use an improper prior distribution and have it result in a proper posterior distribution.
To check the propriety of a univariate prior probability distribution,
create a function f
. For example, to check the propriety of a
vague normal distribution, such as
the function is function(x){dnormv(x,0,1000)}
. Next, set the
lower and upper limits of integration, a
. Internally, this function calls integrate
from base
R, which uses adaptive quadrature. By using as shorthand
for the specified function,
will check to see if the
area of the following integral is one:
Multivariate prior probability distributions currently cannot be checked for approximate propriety. This is currently unavailable in this package.
To check the propriety of the joint posterior distribution, the only
argument to be supplied is an object of class demonoid
, laplace
, pmc
, or vb
. The
function checks the logarithm of the marginal
likelihood (see LML
) for a finite value, and returns
when the LML is finite. This indicates that the marginal
likelihood is finite for all observed in the model
data set. This implies:
If the object is of class demonoid
and the algorithm was
adaptive, or if the object is of class iterquad
, or vb
and the algorithm did not converge, then
will return FALSE
because LML was not
estimated. In this case, it is possible for the joint posterior to be
proper, but is.proper
will be unable to determine propriety
without the estimate of LML. If desired, the LML
may be
estimated by the user, and if it is finite, then the joint posterior
distribution is proper.
The is.proper
function returns a logical value indicating
whether or not the univariate prior or joint posterior probability
distribution integrates to one within its specified limits.
is returned for a proper univariate probability
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) ### Prior Probability Distribution is.proper(function(x) {dnormv(x,0,1000)}, -Inf, Inf) #x ~ N(0,1000) is.proper(function(x) {dhalfcauchy(x,25)}, 0, Inf) #x ~ HC(25) is.proper(function(x) {dunif(x,0,1)}, 0, 1) #x ~ U(0,1) is.proper(function(x) {dunif(x,-Inf,Inf)}, -Inf, Inf) #x ~ U(-Inf,Inf) ### Joint Posterior Distribution ##This assumes that Fit is an object of class demonoid, iterquad, ## laplace, or pmc #is.proper(Fit)
library(LaplacesDemon) ### Prior Probability Distribution is.proper(function(x) {dnormv(x,0,1000)}, -Inf, Inf) #x ~ N(0,1000) is.proper(function(x) {dhalfcauchy(x,25)}, 0, Inf) #x ~ HC(25) is.proper(function(x) {dunif(x,0,1)}, 0, 1) #x ~ U(0,1) is.proper(function(x) {dunif(x,-Inf,Inf)}, -Inf, Inf) #x ~ U(-Inf,Inf) ### Joint Posterior Distribution ##This assumes that Fit is an object of class demonoid, iterquad, ## laplace, or pmc #is.proper(Fit)
This function returns TRUE
if the object is stationary
according to the Geweke.Diagnostic
function, and
x |
This is a vector, matrix, or object of class
Stationarity, here, refers to the limiting distribution in a Markov chain. A series of samples from a Markov chain, in which each sample is the result of an iteration of a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm, is analyzed for stationarity, meaning whether or not the samples trend or its moments change across iterations. A stationary posterior distribution is an equilibrium distribution, and assessing stationarity is an important diagnostic toward inferring Markov chain convergence.
In the cases of a matrix or an object of class demonoid
, all
Markov chains (as column vectors) must be stationary for
to return TRUE
Alternative ways to assess stationarity of chains are to use the
or Heidelberger.Diagnostic
returns a logical value indicating whether or not
the supplied object is stationary according to the
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) is.stationary(rnorm(100)) is.stationary(matrix(rnorm(100),10,10))
library(LaplacesDemon) is.stationary(rnorm(100)) is.stationary(matrix(rnorm(100),10,10))
The IterativeQuadrature
function iteratively approximates the
first two moments of marginal posterior distributions of a Bayesian
model with deterministic integration.
IterativeQuadrature(Model, parm, Data, Covar=NULL, Iterations=100, Algorithm="CAGH", Specs=NULL, Samples=1000, sir=TRUE, Stop.Tolerance=c(1e-5,1e-15), CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK")
IterativeQuadrature(Model, parm, Data, Covar=NULL, Iterations=100, Algorithm="CAGH", Specs=NULL, Samples=1000, sir=TRUE, Stop.Tolerance=c(1e-5,1e-15), CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK")
Model |
This required argument receives the model from a
user-defined function. The user-defined function is where the model
is specified. |
parm |
This argument requires a vector of initial values equal in
length to the number of parameters. |
Data |
This required argument accepts a list of data. The list of
data must include |
Covar |
This argument accepts a |
Iterations |
This argument accepts an integer that determines the
number of iterations that |
Algorithm |
This optional argument accepts a quoted string that
specifies the iterative quadrature algorithm. The default
method is |
Specs |
This argument accepts a list of specifications for an algorithm. |
Samples |
This argument indicates the number of posterior samples
to be taken with sampling importance resampling via the
sir |
This logical argument indicates whether or not Sampling
Importance Resampling (SIR) is conducted via the |
Stop.Tolerance |
This argument accepts a vector of two positive
numbers, and defaults to |
CPUs |
This argument accepts an integer that specifies the number
of central processing units (CPUs) of the multicore computer or
computer cluster. This argument defaults to |
Type |
This argument specifies the type of parallel processing to
perform, accepting either |
Quadrature is a historical term in mathematics that means determining area. Mathematicians of ancient Greece, according to the Pythagorean doctrine, understood determination of area of a figure as the process of geometrically constructing a square having the same area (squaring). Thus the name quadrature for this process.
In medieval Europe, quadrature meant the calculation of area by any method. With the invention of integral calculus, quadrature has been applied to the computation of a univariate definite integral. Numerical integration is a broad family of algorithms for calculating the numerical value of a definite integral. Numerical quadrature is a synonym for quadrature applied to one-dimensional integrals. Multivariate quadrature, also called cubature, is the application of quadrature to multidimensional integrals.
A quadrature rule is an approximation of the definite integral of a function, usually stated as a weighted sum of function values at specified points within the domain of integration. The specified points are referred to as abscissae, abscissas, integration points, or nodes, and have associated weights. The calculation of the nodes and weights of the quadrature rule differs by the type of quadrature. There are numerous types of quadrature algorithms. Bayesian forms of quadrature usually use Gauss-Hermite quadrature (Naylor and Smith, 1982), and placing a Gaussian Process on the function is a common extension (O'Hagan, 1991; Rasmussen and Ghahramani, 2003) that is called ‘Bayesian Quadrature’. Often, these and other forms of quadrature are also referred to as model-based integration.
Gauss-Hermite quadrature uses Hermite polynomials to calculate the
rule. However, there are two versions of Hermite polynomials, which
result in different kernels in different fields. In physics, the
kernel is exp(-x^2)
, while in probability the kernel is
. The weights are a normal density. If the
parameters of the normal distribution, and
, are estimated from data, then it is referred
to as adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature, and the parameters are the
conditional mean and conditional variance. Outside of Gauss-Hermite
quadrature, adaptive quadrature implies that a difficult range in the
integrand is subdivided with more points until it is
well-approximated. Gauss-Hermite quadrature performs well when the
integrand is smooth, and assumes normality or multivariate normality.
Adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature has been demonstrated to outperform
Gauss-Hermite quadrature in speed and accuracy.
A goal in quadrature is to minimize integration error, which is the error between the evaluations and the weights of the rule. Therefore, a goal in Bayesian Gauss-Hermite quadrature is to minimize integration error while approximating a marginal posterior distribution that is assumed to be smooth and normally-distributed. This minimization often occurs by increasing the number of nodes until a change in mean integration error is below a tolerance, rather than minimizing integration error itself, since the target may be only approximately normally distributed, or minimizing the sum of integration error, which would change with the number of nodes.
To approximate integrals in multiple dimensions, one approach applies
nodes of a univariate quadrature rule to multiple dimensions
(using the
function for example)
via the product rule, which results in many more multivariate nodes.
This requires the number of function evaluations to grow exponentially
as dimension increases. Multidimensional quadrature is usually limited
to less than ten dimensions, both due to the number of nodes required,
and because the accuracy of multidimensional quadrature algorithms
decreases as the dimension increases. Three methods may overcome this
curse of dimensionality in varying degrees: componentwise quadrature,
sparse grids, and Monte Carlo.
Componentwise quadrature is the iterative application of univariate quadrature to each parameter. It is applicable with high-dimensional models, but sacrifices the ability to calculate the conditional covariance matrix, and calculates only the variance of each parameter.
Sparse grids were originally developed by Smolyak for multidimensional quadrature. A sparse grid is based on a one-dimensional quadrature rule. Only a subset of the nodes from the product rule is included, and the weights are appropriately rescaled. Although a sparse grid is more efficient because it reduces the number of nodes to achieve the same accuracy, the user must contend with increasing the accuracy of the grid, and it remains inapplicable to high-dimensional integrals.
Monte Carlo is a large family of sampling-based algorithms. O'Hagan
(1987) asserts that Monte Carlo is frequentist, inefficient, regards
irrelevant information, and disregards relevant information.
Quadrature, he maintains (O'Hagan, 1992), is the most Bayesian
approach, and also the most efficient. In high dimensions, he
concedes, a popular subset of Monte Carlo algorithms is currently the
best for cheap model function evaluations. These algorithms are called
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). High-dimensional models with
expensive model evaluation functions, however, are not well-suited to
MCMC. A large number of MCMC algorithms is available in the
Following are some reasons to consider iterative quadrature rather than MCMC. Once an MCMC sampler finds equilibrium, it must then draw enough samples to represent all targets. Iterative quadrature does not need to continue drawing samples. Multivariate quadrature is consistently reported as more efficient than MCMC when its assumptions hold, though multivariate quadrature is limited to small dimensions. High-dimensional models therefore default to MCMC, between the two. Componentwise quadrature algorithms like CAGH, however, may also be more efficient with cloc-time than MCMC in high dimensions, especially against componentwise MCMC algorithms. Another reason to consider iterative quadrature are that assessing convergence in MCMC is a difficult topic, but not for iterative quadrature. A user of iterative quadrature does not have to contend with effective sample size and autocorrelation, assessing stationarity, acceptance rates, diminishing adaptation, etc. Stochastic sampling in MCMC is less efficient when samples occur in close proximity (such as when highly autocorrelated), whereas in quadrature the nodes are spread out by design.
In general, the conditional means and conditional variances progress smoothly to the target in multidimensional quadrature. For componentwise quadrature, movement to the target is not smooth, and often resembles a Markov chain or optimization algorithm.
Iterative quadrature is often applied after
to obtain a more reliable
estimate of parameter variance or covariance than the negative inverse
of the Hessian
matrix of second derivatives, which is
suitable only when the contours of the logarithm of the unnormalized
joint posterior density are approximately ellipsoidal (Naylor and
Smith, 1982, p. 224).
When Algorithm="AGH"
, the Naylor and Smith (1982) algorithm
is used. The AGH algorithm uses multivariate quadrature with the
physicist's (not the probabilist's) kernel.
There are four algorithm specifications: N
is the number of
univariate nodes, Nmax
is the maximum number of univariate
nodes, Packages
accepts any package required for the model
function when parallelized, and Dyn.libs
accepts dynamic
libraries for parallelization, if required. The number of univariate
nodes begins at and increases by one each iteration. The
number of multivariate nodes grows quickly with
. Naylor and
Smith (1982) recommend beginning with as few nodes as
. Any
of the following events will cause
to increase by 1 when
is less than
All LP weights are zero (and non-finite weights are set to zero)
does not result in an increase in LP
All elements in are not finite
The square root of the sum of the squared changes in
is less than or equal to the
Tolerance includes two metrics: change in mean integration error and change in parameters. Including the change in parameters for tolerance was not mentioned in Naylor and Smith (1982).
Naylor and Smith (1982) consider a transformation due to correlation. This is not included here.
The AGH algorithm does not currently handle constrained parameters,
such as with the interval
function. If a parameter is
constrained and changes during a model evaluation, this changes the
node and the multivariate weight. This is currently not corrected.
An advantage of AGH over componentwise adaptive quadrature is that AGH estimates covariance, where a componentwise algorithm ignores it. A disadvantage of AGH over a componentwise algorithm is that the number of nodes increases so quickly with dimension, that AGH is limited to small-dimensional models.
When Algorithm="AGHSG"
, the Naylor and Smith (1982) algorithm
is applied to a sparse grid, rather than a traditional multivariate
quadrature rule. This is identical to the AGH algorithm above, except
that a sparse grid replaces the multivariate quadrature rule.
The sparse grid reduces the number of nodes. The cost of reducing the
number of nodes is that the user must consider the accuracy, .
There are four algorithm specifications: K
is the accuracy (as a
positive integer), Kmax
is the maximum accuracy,
accepts any package required for the model function
when parallelized, and Dyn.libs
accepts dynamic libraries for
parallelization, if required. These arguments represent accuracy
rather than the number of univariate nodes, but otherwise are similar
to the AGH algorithm.
When Algorithm="CAGH"
, a componentwise version of the adaptive
Gauss-Hermite quadrature of Naylor and Smith (1982) is used. Each
iteration, each marginal posterior distribution is approximated
sequentially, in a random order, with univariate quadrature. The
conditional mean and conditional variance are also approximated each
iteration, making it an adaptive algorithm.
There are four algorithm specifications: N
is the number of
nodes, Nmax
is the maximum number of nodes, Packages
accepts any package required for the model function when parallelized,
and Dyn.libs
accepts dynamic libraries for parallelization, if
required. The number of nodes begins at . All parameters have
the same number of nodes. Any of the following events will cause
to increase by 1 when
is less than
, and
these conditions refer to all parameters (not individually):
Any LP weights are not finite
All LP weights are zero
does not result in an increase in LP
The square root of the sum of the squared changes in
is less than or equal to the
It is recommended to begin with N=3
and set Nmax
10 and 100. As long as CAGH does not experience problematic weights,
and as long as CAGH is improving LP with , the number of nodes
does not increase. When CAGH becomes either universally problematic or
universally stable, then
slowly increases until the sum of
both the mean integration error and the sum of the squared changes in
is less than the
for two consecutive
If the highest LP occurs at the lowest or highest node, then the value at that node becomes the conditional mean, rather than calculating it from all weighted samples; this facilitates movement when the current integral is poorly centered toward a well-centered integral. If all weights are zero, then a random proposal is generated with a small variance.
Tolerance includes two metrics: change in mean integration error and change in parameters, as the square root of the sum of the squared differences.
When a parameter constraint is encountered, the node and weight of the quadrature rule is recalculated.
An advantage of CAGH over multidimensional adaptive quadrature is that CAGH may be applied in large dimensions. Disadvantages of CAGH are that only variance, not covariance, is estimated, and ignoring covariance may be problematic.
returns an object of class iterquad
that is a list with the following components:
Algorithm |
This is the name of the iterative quadrature algorithm. |
Call |
This is the matched call of |
Converged |
This is a logical indicator of whether or not
Covar |
This is the estimated covariance matrix. The |
Deviance |
This is a vector of the iterative history of the
deviance in the |
History |
This is a matrix of the iterative history of the
parameters in the |
Initial.Values |
This is the vector of initial values that was
originally given to |
This is an approximation of the logarithm of the marginal
likelihood of the data (see the |
LP.Final |
This reports the final scalar value for the logarithm of the unnormalized joint posterior density. |
LP.Initial |
This reports the initial scalar value for the logarithm of the unnormalized joint posterior density. |
LPw |
This is the latest matrix of the logarithm of the unnormalized joint posterior density. It is weighted and normalized so that each column sums to one. |
M |
This is the final |
Minutes |
This is the number of minutes that
Monitor |
When |
N |
This is the final number of nodes. |
Posterior |
When |
Summary1 |
This is a summary matrix that summarizes the point-estimated posterior means. Uncertainty around the posterior means is estimated from the covariance matrix. Rows are parameters. The following columns are included: Mean, SD (Standard Deviation), LB (Lower Bound), and UB (Upper Bound). The bounds constitute a 95% probability interval. |
Summary2 |
This is a summary matrix that summarizes the
posterior samples drawn with sampling importance resampling
( |
Tolerance.Final |
This is the last |
Tolerance.Stop |
This is the |
Z |
This is the final |
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
Naylor, J.C. and Smith, A.F.M. (1982). "Applications of a Method for the Efficient Computation of Posterior Distributions". Applied Statistics, 31(3), p. 214–225.
O'Hagan, A. (1987). "Monte Carlo is Fundamentally Unsound". The Statistician, 36, p. 247–249.
O'Hagan, A. (1991). "Bayes-Hermite Quadrature". Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 29, p. 245–260.
O'Hagan, A. (1992). "Some Bayesian Numerical Analysis". In Bernardo, J.M., Berger, J.O., David, A.P., and Smith, A.F.M., editors, Bayesian Statistics, 4, p. 356–363, Oxford University Press.
Rasmussen, C.E. and Ghahramani, Z. (2003). "Bayesian Monte Carlo". In Becker, S. and Obermayer, K., editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 15, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
, and
# The accompanying Examples vignette is a compendium of examples. #################### Load the LaplacesDemon Library ##################### library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,10]+1))) J <- ncol(X) for (j in 2:J) X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- "mu[1]" parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) { beta <- rnorm(Data$J) sigma <- runif(1) return(c(beta, sigma)) } MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log-Prior beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=mu[1], yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } ############################ Initial Values ############################# #Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) Initial.Values <- rep(0,J+1) ######################### Adaptive Gauss-Hermite ######################## #Fit <- IterativeQuadrature(Model, Initial.Values, MyData, Covar=NULL, # Iterations=100, Algorithm="AGH", # Specs=list(N=5, Nmax=7, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL), CPUs=1) ################## Adaptive Gauss-Hermite Sparse Grid ################### #Fit <- IterativeQuadrature(Model, Initial.Values, MyData, Covar=NULL, # Iterations=100, Algorithm="AGHSG", # Specs=list(K=5, Kmax=7, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL), CPUs=1) ################# Componentwise Adaptive Gauss-Hermite ################## #Fit <- IterativeQuadrature(Model, Initial.Values, MyData, Covar=NULL, # Iterations=100, Algorithm="CAGH", # Specs=list(N=3, Nmax=10, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL), CPUs=1) #Fit #print(Fit) #PosteriorChecks(Fit) #caterpillar.plot(Fit, Parms="beta") #plot(Fit, MyData, PDF=FALSE) #Pred <- predict(Fit, Model, MyData, CPUs=1) #summary(Pred, Discrep="Chi-Square") #plot(Pred, Style="Covariates", Data=MyData) #plot(Pred, Style="Density", Rows=1:9) #plot(Pred, Style="Fitted") #plot(Pred, Style="Jarque-Bera") #plot(Pred, Style="Predictive Quantiles") #plot(Pred, Style="Residual Density") #plot(Pred, Style="Residuals") #Levene.Test(Pred) #Importance(Fit, Model, MyData, Discrep="Chi-Square") #End
# The accompanying Examples vignette is a compendium of examples. #################### Load the LaplacesDemon Library ##################### library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,10]+1))) J <- ncol(X) for (j in 2:J) X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- "mu[1]" parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) { beta <- rnorm(Data$J) sigma <- runif(1) return(c(beta, sigma)) } MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log-Prior beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=mu[1], yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } ############################ Initial Values ############################# #Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) Initial.Values <- rep(0,J+1) ######################### Adaptive Gauss-Hermite ######################## #Fit <- IterativeQuadrature(Model, Initial.Values, MyData, Covar=NULL, # Iterations=100, Algorithm="AGH", # Specs=list(N=5, Nmax=7, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL), CPUs=1) ################## Adaptive Gauss-Hermite Sparse Grid ################### #Fit <- IterativeQuadrature(Model, Initial.Values, MyData, Covar=NULL, # Iterations=100, Algorithm="AGHSG", # Specs=list(K=5, Kmax=7, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL), CPUs=1) ################# Componentwise Adaptive Gauss-Hermite ################## #Fit <- IterativeQuadrature(Model, Initial.Values, MyData, Covar=NULL, # Iterations=100, Algorithm="CAGH", # Specs=list(N=3, Nmax=10, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL), CPUs=1) #Fit #print(Fit) #PosteriorChecks(Fit) #caterpillar.plot(Fit, Parms="beta") #plot(Fit, MyData, PDF=FALSE) #Pred <- predict(Fit, Model, MyData, CPUs=1) #summary(Pred, Discrep="Chi-Square") #plot(Pred, Style="Covariates", Data=MyData) #plot(Pred, Style="Density", Rows=1:9) #plot(Pred, Style="Fitted") #plot(Pred, Style="Jarque-Bera") #plot(Pred, Style="Predictive Quantiles") #plot(Pred, Style="Residual Density") #plot(Pred, Style="Residuals") #Levene.Test(Pred) #Importance(Fit, Model, MyData, Discrep="Chi-Square") #End
This function plots the joint kernel density from samples of two marginal posterior distributions.
joint.density.plot(x, y, Title=NULL, contour=TRUE, color=FALSE, Trace=NULL)
joint.density.plot(x, y, Title=NULL, contour=TRUE, color=FALSE, Trace=NULL)
x , y
These are vectors consisting of samples from two marginal
posterior distributions, such as those output by
Title |
This is the title of the joint posterior density plot. |
contour |
This logical argument indicates whether or not contour
lines will be added to the plot. |
color |
This logical argument indicates whether or not color will
be added to the plot. |
Trace |
This argument defaults to |
This function produces either a bivariate scatterplot that may have kernel density contour lines added, or a bivariate plot with kernel density-influenced colors, which may also have kernel density contour lines added. A joint density plot may be more informative than two univariate density plots.
The Trace
argument allows the user to view the exploration of
the joint density, such as from MCMC chain output. An efficient
algorithm jumps to random points of the joint density, and an
inefficient algorithm explores more slowly. The initial point of the
trace (which is the first element passed to Trace
) is plotted
with a green dot. The user should consider plotting the joint density of
the two marginal posterior distributions with the highest
, as identified with the
function, since these are the two least
efficient MCMC chains. Different sequences of iterations may be
plotted. This ‘joint trace plot’ may show behavior of the MCMC
algorithm to the user.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) X <- rmvn(1000, runif(2), diag(2)) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], Title="Joint Density Plot", contour=TRUE, color=FALSE) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], Title="Joint Density Plot", contour=FALSE, color=TRUE) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], Title="Joint Density Plot", contour=TRUE, color=TRUE) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], Title="Joint Trace Plot", contour=FALSE, color=TRUE, Trace=c(1,10))
library(LaplacesDemon) X <- rmvn(1000, runif(2), diag(2)) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], Title="Joint Density Plot", contour=TRUE, color=FALSE) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], Title="Joint Density Plot", contour=FALSE, color=TRUE) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], Title="Joint Density Plot", contour=TRUE, color=TRUE) joint.density.plot(X[,1], X[,2], Title="Joint Trace Plot", contour=FALSE, color=TRUE, Trace=c(1,10))
Given two vectors, the joint.pr.plot
function creates a
scatterplot with ellipses of probability regions.
joint.pr.plot(x, y, quantiles=c(0.25,0.50,0.75,0.95))
joint.pr.plot(x, y, quantiles=c(0.25,0.50,0.75,0.95))
x |
This required argument is a vector. |
y |
This required argument is a vector. |
quantiles |
These are the quantiles for which probability regions
are estimated with ellipses. The center of the ellipse is plotted by
default. The 0.95 quantile creates a probability region that
contains approximately 95% of the data or samples of |
A probability region is also commonly called a credible region. For
more information on probability regions, see p.interval
Joint probability regions are plotted only for two variables, and the
regions are estimated with functions modified from the car
package. The internal ellipse functions assume bivariate normality.
This function is often used to plot posterior distributions of
samples, such as from the LaplacesDemon
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(100) y <- rnorm(100) joint.pr.plot(x, y)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(100) y <- rnorm(100) joint.pr.plot(x, y)
This function gives a side-by-side comparison of (or juxtaposes) the
inefficiency of MCMC algorithms in LaplacesDemon
applied use, and is a valuable tool for selecting what is likely to be
the least inefficient algorithm for the user's current model, prior to
updating the final, intended model.
x |
This is a list of multiple components. Each component must
be an object of class |
Laplace's Demon recommends using the Juxtapose
function on the
user's model (or most likely a simplified version of it) with a
smaller, simulated data set to select the least inefficient MCMC
algorithm before using real data and updating the model for numerous
iterations. The least inefficient MCMC algorithm differs for different
models and data sets. Using Juxtapose
in this way does not
guarantee that the selected algorithm will remain the best choice with
real data, but it should be better than otherwise selecting an
The user must make a decision regarding their model and data. The more
similar the model and data is to the final, intended model and data,
the more appropriate will be the results of the Juxtapose
function. However, if the full model and data are used, then the user
may as well instead skip using Juxtapose
and proceed directly
to LaplacesDemon
. Replacing the actual data set with a
smaller, simulated set is fairly straightforward, but the
decision-making will most likely focus on what is the best way to
reduce the full model specification. A simple approach may be to
merely reduce the number of predictors. However, complicated models
may have several components that slow down estimation time, and extend
the amount of time until global stationarity is estimated. Laplace's
Demon offers no guidance here, and leaves it in the realm of user
First, the user should simulate a smaller data set, and if best,
reduce the model specification. Next, the user must select candidate
algorithms. Then, the user must update each algorithm with
for numerous iterations, with the goal of
achieving stationarity for all parameters early in the
iterations. Each update should begin with the same model specification
function, vector of initial values, and data. Each output object of
class demonoid
should be renamed. An example follows.
Suppose a user considers three candidate algorithms for their model:
AMWG, NUTS, and twalk. The user updates each model, saving the model
that used the AMWG algorithm as, say, Fit1
, the NUTS model as
, and the twalk model as Fit3
Next, the output model objects are put in a list and passed to the
function. See the example below.
The Juxtapose
function uses an internal version of the
, which is a slightly modified version of that found
in the SamplerCompare
package. The Juxtapose
returns an object of class juxtapose
. It is a matrix in which
each row is a result and each column is an algorithm.
The rows are:
: This is the iterations per minute.
: This is the thinned iterations per minute.
: This is the proportion of iterations that
were stationary.
: This is the 2.5% quantile of the integrated
autocorrelation time of the worst parameter, estimated only on
samples when all parameters are estimated to be globally stationary.
: This is the median integrated autocorrelation
time of the worst parameter, estimated only on samples when all
parameters are estimated to be globally stationary.
: This is the 97.5% quantile of the integrated
autocorrelation time of the worst parameter, estimated only on
samples when all parameters are estimated to be globally stationary.
: This is the 2.5% quantile of the number of
independent samples per minute.
: This is the median of the number of the
independent samples per minute. The least inefficient MCMC algorithm
has the highest ISM.500
: This is the 97.5% quantile of the number of
the independent samples per minute.
As for calculating , let
be the observed number of
thinned iterations per minute,
be the percent of iterations
in which all parameters were estimated to be globally stationary, and
be a quantile from a simulated distribution of the
integrated autocorrelation time among the parameters.
There are various ways to measure the inefficiency of MCMC
samplers. IAT
is used perhaps most often. As with the
package, Laplace's Demon uses the worst
parameter, in terms of IAT
. Often, the number of
evaluations or number of parameters is considered. The
function, instead considers the final criterion of
MCMC efficiency, in an applied context, to be ISM
, or the
number of Independent (thinned) Samples per Minute. The algorithm with
the highest ISM.500
is the best, or least inefficient,
algorithm with respect to its worst IAT
, the proportion
of iterations required to seem to have global stationarity, and the
number of (thinned) iterations per minute.
A disadvantage of using time is that it will differ by computer, and is less likely to be reported in a journal. The advantage, though, is that it is more meaningful to a user. Increases in the number of evaluations, parameters, and time should all correlate well, but time may enlighten a user as to expected run-time given the model just studied, even though the real data set will most likely be larger than the simulated data used initially. NUTS is an example of a sampler in which the number of evaluations varies per iteration. For an alternative approach, see Thompson (2010).
The Juxtapose
function also adjusts ISM
, the proportion of the iterations in which all chains
were estimated to be stationary. This adjustment is weighted by
burn-in iterations, penalizing an algorithm that took longer to
achieve global stationarity. The goal, again, is to assist the user in
selecting the least inefficient MCMC algorithm in an applied setting.
The Juxtapose
function has many other potential uses than those
described above. One additional use of the Juxtapose
function is
to compare inefficiencies within a single algorithm in which
algorithmic specifications varied with different model
updates. Another use is to investigate parallel chains in an object of
class demonoid.hpc
, as returned from the
function. Yet another use is to
compare the effects of small changes to a model specification
function, such as with priors, or due to an increase in the amount of
simulated data.
An object of class juxtapose
may be plotted with the
function, which displays ISM
default, or optionally IAT
. For more information, see the
Independent samples per minute, calculated as ESS
divided by minutes of run-time, are also available by parameter in the
This function returns an object of class juxtapose
. It is a
matrix with nine results for
Thompson, M. (2010). "Graphical Comparison of MCMC Performance". ArXiv e-prints, eprint 1011.4458.
, and
### Update three demonoid objects, each from different MCMC algorithms. ### Suppose Fit1 was updated with AFSS, Fit2 with AMWG, and ### Fit3 with NUTS. Then, compare the inefficiencies: #Juxt <- Juxtapose(list(Fit1=Fit1, Fit2=Fit2, Fit3=Fit3)); Juxt #plot(Juxt, Style="ISM")
### Update three demonoid objects, each from different MCMC algorithms. ### Suppose Fit1 was updated with AFSS, Fit2 with AMWG, and ### Fit3 with NUTS. Then, compare the inefficiencies: #Juxt <- Juxtapose(list(Fit1=Fit1, Fit2=Fit2, Fit3=Fit3)); Juxt #plot(Juxt, Style="ISM")
This function calculates the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) between two probability distributions, and has many uses, such as in lowest posterior loss probability intervals, posterior predictive checks, prior elicitation, reference priors, and Variational Bayes.
KLD(px, py, base)
KLD(px, py, base)
px |
This is a required vector of probability densities,
considered as |
py |
This is a required vector of probability densities,
considered as |
base |
This optional argument specifies the logarithmic base,
which defaults to |
The Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) is known by many names, some of
which are Kullback-Leibler distance, K-L, and logarithmic divergence.
KLD is an asymmetric measure of the difference, distance, or direct
divergence between two probability distributions
(Kullback and
Leibler, 1951). Mathematically, however, KLD is not a distance,
because of its asymmetry.
Here, represents the
“true” distribution of data, observations, or theoretical
distribution, and
represents a theory,
model, or approximation of
For probability distributions and
that are discrete (whether the underlying
distribution is continuous or discrete, the observations themselves
are always discrete, such as from
In Bayesian inference, KLD can be used as a measure of the information
gain in moving from a prior distribution, ,
to a posterior distribution,
. As such, KLD is the basis of reference priors and lowest
posterior loss intervals (
), such as in
Berger, Bernardo, and Sun (2009) and Bernardo (2005). The intrinsic
discrepancy was introduced by Bernardo and Rueda (2002). For more
information on the intrinsic discrepancy, see
returns a list with the following components:
KLD.px.py |
This is |
KLD.py.px |
This is |
mean.KLD |
This is the mean of the two components above. This is
the expected posterior loss in |
sum.KLD.px.py |
This is |
sum.KLD.py.px |
This is |
mean.sum.KLD |
This is the mean of the two components above. |
intrinsic.discrepancy |
This is minimum of the two directed divergences. |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Berger, J.O., Bernardo, J.M., and Sun, D. (2009). "The Formal Definition of Reference Priors". The Annals of Statistics, 37(2), p. 905–938.
Bernardo, J.M. and Rueda, R. (2002). "Bayesian Hypothesis Testing: A Reference Approach". International Statistical Review, 70, p. 351–372.
Bernardo, J.M. (2005). "Intrinsic Credible Regions: An Objective Bayesian Approach to Interval Estimation". Sociedad de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa, 14(2), p. 317–384.
Kullback, S. and Leibler, R.A. (1951). "On Information and Sufficiency". The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 22(1), p. 79–86.
library(LaplacesDemon) px <- dnorm(runif(100),0,1) py <- dnorm(runif(100),0.1,0.9) KLD(px,py)
library(LaplacesDemon) px <- dnorm(runif(100),0,1) py <- dnorm(runif(100),0.1,0.9) KLD(px,py)
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is a nonparametric test of stationarity
that has been applied as an MCMC diagnostic (Brooks et al, 2003), such
as to the posterior samples from the LaplacesDemon
function. The first and last halves of the chain are compared. This
test assumes IID, which is violated in the presence of
The KS.Diagnostic
is a univariate diagnostic that is usually
applied to each marginal posterior distribution. A multivariate form
is not included. By chance alone due to multiple independent tests,
5% of the marginal posterior distributions should appear
non-stationary when stationarity exists. Assessing multivariate
convergence is difficult.
x |
This is a vector of posterior samples for which a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test will be applied that compares the first and last halves for stationarity. |
There are two main approaches to using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test as
an MCMC diagnostic. There is a version of the test that has
been adapted to account for autocorrelation (and is not included
here). Otherwise, the chain is thinned enough that autocorrelation is
not present or is minimized, in which case the two-sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is applied. The CDFs of both samples are
compared. The ks.test
function in base R is used.
The advantage of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is that it is easier and faster to calculate. The disadvantages are that autocorrelation biases results, and the test is generally biased on the conservative side (indicating stationarity when it should not).
The KS.Diagnostic
function returns a frequentist p-value, and
stationarity is indicated when p > 0.05.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Brooks, S.P., Giudici, P., and Philippe, A. (2003). "Nonparametric Convergence Assessment for MCMC Model Selection". Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 12(1), p. 1–22.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(1000) KS.Diagnostic(x)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(1000) KS.Diagnostic(x)
The LaplaceApproximation
function deterministically maximizes
the logarithm of the unnormalized joint posterior density with one of
several optimization algorithms. The goal of Laplace Approximation is
to estimate the posterior mode and variance of each parameter. This
function is useful for optimizing initial values and estimating a
covariance matrix to be input into the
, LaplacesDemon
, or VariationalBayes
function, or
sometimes for model estimation in its own right.
LaplaceApproximation(Model, parm, Data, Interval=1.0E-6, Iterations=100, Method="SPG", Samples=1000, CovEst="Hessian", sir=TRUE, Stop.Tolerance=1.0E-5, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK")
LaplaceApproximation(Model, parm, Data, Interval=1.0E-6, Iterations=100, Method="SPG", Samples=1000, CovEst="Hessian", sir=TRUE, Stop.Tolerance=1.0E-5, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK")
Model |
This required argument receives the model from a
user-defined function. The user-defined function is where the model
is specified. |
parm |
This argument requires a vector of initial values equal in
length to the number of parameters. |
Data |
This required argument accepts a list of data. The list of
data must include |
Interval |
This argument receives an interval for estimating approximate gradients. The logarithm of the unnormalized joint posterior density of the Bayesian model is evaluated at the current parameter value, and again at the current parameter value plus this interval. |
Iterations |
This argument accepts an integer that determines the
number of iterations that |
Method |
This optional argument accepts a quoted string that
specifies the method used for Laplace Approximation. The default
method is |
Samples |
This argument indicates the number of posterior samples
to be taken with sampling importance resampling via the
CovEst |
This argument accepts a quoted string that indicates how
the covariance matrix is estimated after the model finishes. This
covariance matrix is used to obtain the standard deviation of each
parameter, and may also be used for posterior sampling via Sampling
Importance Resampling (SIR) (see the |
sir |
This logical argument indicates whether or not Sampling
Importance Resampling (SIR) is conducted via the |
Stop.Tolerance |
This argument accepts any positive number and
defaults to 1.0E-5. Tolerance is calculated each iteration, and the
criteria varies by algorithm. The algorithm is considered to have
converged to the user-specified |
CPUs |
This argument accepts an integer that specifies the number
of central processing units (CPUs) of the multicore computer or
computer cluster. This argument defaults to |
Type |
This argument specifies the type of parallel processing to
perform, accepting either |
The Laplace Approximation or Laplace Method is a family of asymptotic techniques used to approximate integrals. Laplace's method accurately approximates unimodal posterior moments and marginal posterior distributions in many cases. Since it is not applicable in all cases, it is recommended here that Laplace Approximation is used cautiously in its own right, or preferably, it is used before MCMC.
After introducing the Laplace Approximation (Laplace, 1774, p. 366–367), a proof was published later (Laplace, 1814) as part of a mathematical system of inductive reasoning based on probability. Laplace used this method to approximate posterior moments.
Since its introduction, the Laplace Approximation has been applied successfully in many disciplines. In the 1980s, the Laplace Approximation experienced renewed interest, especially in statistics, and some improvements in its implementation were introduced (Tierney et al., 1986; Tierney et al., 1989). Only since the 1980s has the Laplace Approximation been seriously considered by statisticians in practical applications.
There are many variations of Laplace Approximation, with an effort toward replacing Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms as the dominant form of numerical approximation in Bayesian inference. The run-time of Laplace Approximation is a little longer than Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE), usually shorter than variational Bayes, and much shorter than MCMC (Azevedo and Shachter, 1994).
The speed of Laplace Approximation depends on the optimization algorithm selected, and typically involves many evaluations of the objective function per iteration (where an MCMC algorithm with a multivariate proposal usually evaluates once per iteration), making many MCMC algorithms faster per iteration. The attractiveness of Laplace Approximation is that it typically improves the objective function better than iterative quadrature, MCMC, and PMC when the parameters are in low-probability regions. Laplace Approximation is also typically faster than MCMC and PMC because it is seeking point-estimates, rather than attempting to represent the target distribution with enough simulation draws. Laplace Approximation extends MLE, but shares similar limitations, such as its asymptotic nature with respect to sample size and that marginal posterior distributions are Gaussian. Bernardo and Smith (2000) note that Laplace Approximation is an attractive family of numerical approximation algorithms, and will continue to develop.
seeks a global maximum of the logarithm of
the unnormalized joint posterior density. The approach differs by
. The LaplacesDemon
function uses the
algorithm to optimize initial values and
save time for the user.
Most optimization algorithms assume that the logarithm of the unnormalized joint posterior density is defined and differentiable. Some methods calculate an approximate gradient for each initial value as the difference in the logarithm of the unnormalized joint posterior density due to a slight increase in the parameter.
When Method="AGA"
, the direction and distance for each
parameter is proposed based on an approximate truncated gradient and
an adaptive step size. The step size parameter, which is often plural
and called rate parameters in other literature, is adapted each
iteration with the univariate version of the Robbins-Monro stochastic
approximation in Garthwaite (2010). The step size shrinks when a
proposal is rejected and expands when a proposal is accepted.
Gradient ascent is criticized for sometimes being relatively slow when close to the maximum, and its asymptotic rate of convergence is inferior to other methods. However, compared to other popular optimization algorithms such as Newton-Raphson, an advantage of the gradient ascent is that it works in infinite dimensions, requiring only sufficient computer memory. Although Newton-Raphson converges in fewer iterations, calculating the inverse of the negative Hessian matrix of second-derivatives is more computationally expensive and subject to singularities. Therefore, gradient ascent takes longer to converge, but is more generalizable.
When Method="BFGS"
, the BFGS algorithm is used, which was
proposed by Broyden (1970), Fletcher (1970), Goldfarb (1970), and
Shanno (1970), independently. BFGS may be the most efficient and
popular quasi-Newton optimiziation algorithm. As a quasi-Newton
algorithm, the Hessian matrix is approximated using rank-one updates
specified by (approximate) gradient evaluations. Since BFGS is very
popular, there are many variations of it. This is a version by Nash
that has been adapted from the Rvmmin package, and is used in the
function of base R. The approximate Hessian is not
guaranteed to converge to the Hessian. When BFGS is used, the
approximate Hessian is not used to calculate the final covariance
When Method="BHHH"
, the algorithm of Berndt et al. (1974) is
used, which is commonly pronounced B-triple H. The BHHH algorithm is a
quasi-Newton method that includes a step-size parameter, partial
derivatives, and an approximation of a covariance matrix that is
calculated as the inverse of the sum of the outer product of the
gradient (OPG), calculated from each record. The OPG method becomes
more costly with data sets with more records. Since partial
derivatives must be calculated per record of data, the list of data
has special requirements with this method, and must include design
matrix X
, and dependent variable y
or Y
. Records
must be row-wise. An advantage of BHHH over NR (see below) is that
the covariance matrix is necessarily positive definite, and gauranteed
to provide an increase in LP each iteration (given a small enough
step-size), even in convex areas. The covariance matrix is better
approximated with larger data sample sizes, and when closer to the
maximum of LP. Disadvantages of BHHH include that it can give small
increases in LP, especially when far from the maximum or when LP is
highly non-quadratic.
When Method="CG"
, a nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm is
used. CG uses partial derivatives, but does not use the Hessian matrix
or any approximation of it. CG usually requires more iterations to
reach convergence than other algorithms that use the Hessian or an
approximation. However, since the Hessian becomes computationally
expensive as the dimension of the model grows, CG is applicable to
large dimensional models when CovEst="Hessian"
is avoided.
CG was originally developed by Hestenes and Stiefel (1952), though
this version is adapted from the Rcgminu
function in package
When Method="DFP"
, the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell algorithm is
used. DFP was the first popular, multidimensional, quasi-Newton
optimization algorithm. The DFP update of an approximate Hessian
matrix maintains symmetry and positive-definiteness. The approximate
Hessian is not guaranteed to converge to the Hessian. When DFP is
used, the approximate Hessian is not used to calculate the final
covariance matrix. Although DFP is very effective, it was superseded
by the BFGS algorithm.
When Method="HAR"
, a hit-and-run algorithm with a multivariate
proposal and adaptive length is used. The length parameter is adapted
each iteration with the univariate version of the Robbins-Monro
stochastic approximation in Garthwaite (2010). The length shrinks when
a proposal is rejected and expands when a proposal is accepted. This
is the same algorithm as the HARM or Hit-And-Run Metropolis MCMC
algorithm with adaptive length, except that a Metropolis step is not
When Method="HJ"
, the Hooke-Jeeves (1961) algorithm is used.
This was adapted from the HJK
algorithm in package dfoptim.
Hooke-Jeeves is a derivative-free, direct search method. Each iteration
involves two steps: an exploratory move and a pattern move. The
exploratory move explores local behavior, and the pattern move takes
advantage of pattern direction. It is sometimes described as a
hill-climbing algorithm. If the solution improves, it accepts the
move, and otherwise rejects it. Step size decreases with each
iteration. The decreasing step size can trap it in local maxima, where
it gets stuck and convergences erroneously. Users are encouraged to
attempt again after what seems to be convergence, starting from the
latest point. Although getting stuck at local maxima can be
problematic, the Hooke-Jeeves algorithm is also attractive because it
is simple, fast, does not depend on derivatives, and is otherwise
relatively robust.
When Method="LBFGS"
, the limited-memory BFGS
(Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno) algorithm is called in
, once per iteration.
When Method="LM"
, the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (Levenberg,
1944; Marquardt, 1963) is used. Also known as the Levenberg-Marquardt
Algorithm (LMA) or the Damped Least-Squares (DLS) method, LM is a
trust region (not to be confused with TR below) quasi-Newton
optimization algorithm that provides minimizes nonlinear least
squares, and has been adapted here to maximize LP. LM uses partial
derivatives and approximates the Hessian with outer-products. It is
suitable for nonlinear optimization up to a few hundred parameters,
but loses its efficiency in larger problems due to matrix inversion.
LM is considered between the Gauss-Newton algorithm and gradient
descent. When far from the solution, LM moves slowly like gradient
descent, but is guaranteed to converge. When LM is close to the
solution, LM becomes a damped Gauss-Newton method. This was adapted
from the lsqnonlin
algorithm in package pracma.
When Method="NM"
, the Nelder-Mead (1965) algorithm is
used. This was adapted from the nelder_mead
function in package
pracma. Nelder-Mead is a derivative-free, direct search method that is
known to become inefficient in large-dimensional problems. As the
dimension increases, the search direction becomes increasingly
orthogonal to the steepest ascent (usually descent)
direction. However, in smaller dimensions, it is a popular algorithm.
At each iteration, three steps are taken to improve a simplex:
reflection, extension, and contraction.
When Method="NR"
, the Newton-Raphson optimization algorithm,
also known as Newton's Method, is used. Newton-Raphson uses
derivatives and a Hessian matrix. The algorithm is included for its
historical significance, but is known to be problematic when starting
values are far from the targets, and calculating and inverting the
Hessian matrix can be computationally expensive. As programmed here,
when the Hessian is problematic, it tries to use only the derivatives,
and when that fails, a jitter is applied. Newton-Raphson should not
be the first choice of the user, and BFGS should always be preferred.
When Method="PSO"
, the Standard Particle Swarm Optimization
2007 algorithm is used. A swarm of particles is moved according
to velocity, neighborhood, and the best previous solution. The
neighborhood for each particle is a set of informing particles. PSO
is derivative-free. PSO has been adapted from the psoptim
function in package pso.
When Method="Rprop"
, the approximate gradient is taken for each
parameter in each iteration, and its sign is compared to the
approximate gradient in the previous iteration. A weight element in a
weight vector is associated with each approximate gradient. A weight
element is multiplied by 1.2 when the sign does not change, or by 0.5
if the sign changes. The weight vector is the step size, and is
constrained to the interval [0.001, 50], and initial weights are
0.0125. This is the resilient backpropagation algorithm, which is
often denoted as the “Rprop-” algorithm of Riedmiller (1994).
When Method="SGD"
, a stochastic gradient descent algorithm is
used that is designed only for big data, and gained popularity after
successful use in the NetFlix competition. This algorithm has special
requirements for the Model
specification function and the
list. See the “LaplacesDemon Tutorial” vignette for more
When Method="SOMA"
, a population of ten particles or
individuals moves in the direction of the best particle, the leader.
The leader does not move in each iteration, and a line-search is used
for each non-leader, up to three times the difference in parameter
values between each non-leader and leader. This algorithm is
derivative-free and often considered in the family of evolution
algorithms. Numerous model evaluations are performed per non-leader
per iteration. This algorithm was adapted from package soma.
When Method="SPG"
, a Spectral Projected Gradient algorithm
is used. SPG is a non-monotone algorithm that is suitable for
high-dimensional models. The approximate gradient is used, but the
Hessian matrix is not. When used with large models,
should be avoided. SPG has been adapted from
the spg
function in package BB.
When Method="SR1"
, the Symmetric Rank-One (SR1) algorithm is
used. SR1 is a quasi-Newton algorithm, and the Hessian matrix is
approximated, often without being positive-definite. At the posterior
modes, the true Hessian is usually positive-definite, but this is
often not the case during optimization when the parameters have not
yet reached the posterior modes. Other restrictions, including
constraints, often result in the true Hessian being indefinite at the
solution. For these reasons, SR1 often outperforms BFGS. The
approximate Hessian is not guaranteed to converge to the Hessian. When
SR1 is used, the approximate Hessian is not used to calculate the
final covariance matrix.
When Method="TR"
, the Trust Region algorithm of Nocedal and
Wright (1999) is used. The TR algorithm attempts to reach its
objective in the fewest number of iterations, is therefore very
efficient, as well as safe. The efficiency of TR is attractive when
model evaluations are expensive. The Hessian is approximated each
iteration, making TR best suited to models with small to medium
dimensions, say up to a few hundred parameters. TR has been adapted
from the trust
function in package trust.
returns an object of class laplace
that is a list with the following components:
Call |
This is the matched call of |
Converged |
This is a logical indicator of whether or not
Covar |
This covariance matrix is estimated according to the
Deviance |
This is a vector of the iterative history of the
deviance in the |
History |
This is a matrix of the iterative history of the
parameters in the |
Initial.Values |
This is the vector of initial values that was
originally given to |
This is an approximation of the logarithm of the marginal
likelihood of the data (see the |
LP.Final |
This reports the final scalar value for the logarithm of the unnormalized joint posterior density. |
LP.Initial |
This reports the initial scalar value for the logarithm of the unnormalized joint posterior density. |
Minutes |
This is the number of minutes that
Monitor |
When |
Posterior |
When |
Step.Size.Final |
This is the final, scalar |
Step.Size.Initial |
This is the initial, scalar |
Summary1 |
This is a summary matrix that summarizes the point-estimated posterior modes. Uncertainty around the posterior modes is estimated from the covariance matrix. Rows are parameters. The following columns are included: Mode, SD (Standard Deviation), LB (Lower Bound), and UB (Upper Bound). The bounds constitute a 95% probability interval. |
Summary2 |
This is a summary matrix that summarizes the
posterior samples drawn with sampling importance resampling
( |
Tolerance.Final |
This is the last |
Tolerance.Stop |
This is the |
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
Azevedo-Filho, A. and Shachter, R. (1994). "Laplace's Method Approximations for Probabilistic Inference in Belief Networks with Continuous Variables". In "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence", Mantaras, R. and Poole, D., Morgan Kauffman, San Francisco, CA, p. 28–36.
Bernardo, J.M. and Smith, A.F.M. (2000). "Bayesian Theory". John Wiley \& Sons: West Sussex, England.
Berndt, E., Hall, B., Hall, R., and Hausman, J. (1974), "Estimation and Inference in Nonlinear Structural Models". Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, 3, p. 653–665.
Broyden, C.G. (1970). "The Convergence of a Class of Double Rank Minimization Algorithms: 2. The New Algorithm". Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 6, p.76–90.
Fletcher, R. (1970). "A New Approach to Variable Metric Algorithms". Computer Journal, 13(3), p. 317–322.
Garthwaite, P., Fan, Y., and Sisson, S. (2010). "Adaptive Optimal Scaling of Metropolis-Hastings Algorithms Using the Robbins-Monro Process."
Goldfarb, D. (1970). "A Family of Variable Metric Methods Derived by Variational Means". Mathematics of Computation, 24(109), p. 23–26.
Hestenes, M.R. and Stiefel, E. (1952). "Methods of Conjugate Gradients for Solving Linear Systems". Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 49(6), p. 409–436.
Hooke, R. and Jeeves, T.A. (1961). "'Direct Search' Solution of Numerical and Statistical Problems". Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, 8(2), p. 212–229.
Kass, R.E. and Raftery, A.E. (1995). "Bayes Factors". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90(430), p. 773–795.
Laplace, P. (1774). "Memoire sur la Probabilite des Causes par les Evenements." l'Academie Royale des Sciences, 6, 621–656. English translation by S.M. Stigler in 1986 as "Memoir on the Probability of the Causes of Events" in Statistical Science, 1(3), 359–378.
Laplace, P. (1814). "Essai Philosophique sur les Probabilites." English translation in Truscott, F.W. and Emory, F.L. (2007) from (1902) as "A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities". ISBN 1602063281, translated from the French 6th ed. (1840).
Levenberg, K. (1944). "A Method for the Solution of Certain Non-Linear Problems in Least Squares". Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 2, p. 164–168.
Lewis, S.M. and Raftery, A.E. (1997). "Estimating Bayes Factors via Posterior Simulation with the Laplace-Metropolis Estimator". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, p. 648–655.
Marquardt, D. (1963). "An Algorithm for Least-Squares Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters". SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 11(2), p. 431–441.
Nelder, J.A. and Mead, R. (1965). "A Simplex Method for Function Minimization". The Computer Journal, 7(4), p. 308–313.
Nocedal, J. and Wright, S.J. (1999). "Numerical Optimization". Springer-Verlag.
Riedmiller, M. (1994). "Advanced Supervised Learning in Multi-Layer Perceptrons - From Backpropagation to Adaptive Learning Algorithms". Computer Standards and Interfaces, 16, p. 265–278.
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Tierney, L. and Kadane, J.B. (1986). "Accurate Approximations for Posterior Moments and Marginal Densities". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 81(393), p. 82–86.
Tierney, L., Kass. R., and Kadane, J.B. (1989). "Fully Exponential Laplace Approximations to Expectations and Variances of Nonpositive Functions". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 84(407), p. 710–716.
Zelinka, I. (2004). "SOMA - Self Organizing Migrating Algorithm". In: Onwubolu G.C. and Babu, B.V., editors. "New Optimization Techniques in Engineering". Springer: Berlin, Germany.
, and
# The accompanying Examples vignette is a compendium of examples. #################### Load the LaplacesDemon Library ##################### library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,10]+1))) J <- ncol(X) for (j in 2:J) X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- "mu[1]" parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) { beta <- rnorm(Data$J) sigma <- runif(1) return(c(beta, sigma)) } MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log-Prior beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=mu[1], yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } ############################ Initial Values ############################# #Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) Initial.Values <- rep(0,J+1) Fit <- LaplaceApproximation(Model, Initial.Values, Data=MyData, Iterations=100, Method="NM", CPUs=1) Fit print(Fit) #PosteriorChecks(Fit) #caterpillar.plot(Fit, Parms="beta") #plot(Fit, MyData, PDF=FALSE) #Pred <- predict(Fit, Model, MyData, CPUs=1) #summary(Pred, Discrep="Chi-Square") #plot(Pred, Style="Covariates", Data=MyData) #plot(Pred, Style="Density", Rows=1:9) #plot(Pred, Style="Fitted") #plot(Pred, Style="Jarque-Bera") #plot(Pred, Style="Predictive Quantiles") #plot(Pred, Style="Residual Density") #plot(Pred, Style="Residuals") #Levene.Test(Pred) #Importance(Fit, Model, MyData, Discrep="Chi-Square") #Fit$Covar is scaled (2.38^2/d) and submitted to LaplacesDemon as Covar. #Fit$Summary[,1] is submitted to LaplacesDemon as Initial.Values. #End
# The accompanying Examples vignette is a compendium of examples. #################### Load the LaplacesDemon Library ##################### library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,10]+1))) J <- ncol(X) for (j in 2:J) X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- "mu[1]" parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) { beta <- rnorm(Data$J) sigma <- runif(1) return(c(beta, sigma)) } MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log-Prior beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=mu[1], yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } ############################ Initial Values ############################# #Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) Initial.Values <- rep(0,J+1) Fit <- LaplaceApproximation(Model, Initial.Values, Data=MyData, Iterations=100, Method="NM", CPUs=1) Fit print(Fit) #PosteriorChecks(Fit) #caterpillar.plot(Fit, Parms="beta") #plot(Fit, MyData, PDF=FALSE) #Pred <- predict(Fit, Model, MyData, CPUs=1) #summary(Pred, Discrep="Chi-Square") #plot(Pred, Style="Covariates", Data=MyData) #plot(Pred, Style="Density", Rows=1:9) #plot(Pred, Style="Fitted") #plot(Pred, Style="Jarque-Bera") #plot(Pred, Style="Predictive Quantiles") #plot(Pred, Style="Residual Density") #plot(Pred, Style="Residuals") #Levene.Test(Pred) #Importance(Fit, Model, MyData, Discrep="Chi-Square") #Fit$Covar is scaled (2.38^2/d) and submitted to LaplacesDemon as Covar. #Fit$Summary[,1] is submitted to LaplacesDemon as Initial.Values. #End
The LaplacesDemon
function is the main function of Laplace's
Demon. Given data, a model specification, and initial values,
maximizes the logarithm of the unnormalized joint
posterior density with MCMC and provides samples of the marginal
posterior distributions, deviance, and other monitored variables.
The LaplacesDemon.hpc
function extends LaplacesDemon
parallel chains for multicore or cluster high performance computing.
LaplacesDemon(Model, Data, Initial.Values, Covar=NULL, Iterations=10000, Status=100, Thinning=10, Algorithm="MWG", Specs=list(B=NULL), Debug=list(DB.chol=FALSE, DB.eigen=FALSE, DB.MCSE=FALSE, DB.Model=TRUE), LogFile="", ...) LaplacesDemon.hpc(Model, Data, Initial.Values, Covar=NULL, Iterations=10000, Status=100, Thinning=10, Algorithm="MWG", Specs=list(B=NULL), Debug=list(DB.chol=FALSE, DB.eigen=FALSE, DB.MCSE=FALSE, DB.Model=TRUE), LogFile="", Chains=2, CPUs=2, Type="PSOCK", Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL)
LaplacesDemon(Model, Data, Initial.Values, Covar=NULL, Iterations=10000, Status=100, Thinning=10, Algorithm="MWG", Specs=list(B=NULL), Debug=list(DB.chol=FALSE, DB.eigen=FALSE, DB.MCSE=FALSE, DB.Model=TRUE), LogFile="", ...) LaplacesDemon.hpc(Model, Data, Initial.Values, Covar=NULL, Iterations=10000, Status=100, Thinning=10, Algorithm="MWG", Specs=list(B=NULL), Debug=list(DB.chol=FALSE, DB.eigen=FALSE, DB.MCSE=FALSE, DB.Model=TRUE), LogFile="", Chains=2, CPUs=2, Type="PSOCK", Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL)
Model |
This required argument receives the model from a
user-defined function that must be named Model. The user-defined
function is where the model is specified. |
Data |
This required argument accepts a list of data. The list of
data must contain |
Initial.Values |
For |
Covar |
This argument defaults to |
Iterations |
This required argument accepts integers larger than
10, and determines the number of iterations that Laplace's Demon
will update the parameters while searching for target
distributions. The required amount of computer memory will increase
with |
Status |
This argument accepts an integer between 1 and the
number of iterations, and indicates how often, in iterations, the
user would like the status printed to the screen or log
file. Usually, the following is reported: the number of iterations,
the proposal type (for example, multivariate or componentwise, or
mixture, or subset), and LP. For example, if a model is updated for
1,000 iterations and |
Thinning |
This argument accepts integers between 1 and the
number of iterations, and indicates that every nth iteration will be
retained, while the other iterations are discarded. If
Algorithm |
This argument accepts the abbreviated name of the MCMC algorithm, which must appear in quotes. A list of MCMC algorithms appears below in the Details section, and the abbreviated name is in parenthesis. |
Specs |
This argument defaults to |
Debug |
This argument accepts a list of logical scalars that
control whether or not errors or warnings are reported due to a
LogFile |
This argument is used to specify a log file name in
quotes in the working directory as a destination, rather than the
console, for the output messages of |
Chains |
This argument is required only for
CPUs |
This argument is required for parallel independent or
interactive chains in |
Type |
This argument defaults to |
Packages |
This optional argument is for use with parallel
independent or interacting chains, and defaults to |
Dyn.libs |
This optional argument is for use with parallel
independent or interacting chain, and defaults to |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
offers numerous MCMC algorithms for numerical
approximation in Bayesian inference. The algorithms are
Adaptive Directional Metropolis-within-Gibbs (ADMG)
Adaptive Griddy-Gibbs (AGG)
Adaptive Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (AHMC)
Adaptive Metropolis (AM)
Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs (AMWG)
Adaptive-Mixture Metropolis (AMM)
Affine-Invariant Ensemble Sampler (AIES)
Componentwise Hit-And-Run Metropolis (CHARM)
Delayed Rejection Adaptive Metropolis (DRAM)
Delayed Rejection Metropolis (DRM)
Differential Evolution Markov Chain (DEMC)
Elliptical Slice Sampler (ESS)
Gibbs Sampler (Gibbs)
Griddy-Gibbs (GG)
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC)
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Dual-Averaging (HMCDA)
Hit-And-Run Metropolis (HARM)
Independence Metropolis (IM)
Interchain Adaptation (INCA)
Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm (MALA)
Metropolis-Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMCMC)
Metropolis-within-Gibbs (MWG)
Multiple-Try Metropolis (MTM)
No-U-Turn Sampler (NUTS)
Oblique Hyperrectangle Slice Sampler (OHSS)
Preconditioned Crank-Nicolson (pCN)
Random Dive Metropolis-Hastings (RDMH)
Random-Walk Metropolis (RWM)
Reflective Slice Sampler (RSS)
Refractive Sampler (Refractive)
Reversible-Jump (RJ)
Robust Adaptive Metropolis (RAM)
Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs (SAMWG)
Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs (SMWG)
Slice Sampler (Slice)
Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD)
Tempered Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (THMC)
t-walk (twalk)
Univariate Eigenvector Slice Sampler (UESS)
Updating Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs (USAMWG)
Updating Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs (USMWG)
It is a goal for the documentation in the LaplacesDemon to be
extensive. However, details of MCMC algorithms are best explored
online at https://web.archive.org/web/20150206014000/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/mcmc, as well
as in the "LaplacesDemon Tutorial" vignette, and the "Bayesian
Inference" vignette. Algorithm specifications (Specs
) are
listed below:
is used in AFSS, HMCDA, MALA, NUTS, OHSS, and UESS. In
MALA, it is the maximum acceptable value of the Euclidean norm of
the adaptive parameters mu and sigma, and the Frobenius norm of the
covariance matrix. In AFSS, HMCDA, NUTS, OHSS, and UESS, it is the
number of initial, adaptive iterations to be discarded as burn-in.
is the iteration in which adaptation begins,
and is used in AM, AMM, DRAM, INCA, and Refractive. Most of these
algorithms adapt according to an observed covariance matrix, and
should sample before beginning to adapt.
is the target acceptance rate in MALA and
RAM, and is optional in CHARM and HARM. The recommended value for
multivariate proposals is alpha.star=0.234
, for componentwise
proposals is alpha.star=0.44
, and for MALA is
affects the traverse move in twalk. at=6
recommended. It helps when some parameters are highly correlated,
and the correlation structure may change through the
state-space. The traverse move is associated with an acceptance rate
that decreases as the number of parameters increases, and is the
reason that n1
is used to select a subset of parameters each
iteration. If adjusted, it is recommended to stay in the interval
affects the walk move in twalk, and aw=1.5
recommended. If adjusted, it is recommended to stay in the
interval [0.3,2].
is a scale parameter for AIES, and defaults to 2,
or an autoregressive parameter for pCN.
is the scalar size parameter for a binomial prior
distribution of model size for the RJ algorithm.
is the scalar probability parameter for a
binomial prior distribution of model size for the RJ algorithm.
is a list of blocked parameters. Each component of
the list represents a block of parameters, and contains a vector in
which each element is the position of the associated parameter in
parm.names. This function is optional in the AFSS, AMM, AMWG, ESS,
HARM, MWG, RAM, RWM, Slice, and UESS algorithms. For more
information on blockwise sampling, see the Blocks
indicates the time-period in which to begin
updating (filtering or predicting) in the USAMWG and USMWG
is used in the Slice algorithm. It is a vector
of length two with the lower and upper boundary of the slice. For
continuous parameters, it is often set to negative and positive
infinity, while for discrete parameters it is set to the minimum
and maximum discrete values to be sampled. When blocks are used,
this must be supplied as a list with the same number of list
components as the number of blocks.
is used in HMCDA, MALA, and NUTS. In HMCDA and
NUTS, it is the target acceptance rate, and the recommended value is
0.65 in HMCDA and 0.6 in NUTS. In MALA, it is a constant in the
bounded drift function, may be in the interval [1e-10,1000], and 1
is the default.
is the proposal distribution in RAM, and may
either be Dist="t"
for t-distributed or Dist="N"
accepts a vector of integers that indicate
discrete parameters. This argument is for use with the AGG or GG
is a matrix of dynamic
parameters, where
is the number of time-periods and
is the number of dynamic parameters.
is used by SAMWG,
SMWG, USAMWG, and USMWG. Non-dynamic parameters are updated first in
each sampler iteration, then dynamic parameters are updated in a
random order in each time-period, and sequentially by time-period.
and THMC. It is the step-size in all algorithms except MALA. It is
a vector equal in length to the number of parameters in AHMC, HMC,
and THMC. It is a scalar in HMCDA and NUTS. It is either a scalar
or a vector equal in length to the number of iterations in SGLD.
When epsilon=NULL
in HMCDA or NUTS (only), a reasonable
initial value is found. In MALA, it is a vector of length two. The
first element is the acceptable minimum of adaptive scale sigma, and
the second element is added to the diagonal of the covariance matrix
for regularization.
is used in Gibbs and accepts a function that
receives two arguments: the vector of all parameters and the list of
data (similar to the Model specification function). FC must return
the updated vector of all parameters. The user specifies FC to
calculate the full conditional distribution of one or more
is the quoted name of a numeric matrix of data,
without headers, for SGLD. The big data set must be a .csv
file. This matrix has Nr
rows and Nc
columns. Each
iteration, SGLD will randomly select a block of rows, where the
number of rows is specified by the size
is an object of class demonoid
in the USAMWG
and USMWG algorithms. Posterior samples before the time-period
specified in the Begin
argument are not updated, and are used
instead from Fit
controls the step size in DEMC or the decay of
adaptation in MALA and RAM. In DEMC, it is positive and defaults to
, where
is the length of initial values. For RAM, it is in the
interval (0.5,1], and 0.66 is recommended. For MALA, it is in the
interval (1,
), and defaults to 1.
accepts either a vector or a list of vectors of
evenly-spaced points on a grid for the AGG or GG algorithm. When the
argument is a vector, the same grid is applied to all
parameters. When the argument is a list, each component in the list
has a grid that is applied to the corresponding parameter. The
algorithm will evaluate each continuous parameter at the latest
value plus each point in the grid, or each discrete parameter (see
) at each grid point (which should be each discrete
is a scalar number of proposals in MTM.
is a scalar number of leapfrog steps in AHMC, HMC, and
THMC. When L=1
, the algorithm reduces to Langevin Monte Carlo
is used in HMCDA and MCMCMC. In HMCDA, it is a
scalar trajectory length. In MCMCMC, it is either a scalar that
controls temperature spacing, or a vector of temperature spacings.
is a scalar maximum for L
(see above) in
is used in the AFSS, AHMC, HMC, Refractive, RSS, Slice,
THMC, and UESS algorithms. In AHMC, HMC, and THMC, it is a
mass matrix for
initial values. In
AFSS and UESS, it is a scalar, and is the maximum number of steps
for creating the slice interval. In Refractive and RSS, it is a
scalar, and is the number of steps to take per iteration. In Slice,
it is either a scalar or a list with as many list components as
blocks. It must be an integer in [1,Inf], and indicates the maximum
number of steps for creating the slice interval.
is a vector that is equal in length to the initial
values. This vector will be used as the mean of the proposal
distribution, and is usually the posterior mode of a
previously-updated LaplaceApproximation
is used in Gibbs to specify a vector of parameters
that are to receive Metropolis-within-Gibbs updates. Each element is
an integer that indicates the parameter.
is either the number of (un-parallelized) parallel
chains in DEMC (and must be at least 3) or the number of columns of
big data in SGLD.
is the number of rows of big data in SGLD.
is the number of previous iterations in ADMG, AFSS,
affects the size of the subset of each set of points
to adjust, and is used in twalk. It relates to the number of
parameters, and n1=4
is recommended. If adjusted, it is
recommended to stay in the interval [2,20].
is a vector of probabilities for parameter
selection in the RJ algorithm, and must be equal in length to
the number of initial values.
is a scalar used in the Refractive algorithm to
indicate the ratio between r1 and r2.
specifies how often in iterations the
adaptive algorithm should adapt, and is used by AHMC, AM, AMM, AMWG,
DRAM, INCA, SAMWG, and USAMWG. If Periodicity=10
, then the
algorithm adapts every 10th iteration. A higher Periodicity
is associated with an algorithm that runs faster, because it does
not have to calculate adaptation as often, though the algorithm
adapts less often to the target distributions, so it is a
trade-off. It is recommended to use the lowest value that runs
fast enough to suit the user, or provide sufficient adaptation.
is a vector of indicators of whether or not
a parameter is selectable for variable selection in the RJ
algorithm. Non-selectable parameters are assigned a zero, and are
always in the model. Selectable parameters are assigned a one. This
vector must be equal in length to the number of initial values.
is a vector of indicators of whether or not
each parameter is selected when the RJ algorithm begins, and
must be equal in length to the number of initial values.
stands for secondary initial values and is used by
twalk. SIV
must be the same length as Initial.Values
and each element of these two vectors must be unique from each
other, both before and after being passed to the Model
function. SIV
defaults to NULL
, in which case values
are generated with GIV
is the number of rows of big data to be read into
SGLD each iteration.
is the maximum allowable tuning parameter sigma,
the standard deviation of the conditional distribution, in the AGG
is used in the THMC algorithm to heat up
the momentum in the first half of the leapfrog steps, and then cool
down the momentum in the last half. Temperature
must be
positive. When greater than 1, THMC should explore more diffuse
distributions, and may be helpful with multimodal distributions.
is used in the Slice algorithm. It is either a
scalar or a list with the same number of list components as blocks.
This accepts "Continuous"
for continuous parameters,
for discrete parameters that are unordered, and
for discrete parameters that are ordered.
is used in AFSS, AMM, DEMC, Refractive, RSS, and
Slice. It is a mixture weight for both the AMM and DEMC algorithms,
and in these algorithms it is in the interval (0,1]. For AMM, it is
recommended to use w=0.05
, as per Roberts and Rosenthal
(2009). The two mixture components in AMM are adaptive multivariate
and static/symmetric univariate proposals. The mixture is determined
at each iteration with mixture weight w
. In the AMM
algorithm, a higher value of w
is associated with more
static/symmetric univariate proposals, and a lower w
associated with more adaptive multivariate proposals. AMM will be
unable to include the multivariate mixture component until it has
accumulated some history, and models with more parameters will take
longer to be able to use adaptive multivariate proposals. In DEMC,
it indicates the probability that each iteration uses a snooker
update, rather than a projection update, and the recommended default
is w=0.1
. In the Refractive algorithm, w
is a scalar
step size parameter. In AFSS, RSS, and the Slice algorithms, this is
a step size interval for creating the slice interval. In AFSS and
RSS, a scalar or vector equal in length the number of initial values
is accepted. In Slice, a scalar or a list with a number of list
components equal to the number of blocks is accepted.
accepts a matrix or
array of thinned samples for
thinned iterations,
parameters, and
chains for
defaults to NULL
. The matrix of thinned
posterior samples from a previous run may be used, in which case the
samples are copied across the chains.
returns an object of class demonoid
, and
returns an object of class
that is a list of objects of class
, where the number of components in the list
is the number of parallel chains. Each object of class demonoid
is a list with the following components:
Acceptance.Rate |
This is the acceptance rate of the MCMC
algorithm, indicating the percentage of iterations in which the
proposals were accepted. For more information on acceptance rates,
see the |
Algorithm |
This reports the specific algorithm used. |
Call |
This is the matched call of |
Covar |
This stores the |
CovarDHis |
This |
Deviance |
This is a vector of the deviance of the model, with a length equal to the number of thinned samples that were retained. Deviance is useful for considering model fit, and is equal to the sum of the log-likelihood for all rows in the data set, which is then multiplied by negative two. |
DIC1 |
This is a vector of three values: Dbar, pD, and DIC. Dbar
is the mean deviance, pD is a measure of model complexity indicating
the effective number of parameters, and DIC is the Deviance
Information Criterion, which is a model fit statistic that is the
sum of Dbar and pD. |
DIC2 |
This is identical to |
Initial.Values |
This is the vector of |
Iterations |
This reports the number of |
This is an approximation of the logarithm of the marginal
likelihood of the data (see the |
Minutes |
This indicates the number of minutes that
Model |
This contains the model specification |
Monitor |
This is a vector or matrix of one or more monitored
variables, which are variables that were specified in the
Parameters |
This reports the number of parameters. |
Posterior1 |
This is a matrix of marginal posterior distributions composed of thinned samples, with a number of rows equal to the number of thinned samples and a number of columns equal to the number of parameters. This matrix includes all thinned samples. |
Posterior2 |
This is a matrix equal to |
Rec.BurnIn.Thinned |
This is the recommended burn-in for the
thinned samples, where the value indicates the first row that was
stationary across all parameters, and previous rows are discarded
as burn-in. Samples considered as burn-in are discarded because they
do not represent the target distribution and have not adequately
forgotten the initial value of the chain (or Markov chain, if
Rec.BurnIn.UnThinned |
This is the recommended burn-in for all samples, in case thinning will not be necessary. |
Rec.Thinning |
This is the recommended value for the
Specs |
This is an optional list of algorithm specifications. |
Status |
This is the value in the |
Summary1 |
This is a matrix that summarizes the marginal
posterior distributions of the parameters, deviance, and monitored
variables over all samples in |
Summary2 |
This matrix is identical to the matrix in
Thinned.Samples |
This is the number of thinned samples that were retained. |
Thinning |
This is the value of the |
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, and
# The accompanying Examples vignette is a compendium of examples. #################### Load the LaplacesDemon Library ##################### library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,c(1,4,10)]+1))) J <- ncol(X) for (j in 2:J) X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- "LP" parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) { beta <- rnorm(Data$J) sigma <- runif(1) return(c(beta, sigma)) } MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log-Prior beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=LP, yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } #library(compiler) #Model <- cmpfun(Model) #Consider byte-compiling for more speed set.seed(666) ############################ Initial Values ############################# Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) ########################################################################### # Examples of MCMC Algorithms # ########################################################################### #################### Automated Factor Slice Sampler ##################### Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, Algorithm="AFSS", Specs=list(A=Inf, B=NULL, m=100, n=0, w=1)) Fit print(Fit) #Consort(Fit) #plot(BMK.Diagnostic(Fit)) #PosteriorChecks(Fit) #caterpillar.plot(Fit, Parms="beta") #BurnIn <- Fit$Rec.BurnIn.Thinned #plot(Fit, BurnIn, MyData, PDF=FALSE) #Pred <- predict(Fit, Model, MyData, CPUs=1) #summary(Pred, Discrep="Chi-Square") #plot(Pred, Style="Covariates", Data=MyData) #plot(Pred, Style="Density", Rows=1:9) #plot(Pred, Style="ECDF") #plot(Pred, Style="Fitted") #plot(Pred, Style="Jarque-Bera") #plot(Pred, Style="Predictive Quantiles") #plot(Pred, Style="Residual Density") #plot(Pred, Style="Residuals") #Levene.Test(Pred) #Importance(Fit, Model, MyData, Discrep="Chi-Square") ############# Adaptive Directional Metropolis-within-Gibbs ############## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="ADMG", Specs=list(n=0, Periodicity=50)) ######################## Adaptive Griddy-Gibbs ########################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="AGG", Specs=list(Grid=GaussHermiteQuadRule(3)$nodes, # dparm=NULL, smax=Inf, CPUs=1, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL)) ################## Adaptive Hamiltonian Monte Carlo ##################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="AHMC", Specs=list(epsilon=0.02, L=2, m=NULL, # Periodicity=10)) ########################## Adaptive Metropolis ########################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="AM", Specs=list(Adaptive=500, Periodicity=10)) ################### Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs #################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="AMWG", Specs=list(B=NULL, n=0, Periodicity=50)) ###################### Adaptive-Mixture Metropolis ###################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="AMM", Specs=list(Adaptive=500, B=NULL, n=0, # Periodicity=10, w=0.05)) ################### Affine-Invariant Ensemble Sampler ################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="AIES", Specs=list(Nc=2*length(Initial.Values), Z=NULL, # beta=2, CPUs=1, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL)) ################# Componentwise Hit-And-Run Metropolis ################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="CHARM", Specs=NULL) ########### Componentwise Hit-And-Run (Adaptive) Metropolis ############# #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="CHARM", Specs=list(alpha.star=0.44)) ################# Delayed Rejection Adaptive Metropolis ################# #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="DRAM", Specs=list(Adaptive=500, Periodicity=10)) ##################### Delayed Rejection Metropolis ###################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="DRM", Specs=NULL) ################## Differential Evolution Markov Chain ################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="DEMC", Specs=list(Nc=3, Z=NULL, gamma=NULL, w=0.1)) ####################### Elliptical Slice Sampler ######################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="ESS", Specs=list(B=NULL)) ############################# Gibbs Sampler ############################# ### NOTE: Unlike the other samplers, Gibbs requires specifying a ### function (FC) that draws from full conditionals. #FC <- function(parm, Data) # { # ### Parameters # beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] # sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) # sigma2 <- sigma*sigma # ### Hyperparameters # betamu <- rep(0,length(beta)) # betaprec <- diag(length(beta))/1000 # ### Update beta # XX <- crossprod(Data$X) # Xy <- crossprod(Data$X, Data$y) # IR <- backsolve(chol(XX/sigma2 + betaprec), diag(length(beta))) # btilde <- crossprod(t(IR)) %*% (Xy/sigma2 + betaprec %*% betamu) # beta <- btilde + IR %*% rnorm(length(beta)) # return(c(beta,sigma)) # } ##library(compiler) ##FC <- cmpfun(FC) #Consider byte-compiling for more speed #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="Gibbs", Specs=list(FC=FC, MWG=pos.sigma)) ############################# Griddy-Gibbs ############################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="GG", Specs=list(Grid=seq(from=-0.1, to=0.1, len=5), # dparm=NULL, CPUs=1, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL)) ####################### Hamiltonian Monte Carlo ######################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="HMC", Specs=list(epsilon=0.001, L=2, m=NULL)) ############# Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Dual-Averaging ############### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=1, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="HMCDA", Specs=list(A=500, delta=0.65, epsilon=NULL, # Lmax=1000, lambda=0.1)) ####################### Hit-And-Run Metropolis ########################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="HARM", Specs=NULL) ################## Hit-And-Run (Adaptive) Metropolis #################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="HARM", Specs=list(alpha.star=0.234, B=NULL)) ######################## Independence Metropolis ######################## ### Note: the mu and Covar arguments are populated from a previous Laplace ### Approximation. #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=Fit$Covar, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="IM", # Specs=list(mu=Fit$Summary1[1:length(Initial.Values),1])) ######################### Interchain Adaptation ######################### #Initial.Values <- rbind(Initial.Values, GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE)) #Fit <- LaplacesDemon.hpc(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="INCA", Specs=list(Adaptive=500, Periodicity=10), # LogFile="MyLog", Chains=2, CPUs=2, Type="PSOCK", Packages=NULL, # Dyn.libs=NULL) ################ Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm ################# #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="MALA", Specs=list(A=1e7, alpha.star=0.574, gamma=1, # delta=1, epsilon=c(1e-6,1e-7))) ############# Metropolis-Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo ############### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="MCMCMC", Specs=list(lambda=1, CPUs=2, Packages=NULL, # Dyn.libs=NULL)) ####################### Metropolis-within-Gibbs ######################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="MWG", Specs=list(B=NULL)) ######################## Multiple-Try Metropolis ######################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="MTM", Specs=list(K=4, CPUs=1, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL)) ########################## No-U-Turn Sampler ############################ #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=1, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="NUTS", Specs=list(A=500, delta=0.6, epsilon=NULL, # Lmax=Inf)) ################# Oblique Hyperrectangle Slice Sampler ################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="OHSS", Specs=list(A=Inf, n=0)) ##################### Preconditioned Crank-Nicolson ##################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="pCN", Specs=list(beta=0.1)) ###################### Robust Adaptive Metropolis ####################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="RAM", Specs=list(alpha.star=0.234, B=NULL, Dist="N", # gamma=0.66, n=0)) ################### Random Dive Metropolis-Hastings #################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="RDMH", Specs=NULL) ########################## Refractive Sampler ########################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="Refractive", Specs=list(Adaptive=1, m=2, w=0.1, r=1.3)) ########################### Reversible-Jump ############################# #bin.n <- J-1 #bin.p <- 0.2 #parm.p <- c(1, rep(1/(J-1),(J-1)), 1) #selectable <- c(0, rep(1,J-1), 0) #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="RJ", Specs=list(bin.n=bin.n, bin.p=bin.p, # parm.p=parm.p, selectable=selectable, # selected=c(0,rep(1,J-1),0))) ######################## Random-Walk Metropolis ######################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="RWM", Specs=NULL) ######################## Reflective Slice Sampler ####################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="RSS", Specs=list(m=5, w=1e-5)) ############## Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs ############## #NOTE: The SAMWG algorithm is only for state-space models (SSMs) #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="SAMWG", Specs=list(Dyn=Dyn, Periodicity=50)) ################## Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs ################### #NOTE: The SMWG algorithm is only for state-space models (SSMs) #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="SMWG", Specs=list(Dyn=Dyn)) ############################# Slice Sampler ############################# #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=1, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="Slice", Specs=list(B=NULL, Bounds=c(-Inf,Inf), m=100, # Type="Continuous", w=1)) ################# Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics ################# #NOTE: The Data and Model functions must be coded differently for SGLD. #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=10, Thinning=10, # Algorithm="SGLD", Specs=list(epsilon=1e-4, file="X.csv", Nr=1e4, # Nc=6, size=10)) ################### Tempered Hamiltonian Monte Carlo #################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="THMC", Specs=list(epsilon=0.001, L=2, m=NULL, # Temperature=2)) ############################### t-walk ################################# #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="twalk", Specs=list(SIV=NULL, n1=4, at=6, aw=1.5)) ################# Univariate Eigenvector Slice Sampler ################# #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="UESS", Specs=list(A=Inf, B=NULL, m=100, n=0)) ########## Updating Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs ######### #NOTE: The USAMWG algorithm is only for state-space model updating #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=100000, Status=100, Thinning=100, # Algorithm="USAMWG", Specs=list(Dyn=Dyn, Periodicity=50, Fit=Fit, # Begin=T.m)) ############## Updating Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs ############## #NOTE: The USMWG algorithm is only for state-space model updating #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=100000, Status=100, Thinning=100, # Algorithm="USMWG", Specs=list(Dyn=Dyn, Fit=Fit, Begin=T.m)) #End
# The accompanying Examples vignette is a compendium of examples. #################### Load the LaplacesDemon Library ##################### library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,c(1,4,10)]+1))) J <- ncol(X) for (j in 2:J) X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- "LP" parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) { beta <- rnorm(Data$J) sigma <- runif(1) return(c(beta, sigma)) } MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log-Prior beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=LP, yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } #library(compiler) #Model <- cmpfun(Model) #Consider byte-compiling for more speed set.seed(666) ############################ Initial Values ############################# Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) ########################################################################### # Examples of MCMC Algorithms # ########################################################################### #################### Automated Factor Slice Sampler ##################### Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, Algorithm="AFSS", Specs=list(A=Inf, B=NULL, m=100, n=0, w=1)) Fit print(Fit) #Consort(Fit) #plot(BMK.Diagnostic(Fit)) #PosteriorChecks(Fit) #caterpillar.plot(Fit, Parms="beta") #BurnIn <- Fit$Rec.BurnIn.Thinned #plot(Fit, BurnIn, MyData, PDF=FALSE) #Pred <- predict(Fit, Model, MyData, CPUs=1) #summary(Pred, Discrep="Chi-Square") #plot(Pred, Style="Covariates", Data=MyData) #plot(Pred, Style="Density", Rows=1:9) #plot(Pred, Style="ECDF") #plot(Pred, Style="Fitted") #plot(Pred, Style="Jarque-Bera") #plot(Pred, Style="Predictive Quantiles") #plot(Pred, Style="Residual Density") #plot(Pred, Style="Residuals") #Levene.Test(Pred) #Importance(Fit, Model, MyData, Discrep="Chi-Square") ############# Adaptive Directional Metropolis-within-Gibbs ############## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="ADMG", Specs=list(n=0, Periodicity=50)) ######################## Adaptive Griddy-Gibbs ########################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="AGG", Specs=list(Grid=GaussHermiteQuadRule(3)$nodes, # dparm=NULL, smax=Inf, CPUs=1, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL)) ################## Adaptive Hamiltonian Monte Carlo ##################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="AHMC", Specs=list(epsilon=0.02, L=2, m=NULL, # Periodicity=10)) ########################## Adaptive Metropolis ########################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="AM", Specs=list(Adaptive=500, Periodicity=10)) ################### Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs #################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="AMWG", Specs=list(B=NULL, n=0, Periodicity=50)) ###################### Adaptive-Mixture Metropolis ###################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="AMM", Specs=list(Adaptive=500, B=NULL, n=0, # Periodicity=10, w=0.05)) ################### Affine-Invariant Ensemble Sampler ################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="AIES", Specs=list(Nc=2*length(Initial.Values), Z=NULL, # beta=2, CPUs=1, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL)) ################# Componentwise Hit-And-Run Metropolis ################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="CHARM", Specs=NULL) ########### Componentwise Hit-And-Run (Adaptive) Metropolis ############# #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="CHARM", Specs=list(alpha.star=0.44)) ################# Delayed Rejection Adaptive Metropolis ################# #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="DRAM", Specs=list(Adaptive=500, Periodicity=10)) ##################### Delayed Rejection Metropolis ###################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="DRM", Specs=NULL) ################## Differential Evolution Markov Chain ################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="DEMC", Specs=list(Nc=3, Z=NULL, gamma=NULL, w=0.1)) ####################### Elliptical Slice Sampler ######################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="ESS", Specs=list(B=NULL)) ############################# Gibbs Sampler ############################# ### NOTE: Unlike the other samplers, Gibbs requires specifying a ### function (FC) that draws from full conditionals. #FC <- function(parm, Data) # { # ### Parameters # beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] # sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) # sigma2 <- sigma*sigma # ### Hyperparameters # betamu <- rep(0,length(beta)) # betaprec <- diag(length(beta))/1000 # ### Update beta # XX <- crossprod(Data$X) # Xy <- crossprod(Data$X, Data$y) # IR <- backsolve(chol(XX/sigma2 + betaprec), diag(length(beta))) # btilde <- crossprod(t(IR)) %*% (Xy/sigma2 + betaprec %*% betamu) # beta <- btilde + IR %*% rnorm(length(beta)) # return(c(beta,sigma)) # } ##library(compiler) ##FC <- cmpfun(FC) #Consider byte-compiling for more speed #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="Gibbs", Specs=list(FC=FC, MWG=pos.sigma)) ############################# Griddy-Gibbs ############################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="GG", Specs=list(Grid=seq(from=-0.1, to=0.1, len=5), # dparm=NULL, CPUs=1, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL)) ####################### Hamiltonian Monte Carlo ######################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="HMC", Specs=list(epsilon=0.001, L=2, m=NULL)) ############# Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Dual-Averaging ############### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=1, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="HMCDA", Specs=list(A=500, delta=0.65, epsilon=NULL, # Lmax=1000, lambda=0.1)) ####################### Hit-And-Run Metropolis ########################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="HARM", Specs=NULL) ################## Hit-And-Run (Adaptive) Metropolis #################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="HARM", Specs=list(alpha.star=0.234, B=NULL)) ######################## Independence Metropolis ######################## ### Note: the mu and Covar arguments are populated from a previous Laplace ### Approximation. #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=Fit$Covar, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="IM", # Specs=list(mu=Fit$Summary1[1:length(Initial.Values),1])) ######################### Interchain Adaptation ######################### #Initial.Values <- rbind(Initial.Values, GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE)) #Fit <- LaplacesDemon.hpc(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="INCA", Specs=list(Adaptive=500, Periodicity=10), # LogFile="MyLog", Chains=2, CPUs=2, Type="PSOCK", Packages=NULL, # Dyn.libs=NULL) ################ Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm ################# #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="MALA", Specs=list(A=1e7, alpha.star=0.574, gamma=1, # delta=1, epsilon=c(1e-6,1e-7))) ############# Metropolis-Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo ############### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="MCMCMC", Specs=list(lambda=1, CPUs=2, Packages=NULL, # Dyn.libs=NULL)) ####################### Metropolis-within-Gibbs ######################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="MWG", Specs=list(B=NULL)) ######################## Multiple-Try Metropolis ######################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="MTM", Specs=list(K=4, CPUs=1, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL)) ########################## No-U-Turn Sampler ############################ #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=1, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="NUTS", Specs=list(A=500, delta=0.6, epsilon=NULL, # Lmax=Inf)) ################# Oblique Hyperrectangle Slice Sampler ################## #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="OHSS", Specs=list(A=Inf, n=0)) ##################### Preconditioned Crank-Nicolson ##################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="pCN", Specs=list(beta=0.1)) ###################### Robust Adaptive Metropolis ####################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="RAM", Specs=list(alpha.star=0.234, B=NULL, Dist="N", # gamma=0.66, n=0)) ################### Random Dive Metropolis-Hastings #################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="RDMH", Specs=NULL) ########################## Refractive Sampler ########################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="Refractive", Specs=list(Adaptive=1, m=2, w=0.1, r=1.3)) ########################### Reversible-Jump ############################# #bin.n <- J-1 #bin.p <- 0.2 #parm.p <- c(1, rep(1/(J-1),(J-1)), 1) #selectable <- c(0, rep(1,J-1), 0) #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="RJ", Specs=list(bin.n=bin.n, bin.p=bin.p, # parm.p=parm.p, selectable=selectable, # selected=c(0,rep(1,J-1),0))) ######################## Random-Walk Metropolis ######################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="RWM", Specs=NULL) ######################## Reflective Slice Sampler ####################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="RSS", Specs=list(m=5, w=1e-5)) ############## Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs ############## #NOTE: The SAMWG algorithm is only for state-space models (SSMs) #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="SAMWG", Specs=list(Dyn=Dyn, Periodicity=50)) ################## Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs ################### #NOTE: The SMWG algorithm is only for state-space models (SSMs) #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="SMWG", Specs=list(Dyn=Dyn)) ############################# Slice Sampler ############################# #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=1, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="Slice", Specs=list(B=NULL, Bounds=c(-Inf,Inf), m=100, # Type="Continuous", w=1)) ################# Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics ################# #NOTE: The Data and Model functions must be coded differently for SGLD. #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=10, Thinning=10, # Algorithm="SGLD", Specs=list(epsilon=1e-4, file="X.csv", Nr=1e4, # Nc=6, size=10)) ################### Tempered Hamiltonian Monte Carlo #################### #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="THMC", Specs=list(epsilon=0.001, L=2, m=NULL, # Temperature=2)) ############################### t-walk ################################# #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="twalk", Specs=list(SIV=NULL, n1=4, at=6, aw=1.5)) ################# Univariate Eigenvector Slice Sampler ################# #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=1000, Status=100, Thinning=1, # Algorithm="UESS", Specs=list(A=Inf, B=NULL, m=100, n=0)) ########## Updating Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs ######### #NOTE: The USAMWG algorithm is only for state-space model updating #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=100000, Status=100, Thinning=100, # Algorithm="USAMWG", Specs=list(Dyn=Dyn, Periodicity=50, Fit=Fit, # Begin=T.m)) ############## Updating Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs ############## #NOTE: The USMWG algorithm is only for state-space model updating #Fit <- LaplacesDemon(Model, Data=MyData, Initial.Values, # Covar=NULL, Iterations=100000, Status=100, Thinning=100, # Algorithm="USMWG", Specs=list(Dyn=Dyn, Fit=Fit, Begin=T.m)) #End
This function estimates the random-access memory (RAM) required to
update a given model and data with the LaplacesDemon
Warning: Unwise use of this function may crash a computer, so please read the details below.
LaplacesDemon.RAM(Model, Data, Iterations, Thinning, Algorithm="RWM")
LaplacesDemon.RAM(Model, Data, Iterations, Thinning, Algorithm="RWM")
Model |
This is a model specification function. For more
information, see |
Data |
This is a list of Data. For more information, see
Iterations |
This is the number of iterations for which
Thinning |
This is the amount of thinning applied to the chains
in |
Algorithm |
This argument accepts the name of the algorithm as a
string, as entered in |
The LaplacesDemon.RAM
function uses the
function to estimate the size in MB of RAM
required to update one chain in LaplacesDemon
for a
given model and data, and for a number of iterations and specified
thinning. When RAM is exceeded, the computer will crash. This function
can be useful when trying to estimate how many iterations to update a
model without crashing the computer. However, when estimating the
required RAM, LaplacesDemon.RAM
actually creates several large
objects, such as post
(see below). If too many iterations are
given as an argument to LaplacesDemon.RAM
, for example, then it
will crash the computer while trying to estimate the required RAM.
The best way to use this function is as follows. First, prepare the model specification and list of data. Second, observe how much RAM the computer is using at the moment, as well as the maximum available RAM. The majority of the difference of these two is the amount of RAM the computer may dedicate to updating the model. Next, use this function with a small number of iterations (important in some algorithms), and with few thinned samples (important in all algorithms). Note the estimated RAM. Increase the number of iterations and thinned samples, and again note the RAM. Continue to increase the number of iterations and thinned samples until, say, arbitrarily within 90% of the above-mentioned difference in RAM.
The computer operating system uses RAM, as does any other software
running at the moment. R is currently using RAM, and other functions
in the LaplacesDemon
package, and any other package that is
currently activated, are using RAM. There are numerous small objects
that are not included in the returned list, that use RAM. For example,
there may be a scalar called alpha
for the acceptance
probability, etc.
One potentially larger object that is not included, and depends on
the algorithm, is a matrix used for estimating LML
Its use occurs with non-adaptive MCMC algorithms, only with enough
globally stationary samples, and only when the ratio of parameters to
samples is not excessive. If used, then the user should create a
matrix of the appropriate dimensions and use the
function to estimate the RAM.
If the data is too large for RAM, then consider using either the
function or the SGLD algorithm in
returns a list with several components. Each
component is an estimate in MB for an object. The list has the
following components:
Covar |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the covariance matrix, variance vector, or both (some algorithms store both internally, creating one from the other). Blocked covariance matrices are not considered at this time. |
Data |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the list of data. |
Deviance |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the deviance vector. |
Initial.Values |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the vector of initial values. |
Model |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the model specification function. |
Monitor |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for
the |
post |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for a
matrix of posterior samples. This matrix is used in some algorithms,
and is not returned by |
Posterior1 |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for
the |
Posterior2 |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for
the |
Summary1 |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the summary table of all thinned posterior samples of parameters, deviance, and monitored variables. |
Summary2 |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the summary table of all globally stationary thinned posterior samples of parameters, deviance, and monitored variables. |
Total |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required in total
to update one chain in |
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
, and
The Levene.Test
function is a Bayesian form of Levene's test
(Levene, 1960) of equality of variances.
Levene.Test(x, Method="U", G=NULL, Data=NULL)
Levene.Test(x, Method="U", G=NULL, Data=NULL)
x |
This required argument must be an object of class
Method |
The method defaults to |
G |
This argument defaults to |
Data |
This argument is required when the DV is multivariate,
hence when |
This function is a Bayesian form of Levene's test. Levene's test is used to assess the probability of the equality of residual variances in different groups. When residual variance does not differ by group, it is often called homoscedastic (or homoskedastic) residual variance. Homoskedastic residual variance is a common assumption. An advantage of Levene's test to other tests of homoskedastic residual variance is that Levene's test does not require normality of the residuals.
The Levene.Test
function estimates the test statistic,
, as per Levene's test. This Bayesian form, however,
from the observed residuals as
, and
from residuals that are
replicated from a homoskedastic process as
estimated for each posterior sample. Finally, the probability that
the distribution of
is greater than the
distribution of
is reported (see below).
The Levene.Test
function returns a plot (or for multivariate Y,
a series of plots), and a vector with a length equal to the number of
Levene's tests conducted.
One plot is produced per univariate application of Levene's test. Each
plot shows the test statistic W, both from the observed process
(W.obs as a black density) and the replicated process (W.rep as a red
line). The mean of W.obs is reported, along with its 95% quantile-based
probability interval (see p.interval
), the probability
, and the indicated
results, either homoskedastic or heteroskedastic.
Each element of the returned vector is the probability
. When the probability
heteroskedastic variance is indicated. Otherwise, the variances of
the groups are assumed not to differ effectively.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Levene, H. (1960). "Robust Tests for Equality of Variances". In I. Olkins, S. G. Ghurye, W. Hoeffding, W. G. Madow, & H. B. Mann (Eds.), Contributions to Probability and Statistics, p. 278–292. Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA.
, and
#First, update the model with IterativeQuadrature, LaplaceApproximation, # LaplacesDemon, PMC, or VariationalBayes. #Then, use the predict function, creating, say, object Pred. #Finally: #Levene.Test(Pred)
#First, update the model with IterativeQuadrature, LaplaceApproximation, # LaplacesDemon, PMC, or VariationalBayes. #Then, use the predict function, creating, say, object Pred. #Finally: #Levene.Test(Pred)
This function approximates the logarithm of the marginal likelihood
(LML), where the marginal likelihood is also called the integrated
likelihood or the prior predictive distribution of
in Bayesian inference. The marginal likelihood is
The prior predictive distribution indicates what
should look like, given the model, before
has been
observed. The presence of the marginal likelihood of
normalizes the joint posterior distribution,
, ensuring it is a proper
distribution and integrates to one (see
). The
marginal likelihood is the denominator of Bayes' theorem, and is often
omitted, serving as a constant of proportionality. Several methods of
approximation are available.
LML(Model=NULL, Data=NULL, Modes=NULL, theta=NULL, LL=NULL, Covar=NULL, method="NSIS")
LML(Model=NULL, Data=NULL, Modes=NULL, theta=NULL, LL=NULL, Covar=NULL, method="NSIS")
Model |
This is the model specification for the model that was
updated either in |
Data |
This is the list of data passed to the model
specification. This argument is used only with the |
Modes |
This is a vector of the posterior modes (or medians, in
the case of MCMC). This argument is used only with the |
theta |
This is a matrix of posterior samples (parameters only),
and is specified only with the |
LL |
This is a vector of MCMC samples of the log-likelihood, and
is specified only with the |
Covar |
This argument accepts the covariance matrix of the
posterior modes, and is used only with the |
method |
The method may be |
Generally, a user of LaplaceApproximation
, LaplacesDemon.hpc
, or VariationalBayes
does not need to
use the LML
function, because these methods already include
it. However, LML
may be called by the user, should the user
desire to estimate the logarithm of the marginal likelihood with a
different method, or with non-stationary chains. The
and LaplacesDemon.hpc
functions only call LML
when all parameters are stationary, and
only with non-adaptive algorithms.
The GD
method, where GD stands for Gelfand-Dey (1994), is a
modification of the harmonic mean estimator (HME) that results in a
more stable estimator of the logarithm of the marginal
likelihood. This method is unbiased, simulation-consistent, and
usually satisfies the Gaussian central limit theorem.
method, where HME stands for harmonic mean estimator,
of Newton-Raftery (1994) is the easiest, and therefore fastest,
estimation of the logarithm of the marginal likelihood. However, it is
an unreliable estimator and should be avoided, because small
likelihood values can overly influence the estimator, variance is
often infinite, and the Gaussian central limit theorem is usually not
satisfied. It is included here for completeness. There is not a
function in this package that uses this method by default. Given
samples, the estimator is
method uses the Laplace-Metropolis Estimator (LME), in
which the estimation of the Hessian matrix is approximated
numerically. It is the slowest method here, though it returns an
estimate in more cases than the other methods. The supplied
specification must be executed a number of times equal
to , where
is the number of
parameters. In large dimensions, this is very slow. The
Laplace-Metropolis Estimator is inappropriate with hierarchical
models. The
, and VariationalBayes
functions use LME
when it has converged and sir=FALSE
in which case it uses the posterior means or modes, and is itself
Laplace Approximation.
The Laplace-Metropolis Estimator (LME) is the logarithmic form of
equation 4 in Lewis and Raftery (1997). In a non-hierarchical model,
the marginal likelihood may easily be approximated with the
Laplace-Metropolis Estimator for model as
where is the number of parameters and
the inverse of the negative of the approximated Hessian matrix of
second derivatives.
As a rough estimate of Kass and Raftery (1995), LME is worrisome when the sample size of the data is less than five times the number of parameters, and LME should be adequate in most problems when the sample size of the data exceeds twenty times the number of parameters (p. 778).
method is essentially the MarginalLikelihood
function in the MargLikArrogance
package. After HME
this is the fastest method available here. The
, and VariationalBayes
functions use NSIS
when converged and sir=TRUE
. The
, LaplacesDemon.hpc
, and
functions use NSIS
. At least 301 stationary
samples are required, and the number of parameters cannot exceed half
the number of stationary samples.
returns a list with two components:
This is an approximation of the logarithm of the marginal
likelihood (LML), which is notoriously difficult to estimate. For this
reason, several methods are provided. The marginal likelihood is
useful when comparing models, such as with Bayes factors in the
VarCov |
This is a variance-covariance matrix, and is the negative inverse of
the Hessian matrix, if estimated. The |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Gelfand, A.E. and Dey, D.K. (1994). "Bayesian Model Choice: Asymptotics and Exact Calculations". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 56, p. 501–514.
Kass, R.E. and Raftery, A.E. (1995). "Bayes Factors". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90(430), p. 773–795.
Lewis, S.M. and Raftery, A.E. (1997). "Estimating Bayes Factors via Posterior Simulation with the Laplace-Metropolis Estimator". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, p. 648–655.
Newton, M.A. and Raftery, A.E. (1994). "Approximate Bayesian Inference by the Weighted Likelihood Bootstrap". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 3, p. 3–48.
, and
### If a model object were created and called Fit, then: # ### Applying HME to an object of class demonoid or pmc: #LML(LL=Fit$Deviance*(-1/2), method="HME") # ### Applying LME to an object of class demonoid: #LML(Model, MyData, Modes=apply(Fit$Posterior1, 2, median), method="LME") # ### Applying NSIS to an object of class demonoid #LML(theta=Fit$Posterior1, LL=Fit$Deviance*-(1/2), method="NSIS") # ### Applying LME to an object of class iterquad: #LML(Model, MyData, Modes=Fit$Summary1[,1], method="LME") # ### Applying LME to an object of class laplace: #LML(Model, MyData, Modes=Fit$Summary1[,1], method="LME") # ### Applying LME to an object of class vb: #LML(Model, MyData, Modes=Fit$Summary1[,1], method="LME")
### If a model object were created and called Fit, then: # ### Applying HME to an object of class demonoid or pmc: #LML(LL=Fit$Deviance*(-1/2), method="HME") # ### Applying LME to an object of class demonoid: #LML(Model, MyData, Modes=apply(Fit$Posterior1, 2, median), method="LME") # ### Applying NSIS to an object of class demonoid #LML(theta=Fit$Posterior1, LL=Fit$Deviance*-(1/2), method="NSIS") # ### Applying LME to an object of class iterquad: #LML(Model, MyData, Modes=Fit$Summary1[,1], method="LME") # ### Applying LME to an object of class laplace: #LML(Model, MyData, Modes=Fit$Summary1[,1], method="LME") # ### Applying LME to an object of class vb: #LML(Model, MyData, Modes=Fit$Summary1[,1], method="LME")
The log-log and complementary log-log functions, as well as the inverse functions, are provided.
cloglog(p) invcloglog(x) invloglog(x) loglog(p)
cloglog(p) invcloglog(x) invloglog(x) loglog(p)
x |
This is a vector of real values that will be transformed to the interval [0,1]. |
p |
This is a vector of probabilities p in the interval [0,1] that will be transformed to the real line. |
The logit and probit links are symmetric, because the probabilities approach zero or one at the same rate. The log-log and complementary log-log links are asymmetric. Complementary log-log links approach zero slowly and one quickly. Log-log links approach zero quickly and one slowly. Either the log-log or complementary log-log link will tend to fit better than logistic and probit, and are frequently used when the probability of an event is small or large. A mixture of the two links, the log-log and complementary log-log is often used, where each link is weighted. The reason that logit is so prevalent is because logistic parameters can be interpreted as odds ratios.
returns x
and invloglog
return probability p
and loglog
returns x
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- -5:5 p <- invloglog(x) x <- loglog(p)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- -5:5 p <- invloglog(x) x <- loglog(p)
The logit and inverse-logit (also called the logistic function) are provided.
invlogit(x) logit(p)
invlogit(x) logit(p)
x |
This object contains real values that will be transformed to the interval [0,1]. |
p |
This object contains of probabilities p in the interval [0,1] that will be transformed to the real line. |
The logit
function is the inverse of the sigmoid or logistic
function, and transforms a continuous value (usually probability
) in the interval [0,1] to the real line (where it is usually
the logarithm of the odds). The
function is .
The invlogit
function (called either the inverse logit or the
logistic function) transforms a real number (usually the logarithm of
the odds) to a value (usually probability ) in the interval
[0,1]. The
function is .
If is a probability, then
is the
corresponding odds, while the
of is the logarithm
of the odds. The difference between the logits of two probabilities is
the logarithm of the odds ratio. The derivative of probability
in a logistic function (such as
) is: .
In the LaplacesDemon package, it is common to re-parameterize a model
so that a parameter that should be in an interval can be updated from
the real line by using the logit
and invlogit
though the interval
function provides an
alternative. For example, consider a parameter
that must be in the interval [0,1]. The algorithms in
, LaplaceApproximation
, and
are unaware of the desired interval,
and may attempt outside of this interval. One
solution is to have the algorithms update
than theta
. After logit(theta)
is manipulated by the
algorithm, it is transformed via invlogit(theta)
in the model
specification function, where .
returns probability p
, and
returns x
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- -5:5 p <- invlogit(x) x <- logit(p)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- -5:5 p <- invlogit(x) x <- logit(p)
A loss matrix is useful in Bayesian decision theory for selecting the Bayes action, the optimal Bayesian decision, when there are a discrete set of possible choices (actions) and a discrete set of possible outcomes (states of the world). The Bayes action is the action that minimizes expected loss, which is equivalent to maximizing expected utility.
LossMatrix(L, p.theta)
LossMatrix(L, p.theta)
L |
This required argument accepts a |
p.theta |
This required argument accepts a
Bayesian inference is often tied to decision theory (Bernardo and Smith, 2000), and decision theory has long been considered the foundations of statistics (Savage, 1954).
Before using the LossMatrix
function, the user should have
already considered all possible actions (choices), states of the world
(outcomes unknown at the time of decision-making), chosen a loss
function , estimated loss, and
elicited prior probabilities
Although possible actions (choices) for the decision-maker and possible states (outcomes) may be continuous or discrete, the loss matrix is used for discrete actions and states. An example of a continuous action may be that a decision-maker has already decided to invest, and the remaining, current decision is how much to invest. Likewise, an example of continuous states of the world (outcomes) may be how much profit or loss may occur after a given continuous unit of time.
The coded example provided below is taken from Berger (1985, p. 6-7) and described here. The set of possible actions for a decision-maker is to invest in bond ZZZ or alternatively in bond XXX, as it is called here. A real-world decision should include a mutually exhaustive list of actions, such as investing in neither, but perhaps the decision-maker has already decided to invest and narrowed the options down to these two bonds.
The possible states of the world (outcomes unknown at the time of
decision-making) are considered to be two states: either the chosen
bond will not default or it will default. Here, the loss function is
a negative linear identity of money, and hence a loss in element
of -500 is a profit of 500, while a loss in
of 1,000 is a loss of 1,000.
The decision-maker's dilemma is that bond ZZZ may return a higher profit than bond XXX, however there is an estimated 10% chance, the prior probability, that bond ZZZ will default and return a substantial loss. In contrast, bond XXX is considered to be a sure-thing and return a steady but smaller profit. The Bayes action is to choose the first action and invest in bond ZZZ, because it minimizes expected loss, even though there is a chance of default.
A more realistic application of a loss matrix may be to replace the
point-estimates of loss with samples given uncertainty around the
estimated loss, and replace the point-estimates of the prior
probability of each state with samples given the uncertainty of the
probability of each state. The loss function used in the example is
intuitive, but a more popular monetary loss function may be
, the negative log of the
expectation of wealth, given the return. There are many alternative
loss functions.
Although isolated decision-theoretic problems exist such as the
provided example, decision theory may also be applied to the results
of a probability model (such as from
, LaplaceApproximation
), or
, contingent on how
a decision-maker is considering to use the information from the
model. The statistician may pass the results of a model to a client,
who then considers choosing possible actions, given this
information. The statistician should further assist the client with
considering actions, states of the world, then loss functions, and
finally eliciting the client's prior probabilities (such as with the
When the outcome is finally observed, the information from this outcome may be used to refine the priors of the next such decision. In this way, Bayesian learning occurs.
The LossMatrix
function returns a list with two components:
BayesAction |
This is a numeric scalar that indicates the action that minimizes expected loss. |
E.Loss |
This is a vector of expected losses, one for each action. |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Berger, J.O. (1985). "Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis", Second Edition. Springer: New York, NY.
Bernardo, J.M. and Smith, A.F.M. (2000). "Bayesian Theory". John Wiley \& Sons: West Sussex, England.
Savage, L.J. (1954). "The Foundations of Statistics". John Wiley \& Sons: West Sussex, England.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) ### Point-estimated loss and state probabilities L <- matrix(c(-500,1000,-300,-300), 2, 2) rownames(L) <- c("s[1]: !Defaults","s[2]: Defaults") colnames(L) <- c("a[1]: Buy ZZZ", "a[2]: Buy XXX") L p.theta <- matrix(c(0.9, 0.1, 1, 0), 2, 2) Fit <- LossMatrix(L, p.theta) ### Point-estimated loss and samples of state probabilities L <- matrix(c(-500,1000,-300,-300), 2, 2) rownames(L) <- c("s[1]: Defaults","s[2]: !Defaults") colnames(L) <- c("a[1]: Buy ZZZ", "a[2]: Buy XXX") L p.theta <- array(runif(4000), dim=c(2,2,1000)) #Random probabilities, #just for a quick example. And, since they must sum to one: for (i in 1:1000) { p.theta[,,i] <- p.theta[,,i] / matrix(colSums(p.theta[,,i]), dim(p.theta)[1], dim(p.theta)[2], byrow=TRUE)} Fit <- LossMatrix(L, p.theta) Fit ### Point-estimates of loss may be replaced with samples as well.
library(LaplacesDemon) ### Point-estimated loss and state probabilities L <- matrix(c(-500,1000,-300,-300), 2, 2) rownames(L) <- c("s[1]: !Defaults","s[2]: Defaults") colnames(L) <- c("a[1]: Buy ZZZ", "a[2]: Buy XXX") L p.theta <- matrix(c(0.9, 0.1, 1, 0), 2, 2) Fit <- LossMatrix(L, p.theta) ### Point-estimated loss and samples of state probabilities L <- matrix(c(-500,1000,-300,-300), 2, 2) rownames(L) <- c("s[1]: Defaults","s[2]: !Defaults") colnames(L) <- c("a[1]: Buy ZZZ", "a[2]: Buy XXX") L p.theta <- array(runif(4000), dim=c(2,2,1000)) #Random probabilities, #just for a quick example. And, since they must sum to one: for (i in 1:1000) { p.theta[,,i] <- p.theta[,,i] / matrix(colSums(p.theta[,,i]), dim(p.theta)[1], dim(p.theta)[2], byrow=TRUE)} Fit <- LossMatrix(L, p.theta) Fit ### Point-estimates of loss may be replaced with samples as well.
This function returns the Lowest Posterior Loss (LPL) interval for one parameter, given samples from the density of its prior distribution and samples of the posterior distribution.
LPL.interval(Prior, Posterior, prob=0.95, plot=FALSE, PDF=FALSE)
LPL.interval(Prior, Posterior, prob=0.95, plot=FALSE, PDF=FALSE)
Prior |
This is a vector of samples of the prior density. |
Posterior |
This is a vector of posterior samples. |
prob |
This is a numeric scalar in the interval (0,1) giving the Lowest Posterior Loss (LPL) interval, and defaults to 0.95, representing a 95% LPL interval. |
plot |
Logical. When |
Logical. When |
The Lowest Posterior Loss (LPL) interval (Bernardo, 2005), or LPLI, is
a probability interval based on intrinsic discrepancy loss between
prior and posterior distributions. The expected posterior loss
is the loss associated with using a particular value
of the parameter as the
unknown true value of
(Bernardo, 2005). Parameter
values with smaller expected posterior loss should always be
preferred. The LPL interval includes a region in which all parameter
values have smaller expected posterior loss than those outside the
Although any loss function could be used, the loss function should be
invariant under reparameterization. Any intrinsic loss function is
invariant under reparameterization, but not necessarily invariant
under one-to-one transformations of data . When a
loss function is also invariant under one-to-one transformations, it
is usually also invariant when reduced to a sufficient statistic. Only
an intrinsic loss function that is invariant when reduced to a
sufficient statistic should be considered.
The intrinsic discrepancy loss is easily a superior loss function to
the overused quadratic loss function, and is more appropriate than
other popular measures, such as Hellinger distance, Kullback-Leibler
divergence (KLD
), and Jeffreys logarithmic
divergence. The intrinsic discrepancy loss is also an
information-theory related divergence measure. Intrinsic discrepancy
loss is a symmetric, non-negative loss function, and is a continuous,
convex function. Intrinsic discrepancy loss was introduced
by Bernardo and Rueda (2002) in a different context: hypothesis
testing. Formally, it is:
where is the discrepancy,
, and and
are the
probability distributions. The intrinsic discrepancy loss is the loss
function, and the expected posterior loss is the mean of the directed
The LPL interval is also called an intrinsic credible interval or intrinsic probability interval, and the area inside the interval is often called an intrinsic credible region or intrinsic probability region.
In practice, whether a reference prior or weakly informative prior
(WIP) is used, the LPL interval is usually very close to the HPD
interval, though the posterior losses may be noticeably different. If
LPL used a zero-one loss function, then the HPD interval would be
produced. An advantage of the LPL interval over HPD interval (see
) is that the LPL interval is invariant to
reparameterization. This is due to the invariant reparameterization
property of reference priors. The quantile-based probability interval
is also invariant to reparameterization. The LPL interval enjoys the
same advantage as the HPD interval does over the quantile-based
probability interval: it does not produce equal tails when
Compared with probability intervals, the LPL interval is slightly less
convenient to calculate. Although the prior distribution is specified
within the Model
specification function, the user must specify
it for the LPL.interval
function as well. A comparison of the
quantile-based probability interval, HPD interval, and LPL interval is
available here: https://web.archive.org/web/20150214090353/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/credible.
A matrix is returned with one row and two columns. The row represents
the parameter and the column names are "Lower"
. The elements of the matrix are the lower and upper
bounds of the LPL interval.
Statisticat, LLC.
Bernardo, J.M. (2005). "Intrinsic Credible Regions: An Objective Bayesian Approach to Interval Estimation". Sociedad de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa, 14(2), p. 317–384.
Bernardo, J.M. and Rueda, R. (2002). "Bayesian Hypothesis Testing: A Reference Approach". International Statistical Review, 70, p. 351–372.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) #Although LPL is intended to be applied to output from LaplacesDemon or #PMC, here is an example in which p(theta) ~ N(0,100), and #p(theta | y) ~ N(1,10), given 1000 samples. theta <- rnorm(1000,1,10) LPL.interval(Prior=dnorm(theta,0,100^2), Posterior=theta, prob=0.95, plot=TRUE) #A more practical example follows, but it assumes a model has been #updated with LaplacesDemon or PMC, the output object is called Fit, and #that the prior for the third parameter is normally distributed with #mean 0 and variance 100: #temp <- Fit$Posterior2[,3] #names(temp) <- colnames(Fit$Posterior2)[3] #LPL.interval(Prior=dnorm(temp,0,100^2), Posterior=temp, prob=0.95, # plot=TRUE, PDF=FALSE)
library(LaplacesDemon) #Although LPL is intended to be applied to output from LaplacesDemon or #PMC, here is an example in which p(theta) ~ N(0,100), and #p(theta | y) ~ N(1,10), given 1000 samples. theta <- rnorm(1000,1,10) LPL.interval(Prior=dnorm(theta,0,100^2), Posterior=theta, prob=0.95, plot=TRUE) #A more practical example follows, but it assumes a model has been #updated with LaplacesDemon or PMC, the output object is called Fit, and #that the prior for the third parameter is normally distributed with #mean 0 and variance 100: #temp <- Fit$Posterior2[,3] #names(temp) <- colnames(Fit$Posterior2)[3] #LPL.interval(Prior=dnorm(temp,0,100^2), Posterior=temp, prob=0.95, # plot=TRUE, PDF=FALSE)
These are utility functions for math.
GaussHermiteQuadRule(N) Hermite(x, N, prob=TRUE) logadd(x, add=TRUE) partial(Model, parm, Data, Interval=1e-6, Method="simple")
GaussHermiteQuadRule(N) Hermite(x, N, prob=TRUE) logadd(x, add=TRUE) partial(Model, parm, Data, Interval=1e-6, Method="simple")
N |
This required argument accepts a positive integer that indicates the number of nodes. |
x |
This is a numeric vector. |
add |
Logical. This defaults to |
Model |
This is a model specification function. For more
information, see |
parm |
This is a vector parameters. |
prob |
Logical. This defaults to |
Data |
This is a list of data. For more information, see
Interval |
This is the interval of numeric differencing. |
Method |
This accepts a quoted string, and defaults to
"simple", which is finite-differencing. Alternatively
The GaussHermiteQuadRule
function returns nodes and weights for
univariate Gauss-Hermite quadrature. The nodes and weights are
obtained from a tridiagonal eigenvalue problem. Weights are calculated
from the physicist's (rather than the probabilist's) kernel. This has
been adapted from the GaussHermite function in the pracma package. The
function is a multivariate version.
This is used in the IterativeQuadrature
The Hermite
function evaluates a Hermite polynomial of degree
, using either the probabilist's (
or physicist's (prob=FALSE
) kernel. This function was adapted
from the hermite
function in package EQL.
The logadd
function performs addition (or subtraction) when the
terms are logarithmic. The equations are:
The partial
function estimates partial derivatives of
parameters in a model specification with data, using either
forward finite-differencing or Richardson extrapolation. In calculus,
a partial derivative of a function of several variables is its
derivative with respect to one of those variables, with the others
held constant. Related functions include Jacobian
which returns
a matrix of first-order partial derivatives, and Hessian
, which
returns a matrix of second-order partial derivatives of the model
specification function with respect to its parameters. The
function is not intended to be called by the user, but
is used by other functions. This is essentially the grad
function in the numDeriv package, but defaulting to forward
finite-differencing with a smaller interval.
returns the result of or
returns a vector of partial derivatives.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
These are utility functions for working with matrices.
as.indicator.matrix(x) as.inverse(x) as.parm.matrix(x, k, parm, Data, a=-Inf, b=Inf, restrict=FALSE, chol=FALSE) as.positive.definite(x) as.positive.semidefinite(x) as.symmetric.matrix(x, k=NULL) is.positive.definite(x) is.positive.semidefinite(x) is.square.matrix(x) is.symmetric.matrix(x) Cov2Cor(Sigma) CovEstim(Model, parm, Data, Method="Hessian") GaussHermiteCubeRule(N, dims, rule) Hessian(Model, parm, Data, Interval=1e-6, Method="Richardson") Jacobian(Model, parm, Data, Interval=1e-6, Method="simple") logdet(x) lower.triangle(x, diag=FALSE) read.matrix(file, header=FALSE, sep=",", nrow=0, samples=0, size=0, na.rm=FALSE) SparseGrid(J, K) TransitionMatrix(theta.y=NULL, y.theta=NULL, p.theta=NULL) tr(x) upper.triangle(x, diag=FALSE)
as.indicator.matrix(x) as.inverse(x) as.parm.matrix(x, k, parm, Data, a=-Inf, b=Inf, restrict=FALSE, chol=FALSE) as.positive.definite(x) as.positive.semidefinite(x) as.symmetric.matrix(x, k=NULL) is.positive.definite(x) is.positive.semidefinite(x) is.square.matrix(x) is.symmetric.matrix(x) Cov2Cor(Sigma) CovEstim(Model, parm, Data, Method="Hessian") GaussHermiteCubeRule(N, dims, rule) Hessian(Model, parm, Data, Interval=1e-6, Method="Richardson") Jacobian(Model, parm, Data, Interval=1e-6, Method="simple") logdet(x) lower.triangle(x, diag=FALSE) read.matrix(file, header=FALSE, sep=",", nrow=0, samples=0, size=0, na.rm=FALSE) SparseGrid(J, K) TransitionMatrix(theta.y=NULL, y.theta=NULL, p.theta=NULL) tr(x) upper.triangle(x, diag=FALSE)
N |
This required argument accepts a positive integer that indicates the number of nodes. |
x |
This is a matrix (though |
J |
This required argument indicates the dimension of the integral and accepts a positive integer. |
k |
For |
K |
This required argument indicates the accuracy and accepts a positive integer. Larger values result in many more integration nodes. |
diag |
Logical. If |
dims |
This required argument indicates the dimension of the integral and accepts a positive integer. |
Sigma |
This is a covariance matrix, |
Model |
This is a model specification function. For more
information, see |
parm |
This is a vector of parameters passed to the model specification. |
Data |
This is the list of data passed to the model
specification. For more information, see |
a , b
These optional arguments allow the elements of |
restrict |
Logical. If |
rule |
This is an optional argument that accepts a univariate Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule. Usually, this argument is left empty. A rule may be supplied that differs from the traditional rule, such as when constraints have been observed, and one or more nodes and weights were adjusted. |
chol |
Logical. If |
file |
This is the name of the file from which the numeric data matrix will be imported or read. |
header |
Logical. When |
Interval |
This accepts a small scalar number for precision. |
Method |
This accepts a quoted string. For |
nrow |
This is the number of rows of the numeric matrix, and
defaults to |
p.theta |
This accepts a matrix of prior probabilities for a
transition matrix, and defaults to |
samples |
This is the number of samples to take from the numeric
matrix. When |
sep |
This argument indicates a character with which it will
separate fields when creating column vectors. For example, a
read a comma-separated file (.csv), use |
size |
This is the batch size to be used only when reading a
numeric matrix that is larger than the available computer memory
(RAM), and only when |
theta.y |
This accepts a vector of posterior samples of a
discrete Markov chain, and defaults to |
na.rm |
Logical. When |
y.theta |
This accepts a vector of data that are samples of a
discrete distribution, and defaults to |
The as.indicator.matrix
function creates an indicator matrix
from a vector. This function is useful for converting a discrete
vector into a matrix in which each column represents one of the
discrete values, and each occurence of that value in the related
column is indicated by a one, and is otherwise filled with
zeroes. This function is similar to the class.ind
function in
the nnet package.
The as.inverse
function returns the matrix inverse of
. The solve
function in base R also returns the matrix
inverse, but solve
can return a matrix that is not symmetric,
and can fail due to singularities. The as.inverse
tries to use the solve
function to return a matrix inverse, and
when it fails due to a singularity, as.inverse
uses eigenvalue
decomposition (in which eigenvalues below a tolerance are replaced
with the tolerance), and coerces the result to a symmetric
matrix. This is similar to the solvcov
function in the fpc
The as.parm.matrix
function prepares a correlation, covariance,
or precision matrix in two important ways. First,
obtains the parameters for the matrix specified
in the x
argument by matching the name of the matrix in the
argument with any parameters in parm
, given the
parameter names in the Data
listed in parm.names
. These
obtained parameters are organized into a matrix as the elements of the
upper-triangular, including the diagonal. A copy is made, without the
diagonal, and the lower-triangular is filled in, completing the
matrix. Second, as.parm.matrix
checks for
positive-definiteness. If matrix x
is positive-definite, then
the matrix is stored as a variable called LaplacesDemonMatrix
in a new environment called LDEnv
. If matrix x
is not
positive-definite, then LaplacesDemonMatrix
in LDEnv
sought as a replacement. If this variable exists, then it is used to
replace the matrix. If not, then the matrix is replaced with an
identity matrix. Back in the model specification, after using
, it is recommended that the user also pass the
resulting matrix back into the parm
vector, so the sampler or
algorithm knows that the elements of the matrix have changed.
The as.positive.definite
function returns the nearest
positive-definite matrix for a matrix that is square and symmetric
(Higham, 2002). This version is intended only for covariance and
precision matrices, and has been optimized for speed. A more
extensible function is nearPD
in the matrixcalc package, which
is also able to work with correlation matrices, and matrices that are
The as.positive.semidefinite
function iteratively seeks to
return a square, symmetric matrix that is at least
positive-semidefinite, by replacing each negative eigenvalue and
calculating its projection. This is intended only for covariance and
precision matrices. A similar function is makePsd
in the RTAQ
package, though it is not iterative, and returns matrices that fail a
logical check with is.positive.semidefinite
The as.symmetric.matrix
function accepts either a vector or
matrix, and returns a symmetric matrix. In the case of a vector, it
can be either all elements of the matrix, or the lower triangular. In
the case of a x
being entered as a matrix, this function
tolerates non-finite values in one triangle (say, the lower), as long
as the corresponding element is finite in the other (say, the upper)
The Cov2Cor
function converts a covariance matrix into a
correlation matrix, and accepts the covariance matrix either in matrix
or vector form. This function may be useful inside a model
specification and also with converting posterior draws of the elements
of a covariance matrix to a correlation matrix. Cov2Cor
is an
expanded form of the cov2cor
function in the stats
package, where Cov2Cor
is also able to accept and return a
vectorized matrix.
The CovEstim
function estimates a covariance matrix with one of
several methods. This is mainly used by
, where the parm
receives the posterior modes. See the CovEst
argument for
more details.
The GaussHermiteCubeRule
function returns a matrix of nodes and
a vector of weights for a dims
-dimensional integral given
univariate nodes. The number of multivariate nodes will differ
from the number of univariate nodes. This function is for use with
multivariate quadrature, often called cubature. This has been adapted
from the
function in the NominalLogisticBiplot
package. The GaussHermiteQuadRule
function is a
univariate version. A customized univariate rule
may be
supplied when constraints necessitate that one or more nodes and
weights had to be altered.
The Hessian
returns a symmetric, Hessian matrix, which is a
matrix of second partial derivatives. The estimation of the Hessian
matrix is approximated numerically using Richardson extrapolation by
default. This is a slow function. This function is not intended to be
called by the user, but is made available here. This is essentially
the hessian
function from the numDeriv package, adapted to
Laplace's Demon.
The is.positive.definite
function is a logical test of whether
or not a matrix is positive-definite. A
symmetric matrix
is positive-definite if all of
its eigenvalues are positive (
). All main-diagonal elements must be positive. The
determinant of a positive-definite matrix is always positive, so a
positive-definite matrix is always nonsingular. Non-symmetric,
positive-definite matrices exist, but are not considered here.
The is.positive.semidefinite
function is a logical test of
whether or not a matrix is positive-semidefinite. A
symmetric matrix
is positive-semidefinite if all
of its eigenvalues are non-negative (
The is.square.matrix
function is a logical test of whether or
not a matrix is square. A square matrix is a matrix with the same
number of rows and columns, and is usually represented as a matrix
The is.symmetric.matrix
function is a logical test of whether
or not a matrix is symmetric. A symmetric matrix is a square matrix
that is equal to its transpose, . For example, where
indexes rows and
. This differs from the
function in base R
that is inexact, using all.equal
The Jacobian
function estimates the Jacobian matrix, which is
a matrix of all first-order partial derivatives of the Model
The Jacobian matrix is estimated by default with forward
finite-differencing, or optionally with Richardson extrapolation. This
function is not intended to be called by the user, but is made
available here. This is essentially the jacobian
function from
the numDeriv package, adapted to LaplacesDemon.
The logdet
function returns the logarithm of the determinant of
a positive-definite matrix via the Cholesky decomposition. The
determinant is a value associated with a square matrix, and was used
historically to determine if a system of linear equations has a
unique solution. The term determinant was introduced by Gauss,
where Laplace referred to it as the resultant. When the determinant is
zero, the matrix is singular and non-invertible; there are either no
solutions or many solutions. A unique solution exists when the
determinant is non-zero. The det
function in base R works well
for small matrices, but can return erroneously return zero in larger
matrices. It is better to work with the log-determinant.
The lower.triangle
function returns a vector of the lower
triangular elements of a matrix, and the diagonal is included when
The read.matrix
function is provided here as one of many
convenient ways to read a numeric matrix into R. The most common
method of storing data in R is the data frame, because it is
versatile. For example, a data frame may contain character, factor,
and numeric variables together. For iterative estimation, common in
Bayesian inference, the data frame is much slower than the numeric
matrix. For this reason, the LaplacesDemon package does not use data
frames, and has not traditionally accepted character or factor
data. The read.matrix
function returns either an entire numeric
matrix, or row-wise samples from a numeric matrix. Samples may be
taken from a matrix that is too large for available computer memory
(RAM), such as with big data.
The SparseGrid
function returns a sparse grid for a
-dimensional integral with accuracy
, given
Gauss-Hermite quadrature rules. A grid of order eqnK provides an
exact result for a polynomial of total order of
or less.
returns a matrix of nodes and a vector of weights.
A sparse grid is more efficient than the full grid in the
function. This has been adapted from the
SparseGrid package.
The TransitionMatrix
function has several uses. A user may
supply a vector of marginal posterior samples of a discrete Markov
chain as theta.y
, and an observed posterior transition matrix
is returned. Otherwise, a user may supply data (y.theta
) and/or
a prior (p.theta
), in which case a posterior transition matrix
is returned. A common row-wise prior is the dirichlet distribution.
Transition probabilities are from row element to column element.
The tr
function returns the trace of a matrix. The trace of a
matrix is the sum of the elements in the main diagonal of a square
matrix. For example, the trace of a matrix
, is
The upper.triangle
function returns a vector of the lower
triangular elements of a matrix, and the diagonal is included when
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Higham, N.J. (2002). "Computing the Nearest Correlation Matrix - a Problem from Finance". IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 22, p. 329–343.
, and
Monte Carlo Standard Error (MCSE) is an estimate of the inaccuracy of
Monte Carlo samples, usually regarding the expectation of posterior
samples, , from Monte Carlo or
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, such as with the
or LaplacesDemon.hpc
functions. MCSE approaches zero as the number of independent posterior
samples approaches infinity. MCSE is essentially a standard deviation
around the posterior mean of the samples,
, due to uncertainty associated with
using an MCMC algorithm, or Monte Carlo methods in general.
The acceptable size of the MCSE depends on the acceptable uncertainty
associated around the marginal posterior mean,
, and the goal of inference. It has
been argued that MCSE is generally unimportant when the goal of
inference is
rather than
(Gelman et al., 2004, p. 277), and
that a sufficient
is more important. Others perceive
MCSE to be a vital part of reporting any Bayesian model, and as a
stopping rule (Flegal et al., 2008).
In LaplacesDemon
, MCSE is part of the posterior
summaries because it is easy to estimate, and Laplace's Demon prefers
to continue updating until each MCSE is less than 6.27% of its
associated marginal posterior standard deviation (for more information
on this stopping rule, see the Consort
function), since
MCSE has been demonstrated to be an excellent stopping rule.
Acceptable error may be specified, if known, in the MCSS
(Monte Carlo Sample Size) function to estimate the required number of
posterior samples.
is a univariate function that is often applied to each
marginal posterior distribution. A multivariate form is not
included. By chance alone due to multiple independent tests, 5% of
the parameters should indicate unacceptable MSCEs, even when
acceptable. Assessing convergence is difficult.
MCSE(x, method="IMPS", batch.size="sqrt", warn=FALSE) MCSS(x, a)
MCSE(x, method="IMPS", batch.size="sqrt", warn=FALSE) MCSS(x, a)
x |
This is a vector of posterior samples for which MCSE or MCSS will be estimated. |
a |
This is a scalar argument of acceptable error for the mean of
method |
This is an optional argument for the method of MCSE
estimation, and defaults to Geyer's |
batch.size |
This is an optional argument that corresponds only
with |
warn |
Logical. If |
The default method for estimating MCSE is Geyer's Initial Monotone Positive Sequence (IMPS) estimator (Geyer, 1992), which takes the asymptotic variance into account and is time-series based. This method goes by other names, such as Initial Positive Sequence (IPS).
The simplest method for estimating MCSE is to modify the formula for
standard error, , to account for non-independence in the sequence
of posterior samples. Non-independence is
estimated with the
function for Effective Sample Size (see
the ESS
function for more details), where , and MCSE is
. Although this
is the fastest and easiest method of estimation, it does not
incorporate an estimate of the asymptotic variance of
The batch means method (Jones et al., 2006; Flegal et al., 2008)
separates elements of into batches and estimates
MCSE as a function of multiple batches. This method is excellent, but
is not recommended when the number of posterior samples is less than
1,000. These journal articles also assert that MCSE is a better
stopping rule than MCMC convergence diagnostics.
function estimates the required number of posterior
samples, given the user-specified acceptable error, posterior samples
, and the observed variance (rather than asymptotic
variance). Due to the observed variance, this is a rough estimate.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Flegal, J.M., Haran, M., and Jones, G.L. (2008). "Markov chain Monte Carlo: Can We Trust the Third Significant Figure?". Statistical Science, 23, p. 250–260.
Gelman, A., Carlin, J., Stern, H., and Rubin, D. (2004). "Bayesian Data Analysis, Texts in Statistical Science, 2nd ed.". Chapman and Hall, London.
Geyer, C.J. (1992). "Practical Markov Chain Monte Carlo". Statistical Science, 7, 4, p. 473–483.
Jones, G.L., Haran, M., Caffo, B.S., and Neath, R. (2006). "Fixed-Width Output Analysis for Markov chain Monte Carlo". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 101(1), p. 1537–1547.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(1000) MCSE(x) MCSE(x, method="batch.means") MCSE(x, method="sample.variance") MCSS(x, a=0.01)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- rnorm(1000) MCSE(x) MCSE(x, method="batch.means") MCSE(x, method="sample.variance") MCSS(x, a=0.01)
The Minnesota prior, also called the Litterman prior, is a shrinkage prior for autoregressive parameters in vector autoregressive (VAR) models. There are many variations of the Minnesota prior. This Minnesota prior is calculated as presented in Lutkepohl (2005, p. 225), and returns one or more prior covariance matrices in an array.
MinnesotaPrior(J, lags=c(1,2), lambda=1, theta=0.5, sigma)
MinnesotaPrior(J, lags=c(1,2), lambda=1, theta=0.5, sigma)
J |
This is the scalar number of time-series in the VAR. |
lags |
This accepts an integer vector of lags of the autoregressive parameters. The lags are not required to be successive. |
lambda |
This accepts a scalar, positive-only hyperparameter that
controls how tightly the parameter of the first lag is concentrated
around zero. A smaller value results in smaller diagonal variance.
When equal to zero, the posterior equals the prior and data is not
influential. When equal to infinity, no shrinkage occurs and
posterior expectations are closest to estimates from ordinary least
squares (OLS). It has been asserted that as the number, |
theta |
This accepts a scalar hyperparameter in the interval [0,1]. When one, off-diagonal elements have variance similar or equal to diagonal elements. When zero, off-diagonal elements have zero variance. A smaller value is associated with less off-diagonal variance. |
sigma |
This accepts a vector of length |
The Minnesota prior was introduced in Doan, Litterman, and Sims (1984) as a shrinkage prior for autoregressive parameters in vector autoregressive (VAR) models. The Minnesota prior was reviewed in Litterman (1986), and numerous variations have been presented since. This is the version of the Minnesota prior as described in Lutkepohl (2005, p. 225) for stationary time-series.
Given one or more matrices of autoregressive
parameters in a VAR model, the user specifies two tuning
hyperparameters for the Minnesota prior:
. Each iteration of the numerical approximation algorithm,
the latest vector of residual standard deviation parameters is
supplied to the MinnesotaPrior
function, which then returns an
array that contains one or more prior covariance matrices for the
autoregressive parameters. Multiple prior covariance matrices are
returned when multiple lags are specified. The tuning hyperparameters,
and theta
, can be estimated from the data via
hierarchical Bayes.
It is important to note that the Minnesota prior does not technically
return a covariance matrix, because the matrix is not symmetric, and
therefore not positive-definite. For this reason, a Minnesota prior
covariance matrix should not be supplied as a covariance matrix to a
multivariate normal distribution, such as with the dmvn
function, though it would be accepted and then (incorrectly)
converted to a symmetric matrix. Instead, dnormv
be used for element-wise evaluation.
While the Minnesota prior is used to specify the prior covariance for VAR autoregressive parameters, prior means are often all set to zero, or sometimes the first lag is set to an identity matrix.
An example is provided in the Examples vignette.
This function returns a array
time-series and
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
Doan, T., Litterman, R.B. and Sims, C.A. (1984). "Forecasting and Conditional Projection using Realistic Prior Distributions". Econometric Reviews, 3, p. 1–144.
Litterman, R.B. (1986). "Forecasting with Bayesian Vector Autoregressions - Five Years of Experience". Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 4, p. 25–38.
Lutkepohl, H. (2005). "New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis". Springer, Germany.
, and
This function performs multiple imputation (MI) on a numeric matrix by sequentially sampling variables with missing values, given all other variables in the data set.
MISS(X, Iterations=100, Algorithm="GS", Fit=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
MISS(X, Iterations=100, Algorithm="GS", Fit=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
X |
This required argument accepts a numeric matrix of data that
contains both observed and missing values. Data set
Iterations |
This is the number of iterations to perform sequential sampling via MCMC algorithms. |
Algorithm |
The MCMC algorithm defaults to the Gibbs Sampler (GS). |
Fit |
This optional argument accepts an object of class
verbose |
Logical. When |
Imputation is a family of statistical methods for replacing missing values with estimates. Introduced by Rubin and Schenker (1986) and Rubin (1987), Multiple Imputation (MI) is a family of imputation methods that includes multiple estimates, and therefore includes variability of the estimates.
The Multiple Imputation Sequential Sampler (MISS) function performs MI by determining the type of variable and therefore the sampler for each variable, and then sequentially progresses through each variable in the data set that has missing values, updating its prediction of those missing values given all other variables in the data set each iteration.
MI is best performed within a model, where it is called
full-likelihood imputation. Examples may be found in the "Examples"
vignette. However, sometimes it is impractical to impute within a
model when there are numerous missing values and a large number of
parameters are therefore added. As an alternative, MI may be
performed on the data set before the data is passed to the model,
such as in the IterativeQuadrature
, LaplacesDemon
, or
function. This is less desirable, but
MISS is available for MCMC-based MI in this case.
Missing values are initially set to column means for continuous variables, and are set to one for discrete variables.
MISS uses the following methods and MCMC algorithms:
Missing values of continuous variables are estimated with a ridge-stabilized linear regression Gibbs sampler.
Missing values of binary variables that have only 0 or 1 for values are estimated either with a binary robit (t-link logistic regression model) Gibbs sampler of Albert and Chib (1993).
Missing values of discrete variables with 3 or more (ordered or unordered) discrete values are considered continuous.
In the presence of big data, it is suggested that the user sequentially read in batches of data that are small enough to be manageable, and then apply the MISS function to each batch. Each batch should be representative of the whole, of course.
It is common for multiple imputation functions to handle variable transformations. MISS does not transform variables, but imputes what it gets. For example, if a user has a variable that should be positive only, then it is recommended here that the user log-transform the variable, pass the data set to MISS, and when finished, exponentiate both the observed and imputed values of that variable.
The CenterScale
function should also be considered to speed up
It is hoped that MISS is helpful, though it is not without limitation
and there are numerous alternatives outside of the
package. If MISS does not fulfill the needs of
the user, then the following packages are recommended: Amelia, mi, or
mice. MISS emphasizes MCMC more than these alternatives, though MISS is
not as extensive. When a data set does not have a simple structure,
such as merely continuous or binary or unordered discrete, the
function should be considered, where a
user can easily specify complicated structures such as multilevel,
spatial or temporal dependence, and more.
Matrix inversions are required in the Gibbs sampler. Matrix inversions
become more cumbersome as the number of variables increases.
If a large number of iterations is used, then the user may consider
studying the imputations for approximate convergence with the
function, by supplying the transpose of
codeFit$Imp. In the presence of numerous missing values, say more
than 100, the user may consider iterating through the study of the
imputations of 100 missing values at a time.
This function returns an object of class miss
that is a list
with five components:
Algorithm |
This indicates which algorithm was selected. |
Imp |
This is a |
parm |
This is a list of length |
PostMode |
This is a vector of posterior modes. If the user intends to replace missing values in a data set with only one estimate per missing values (single, not multiple imputation), then this vector contains these values. |
Type |
This is a vector of length |
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
Albert, J.H. and Chib, S. (1993). "Bayesian Analysis of Binary and Polychotomous Response Data". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88(422), p. 669–679.
Rubin, D.B. (1987). "Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys". John Wiley and Sons: New York, NY.
Rubin, D.B. and Schenker, N. (1986). "Multiple Imputation for Interval Estimation from Simple Random Samples with Ignorable Nonresponse". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 81, p. 366–374.
, and
#library(LaplacesDemon) ### Create Data #N <- 20 #Number of Simulated Records #J <- 5 #Number of Simulated Variables #pM <- 0.25 #Percent Missing #Sigma <- as.positive.definite(matrix(runif(J*J),J,J)) #X <- rmvn(N, rep(0,J), Sigma) #m <- sample.int(N*J, round(pM*N*J)) #X[m] <- NA #head(X) ### Begin Multiple Imputation #Fit <- MISS(X, Iterations=100, Algorithm="GS", verbose=TRUE) #Fit #summary(Fit) #plot(Fit) #plot(BMK.Diagnostic(t(Fit$Imp))) ### Continue Updating if Necessary #Fit <- MISS(X, Iterations=100, Algorithm="GS", Fit, verbose=TRUE) #summary(Fit) #plot(Fit) #plot(BMK.Diagnostic(t(Fit$Imp))) ### Replace Missing Values in Data Set with Posterior Modes #Ximp <- X #Ximp[which(is.na(X))] <- Fit$PostMode ### Original and Imputed Data Sets #head(X) #head(Ximp) #summary(X) #summary(Ximp) ### or Multiple Data Sets, say 3 #Ximp <- array(X, dim=c(nrow(X), ncol(X), 3)) #for (i in 1:3) { # Xi <- X # Xi[which(is.na(X))] <- Fit$Imp[,sample.int(ncol(Fit$Imp), 1)] # Ximp[,,i] <- Xi} #head(X) #head(Ximp[,,1]) #head(Ximp[,,2]) #head(Ximp[,,3]) #End
#library(LaplacesDemon) ### Create Data #N <- 20 #Number of Simulated Records #J <- 5 #Number of Simulated Variables #pM <- 0.25 #Percent Missing #Sigma <- as.positive.definite(matrix(runif(J*J),J,J)) #X <- rmvn(N, rep(0,J), Sigma) #m <- sample.int(N*J, round(pM*N*J)) #X[m] <- NA #head(X) ### Begin Multiple Imputation #Fit <- MISS(X, Iterations=100, Algorithm="GS", verbose=TRUE) #Fit #summary(Fit) #plot(Fit) #plot(BMK.Diagnostic(t(Fit$Imp))) ### Continue Updating if Necessary #Fit <- MISS(X, Iterations=100, Algorithm="GS", Fit, verbose=TRUE) #summary(Fit) #plot(Fit) #plot(BMK.Diagnostic(t(Fit$Imp))) ### Replace Missing Values in Data Set with Posterior Modes #Ximp <- X #Ximp[which(is.na(X))] <- Fit$PostMode ### Original and Imputed Data Sets #head(X) #head(Ximp) #summary(X) #summary(Ximp) ### or Multiple Data Sets, say 3 #Ximp <- array(X, dim=c(nrow(X), ncol(X), 3)) #for (i in 1:3) { # Xi <- X # Xi[which(is.na(X))] <- Fit$Imp[,sample.int(ncol(Fit$Imp), 1)] # Ximp[,,i] <- Xi} #head(X) #head(Ximp[,,1]) #head(Ximp[,,2]) #head(Ximp[,,3]) #End
The mode is a measure of central tendency. It is the value that occurs most frequently, or in a continuous probability distribution, it is the value with the most density. A distribution may have no modes (such as with a constant, or in a uniform distribution when no value occurs more frequently than any other), or one or more modes.
is.amodal(x, min.size=0.1) is.bimodal(x, min.size=0.1) is.multimodal(x, min.size=0.1) is.trimodal(x, min.size=0.1) is.unimodal(x, min.size=0.1) Mode(x) Modes(x, min.size=0.1)
is.amodal(x, min.size=0.1) is.bimodal(x, min.size=0.1) is.multimodal(x, min.size=0.1) is.trimodal(x, min.size=0.1) is.unimodal(x, min.size=0.1) Mode(x) Modes(x, min.size=0.1)
x |
This is a vector in which a mode (or modes) will be sought. |
min.size |
This is the minimum size that can be considered a mode, where size means the proportion of the distribution between areas of increasing kernel density estimates. |
The is.amodal
function is a logical test of whether or not
has a mode. If x
has a mode, then TRUE
returned, otherwise FALSE
The is.bimodal
function is a logical test of whether or not
has two modes. If x
has two modes, then TRUE
is returned, otherwise FALSE
The is.multimodal
function is a logical test of whether or not
has multiple modes. If x
has multiple modes, then
is returned, otherwise FALSE
The is.trimodal
function is a logical test of whether or not
has three modes. If x
has three modes, then TRUE
is returned, otherwise FALSE
The is.unimodal
function is a logical test of whether or not
has one mode. If x
has one mode, then TRUE
is returned, otherwise FALSE
The Mode
function returns the most frequent value when x
is discrete. If x
is a constant, then it is considered amodal,
and NA
is returned. If multiple modes exist, this function
returns only the mode with the highest density, or if two or more
modes have the same density, then it returns the first mode found.
Otherwise, the Mode
function returns the value of x
associated with the highest kernel density estimate, or the first
one found if multiple modes have the same density.
The Modes
function is a simple, deterministic function that
differences the kernel density of x
and reports a number of
modes equal to half the number of changes in direction, although the
function can be used to reduce the number of modes
returned, and defaults to 0.1, eliminating modes that do not have at
least 10% of the distributional area. The Modes
returns a list with three components: modes
, modes.dens
and size
. The elements in each component are ordered according
to the decreasing density of the modes. The modes
component is
a vector of the values of x
associated with the modes. The
component is a vector of the kernel density
estimates at the modes. The size
component is a vector of the
proportion of area underneath each mode.
The IterativeQuadrature
, and VariationalBayes
functions characterize the marginal posterior distributions by
posterior modes (means) and variance. A related topic is MAP or
maximum a posteriori estimation.
Otherwise, the results of Bayesian inference tend to report the
posterior mean or median, along with probability intervals (see
and LPL.interval
), rather than
posterior modes. In many types of models, such as mixture models, the
posterior may be multimodal. In such a case, the usual recommendation
is to choose the highest mode if feasible and possible. However, the
highest mode may be uncharacteristic of the majority of the posterior.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) ### Below are distributions with different numbers of modes. x <- c(1,1) #Amodal x <- c(1,2,2,2,3) #Unimodal x <- c(1,2) #Bimodal x <- c(1,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4) #min.size affects the answer x <- c(1,1,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4) #Trimodal ### And for each of the above, the functions below may be applied. Mode(x) Modes(x) is.amodal(x) is.bimodal(x) is.multimodal(x) is.trimodal(x) is.unimodal(x)
library(LaplacesDemon) ### Below are distributions with different numbers of modes. x <- c(1,1) #Amodal x <- c(1,2,2,2,3) #Unimodal x <- c(1,2) #Bimodal x <- c(1,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4) #min.size affects the answer x <- c(1,1,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4) #Trimodal ### And for each of the above, the functions below may be applied. Mode(x) Modes(x) is.amodal(x) is.bimodal(x) is.multimodal(x) is.trimodal(x) is.unimodal(x)
The Model.Spec.Time
function returns the time in minutes to
evaluate a model specification a number of times, as well as
the evaluations per minute, and componentwise iterations per minute.
Model.Spec.Time(Model, Initial.Values, Data, n=1000)
Model.Spec.Time(Model, Initial.Values, Data, n=1000)
Model |
This requried argument is a model specification
function. For more information, see |
Initial.Values |
This required argument is a vector of initial values for the parameters. |
Data |
This required argument is a list of data. For more
information, see |
n |
This is the number of evaluations of the model specification,
and accuracy increases with |
The largest single factor to affect the run-time of an algorithm –
whether it is with IterativeQuadrature
, LaplacesDemon
, or VariationalBayes
– is the time
that it takes to evaluate the model specification. This has also been
observed in Rosenthal (2007). It is highly recommended that a user of
the LaplacesDemon
package should attempt to reduce the run-time
of the model specification, usually by testing alternate forms of code
for speed. This is especially true with big data, such as with the
Every function in the LaplacesDemon package is byte-compiled, which is
a recent option in R. This reduces run-time, thanks to Tierney's
compiler package in base R. The model specification, however, is
specified by the user, and should be byte-compiled. The reduction in
run-time may range from mild to dramatic, depending on the model. It
is highly recommended that users concerned with run-time activate the
compiler package and use the cmpfun
function, as per the
example below.
A model specification function that is optimized for speed and
involves many records may result in a model update run-time that is
considerably less than other popular MCMC-based software algorithms
that loop through records, even when those algorithms are coded in
or other fast languages. For a comparison, see the
“Laplace's Demon Tutorial” vignette.
However, if a model specification function in the LaplacesDemon
package is not fully vectorized (contains for
loops and
functions), then run-time will typically be slower than
other popular MCMC-based software algorithms.
The speed of calculating the model specification function is
affected by parameter constraints, such as with the
function. Parameter constraints may add
considerable variability to the speed of this calculation, and usually
more variation occurs with initial values that are far from the target
Distributions in the LaplacesDemon
package usually have logical
checks to ensure correctness. These checks may slow the
calculation of the density, for example. If the user is confident
these checks are unnecessary for their model, then the user may
copy the code to a new function name and comment-out the checks to
improve speed.
When speed is of paramount importance, a user is encouraged to
experiment with writing the model specification function in another
language such as in C++
with the Rcpp
package, and
calling drop-in replacement functions from within the Model
function, or re-writing the model function entirely in C++
For an introduction to including C++
in LaplacesDemon,
see https://web.archive.org/web/20150227225556/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/softwarearticlescppsugar.
When a model specification function is computationally expensive, another approach to reduce run-time may be for the user to write parallelized code within the model, splitting up difficult tasks and assigning each to a separate CPU.
Another use for Model.Spec.Time
is to allow the user to make an
informed decision about which MCMC algorithm to select, given the
speed of their model specification. For example, the Adaptive
Metropolis-within-Gibbs (AMWG) of Roberts and Rosenthal (2009) is
currently the adaptive MCMC algorithm of choice in general in many
cases, but this choice is conditional on run-time. While other
MCMC algorithms in LaplacesDemon
evaluate the model
specification function once per iteration, componentwise algorithms
such as in the MWG family evaluate it once per parameter per
iteration, significantly increasing run-time per iteration in large
models. The Model.Spec.Time
function may forewarn the user of
the associated run-time, and if it should be decided to go with an
alternate MCMC algorithm, such as AMM, in which each element of its
covariance matrix must stabilize for the chains to become
stationary. AMM, for example, will require many more iterations of
burn-in (for more information, see the burnin
but with numerous iterations, allows more thinning. A general
recommendation may be to use AMWG when
>= 1000, but this is subjective
and best determined by each user for each model. A better decision may
be made by comparing MCMC algorithms with the Juxtapose
function for a particular model.
Following are a few common suggestions for increasing the speed of
code in the model specification function. There are often
exceptions to these suggestions, so case-by-case experimentation is
also suggested.
Replace exponents with multiplied terms, such as x^2
with x*x
Replace mean(x)
with sum(x)/length(x)
Replace parentheses (when possible) with curly brackets, such
as x*(a+b)
with x*{a+b}
Replace tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta))
Data$X %*% beta
when there are few predictors, and avoid
tcrossprod(beta, Data$X)
, which is always slowest.
Vectorize functions and eliminate apply
and for
functions. There are often specialized functions. For example,
is faster than apply(X, 1, which.max)
When seeking speed, things to consider beyond the LaplacesDemon package are the Basic Linear Algebra System (BLAS) and hardware. The ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra System) should be worth installing (and there are several alternatives), but this discussion is beyond the scope of this documentation. Lastly, the speed at which the computer can process iterations is limited by its hardware, and more should be considered than merely the CPU (Central Processing Unit). Again, though, this is beyond the scope of this documentation.
The Model.Spec.Time
function returns a list with three
Time |
This is the time in minutes to evaluate the model
specification |
Evals.per.Minute |
This is the number of evaluations of the
model specification per minute: |
Componentwise.Iters.per.Minute |
This is the number of iterations per minute in a componentwise MCMC algorithm, such as AMWG or MWG. It is the evaluations per minute divided by the number of parameters, since an evaluation must occur for each parameter, for each iteration. |
Statisticat, LLC.
Roberts, G.O. and Rosenthal, J.S. (2009). "Examples of Adaptive MCMC". Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 18, p. 349–367.
, and
# The accompanying Examples vignette is a compendium of examples. #################### Load the LaplacesDemon Library ##################### library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,c(1,4,10)]+1))) J <- ncol(X) for (j in 2:J) {X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j])} ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- "LP" parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) return(c(rnormv(Data$J,0,10), rhalfcauchy(1,5))) MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log of Prior Densities beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=LP, yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } set.seed(666) ############################ Initial Values ############################# Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) ############################ Model.Spec.Time ############################ ### Not byte-compiled Model.Spec.Time(Model, Initial.Values, MyData) ### Byte-compiled library(compiler) Model <- cmpfun(Model) Model.Spec.Time(Model, Initial.Values, MyData)
# The accompanying Examples vignette is a compendium of examples. #################### Load the LaplacesDemon Library ##################### library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,c(1,4,10)]+1))) J <- ncol(X) for (j in 2:J) {X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j])} ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- "LP" parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) return(c(rnormv(Data$J,0,10), rhalfcauchy(1,5))) MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log of Prior Densities beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=LP, yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } set.seed(666) ############################ Initial Values ############################# Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) ############################ Model.Spec.Time ############################ ### Not byte-compiled Model.Spec.Time(Model, Initial.Values, MyData) ### Byte-compiled library(compiler) Model <- cmpfun(Model) Model.Spec.Time(Model, Initial.Values, MyData)
This function returns one or more probability intervals of posterior samples.
p.interval(obj, HPD=TRUE, MM=TRUE, prob=0.95, plot=FALSE, PDF=FALSE, ...)
p.interval(obj, HPD=TRUE, MM=TRUE, prob=0.95, plot=FALSE, PDF=FALSE, ...)
obj |
This can be either a vector or matrix of posterior samples,
or an object of class |
Logical. This argument defaults to |
MM |
Logical. This argument defaults to |
prob |
This is a numeric scalar in the interval (0,1) giving the target probability interval, and defaults to 0.95, representing a 95% probability interval. A 95% probability interval, for example, is an interval that contains 95% of a posterior probability distribution. |
plot |
Logical. When |
Logical. When |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
A probability interval, also called a credible interval or Bayesian
confidence interval, is an interval in the domain of a posterior
probability distribution. When generalized to multivariate forms, it
is called a probability region (or credible region), though some
sources refer to a probability region (or credible region) as the
area within the probability interval. Bivariate probability regions
may be plotted with the joint.pr.plot
The p.interval
function may return different probability
intervals: a quantile-based probability interval, a unimodal
Highest Posterior Density (HPD) interval, and multimodal HPD
intervals. Another type of probability interval is the Lowest
Posterior Loss (LPL) interval, which is calculated with the
The quantile-based probability interval is used most commonly,
possibly because it is simple, the fastest to calculate, invariant
under transformation, and more closely resembles the frequentist
confidence interval. The lower and upper bounds of the
quantile-based probability interval are calculated with the
function. A 95% quantile-based probability interval
reports the values of the posterior probability distribution that
indicate the 2.5% and 97.5% quantiles, which contain the central
95% of the distribution. The quantile-based probability interval is
centered around the median and has equal-sized tails.
The HPD (highest posterior density) interval is identical to the quantile-based probability interval when the posterior probability distribution is unimodal and symmetric. Otherwise, the HPD interval is the smallest interval, because it is estimated as the interval that contains the highest posterior density. Unlike the quantile-based probability interval, the HPD interval could be one-tailed or two-tailed, whichever is more appropriate. However, unlike the quantile-based interval, the HPD interval is not invariant to reparameterization (Bernardo, 2005).
The unimodal HPD interval is estimated from the empirical CDF of the sample for each parameter (or deviance or monitored variable) as the shortest interval for which the difference in the ECDF values of the end-points is the user-specified probability width. This assumes the distribution is not severely multimodal.
As an example, imagine an exponential posterior distribution. A quantile-based probability interval would report the highest density region near zero to be outside of its interval. In contrast, the unimodal HPD interval is recommended for such skewed posterior distributions.
, the is.multimodal
function is
applied to each column vector after the unimodal interval (either
quantile-based or HPD) is estimated. If multimodality is found, then
multimodal HPD intervals are estimated with kernel density and
printed to the screen as a character string. The original unimodal
intervals are returned in the output matrix, because the matrix is
constrained to have a uniform number of columns per row, and because
multimodal HPD intervals may be disjoint.
Disjoint multimodal HPD intervals have multiple intervals for one posterior probability distribution. An example may be when there is a bimodal, Gaussian distribution with means -10 and 10, variances of 1 and 1, and a 95% probability interval is specified. In this case, there is not enough density between these two distant modes to have only one probability interval.
The user should also consider LPL.interval
, since it is
invariant to reparameterization like the quantile-based probability
interval, but could be one- or two-tailed, whichever is more
appropriate, like the HPD interval. A comparison of the quantile-based
probability interval, HPD interval, and LPL interval is available
here: https://web.archive.org/web/20150214090353/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/credible.
A matrix is returned with rows corresponding to the parameters (or
deviance or monitored variables), and columns "Lower"
. The elements of the matrix are the unimodal
probability intervals. The attribute "Probability"
is the
user-selected probability width. If MM=TRUE
and multimodal
posterior distributions are found, then multimodal HPD intervals are
printed to the screen in a character string.
Statisticat, LLC
Bernardo, J.M. (2005). "Intrinsic Credible Regions: An Objective Bayesian Approach to Interval Estimation". Sociedad de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa, 14(2), p. 317–384.
, and
##First, update the model with the LaplacesDemon function. ##Then #p.interval(Fit, HPD=TRUE, MM=TRUE, prob=0.95)
##First, update the model with the LaplacesDemon function. ##Then #p.interval(Fit, HPD=TRUE, MM=TRUE, prob=0.95)
This function plots Hellinger distances in an object of class bmk
## S3 method for class 'bmk' plot(x, col=colorRampPalette(c("black","red"))(100), title="", PDF=FALSE, Parms=NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bmk' plot(x, col=colorRampPalette(c("black","red"))(100), title="", PDF=FALSE, Parms=NULL, ...)
x |
This required argument is an object of class |
col |
This argument specifies the colors of the cells. By
default, the |
title |
This argument specifies the title of the plot, and the default does not include a title. |
Logical. When |
Parms |
This argument accepts a vector of quoted strings to be matched for
selecting parameters for plotting. This argument defaults to
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
The plot.bmk
function plots the Hellinger distances in an
object of class bmk
. This is useful for quickly finding
portions of chains with large Hellinger distances, which indicates
non-stationarity and non-convergence.
library(LaplacesDemon) N <- 1000 #Number of posterior samples J <- 10 #Number of parameters Theta <- matrix(runif(N*J),N,J) colnames(Theta) <- paste("beta[", 1:J, "]", sep="") for (i in 2:N) {Theta[i,1] <- Theta[i-1,1] + rnorm(1)} HD <- BMK.Diagnostic(Theta, batches=10) plot(HD, title="Hellinger distance between batches")
library(LaplacesDemon) N <- 1000 #Number of posterior samples J <- 10 #Number of parameters Theta <- matrix(runif(N*J),N,J) colnames(Theta) <- paste("beta[", 1:J, "]", sep="") for (i in 2:N) {Theta[i,1] <- Theta[i-1,1] + rnorm(1)} HD <- BMK.Diagnostic(Theta, batches=10) plot(HD, title="Hellinger distance between batches")
This may be used to plot, or save plots of, samples in an object of
class demonoid
or demonoid.hpc
. Plots include a trace
plot, density plot, autocorrelation or ACF plot, and if an adaptive
algorithm was used, the absolute difference in the proposal variance,
or the value of epsilon, across adaptations.
## S3 method for class 'demonoid' plot(x, BurnIn=0, Data, PDF=FALSE, Parms, FileName, ...) ## S3 method for class 'demonoid.hpc' plot(x, BurnIn=0, Data, PDF=FALSE, Parms, FileName, ...)
## S3 method for class 'demonoid' plot(x, BurnIn=0, Data, PDF=FALSE, Parms, FileName, ...) ## S3 method for class 'demonoid.hpc' plot(x, BurnIn=0, Data, PDF=FALSE, Parms, FileName, ...)
x |
This required argument is an object of class |
BurnIn |
This argument requires zero or a positive integer that indicates the
number of thinned samples to discard as burn-in for the purposes of
plotting. For more information on burn-in, see |
Data |
This required argument must receive the list of data that was
supplied to |
This logical argument indicates whether or not the user wants Laplace's Demon to save the plots as a .pdf file. |
Parms |
This argument accepts a vector of quoted strings to be matched for
selecting parameters for plotting. This argument defaults to
FileName |
This argument accepts a string and save the plot under the specified name. If |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
The plots are arranged in a matrix. Each row
represents a parameter, the deviance, or a monitored variable. The
left column displays trace plots, the middle column displays kernel
density plots, and the right column displays autocorrelation (ACF)
Trace plots show the thinned history of the chain or Markov chain, with its value in the y-axis moving by thinned sample across the x-axis. A chain or Markov chain with good properties does not suggest a trend upward or downward as it progresses across the x-axis (it should appear stationary), and it should mix well, meaning it should appear as though random samples are being taken each time from the same target distribution. Visual inspection of a trace plot cannot verify convergence, but apparent non-stationarity or poor mixing can certainly suggest non-convergence. A red, smoothed line also appears to aid visual inspection.
Kernel density plots depict the marginal posterior distribution. Although there is no distributional assumption about this density, kernel density estimation uses Gaussian basis functions.
Autocorrelation plots show the autocorrelation or serial correlation
between values of thinned samples at nearby thinned samples. Samples with
autocorrelation do not violate any assumption, but are inefficient
because they reduce the effective sample size (ESS
), and
indicate that the chain is not mixing well, since each value is
influenced by values that are previous and nearby. The x-axis
indicates lags with respect to thinned samples, and the y-axis
represents autocorrelation. The ideal autocorrelation plot shows
perfect correlation at zero lag, and quickly falls to zero
autocorrelation for all other lags.
If an adaptive algorithm was used, then the distribution of absolute differences in the proposal variances, or the value of epsilon, is plotted across adaptations. The proposal variance, or epsilon, should change less as the adaptive algorithm approaches the target distributions. The absolute differences in the proposal variance plot should approach zero. This is called the condition of diminishing adaptation. If it is not approaching zero, then consider using a different adaptive MCMC algorithm. The following quantiles are plotted for absolute changes proposal variance: 0.025, 0.500, and 0.975.
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
, and
### See the LaplacesDemon function for an example.
### See the LaplacesDemon function for an example.
This may be used to plot, or save plots of, samples in an object of
class demonoid.ppc
. A variety of plots is provided.
## S3 method for class 'demonoid.ppc' plot(x, Style=NULL, Data=NULL, Rows=NULL, PDF=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'demonoid.ppc' plot(x, Style=NULL, Data=NULL, Rows=NULL, PDF=FALSE, ...)
x |
This required argument is an object of class |
Style |
This optional argument specifies one of several styles of plots,
and defaults to |
Data |
This optional argument accepts the data set used when updating the
model. Data is required only with certain plot styles, including
Rows |
This optional argument is for a vector of row numbers that
specify the records associated by row in the object of class
This logical argument indicates whether or not the user wants Laplace's Demon to save the plots as a .pdf file. |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
This function can be used to produce a variety of posterior predictive
plots, and the style of plot is selected with the Style
argument. Below are some notes on the styles of plots.
requires Data
to be specified, and also
requires that the covariates are named X
or x
. A plot
is produced for each covariate column vector against yhat, and is
appropriate when y is not categorical.
Covariates, Categorical DV
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that the covariates are named X
. A plot is produced for each covariate column vector against
yhat, and is appropriate when y is categorical.
plots show the kernel density of the posterior
predictive distribution for each selected row of y (all are selected
by default). A vertical red line indicates the position of the
observed y along the x-axis. When the vertical red line is close to
the middle of a normal posterior predictive distribution, then there
is little discrepancy between y and the posterior predictive
distribution. When the vertical red line is in the tail of the
distribution, or outside of the kernel density altogether, then
there is a large discrepancy between y and the posterior predictive
distribution. Large discrepancies may be considered outliers, and
moreover suggest that an improvement in model fit should be
plots the distributions of the Durbin-Watson (DW) test
statistics (Durbin and Watson, 1950), both observed
( as a transparent, black density) and replicated
as a transparent, red density). The distribution
is estimated from the model, and
is simulated from normal residuals without
autocorrelation, where the number of simulations are the same as the
observed number. This DW test may be applied to the residuals of
univariate time-series models (or otherwise ordered residuals) to
detect first-order autocorrelation. Autocorrelated residuals are not
independent. The DW test is applicable only when the residuals are
normally-distributed, higher-order autocorrelation is not present, and
y is not used also as a lagged predictor. The DW test statistic,
, occurs in the interval (0,4), where 0 is
perfect positive autocorrelation, 2 is no autocorrelation, and 4 is
perfect negative autocorrelation. The following summary is reported on
the plot: the mean of
(and its 95% probability
interval), the probability that
, and whether or not autocorrelation is found. Positive
autocorrelation is reported when the observed process is greater than
the replicated process in 2.5% of the samples, and negative
autocorrelation is reported when the observed process is greater than
the replicated process in 97.5% of the samples.
DW, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of residuals with a univariate Durbin-Watson test, as in
above. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and residuals are desired to be tested column-wise for
first-order autocorrelation.
(Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function) plots compare
the ECDF of y with three ECDFs of yhat based on the 2.5%, 50%
(median), and 97.5% of its distribution. The ECDF(y) is defined as
the proportion of values less than or equal to y. This plot is
appropriate when y is univariate and at least ordinal.
plots compare y with the probability interval of its
replicate, and provide loess smoothing. This plot is appropriate when
y is univariate and not categorical.
Fitted, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exists in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of y in Y with its replicates and provide loess smoothing.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not categorical, and
desired to be seen column-wise.
Fitted, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exists in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each row-wise
vector of y in Y with its replicates and provide loess smoothing.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not categorical, and
desired to be seen row-wise.
plots the distributions of the Jarque-Bera (JB)
test statistics (Jarque and Bera, 1980), both observed
( as a transparent black density) and replicated
as a transparent red density). The
distribution of
is estimated from the model,
is simulated from normal residuals, where
the number of simulations are the same as the observed number. This
Jarque-Bera test may be applied to the residuals of
univariate models to test for normality. The Jarque-Bera test does not
test normality per se, but whether or not the distribution has
kurtosis and skewness that match a normal distribution, and is
therefore a test of the moments of a normal distribution. The
following summary is reported on the plot: the mean of
(and its 95% probability interval), the
probability that
, and
whether or not normality is indicated. Non-normality is reported when
the observed process is greater than the replicated process in either
2.5% or 97.5% of the samples.
Jarque-Bera, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of residuals with a univariate Jarque-Bera test, as in
above. This plot is appropriate when Y is
multivariate, not categorical, and residuals are desired to be
tested column-wise for normality.
plots the distributions of the skewness (K3) and
kurtosis (K4) test statistics (Mardia, 1970), both observed
( and
as transparent
black density) and replicated (
as transparent red density). The distributions
are estimated
from the model, and both
are simulated from multivariate normal residuals, where the number of
simulations are the same as the observed number. This Mardia's test
may be applied to the residuals of multivariate models to test for
multivariate normality. Mardia's test does not test for multivariate
normality per se, but whether or not the distribution has kurtosis and
skewness that match a multivariate normal distribution, and is
therefore a test of the moments of a multivariate normal
distribution. The following summary is reported on the plots: the
means of
the associated 95% probability intervals), the probabilities that
, and whether or not
multivariate normality is indicated. Non-normality is reported when
the observed process is greater than the replicated process in either
2.5% or 97.5% of the samples.
requires Data
be specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the
data set with exactly that name. Y
must be a matrix of
records and
variables. Source
code was modified from the deprecated package QRMlib.
Predictive Quantiles
plots compare y with the predictive
quantile (PQ) of its replicate. This may be useful in looking for
patterns with outliers. Instances outside of the gray lines are
considered outliers.
Residual Density
plots the residual density of the median of
the samples. A vertical red line occurs at zero. This plot may be
useful for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual
variance. This plot is appropriate when y is univariate and
Residual Density, Multivariate C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are column-wise plots of residual
density, given the median of the samples. These plots may be useful
for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual variance.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, continuous, and
densities are desired to be seen column-wise.
Residual Density, Multivariate R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are row-wise plots of residual
density, given the median of the samples. These plots may be useful
for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual variance.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, continuous, and
densities are desired to be seen row-wise.
plots compare y with its residuals. The probability
interval is plotted as a line. This plot is appropriate when y
is univariate.
Residuals, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are plots of each column-wise
vector of residuals. The probability interval is plotted as a
line. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and the residuals are desired to be seen column-wise.
Residuals, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are plots of each row-wise
vector of residuals. The probability interval is plotted as a
line. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and the residuals are desired to be seen row-wise.
Space-Time by Space
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
, longitude
, S
, and
. These space-time plots compare the S x T matrix Y with the S
x T matrix Yrep, producing one time-series plot per point s in space,
for a total of S plots. Therefore, these are time-series plots for
each point s in space across T time-periods. See Time-Series
plots below.
Space-Time by Time
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
, longitude
, S
, and
. These space-time plots compare the S x T matrix Y with the S
x T matrix Yrep, producing one spatial plot per time-period, and T
plots will be produced. See Spatial
plots below.
requires Data
to be specified, and also requires
that the following variables exist in the data set with exactly these
names: latitude
and longitude
. This spatial plot shows
yrep plotted according to its coordinates, and is color-coded so that
higher values of yrep become more red, and lower values become more
Spatial Uncertainty
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
and longitude
. This
spatial plot shows the probability interval of yrep plotted according
to its coordinates, and is color-coded so that wider probability
intervals become more red, and lower values become more yellow.
plots compare y with its replicate, including the
median and probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate
when y is univariate and ordered by time.
Time-Series, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
time-series in Y with its replicate, including the median and
probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate when y is
multivariate and each time-series is indexed by column in Y.
Time-Series, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each row-wise
time-series in Y with its replicate, including the median and
probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate when y is
multivariate and each time-series is indexed by row in Y, such as is
typically true in panel models.
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
Durbin, J., and Watson, G.S. (1950). "Testing for Serial Correlation in Least Squares Regression, I." Biometrika, 37, p. 409–428.
Jarque, C.M. and Bera, A.K. (1980). "Efficient Tests for Normality, Homoscedasticity and Serial Independence of Regression Residuals". Economics Letters, 6(3), p. 255–259.
Mardia, K.V. (1970). "Measures of Multivariate Skewness and Kurtosis with Applications". Biometrika, 57(3), p. 519–530.
### See the LaplacesDemon function for an example.
### See the LaplacesDemon function for an example.
This may be used to plot variable importance with BPIC, predictive
concordance, a discrepancy statistic, or the L-criterion regarding an
object of class importance
## S3 method for class 'importance' plot(x, Style="BPIC", ...)
## S3 method for class 'importance' plot(x, Style="BPIC", ...)
x |
This required argument is an object of class
Style |
When |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
The x-axis is either BPIC (Ando, 2007), predictive concordance
(Gelfand, 1996), a discrepancy statistic (Gelman et al., 1996), or the
L-criterion (Laud and Ibrahim, 1995) of the Importance
function (depending on the Style
argument), and variables are
on the y-axis. A more important variable is associated with a dot that
is plotted farther to the right. For more information on variable
importance, see the Importance
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
Ando, T. (2007). "Bayesian Predictive Information Criterion for the Evaluation of Hierarchical Bayesian and Empirical Bayes Models". Biometrika, 94(2), p. 443–458.
Gelfand, A. (1996). "Model Determination Using Sampling Based Methods". In Gilks, W., Richardson, S., Spiegehalter, D., Chapter 9 in Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice. Chapman and Hall: Boca Raton, FL.
Gelman, A., Meng, X.L., and Stern H. (1996). "Posterior Predictive Assessment of Model Fitness via Realized Discrepancies". Statistica Sinica, 6, p. 733–807.
Laud, P.W. and Ibrahim, J.G. (1995). "Predictive Model Selection". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 57, p. 247–262.
This may be used to plot, or save plots of, the iterated history of
the parameters and, if posterior samples were taken, density plots of
parameters and monitors in an object of class iterquad
## S3 method for class 'iterquad' plot(x, Data, PDF=FALSE, Parms, ...)
## S3 method for class 'iterquad' plot(x, Data, PDF=FALSE, Parms, ...)
x |
This required argument is an object of class |
Data |
This required argument must receive the list of data that was
supplied to |
This logical argument indicates whether or not the user wants Laplace's Demon to save the plots as a .pdf file. |
Parms |
This argument accepts a vector of quoted strings to be matched for
selecting parameters for plotting. This argument defaults to
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
The plots are arranged in a matrix. The
purpose of the iterated history plots is to show how the value of each
parameter and the deviance changed by iteration as the
attempted to fit a normal
distribution to the marginal posterior distributions.
The plots on the right show several densities, described below.
The transparent black density is the normalized quadrature
weights for non-standard normal distributions, . For
multivariate quadrature, there are often multiple weights at a given
node, and the average
is shown. Vertical black lines
indicate the nodes.
The transparent red density is the normalized LP weights. For multivariate quadrature, there are often multiple weights at a given node, and the average normalized and weighted LP is shown. Vertical red lines indicate the nodes.
The transparent green density is the normal density implied given the conditional mean and conditional variance.
The transparent blue density is the kernel density estimate
of posterior samples generated with Sampling Importance Resampling.
This is plotted only if the algorithm converged, and if
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
### See the IterativeQuadrature function for an example.
### See the IterativeQuadrature function for an example.
This may be used to plot, or save plots of, samples in an object of
class iterquad.ppc
. A variety of plots is provided.
## S3 method for class 'iterquad.ppc' plot(x, Style=NULL, Data=NULL, Rows=NULL, PDF=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'iterquad.ppc' plot(x, Style=NULL, Data=NULL, Rows=NULL, PDF=FALSE, ...)
x |
This required argument is an object of class |
Style |
This optional argument specifies one of several styles of plots, and
defaults to |
Data |
This optional argument accepts the data set used when updating the
model. Data is required only with certain plot styles, including
Rows |
This optional argument is for a vector of row numbers that
specify the records associated by row in the object of class
This logical argument indicates whether or not the user wants Laplace's Demon to save the plots as a .pdf file. |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
This function can be used to produce a variety of posterior predictive
plots, and the style of plot is selected with the Style
argument. Below are some notes on the styles of plots.
requires Data
to be specified, and also
requires that the covariates are named X
or x
. A plot
is produced for each covariate column vector against yhat, and is
appropriate when y is not categorical.
Covariates, Categorical DV
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that the covariates are named X
. A plot is produced for each covariate column vector against
yhat, and is appropriate when y is categorical.
plots show the kernel density of the posterior
predictive distribution for each selected row of y (all are selected
by default). A vertical red line indicates the position of the
observed y along the x-axis. When the vertical red line is close to
the middle of a normal posterior predictive distribution, then there
is little discrepancy between y and the posterior predictive
distribution. When the vertical red line is in the tail of the
distribution, or outside of the kernel density altogether, then
there is a large discrepancy between y and the posterior predictive
distribution. Large discrepancies may be considered outliers, and
moreover suggest that an improvement in model fit should be
plots the distributions of the Durbin-Watson (DW) test
statistics (Durbin and Watson, 1950), both observed
( as a transparent, black density) and replicated
as a transparent, red density). The distribution
is estimated from the model, and
is simulated from normal residuals without
autocorrelation, where the number of simulations are the same as the
observed number. This DW test may be applied to the residuals of
univariate time-series models (or otherwise ordered residuals) to
detect first-order autocorrelation. Autocorrelated residuals are not
independent. The DW test is applicable only when the residuals are
normally-distributed, higher-order autocorrelation is not present, and
y is not used also as a lagged predictor. The DW test statistic,
, occurs in the interval (0,4), where 0 is
perfect positive autocorrelation, 2 is no autocorrelation, and 4 is
perfect negative autocorrelation. The following summary is reported on
the plot: the mean of
(and its 95% probability
interval), the probability that
, and whether or not autocorrelation is found. Positive
autocorrelation is reported when the observed process is greater than
the replicated process in 2.5% of the samples, and negative
autocorrelation is reported when the observed process is greater than
the replicated process in 97.5% of the samples.
DW, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of residuals with a univariate Durbin-Watson test, as in
above. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and residuals are desired to be tested column-wise for
first-order autocorrelation.
(Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function) plots compare
the ECDF of y with three ECDFs of yhat based on the 2.5%, 50%
(median), and 97.5% of its distribution. The ECDF(y) is defined as
the proportion of values less than or equal to y. This plot is
appropriate when y is univariate and at least ordinal.
plots compare y with the probability interval of its
replicate, and provide loess smoothing. This plot is appropriate when
y is univariate and not categorical.
Fitted, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exists in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of y in Y with its replicates and provide loess smoothing.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not categorical, and
desired to be seen column-wise.
Fitted, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exists in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each row-wise
vector of y in Y with its replicates and provide loess smoothing.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not categorical, and
desired to be seen row-wise.
plots the distributions of the Jarque-Bera (JB)
test statistics (Jarque and Bera, 1980), both observed
( as a transparent black density) and replicated
as a transparent red density). The
distribution of
is estimated from the model,
is simulated from normal residuals, where
the number of simulations are the same as the observed number. This
Jarque-Bera test may be applied to the residuals of
univariate models to test for normality. The Jarque-Bera test does not
test normality per se, but whether or not the distribution has
kurtosis and skewness that match a normal distribution, and is
therefore a test of the moments of a normal distribution. The
following summary is reported on the plot: the mean of
(and its 95% probability interval), the
probability that
, and
whether or not normality is indicated. Non-normality is reported when
the observed process is greater than the replicated process in either
2.5% or 97.5% of the samples.
Jarque-Bera, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of residuals with a univariate Jarque-Bera test, as in
above. This plot is appropriate when Y is
multivariate, not categorical, and residuals are desired to be
tested column-wise for normality.
plots the distributions of the skewness (K3) and
kurtosis (K4) test statistics (Mardia, 1970), both observed
( and
as transparent
black density) and replicated (
as transparent red density). The distributions
are estimated
from the model, and both
are simulated from multivariate normal residuals, where the number of
simulations are the same as the observed number. This Mardia's test
may be applied to the residuals of multivariate models to test for
multivariate normality. Mardia's test does not test for multivariate
normality per se, but whether or not the distribution has kurtosis and
skewness that match a multivariate normal distribution, and is
therefore a test of the moments of a multivariate normal
distribution. The following summary is reported on the plots: the
means of
the associated 95% probability intervals), the probabilities that
, and whether or not
multivariate normality is indicated. Non-normality is reported when
the observed process is greater than the replicated process in either
2.5% or 97.5% of the samples.
requires Data
be specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the
data set with exactly that name. Y
must be a matrix of
records and
variables. Source
code was modified from the deprecated package QRMlib.
Predictive Quantiles
plots compare y with the predictive
quantile (PQ) of its replicate. This may be useful in looking for
patterns with outliers. Instances outside of the gray lines are
considered outliers.
Residual Density
plots the residual density of the median of
the samples. A vertical red line occurs at zero. This plot may be
useful for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual
variance. This plot is appropriate when y is univariate and
Residual Density, Multivariate C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are column-wise plots of residual
density, given the median of the samples. These plots may be useful
for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual variance.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, continuous, and
densities are desired to be seen column-wise.
Residual Density, Multivariate R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are row-wise plots of residual
density, given the median of the samples. These plots may be useful
for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual variance.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, continuous, and
densities are desired to be seen row-wise.
plots compare y with its residuals. The probability
interval is plotted as a line. This plot is appropriate when y
is univariate.
Residuals, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are plots of each column-wise
vector of residuals. The probability interval is plotted as a
line. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and the residuals are desired to be seen column-wise.
Residuals, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are plots of each row-wise
vector of residuals. The probability interval is plotted as a
line. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and the residuals are desired to be seen row-wise.
Space-Time by Space
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
, longitude
, S
, and
. These space-time plots compare the S x T matrix Y with the S
x T matrix Yrep, producing one time-series plot per point s in space,
for a total of S plots. Therefore, these are time-series plots for
each point s in space across T time-periods. See Time-Series
plots below.
Space-Time by Time
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
, longitude
, S
, and
. These space-time plots compare the S x T matrix Y with the S
x T matrix Yrep, producing one spatial plot per time-period, and T
plots will be produced. See Spatial
plots below.
requires Data
to be specified, and also requires
that the following variables exist in the data set with exactly these
names: latitude
and longitude
. This spatial plot shows
yrep plotted according to its coordinates, and is color-coded so that
higher values of yrep become more red, and lower values become more
Spatial Uncertainty
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
and longitude
. This
spatial plot shows the probability interval of yrep plotted according
to its coordinates, and is color-coded so that wider probability
intervals become more red, and lower values become more yellow.
plots compare y with its replicate, including the
median and probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate
when y is univariate and ordered by time.
Time-Series, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
time-series in Y with its replicate, including the median and
probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate when y is
multivariate and each time-series is indexed by column in Y.
Time-Series, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each row-wise
time-series in Y with its replicate, including the median and
probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate when y is
multivariate and each time-series is indexed by row in Y, such as is
typically true in panel models.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Durbin, J., and Watson, G.S. (1950). "Testing for Serial Correlation in Least Squares Regression, I." Biometrika, 37, p. 409–428.
Jarque, C.M. and Bera, A.K. (1980). "Efficient Tests for Normality, Homoscedasticity and Serial Independence of Regression Residuals". Economics Letters, 6(3), p. 255–259.
Mardia, K.V. (1970). "Measures of Multivariate Skewness and Kurtosis with Applications". Biometrika, 57(3), p. 519–530.
### See the IterativeQuadrature function for an example.
### See the IterativeQuadrature function for an example.
This may be used to plot a juxtaposition of MCMC algorithms according
either to IAT
or ISM (Independent Samples per Minute).
## S3 method for class 'juxtapose' plot(x, Style="ISM", ...)
## S3 method for class 'juxtapose' plot(x, Style="ISM", ...)
x |
This required argument is an object of class
Style |
This argument accepts either |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
When Style="IAT"
, the medians and 95% probability intervals of
the integrated autocorrelation times (IATs) of MCMC algorithms are
displayed in a caterpillar plot. The best, or least inefficient, MCMC
algorithm is the algorithm with the lowest IAT.
When Style="ISM"
, the medians and 95% probability intervals of
the numbers of independent samples per minute (ISM) of MCMC algorithms
are displayed in a caterpillar plot. The best, or least inefficient,
MCMC algorithm is the algorithm with the highest ISM.
For more information, see the Juxtapose
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
This may be used to plot, or save plots of, the iterated history of
the parameters and, if posterior samples were taken, density plots of
parameters and monitors in an object of class laplace
## S3 method for class 'laplace' plot(x, Data, PDF=FALSE, Parms, ...)
## S3 method for class 'laplace' plot(x, Data, PDF=FALSE, Parms, ...)
x |
This required argument is an object of class |
Data |
This required argument must receive the list of data that was
supplied to |
This logical argument indicates whether or not the user wants Laplace's Demon to save the plots as a .pdf file. |
Parms |
This argument accepts a vector of quoted strings to be matched for
selecting parameters for plotting. This argument defaults to
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
The plots are arranged in a matrix. The
purpose of the iterated history plots is to show how the value of each
parameter and the deviance changed by iteration as the
attempted to maximize the logarithm
of the unnormalized joint posterior density. If the algorithm
converged, and if sir=TRUE
, then plots are produced of
selected parameters and all monitored variables.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
### See the LaplaceApproximation function for an example.
### See the LaplaceApproximation function for an example.
This may be used to plot, or save plots of, samples in an object of
class laplace.ppc
. A variety of plots is provided.
## S3 method for class 'laplace.ppc' plot(x, Style=NULL, Data=NULL, Rows=NULL, PDF=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'laplace.ppc' plot(x, Style=NULL, Data=NULL, Rows=NULL, PDF=FALSE, ...)
x |
This required argument is an object of class |
Style |
This optional argument specifies one of several styles of plots, and
defaults to |
Data |
This optional argument accepts the data set used when updating the
model. Data is required only with certain plot styles, including
Rows |
This optional argument is for a vector of row numbers that
specify the records associated by row in the object of class
This logical argument indicates whether or not the user wants Laplace's Demon to save the plots as a .pdf file. |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
This function can be used to produce a variety of posterior predictive
plots, and the style of plot is selected with the Style
argument. Below are some notes on the styles of plots.
requires Data
to be specified, and also
requires that the covariates are named X
or x
. A plot
is produced for each covariate column vector against yhat, and is
appropriate when y is not categorical.
Covariates, Categorical DV
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that the covariates are named X
. A plot is produced for each covariate column vector against
yhat, and is appropriate when y is categorical.
plots show the kernel density of the posterior
predictive distribution for each selected row of y (all are selected
by default). A vertical red line indicates the position of the
observed y along the x-axis. When the vertical red line is close to
the middle of a normal posterior predictive distribution, then there
is little discrepancy between y and the posterior predictive
distribution. When the vertical red line is in the tail of the
distribution, or outside of the kernel density altogether, then
there is a large discrepancy between y and the posterior predictive
distribution. Large discrepancies may be considered outliers, and
moreover suggest that an improvement in model fit should be
plots the distributions of the Durbin-Watson (DW) test
statistics (Durbin and Watson, 1950), both observed
( as a transparent, black density) and replicated
as a transparent, red density). The distribution
is estimated from the model, and
is simulated from normal residuals without
autocorrelation, where the number of simulations are the same as the
observed number. This DW test may be applied to the residuals of
univariate time-series models (or otherwise ordered residuals) to
detect first-order autocorrelation. Autocorrelated residuals are not
independent. The DW test is applicable only when the residuals are
normally-distributed, higher-order autocorrelation is not present, and
y is not used also as a lagged predictor. The DW test statistic,
, occurs in the interval (0,4), where 0 is
perfect positive autocorrelation, 2 is no autocorrelation, and 4 is
perfect negative autocorrelation. The following summary is reported on
the plot: the mean of
(and its 95% probability
interval), the probability that
, and whether or not autocorrelation is found. Positive
autocorrelation is reported when the observed process is greater than
the replicated process in 2.5% of the samples, and negative
autocorrelation is reported when the observed process is greater than
the replicated process in 97.5% of the samples.
DW, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of residuals with a univariate Durbin-Watson test, as in
above. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and residuals are desired to be tested column-wise for
first-order autocorrelation.
(Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function) plots compare
the ECDF of y with three ECDFs of yhat based on the 2.5%, 50%
(median), and 97.5% of its distribution. The ECDF(y) is defined as
the proportion of values less than or equal to y. This plot is
appropriate when y is univariate and at least ordinal.
plots compare y with the probability interval of its
replicate, and provide loess smoothing. This plot is appropriate when
y is univariate and not categorical.
Fitted, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exists in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of y in Y with its replicates and provide loess smoothing.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not categorical, and
desired to be seen column-wise.
Fitted, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exists in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each row-wise
vector of y in Y with its replicates and provide loess smoothing.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not categorical, and
desired to be seen row-wise.
plots the distributions of the Jarque-Bera (JB)
test statistics (Jarque and Bera, 1980), both observed
( as a transparent black density) and replicated
as a transparent red density). The
distribution of
is estimated from the model,
is simulated from normal residuals, where
the number of simulations are the same as the observed number. This
Jarque-Bera test may be applied to the residuals of
univariate models to test for normality. The Jarque-Bera test does not
test normality per se, but whether or not the distribution has
kurtosis and skewness that match a normal distribution, and is
therefore a test of the moments of a normal distribution. The
following summary is reported on the plot: the mean of
(and its 95% probability interval), the
probability that
, and
whether or not normality is indicated. Non-normality is reported when
the observed process is greater than the replicated process in either
2.5% or 97.5% of the samples.
Jarque-Bera, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of residuals with a univariate Jarque-Bera test, as in
above. This plot is appropriate when Y is
multivariate, not categorical, and residuals are desired to be
tested column-wise for normality.
plots the distributions of the skewness (K3) and
kurtosis (K4) test statistics (Mardia, 1970), both observed
( and
as transparent
black density) and replicated (
as transparent red density). The distributions
are estimated
from the model, and both
are simulated from multivariate normal residuals, where the number of
simulations are the same as the observed number. This Mardia's test
may be applied to the residuals of multivariate models to test for
multivariate normality. Mardia's test does not test for multivariate
normality per se, but whether or not the distribution has kurtosis and
skewness that match a multivariate normal distribution, and is
therefore a test of the moments of a multivariate normal
distribution. The following summary is reported on the plots: the
means of
the associated 95% probability intervals), the probabilities that
, and whether or not
multivariate normality is indicated. Non-normality is reported when
the observed process is greater than the replicated process in either
2.5% or 97.5% of the samples.
requires Data
be specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the
data set with exactly that name. Y
must be a matrix of
records and
variables. Source
code was modified from the deprecated package QRMlib.
Predictive Quantiles
plots compare y with the predictive
quantile (PQ) of its replicate. This may be useful in looking for
patterns with outliers. Instances outside of the gray lines are
considered outliers.
Residual Density
plots the residual density of the median of
the samples. A vertical red line occurs at zero. This plot may be
useful for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual
variance. This plot is appropriate when y is univariate and
Residual Density, Multivariate C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are column-wise plots of residual
density, given the median of the samples. These plots may be useful
for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual variance.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, continuous, and
densities are desired to be seen column-wise.
Residual Density, Multivariate R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are row-wise plots of residual
density, given the median of the samples. These plots may be useful
for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual variance.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, continuous, and
densities are desired to be seen row-wise.
plots compare y with its residuals. The probability
interval is plotted as a line. This plot is appropriate when y
is univariate.
Residuals, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are plots of each column-wise
vector of residuals. The probability interval is plotted as a
line. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and the residuals are desired to be seen column-wise.
Residuals, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are plots of each row-wise
vector of residuals. The probability interval is plotted as a
line. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and the residuals are desired to be seen row-wise.
Space-Time by Space
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
, longitude
, S
, and
. These space-time plots compare the S x T matrix Y with the S
x T matrix Yrep, producing one time-series plot per point s in space,
for a total of S plots. Therefore, these are time-series plots for
each point s in space across T time-periods. See Time-Series
plots below.
Space-Time by Time
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
, longitude
, S
, and
. These space-time plots compare the S x T matrix Y with the S
x T matrix Yrep, producing one spatial plot per time-period, and T
plots will be produced. See Spatial
plots below.
requires Data
to be specified, and also requires
that the following variables exist in the data set with exactly these
names: latitude
and longitude
. This spatial plot shows
yrep plotted according to its coordinates, and is color-coded so that
higher values of yrep become more red, and lower values become more
Spatial Uncertainty
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
and longitude
. This
spatial plot shows the probability interval of yrep plotted according
to its coordinates, and is color-coded so that wider probability
intervals become more red, and lower values become more yellow.
plots compare y with its replicate, including the
median and probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate
when y is univariate and ordered by time.
Time-Series, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
time-series in Y with its replicate, including the median and
probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate when y is
multivariate and each time-series is indexed by column in Y.
Time-Series, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each row-wise
time-series in Y with its replicate, including the median and
probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate when y is
multivariate and each time-series is indexed by row in Y, such as is
typically true in panel models.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Durbin, J., and Watson, G.S. (1950). "Testing for Serial Correlation in Least Squares Regression, I." Biometrika, 37, p. 409–428.
Jarque, C.M. and Bera, A.K. (1980). "Efficient Tests for Normality, Homoscedasticity and Serial Independence of Regression Residuals". Economics Letters, 6(3), p. 255–259.
Mardia, K.V. (1970). "Measures of Multivariate Skewness and Kurtosis with Applications". Biometrika, 57(3), p. 519–530.
### See the LaplaceApproximation function for an example.
### See the LaplaceApproximation function for an example.
This may be used to plot, or save plots of, samples in an object of
class miss
. Plots include a trace plot, density plot, and
autocorrelation or ACF plot.
## S3 method for class 'miss' plot(x, PDF=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'miss' plot(x, PDF=FALSE, ...)
x |
This required argument is an object of class |
This logical argument indicates whether or not the user wants Laplace's Demon to save the plots as a .pdf file. |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
The plots are arranged in a matrix. Each row
represents the predictive distribution of a missing value. The
left column displays trace plots, the middle column displays kernel
density plots, and the right column displays autocorrelation (ACF)
Trace plots show the thinned history of the predictive distribution, with its value in the y-axis moving by iteration across the x-axis. Simulations of a predictive distribution with good properties do not suggest a trend upward or downward as it progresses across the x-axis (it should appear stationary), and it should mix well, meaning it should appear as though random samples are being taken each time from the same target distribution. Visual inspection of a trace plot cannot verify convergence, but apparent non-stationarity or poor mixing can certainly suggest non-convergence. A red, smoothed line also appears to aid visual inspection.
Kernel density plots depict the marginal posterior distribution. There is no distributional assumption about this density.
Autocorrelation plots show the autocorrelation or serial correlation
between sampled values at nearby iterations. Samples with
autocorrelation do not violate any assumption, but are inefficient
because they reduce the effective sample size (ESS
), and
indicate that the chain is not mixing well, since each value is
influenced by values that are previous and nearby. The x-axis
indicates lags with respect to samples by iteration, and the y-axis
represents autocorrelation. The ideal autocorrelation plot shows
perfect correlation at zero lag, and quickly falls to zero
autocorrelation for all other lags.
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
### See the MISS function for an example.
### See the MISS function for an example.
This may be used to plot, or save plots of, samples in an object of
class pmc
. Plots include a trace plot and density plot for
parameters, a density plot for deviance and monitored variables, and
convergence plots.
## S3 method for class 'pmc' plot(x, BurnIn=0, Data, PDF=FALSE, Parms, ...)
## S3 method for class 'pmc' plot(x, BurnIn=0, Data, PDF=FALSE, Parms, ...)
x |
This required argument is an object of class |
BurnIn |
This argument requires zero or a positive integer that indicates the number of iterations to discard as burn-in for the purposes of plotting. |
Data |
This required argument must receive the list of data that
was supplied to |
This logical argument indicates whether or not the user wants Laplace's Demon to save the plots as a .pdf file. |
Parms |
This argument accepts a vector of quoted strings to be
matched for selecting parameters for plotting. This argument
defaults to |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
The plots are arranged in a matrix. Each row
represents a parameter, the deviance, or a monitored variable. For
parameters, the left column displays trace plots and the right column
displays kernel density plots.
Trace plots show the history of the distribution of independent importance samples. When multiple mixture components are used, each mixture component has a different color. These plots are unavailable for the deviance and monitored variables.
Kernel density plots depict the marginal posterior distribution. Although there is no distributional assumption about this density, kernel density estimation uses Gaussian basis functions.
Following these plots are three plots for convergence. First, ESSN (red) and perplexity (black) are plotted by iteration. Convergence occurs when both of these seem to stabilize, and higher is better. The second plot shows the distribution of the normalized importance weights by iteration. The third plot appears only when multiple mixture components are used. The third plot displays the probabilities of each mixture component by iteration. Although the last two plots are not formally convergence plots, they are provided so the user can verify the distribution of importance weights and the mixture probabilities have become stable.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
### See the PMC function for an example.
### See the PMC function for an example.
This may be used to plot, or save plots of, samples in an object of
class pmc.ppc
. A variety of plots is provided.
## S3 method for class 'pmc.ppc' plot(x, Style=NULL, Data=NULL, Rows=NULL, PDF=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'pmc.ppc' plot(x, Style=NULL, Data=NULL, Rows=NULL, PDF=FALSE, ...)
x |
This required argument is an object of class |
Style |
This optional argument specifies one of several styles of plots,
and defaults to |
Data |
This optional argument accepts the data set used when updating the
model. Data is required only with certain plot styles, including
Rows |
This optional argument is for a vector of row numbers that
specify the records associated by row in the object of class
This logical argument indicates whether or not the user wants Laplace's Demon to save the plots as a .pdf file. |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
This function can be used to produce a variety of posterior predictive
plots, and the style of plot is selected with the Style
argument. Below are some notes on the styles of plots.
requires Data
to be specified, and also
requires that the covariates are named X
or x
. A plot
is produced for each covariate column vector against yhat, and is
appropriate when y is not categorical.
Covariates, Categorical DV
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that the covariates are named X
. A plot is produced for each covariate column vector against
yhat, and is appropriate when y is categorical.
plots show the kernel density of the posterior
predictive distribution for each selected row of y (all are selected
by default). A vertical red line indicates the position of the
observed y along the x-axis. When the vertical red line is close to
the middle of a normal posterior predictive distribution, then there
is little discrepancy between y and the posterior predictive
distribution. When the vertical red line is in the tail of the
distribution, or outside of the kernel density altogether, then
there is a large discrepancy between y and the posterior predictive
distribution. Large discrepancies may be considered outliers, and
moreover suggest that an improvement in model fit should be
plots the distributions of the Durbin-Watson (DW) test
statistics (Durbin and Watson, 1950), both observed
( as a transparent, black density) and replicated
as a transparent, red density). The distribution
is estimated from the model, and
is simulated from normal residuals without
autocorrelation, where the number of simulations are the same as the
observed number. This DW test may be applied to the residuals of
univariate time-series models (or otherwise ordered residuals) to
detect first-order autocorrelation. Autocorrelated residuals are not
independent. The DW test is applicable only when the residuals are
normally-distributed, higher-order autocorrelation is not present, and
y is not used also as a lagged predictor. The DW test statistic,
, occurs in the interval (0,4), where 0 is
perfect positive autocorrelation, 2 is no autocorrelation, and 4 is
perfect negative autocorrelation. The following summary is reported on
the plot: the mean of
(and its 95% probability
interval), the probability that
, and whether or not autocorrelation is found. Positive
autocorrelation is reported when the observed process is greater than
the replicated process in 2.5% of the samples, and negative
autocorrelation is reported when the observed process is greater than
the replicated process in 97.5% of the samples.
DW, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of residuals with a univariate Durbin-Watson test, as in
above. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and residuals are desired to be tested column-wise for
first-order autocorrelation.
(Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function) plots compare
the ECDF of y with three ECDFs of yhat based on the 2.5%, 50%
(median), and 97.5% of its distribution. The ECDF(y) is defined as
the proportion of values less than or equal to y. This plot is
appropriate when y is univariate and at least ordinal.
plots compare y with the probability interval of its
replicate, and provide loess smoothing. This plot is appropriate when
y is univariate and not categorical.
Fitted, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exists in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of y in Y with its replicates and provide loess smoothing.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not categorical, and
desired to be seen column-wise.
Fitted, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exists in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each row-wise
vector of y in Y with its replicates and provide loess smoothing.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not categorical, and
desired to be seen row-wise.
plots the distributions of the Jarque-Bera (JB)
test statistics (Jarque and Bera, 1980), both observed
( as a transparent black density) and replicated
as a transparent red density). The
distribution of
is estimated from the model,
is simulated from normal residuals, where
the number of simulations are the same as the observed number. This
Jarque-Bera test may be applied to the residuals of
univariate models to test for normality. The Jarque-Bera test does not
test normality per se, but whether or not the distribution has
kurtosis and skewness that match a normal distribution, and is
therefore a test of the moments of a normal distribution. The
following summary is reported on the plot: the mean of
(and its 95% probability interval), the
probability that
, and
whether or not normality is indicated. Non-normality is reported when
the observed process is greater than the replicated process in either
2.5% or 97.5% of the samples.
Jarque-Bera, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of residuals with a univariate Jarque-Bera test, as in
above. This plot is appropriate when Y is
multivariate, not categorical, and residuals are desired to be
tested column-wise for normality.
plots the distributions of the skewness (K3) and
kurtosis (K4) test statistics (Mardia, 1970), both observed
( and
as transparent
black density) and replicated (
as transparent red density). The distributions
are estimated
from the model, and both
are simulated from multivariate normal residuals, where the number of
simulations are the same as the observed number. This Mardia's test
may be applied to the residuals of multivariate models to test for
multivariate normality. Mardia's test does not test for multivariate
normality per se, but whether or not the distribution has kurtosis and
skewness that match a multivariate normal distribution, and is
therefore a test of the moments of a multivariate normal
distribution. The following summary is reported on the plots: the
means of
the associated 95% probability intervals), the probabilities that
, and whether or not
multivariate normality is indicated. Non-normality is reported when
the observed process is greater than the replicated process in either
2.5% or 97.5% of the samples.
requires Data
be specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the
data set with exactly that name. Y
must be a matrix of
records and
variables. Source
code was modified from the deprecated package QRMlib.
Predictive Quantiles
plots compare y with the predictive
quantile (PQ) of its replicate. This may be useful in looking for
patterns with outliers. Instances outside of the gray lines are
considered outliers.
Residual Density
plots the residual density of the median of
the samples. A vertical red line occurs at zero. This plot may be
useful for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual
variance. This plot is appropriate when y is univariate and
Residual Density, Multivariate C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are column-wise plots of residual
density, given the median of the samples. These plots may be useful
for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual variance.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, continuous, and
densities are desired to be seen column-wise.
Residual Density, Multivariate R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are row-wise plots of residual
density, given the median of the samples. These plots may be useful
for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual variance.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, continuous, and
densities are desired to be seen row-wise.
plots compare y with its residuals. The probability
interval is plotted as a line. This plot is appropriate when y
is univariate.
Residuals, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are plots of each column-wise
vector of residuals. The probability interval is plotted as a
line. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and the residuals are desired to be seen column-wise.
Residuals, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are plots of each row-wise
vector of residuals. The probability interval is plotted as a
line. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and the residuals are desired to be seen row-wise.
Space-Time by Space
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
, longitude
, S
, and
. These space-time plots compare the S x T matrix Y with the S
x T matrix Yrep, producing one time-series plot per point s in space,
for a total of S plots. Therefore, these are time-series plots for
each point s in space across T time-periods. See Time-Series
plots below.
Space-Time by Time
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
, longitude
, S
, and
. These space-time plots compare the S x T matrix Y with the S
x T matrix Yrep, producing one spatial plot per time-period, and T
plots will be produced. See Spatial
plots below.
requires Data
to be specified, and also requires
that the following variables exist in the data set with exactly these
names: latitude
and longitude
. This spatial plot shows
yrep plotted according to its coordinates, and is color-coded so that
higher values of yrep become more red, and lower values become more
Spatial Uncertainty
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
and longitude
. This
spatial plot shows the probability interval of yrep plotted according
to its coordinates, and is color-coded so that wider probability
intervals become more red, and lower values become more yellow.
plots compare y with its replicate, including the
median and probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate
when y is univariate and ordered by time.
Time-Series, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
time-series in Y with its replicate, including the median and
probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate when y is
multivariate and each time-series is indexed by column in Y.
Time-Series, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each row-wise
time-series in Y with its replicate, including the median and
probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate when y is
multivariate and each time-series is indexed by row in Y, such as is
typically true in panel models.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Durbin, J., and Watson, G.S. (1950). "Testing for Serial Correlation in Least Squares Regression, I." Biometrika, 37, p. 409–428.
Jarque, C.M. and Bera, A.K. (1980). "Efficient Tests for Normality, Homoscedasticity and Serial Independence of Regression Residuals". Economics Letters, 6(3), p. 255–259.
Mardia, K.V. (1970). "Measures of Multivariate Skewness and Kurtosis with Applications". Biometrika, 57(3), p. 519–530.
### See the PMC function for an example.
### See the PMC function for an example.
This may be used to plot, or save plots of, the iterated history of
the parameters and variances, and if posterior samples were taken,
density plots of parameters and monitors in an object of class
## S3 method for class 'vb' plot(x, Data, PDF=FALSE, Parms, ...)
## S3 method for class 'vb' plot(x, Data, PDF=FALSE, Parms, ...)
x |
This required argument is an object of class |
Data |
This required argument must receive the list of data that was
supplied to |
This logical argument indicates whether or not the user wants Laplace's Demon to save the plots as a .pdf file. |
Parms |
This argument accepts a vector of quoted strings to be matched for
selecting parameters for plotting. This argument defaults to
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
The plots are arranged in a matrix. The
purpose of the iterated history plots is to show how the value of each
parameter, variance, and the deviance changed by iteration as the
attempted to maximize the logarithm
of the unnormalized joint posterior density. If the algorithm
converged, and if sir=TRUE
, then plots are produced of
selected parameters and all monitored variables.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
### See the VariationalBayes function for an example.
### See the VariationalBayes function for an example.
This may be used to plot, or save plots of, samples in an object of
class vb.ppc
. A variety of plots is provided.
## S3 method for class 'vb.ppc' plot(x, Style=NULL, Data=NULL, Rows=NULL, PDF=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'vb.ppc' plot(x, Style=NULL, Data=NULL, Rows=NULL, PDF=FALSE, ...)
x |
This required argument is an object of class |
Style |
This optional argument specifies one of several styles of plots, and
defaults to |
Data |
This optional argument accepts the data set used when updating the
model. Data is required only with certain plot styles, including
Rows |
This optional argument is for a vector of row numbers that
specify the records associated by row in the object of class
This logical argument indicates whether or not the user wants Laplace's Demon to save the plots as a .pdf file. |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
This function can be used to produce a variety of posterior predictive
plots, and the style of plot is selected with the Style
argument. Below are some notes on the styles of plots.
requires Data
to be specified, and also
requires that the covariates are named X
or x
. A plot
is produced for each covariate column vector against yhat, and is
appropriate when y is not categorical.
Covariates, Categorical DV
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that the covariates are named X
. A plot is produced for each covariate column vector against
yhat, and is appropriate when y is categorical.
plots show the kernel density of the posterior
predictive distribution for each selected row of y (all are selected
by default). A vertical red line indicates the position of the
observed y along the x-axis. When the vertical red line is close to
the middle of a normal posterior predictive distribution, then there
is little discrepancy between y and the posterior predictive
distribution. When the vertical red line is in the tail of the
distribution, or outside of the kernel density altogether, then
there is a large discrepancy between y and the posterior predictive
distribution. Large discrepancies may be considered outliers, and
moreover suggest that an improvement in model fit should be
plots the distributions of the Durbin-Watson (DW) test
statistics (Durbin and Watson, 1950), both observed
( as a transparent, black density) and replicated
as a transparent, red density). The distribution
is estimated from the model, and
is simulated from normal residuals without
autocorrelation, where the number of simulations are the same as the
observed number. This DW test may be applied to the residuals of
univariate time-series models (or otherwise ordered residuals) to
detect first-order autocorrelation. Autocorrelated residuals are not
independent. The DW test is applicable only when the residuals are
normally-distributed, higher-order autocorrelation is not present, and
y is not used also as a lagged predictor. The DW test statistic,
, occurs in the interval (0,4), where 0 is
perfect positive autocorrelation, 2 is no autocorrelation, and 4 is
perfect negative autocorrelation. The following summary is reported on
the plot: the mean of
(and its 95% probability
interval), the probability that
, and whether or not autocorrelation is found. Positive
autocorrelation is reported when the observed process is greater than
the replicated process in 2.5% of the samples, and negative
autocorrelation is reported when the observed process is greater than
the replicated process in 97.5% of the samples.
DW, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of residuals with a univariate Durbin-Watson test, as in
above. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and residuals are desired to be tested column-wise for
first-order autocorrelation.
(Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function) plots compare
the ECDF of y with three ECDFs of yhat based on the 2.5%, 50%
(median), and 97.5% of its distribution. The ECDF(y) is defined as
the proportion of values less than or equal to y. This plot is
appropriate when y is univariate and at least ordinal.
plots compare y with the probability interval of its
replicate, and provide loess smoothing. This plot is appropriate when
y is univariate and not categorical.
Fitted, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exists in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of y in Y with its replicates and provide loess smoothing.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not categorical, and
desired to be seen column-wise.
Fitted, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exists in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each row-wise
vector of y in Y with its replicates and provide loess smoothing.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not categorical, and
desired to be seen row-wise.
plots the distributions of the Jarque-Bera (JB)
test statistics (Jarque and Bera, 1980), both observed
( as a transparent black density) and replicated
as a transparent red density). The
distribution of
is estimated from the model,
is simulated from normal residuals, where
the number of simulations are the same as the observed number. This
Jarque-Bera test may be applied to the residuals of
univariate models to test for normality. The Jarque-Bera test does not
test normality per se, but whether or not the distribution has
kurtosis and skewness that match a normal distribution, and is
therefore a test of the moments of a normal distribution. The
following summary is reported on the plot: the mean of
(and its 95% probability interval), the
probability that
, and
whether or not normality is indicated. Non-normality is reported when
the observed process is greater than the replicated process in either
2.5% or 97.5% of the samples.
Jarque-Bera, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
vector of residuals with a univariate Jarque-Bera test, as in
above. This plot is appropriate when Y is
multivariate, not categorical, and residuals are desired to be
tested column-wise for normality.
plots the distributions of the skewness (K3) and
kurtosis (K4) test statistics (Mardia, 1970), both observed
( and
as transparent
black density) and replicated (
as transparent red density). The distributions
are estimated
from the model, and both
are simulated from multivariate normal residuals, where the number of
simulations are the same as the observed number. This Mardia's test
may be applied to the residuals of multivariate models to test for
multivariate normality. Mardia's test does not test for multivariate
normality per se, but whether or not the distribution has kurtosis and
skewness that match a multivariate normal distribution, and is
therefore a test of the moments of a multivariate normal
distribution. The following summary is reported on the plots: the
means of
the associated 95% probability intervals), the probabilities that
, and whether or not
multivariate normality is indicated. Non-normality is reported when
the observed process is greater than the replicated process in either
2.5% or 97.5% of the samples.
requires Data
be specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the
data set with exactly that name. Y
must be a matrix of
records and
variables. Source
code was modified from the deprecated package QRMlib.
Predictive Quantiles
plots compare y with the predictive
quantile (PQ) of its replicate. This may be useful in looking for
patterns with outliers. Instances outside of the gray lines are
considered outliers.
Residual Density
plots the residual density of the median of
the samples. A vertical red line occurs at zero. This plot may be
useful for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual
variance. This plot is appropriate when y is univariate and
Residual Density, Multivariate C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are column-wise plots of residual
density, given the median of the samples. These plots may be useful
for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual variance.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, continuous, and
densities are desired to be seen column-wise.
Residual Density, Multivariate R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are row-wise plots of residual
density, given the median of the samples. These plots may be useful
for inspecting a distributional assumption of residual variance.
This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, continuous, and
densities are desired to be seen row-wise.
plots compare y with its residuals. The probability
interval is plotted as a line. This plot is appropriate when y
is univariate.
Residuals, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are plots of each column-wise
vector of residuals. The probability interval is plotted as a
line. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and the residuals are desired to be seen column-wise.
Residuals, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These are plots of each row-wise
vector of residuals. The probability interval is plotted as a
line. This plot is appropriate when Y is multivariate, not
categorical, and the residuals are desired to be seen row-wise.
Space-Time by Space
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
, longitude
, S
, and
. These space-time plots compare the S x T matrix Y with the S
x T matrix Yrep, producing one time-series plot per point s in space,
for a total of S plots. Therefore, these are time-series plots for
each point s in space across T time-periods. See Time-Series
plots below.
Space-Time by Time
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
, longitude
, S
, and
. These space-time plots compare the S x T matrix Y with the S
x T matrix Yrep, producing one spatial plot per time-period, and T
plots will be produced. See Spatial
plots below.
requires Data
to be specified, and also requires
that the following variables exist in the data set with exactly these
names: latitude
and longitude
. This spatial plot shows
yrep plotted according to its coordinates, and is color-coded so that
higher values of yrep become more red, and lower values become more
Spatial Uncertainty
requires Data
to be specified, and
also requires that the following variables exist in the data set with
exactly these names: latitude
and longitude
. This
spatial plot shows the probability interval of yrep plotted according
to its coordinates, and is color-coded so that wider probability
intervals become more red, and lower values become more yellow.
plots compare y with its replicate, including the
median and probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate
when y is univariate and ordered by time.
Time-Series, Multivariate, C
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each column-wise
time-series in Y with its replicate, including the median and
probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate when y is
multivariate and each time-series is indexed by column in Y.
Time-Series, Multivariate, R
requires Data
to be
specified, and also requires that variable Y
exist in the data
set with exactly that name. These plots compare each row-wise
time-series in Y with its replicate, including the median and
probability interval quantiles. This plot is appropriate when y is
multivariate and each time-series is indexed by row in Y, such as is
typically true in panel models.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Durbin, J., and Watson, G.S. (1950). "Testing for Serial Correlation in Least Squares Regression, I." Biometrika, 37, p. 409–428.
Jarque, C.M. and Bera, A.K. (1980). "Efficient Tests for Normality, Homoscedasticity and Serial Independence of Regression Residuals". Economics Letters, 6(3), p. 255–259.
Mardia, K.V. (1970). "Measures of Multivariate Skewness and Kurtosis with Applications". Biometrika, 57(3), p. 519–530.
### See the VariationalBayes function for an example.
### See the VariationalBayes function for an example.
This function plots a numerical matrix, and is often used to plot the following matrices: correlation, covariance, distance, and precision.
plotMatrix(x, col=colorRampPalette(c("red","black","green"))(100), cex=1, circle=TRUE, order=FALSE, zlim=NULL, title="", PDF=FALSE, ...)
plotMatrix(x, col=colorRampPalette(c("red","black","green"))(100), cex=1, circle=TRUE, order=FALSE, zlim=NULL, title="", PDF=FALSE, ...)
x |
This required argument is a numerical matrix, or an
object of class |
col |
This argument specifies the colors of the circles. By
default, the |
cex |
When |
circle |
Logical. When |
order |
Logical. This argument defaults to |
zlim |
When |
title |
This argument specifies the title of the plot, and the
default does not include a title. When |
Logical. When |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
The plotMatrix
function produces one of two styles of plots,
depending on the circle
argument. A
numeric matrix of
parameters or variables is plotted. The plot
is a matrix of the same dimensions, in which each element is colored
(and sized, when
) according to its value.
Although plotMatrix
does not provide the same detail as a
numeric matrix, it is easier to discover elements of interest
according to color (and size when circle=TRUE
The plotMatrix
function is not inherently Bayesian, and does
not include uncertainty in matrices. Nonetheless, it is included
because it is a useful graphical presentation of a numeric matrices,
and is recommended to be used with the posterior correlation matrix in
an object of class posteriorchecks
When x
is an object of class bayesfactor
, matrix
is plotted. When x
is an object of class
(if it is a matrix), iterquad
, laplace
, or vb
, the covariance matrix Covar
plotted. When x
is an object of class posteriorchecks
the posterior correlation matrix is plotted.
This is a modified version of the circle.corr
of Taiyun Wei.
Taiyun Wei
library(LaplacesDemon) ### Although it is most commonly used with an object of class ### posteriorchecks, it is applied here to a different correlation matrix. data(mtcars) plotMatrix(cor(mtcars), col=colorRampPalette(c("green","gray10","red"))(100), cex=1, circle=FALSE, order=TRUE) plotMatrix(cor(mtcars), col=colorRampPalette(c("green","gray10","red"))(100), cex=1, circle=TRUE, order=TRUE)
library(LaplacesDemon) ### Although it is most commonly used with an object of class ### posteriorchecks, it is applied here to a different correlation matrix. data(mtcars) plotMatrix(cor(mtcars), col=colorRampPalette(c("green","gray10","red"))(100), cex=1, circle=FALSE, order=TRUE) plotMatrix(cor(mtcars), col=colorRampPalette(c("green","gray10","red"))(100), cex=1, circle=TRUE, order=TRUE)
This function provides basic plots that are extended to include samples.
plotSamples(X, Style="KDE", LB=0.025, UB=0.975, Title=NULL)
plotSamples(X, Style="KDE", LB=0.025, UB=0.975, Title=NULL)
X |
This required argument is a |
Style |
This argument accepts the following quoted strings:
"barplot", "dotchart", "hist", "KDE", or "Time-Series". It defaults
to |
LB |
This argument accepts the lower bound of a probability interval, which must be in the interval [0,0.5). |
UB |
This argument accepts the upper bound of a probability interval, which must be in the interval (0.5,1]. |
Title |
This argument defaults to |
The plotSamples
function extends several basic plots from
points to samples. For example, it is common to use the hist
function to plot a histogram from a column vector. However, the user
may desire to plot a histogram of a column vector that was sampled
numerous times, rather than a simple column vector, in which a
(usually 95%) probability interval is also plotted to show the
uncertainty around the sampled median of each bin in the histogram.
The plotSamples
function extends the barplot
, and hist
functions to include uncertainty due
to samples. The KDE
style of plot is added so that a
probability interval is shown around a sampled kernel density estimate
of a distribution, and the Time-Series
style of plot is added
so that a probability interval is shown around a sampled univariate
For each style of plot, three quantiles are plotted: the lower bound (LB), median, and upper bound (UB).
One of many potential Bayesian applications is to examine the uncertainty in a predictive distribution.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
#library(LaplacesDemon) #N <- 100 #S <- 100 #X <- matrix(rnorm(N*S),N,S) #rownames(X) <- 1:100 #plotSamples(X, Style="barplot", LB=0.025, UB=0.975) #plotSamples(X[1:10,], Style="dotchart", LB=0.025, UB=0.975) #plotSamples(X, Style="hist", LB=0.025, UB=0.975) #plotSamples(X, Style="KDE", LB=0.025, UB=0.975) #plotSamples(X, Style="Time-Series", LB=0.025, UB=0.975)
#library(LaplacesDemon) #N <- 100 #S <- 100 #X <- matrix(rnorm(N*S),N,S) #rownames(X) <- 1:100 #plotSamples(X, Style="barplot", LB=0.025, UB=0.975) #plotSamples(X[1:10,], Style="dotchart", LB=0.025, UB=0.975) #plotSamples(X, Style="hist", LB=0.025, UB=0.975) #plotSamples(X, Style="KDE", LB=0.025, UB=0.975) #plotSamples(X, Style="Time-Series", LB=0.025, UB=0.975)
function updates a model with Population Monte Carlo.
Given a model specification, data, and initial values, PMC
maximizes the logarithm of the unnormalized joint
posterior density and provides samples of the marginal
posterior distributions, deviance, and other monitored variables.
PMC(Model, Data, Initial.Values, Covar=NULL, Iterations=10, Thinning=1, alpha=NULL, M=1, N=1000, nu=9, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK")
PMC(Model, Data, Initial.Values, Covar=NULL, Iterations=10, Thinning=1, alpha=NULL, M=1, N=1000, nu=9, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK")
Model |
This is a model specification function. For more
information, see |
Initial.Values |
This is either a vector initial values, one for
each of |
Data |
This is a list of data. For more information, see
Covar |
This is a |
Iterations |
This is the number of iterations during which PMC will update the model. Updating the model for only one iteration is the same as applying non-adaptive importance sampling. |
Thinning |
This is the number by which the posterior is
thinned. To have 1,000 posterior samples with |
alpha |
This is a vector of length |
M |
This is the number |
N |
This is the number |
nu |
This is the degrees of freedom parameter |
CPUs |
This argument is required for parallel processing, and
and indicates the number of central processing units (CPUs) of the
computer or cluster. For example, when a user has a quad-core
computer, |
Type |
This argument defaults to |
function uses the adaptive importance sampling
algorithm of Wraith et al. (2009), also called Mixture PMC or M-PMC
(Cappe et al., 2008). Iterative adaptive importance sampling was
introduced in the 1980s. Modern PMC was introduced (Cappe et al.,
2004), and extended to multivariate Gaussian or t-distributed mixtures
(Cappe et al., 2008). This version uses a multivariate t distribution
for each mixture component, and also allows a multivariate normal
distribution when the degrees of freedom, . At each iteration, a mixture distribution is sampled with
importance sampling, and the samples (or populations) are adapted to
improve the importance sampling. Adaptation is a variant of EM
(Expectation-Maximization). The sample is self-normalized, and is an
example of self-normalized importance sampling (SNIS), or
self-importance sampling. The vector
contains the
probability of each mixture component. These, as well as multivariate
t distribution mixture parameters (except
), are adapted
each iteration.
Advantages of PMC over MCMC include:
It is difficult to assess convergence of MCMC chains, and this is not necessary in PMC (Wraith et al., 2009).
MCMC chains have autocorrelation that effectively reduces posterior samples. PMC produces independent samples that are not reduced with autocorrelation.
PMC has been reported to produce samples with less variance than MCMC.
It is difficult to parallelize MCMC. Posterior samples from parallel chains can be pooled when all chains have converged, but until this occurs, parallelization is unhelpful. PMC, on the other hand, can parallelize the independent, Monte Carlo samples during each iteration and reduce run-time as the number of processors increases. Currently, PMC is not parallelized here.
The multivariate mixture in PMC can represent a multimodal posterior, where MCMC with parallel chains may be used to identify a multimodal posterior, but probably will not yield combined samples that proportionally represent it.
Disadvantages of PMC, compared to MCMC, include:
In PMC, the required number of samples at each iteration increases quickly with respect to an increase in parameters. MCMC is more suitable for models with large numbers of parameters, and therefore, MCMC is more generalizable.
PMC is more sensitive to initial values than MCMC, especially as the number of parameters increases.
PMC is more sensitive to the initial covariance matrix (or
matrices for mixture components) than adaptive MCMC. PMC requires more
information about the target distributions before updating. The
covariance matrix from a converged iterative quadrature algorithm,
Laplace Approximation, or Variational Bayes may be required (see
, LaplaceApproximation
or VariationalBayes
for more information).
Since PMC requires better initial information than iterative quadrature, Laplace Approximation, MCMC, and Variational Bayes, it is not recommended to begin updating a model that has little prior information with PMC, especially when the model has more than a few parameters. Instead, iterative quadrature, Laplace Approximation, MCMC, or Variational Bayes should be used. However, once convergence is found or assumed, it is recommended to attempt to update the model with PMC, given the latest parameters and convariance matrix from iterative quadrature, Laplace Approximation, MCMC, or Variational Bayes. Used in this way, PMC may improve the model fit obtained with MCMC and should reduce the variance of the marginal posterior distributions, which is desirable for predictive modeling.
Convergence is assessed by observing two outputs: normalized effective
sample size (ESSN
) and normalized perplexity
). These are described below. PMC is considered to
have converged when these diagnostics stabilize (Wraith et al., 2009),
or when the normalized perplexity becomes sufficiently close to 1
(Cappe et al., 2008). If they do not stabilize, then it is suggested
to begin PMC again with a larger number N
of samples, and
possibly with different initial values and covariance matrix or
matrices. IterativeQuadrature
, or VariationalBayes
may be helpful to provide better starting values for PMC
If a message appears that warns about ‘bad weights’, then PMC
is attempting to work with an iteration in which importance weights
are problematic. If this occurs in the first iteration, then all
importance weights are set to . If this occurs in other
iterations, then the information from the previous iteration is used
instead and different draws are made from that importance
distribution. This may allow
to eventually adapt
successfully to the target. If not, the user is advised to begin again
with a larger number of samples, and possibly different
initial values and covariance matrix or matrices, as above. PMC can
experience difficulty when it begins with poor initial conditions.
The user may combine samples from previous iterations with samples from the latest iteration for inference, if the algorithm converged before the last iteration. Currently, a function is not provided for combining previous samples.
The returned object is an object of class pmc
with the
following components:
alpha |
This is a |
Call |
This is the matched call of |
Covar |
This stores the |
Deviance |
This is a vector of the deviance of the model, with a length equal to the number of thinned samples that were retained. Deviance is useful for considering model fit, and is equal to the sum of the log-likelihood for all rows in the data set, which is then multiplied by negative two. |
This is a vector of three values: Dbar, pD, and DIC. Dbar
is the mean deviance, pD is a measure of model complexity indicating
the effective number of parameters, and DIC is the Deviance
Information Criterion, which is a model fit statistic that is the
sum of Dbar and pD. |
This is a vector of length |
Initial.Values |
This is the vector or matrix of
Iterations |
This reports the number of |
This is an approximation of the logarithm of the marginal
likelihood of the data (see the |
M |
This reports the number of mixture components. |
Minutes |
This indicates the number of minutes that |
Model |
This contains the model specification |
N |
This is the number of un-thinned samples per mixture component. |
itemnuThis is the degrees of freedom parameter for
each multivariate t distribution in each mixture component.
Mu |
This is a |
Monitor |
This is a |
Parameters |
This reports the number |
Perplexity |
This is a vector of length |
Posterior1 |
This is an |
Posterior2 |
This is a |
Summary |
This is a matrix that summarizes the marginal
posterior distributions of the parameters, deviance, and monitored
variables from thinned samples. The following summary statistics are
included: mean, standard deviation, MCSE (Monte Carlo Standard
Error), ESS is the effective sample size due to autocorrelation, and
finally the 2.5%, 50%, and 97.5% quantiles are reported. MCSE is
essentially a standard deviation around the marginal posterior mean
that is due to uncertainty associated with using Monte Carlo
sampling. The acceptable size of the MCSE depends on the acceptable
uncertainty associated around the marginal posterior mean. The
default |
Thinned.Samples |
This is the number of thinned samples in
Thinning |
This is the amount of thinning requested by the user. |
W |
This is a |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Cappe, O., Douc, R., Guillin, A., Marin, J.M., and Robert, C. (2008). "Adaptive Importance Sampling in General Mixture Classes". Statistics and Computing, 18, p. 587–600.
Cappe, O., Guillin, A., Marin, J.M., and Robert, C. (2004). "Population Monte Carlo". Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 13, p. 907–929.
Gelman, A., Carlin, J., Stern, H., and Rubin, D. (2004). "Bayesian Data Analysis, Texts in Statistical Science, 2nd ed.". Chapman and Hall, London.
Wraith, D., Kilbinger, M., Benabed, K., Cappe, O., Cardoso, J.F., Fort, G., Prunet, S., and Robert, C.P. (2009). "Estimation of Cosmological Parameters Using Adaptive Importance Sampling". Physical Review D, 80(2), p. 023507.
, and
# The accompanying Examples vignette is a compendium of examples. #################### Load the LaplacesDemon Library ##################### library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,c(1,4,10)]+1))) J <- ncol(X) for (j in 2:J) X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- "LP" parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) { beta <- rnorm(Data$J) sigma <- runif(1) return(c(beta, sigma)) } MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log-Prior beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=LP, yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } set.seed(666) ############################ Initial Values ############################# Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) ######################## Population Monte Carlo ######################### Fit <- PMC(Model, MyData, Initial.Values, Covar=NULL, Iterations=5, Thinning=1, alpha=NULL, M=1, N=100, CPUs=1) Fit print(Fit) PosteriorChecks(Fit) caterpillar.plot(Fit, Parms="beta") plot(Fit, BurnIn=0, MyData, PDF=FALSE) Pred <- predict(Fit, Model, MyData, CPUs=1) summary(Pred, Discrep="Chi-Square") plot(Pred, Style="Covariates", Data=MyData) plot(Pred, Style="Density", Rows=1:9) plot(Pred, Style="ECDF") plot(Pred, Style="Fitted") plot(Pred, Style="Jarque-Bera") plot(Pred, Style="Predictive Quantiles") plot(Pred, Style="Residual Density") plot(Pred, Style="Residuals") Levene.Test(Pred) Importance(Fit, Model, MyData, Discrep="Chi-Square") #End
# The accompanying Examples vignette is a compendium of examples. #################### Load the LaplacesDemon Library ##################### library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,c(1,4,10)]+1))) J <- ncol(X) for (j in 2:J) X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- "LP" parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) { beta <- rnorm(Data$J) sigma <- runif(1) return(c(beta, sigma)) } MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log-Prior beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=LP, yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } set.seed(666) ############################ Initial Values ############################# Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) ######################## Population Monte Carlo ######################### Fit <- PMC(Model, MyData, Initial.Values, Covar=NULL, Iterations=5, Thinning=1, alpha=NULL, M=1, N=100, CPUs=1) Fit print(Fit) PosteriorChecks(Fit) caterpillar.plot(Fit, Parms="beta") plot(Fit, BurnIn=0, MyData, PDF=FALSE) Pred <- predict(Fit, Model, MyData, CPUs=1) summary(Pred, Discrep="Chi-Square") plot(Pred, Style="Covariates", Data=MyData) plot(Pred, Style="Density", Rows=1:9) plot(Pred, Style="ECDF") plot(Pred, Style="Fitted") plot(Pred, Style="Jarque-Bera") plot(Pred, Style="Predictive Quantiles") plot(Pred, Style="Residual Density") plot(Pred, Style="Residuals") Levene.Test(Pred) Importance(Fit, Model, MyData, Discrep="Chi-Square") #End
This function estimates the random-access memory (RAM) required to
update a given model and data with PMC
Warning: Unwise use of this function may crash a computer, so please read the details below.
PMC.RAM(Model, Data, Iterations, Thinning, M, N)
PMC.RAM(Model, Data, Iterations, Thinning, M, N)
Model |
This is a model specification function. For more
information, see |
Data |
This is a list of Data. For more information, see
Iterations |
This is the number of iterations for which
Thinning |
This is the amount of thinning applied to the samples
in |
M |
This is the number of mixture components in
N |
This is the number of samples in |
function uses the
function to estimate the size in MB of RAM
required to update in PMC
for a given model and data,
and for a number of iterations and specified thinning. When RAM is
exceeded, the computer will crash. This function can be useful when
trying to estimate how many samples and iterations to update a
model without crashing the computer. However, when estimating the
required RAM, PMC.RAM
actually creates several large
objects, such as post
(see below). If too many iterations are
given as an argument to PMC.RAM
, for example, then it
will crash the computer while trying to estimate the required RAM.
The best way to use this function is as follows. First, prepare the model specification and list of data. Second, observe how much RAM the computer is using at the moment, as well as the maximum available RAM. The majority of the difference of these two is the amount of RAM the computer may dedicate to updating the model. Next, use this function with a small number of iterations. Note the estimated RAM. Increase the number of iterations, and again note the RAM. Continue to increase the number of iterations until, say, arbitrarily within 90% of the above-mentioned difference in RAM.
The computer operating system uses RAM, as does any other software
running at the moment. R is currently using RAM, and other functions
in the LaplacesDemon
package, and any other package that is
currently activated, are using RAM. There are numerous small objects
that are not included in the returned list, that use RAM. For example,
perplexity is a small vector, etc.
A potentially large objects that is not included is a matrix used for
estimating LML
returns a list with several components. Each component
is an estimate in MB for an object. The list has the following
alpha |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the matrix of mixture probabilities by iteration. |
Covar |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the covariance matrix or matrices. |
Data |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the list of data. |
Deviance |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the deviance vector before thinning. |
Initial.Values |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the matrix or vector of initial values. |
LH |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the
LP |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the
Model |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the model specification function. |
Monitor |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for
the |
Posterior1 |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for
the |
Posterior2 |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for
the |
Summary |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the summary table. |
W |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required for the matrix of importance weights. |
Total |
This is the estimated size in MB of RAM required in total
to update with |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
Not to be confused with posterior predictive checks, this function
provides additional information about the marginal posterior
distributions of continuous parameters, such as the probability that
each posterior coefficient of the parameters (referred to generically
as ), is greater than zero
], the estimated number of modes,
the kurtosis and skewness of the posterior distributions, the burn-in
of each chain (for MCMC only), integrated autocorrelation time,
independent samples per minute, and acceptance rate. A posterior
correlation matrix is provided only for objects of class
or pmc
For discrete parameters, see the Hangartner.Diagnostic
PosteriorChecks(x, Parms)
PosteriorChecks(x, Parms)
x |
This required argument accepts an object of class
Parms |
This argument accepts a vector of quoted strings to be
matched for selecting parameters. This argument defaults to
is a supplemental function that returns
a list with two components. Following is a summary of popular uses of
the PosteriorChecks
First (and only for MCMC users), the user may be considering the
current MCMC algorithm versus others. In this case, the
function is often used to find the two MCMC
chains with the highest IAT
, and these chains are
studied for non-randomness with a joint trace plot, via the
function. The best algorithm has the
chains with the highest independent samples per minute (ISM).
Posterior correlation may be studied between model updates as well as
after a model seems to have converged. While frequentists consider
multicollinear predictor variables, Bayesians tend to consider
posterior correlation of the parameters. Models with multicollinear
parameters take more iterations to converge. Hierarchical models often
have high posterior correlations. Posterior correlation often
contributes to a lower effective sample size (ESS
Common remedies include transforming the predictors,
re-parameterization to reduce posterior correlation, using WIPs
(Weakly-Informative Priors), or selecting a different numerical
approximation algorithm. An example of re-parameterization is to
constrain related parameters to sum to zero. Another approach is to
specify the parameters according to a multivariate distribution that
is assisted by estimating a covariance matrix. Some algorithms are
more robust to posterior correlation than others. For example,
posterior correlation should generally be less problematic for twalk
than AMWG in LaplacesDemon
. Posterior correlation may be
plotted with the plotMatrix
function, and may be useful
for blocking parameters. For more information on blockwise sampling,
see the Blocks
After a user is convinced of the applicability of the current MCMC
algorithm, and that the chains have converged, PosteriorChecks
is often used to identify multimodal marginal posterior distributions
for further study or model re-specification.
Although many marginal posterior distributions appear normally distributed, there is no such assumption. Nonetheless, a marginal posterior distribution tends to be distributed the same as its prior distribution. If a parameter has a prior specified with a Laplace distribution, then the marginal posterior distribution tends also to be Laplace-distributed. In the common case of normality, kurtosis and skewness may be used to identify discrepancies between the prior and posterior, and perhaps this should be called a 'prior-posterior check'.
Lastly, parameter importance may be considered, in which case it is
recommended to be considered simultaneously with variable importance
from the Importance
returns an object of class
that is a list with the following components:
Posterior.Correlation |
This is a correlation matrix of the parameters selected with the
Posterior.Summary |
This is a matrix in which each row is a
parameter and there are eight columns: p(theta > 0), N.Modes,
Kurtosis, Skewness, Burn-In, IAT, ISM, and AR. The first column,
p(theta > 0), indicates parameter importance by reporting how much
of the distribution is greater than zero. An important parameter
distribution will have a result at least as extreme as 0.025 or
0.975, and an unimportant parameter distribution is centered at
0.5. This is not the importance of the associated variable relative
to how well the model fits the data. For variable importance, see
the |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
### See the LaplacesDemon function for an example.
### See the LaplacesDemon function for an example.
Bayesians often use precision rather than variance. These are elementary
utility functions to facilitate conversions between precision,
standard deviation, and variance regarding scalars, vectors, and
matrices, and these functions are designed for those who are new to
Bayesian inference. The names of these functions consist of two
different scale parameters, separated by a ‘2’, and capital letters
refer to matrices while lower case letters refer to scalars and
vectors. For example, the Prec2Cov
function converts a
precision matrix to a covariance matrix, while the prec2sd
function converts a scalar or vector of precision parameters to
standard deviation parameters.
The modern Bayesian use of precision developed because it was more
straightforward in a normal distribution to estimate precision
with a gamma distribution as a conjugate prior, than
to estimate
with an inverse-gamma distribution
as a conjugate prior. Today, conjugacy is usually considered to be
merely a convenience, and in this example, a non-conjugate half-Cauchy
prior distribution is recommended as a weakly informative prior
distribution for scale parameters.
Cov2Prec(Cov) Prec2Cov(Prec) prec2sd(prec=1) prec2var(prec=1) sd2prec(sd=1) sd2var(sd=1) var2prec(var=1) var2sd(var=1)
Cov2Prec(Cov) Prec2Cov(Prec) prec2sd(prec=1) prec2var(prec=1) sd2prec(sd=1) sd2var(sd=1) var2prec(var=1) var2sd(var=1)
Cov |
This is a covariance matrix, usually represented as
Prec |
This is a precision matrix, usually represented as
prec |
This is a precision scalar or vector, usually represented as
sd |
This is a standard deviation scalar or vector, usually
represented as |
var |
This is a variance scalar or vector, usually
represented as |
Bayesians often use precision rather than variance, where
precision is the inverse of the variance. For example, a linear
regression may be represented equivalently as , or
, where
is the variance, and
is the
precision, which is the inverse of the variance.
Cov2Prec |
This returns a precision matrix, |
Prec2Cov |
This returns a covariance matrix, |
prec2sd |
This returns a standard deviation, |
prec2var |
This returns a variance, |
sd2prec |
This returns a precision, |
sd2var |
This returns a variance, |
var2prec |
This returns a precision, |
var2sd |
This returns a standard deviation, |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
library(LaplacesDemon) Cov2Prec(matrix(c(1,0.1,0.1,1),2,2)) Prec2Cov(matrix(c(1,0.1,0.1,1),2,2)) prec2sd(0.5) prec2var(0.5) sd2prec(1.4142) sd2var(01.4142) var2prec(2) var2sd(2)
library(LaplacesDemon) Cov2Prec(matrix(c(1,0.1,0.1,1),2,2)) Prec2Cov(matrix(c(1,0.1,0.1,1),2,2)) prec2sd(0.5) prec2var(0.5) sd2prec(1.4142) sd2var(01.4142) var2prec(2) var2sd(2)
This may be used to predict either new, unobserved instances of
) or
replicates of
), and then perform posterior
predictive checks. Either
is predicted given an object of
, the model specification, and data.
## S3 method for class 'demonoid' predict(object, Model, Data, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK", ...)
## S3 method for class 'demonoid' predict(object, Model, Data, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK", ...)
object |
An object of class |
Model |
The model specification function is required. |
Data |
A data set in a list is required. The dependent variable
is required to be named either |
CPUs |
This argument accepts an integer that specifies the number
of central processing units (CPUs) of the multicore computer or
computer cluster. This argument defaults to |
Type |
This argument specifies the type of parallel processing to
perform, accepting either |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
This function passes each iteration of marginal posterior samples
along with data to Model
, where the fourth component in the
return list is labeled yhat
, and is a vector of expectations of
, given the samples, model specification, and
data. Stationary samples are used if detected, otherwise
non-stationary samples will be used. To predict
, simply supply the data set used to
estimate the model. To predict
, supply
a new data set instead (though for some model specifications, this
cannot be done, and
must be specified
in the
function). If the new data set does not have
, then create
in the list and set it
equal to something sensible, such as mean(y)
from the
original data set.
The variable y
must be a vector. If instead it is matrix
, then it will be converted to vector y
. The vectorized
length of y
or Y
must be equal to the vectorized length
of yhat
, the fourth component of the return list of the
Parallel processing may be performed when the user specifies
to be greater than one, implying that the specified number
of CPUs exists and is available. Parallelization may be performed on a
multicore computer or a computer cluster. Either a Simple Network of
Workstations (SNOW) or Message Passing Interface is used (MPI). With
small data sets and few samples, parallel processing may be slower,
due to computer network communication. With larger data sets and more
samples, the user should experience a faster run-time.
For more information on posterior predictive checks, see https://web.archive.org/web/20150215050702/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/posteriorpredictivechecks.
This function returns an object of class demonoid.ppc
ppc stands for posterior predictive checks). The returned object is
a list with the following components:
y |
This stores the vectorized form of |
yhat |
This is a |
Deviance |
This is a vector of predictive deviance. |
Statisticat, LLC.
This may be used to predict either new, unobserved instances of
) or
replicates of
), and then perform posterior
predictive checks. Either
is predicted given an object of
, the model specification, and data. This
function requires that posterior samples were produced with
## S3 method for class 'iterquad' predict(object, Model, Data, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK", ...)
## S3 method for class 'iterquad' predict(object, Model, Data, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK", ...)
object |
An object of class |
Model |
The model specification function is required. |
Data |
A data set in a list is required. The dependent
variable is required to be named either |
CPUs |
This argument accepts an integer that specifies the number
of central processing units (CPUs) of the multicore computer or
computer cluster. This argument defaults to |
Type |
This argument specifies the type of parallel processing to
perform, accepting either |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
Since iterative quadrature characterizes marginal posterior
distributions with means and variances, and posterior predictive
checks involve samples, the predict.iterquad
function requires
the use of independent samples of the marginal posterior
distributions, provided by IterativeQuadrature
The samples of the marginal posterior distributions of the target
distributions (the parameters) are passed along with the data to the
specification and used to draw samples from the deviance
and monitored variables. At the same time, the fourth component in the
returned list, which is labeled yhat
, is a vector of
expectations of , given the samples, model
specification, and data. To predict
simply supply the data set used to estimate the model. To predict
, supply a new data set instead (though
for some model specifications, this cannot be done, and
must be specified in the
function). If the new data set does not have , then
in the list and set it equal to something sensible,
such as mean(y)
from the original data set.
The variable y
must be a vector. If instead it is matrix
, then it will be converted to vector y
. The vectorized
length of y
or Y
must be equal to the vectorized length
of yhat
, the fourth component of the returned list of the
Parallel processing may be performed when the user specifies
to be greater than one, implying that the specified number
of CPUs exists and is available. Parallelization may be performed on a
multicore computer or a computer cluster. Either a Simple Network of
Workstations (SNOW) or Message Passing Interface is used (MPI). With
small data sets and few samples, parallel processing may be slower,
due to computer network communication. With larger data sets and more
samples, the user should experience a faster run-time.
For more information on posterior predictive checks, see https://web.archive.org/web/20150215050702/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/posteriorpredictivechecks.
This function returns an object of class iterquad.ppc
“ppc” stands for posterior predictive checks). The returned object
is a list with the following components:
y |
This stores |
yhat |
This is a |
Deviance |
This is a vector of length |
monitor |
This is a |
Statisticat, LLC.
This may be used to predict either new, unobserved instances of
) or
replicates of
), and then perform posterior
predictive checks. Either
is predicted given an object of
, the model specification, and data. This function
requires that posterior samples were produced with
## S3 method for class 'laplace' predict(object, Model, Data, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK", ...)
## S3 method for class 'laplace' predict(object, Model, Data, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK", ...)
object |
An object of class |
Model |
The model specification function is required. |
Data |
A data set in a list is required. The dependent
variable is required to be named either |
CPUs |
This argument accepts an integer that specifies the number
of central processing units (CPUs) of the multicore computer or
computer cluster. This argument defaults to |
Type |
This argument specifies the type of parallel processing to
perform, accepting either |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
Since Laplace Approximation characterizes marginal posterior
distributions with modes and variances, and posterior predictive
checks involve samples, the predict.laplace
function requires
the use of independent samples of the marginal posterior
distributions, provided by LaplaceApproximation
The samples of the marginal posterior distributions of the target
distributions (the parameters) are passed along with the data to the
specification and used to draw samples from the deviance
and monitored variables. At the same time, the fourth component in the
returned list, which is labeled yhat
, is a vector of
expectations of , given the samples, model
specification, and data. To predict
simply supply the data set used to estimate the model. To predict
, supply a new data set instead (though
for some model specifications, this cannot be done, and
must be specified in the
function). If the new data set does not have , then
in the list and set it equal to something sensible,
such as mean(y)
from the original data set.
The variable y
must be a vector. If instead it is matrix
, then it will be converted to vector y
. The vectorized
length of y
or Y
must be equal to the vectorized length
of yhat
, the fourth component of the returned list of the
Parallel processing may be performed when the user specifies
to be greater than one, implying that the specified number
of CPUs exists and is available. Parallelization may be performed on a
multicore computer or a computer cluster. Either a Simple Network of
Workstations (SNOW) or Message Passing Interface is used (MPI). With
small data sets and few samples, parallel processing may be slower,
due to computer network communication. With larger data sets and more
samples, the user should experience a faster run-time.
For more information on posterior predictive checks, see https://web.archive.org/web/20150215050702/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/posteriorpredictivechecks.
This function returns an object of class laplace.ppc
“ppc” stands for posterior predictive checks). The returned object
is a list with the following components:
y |
This stores |
yhat |
This is a |
Deviance |
This is a vector of length |
monitor |
This is a |
Statisticat, LLC.
This may be used to predict either new, unobserved instances of
) or
replicates of
), and then perform posterior
predictive checks. Either
is predicted given an object of
, the model specification, and data.
## S3 method for class 'pmc' predict(object, Model, Data, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK", ...)
## S3 method for class 'pmc' predict(object, Model, Data, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK", ...)
object |
An object of class |
Model |
The model specification function is required. |
Data |
A data set in a list is required. The dependent variable
is required to be named either |
CPUs |
This argument accepts an integer that specifies the number
of central processing units (CPUs) of the multicore computer or
computer cluster. This argument defaults to |
Type |
This argument specifies the type of parallel processing to
perform, accepting either |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
This function passes each iteration of marginal posterior samples
along with data to Model
, where the fourth component in the
return list is labeled yhat
, and is a vector of expectations of
, given the samples, model specification, and
data. Stationary samples are used if detected, otherwise
non-stationary samples will be used. To predict
, simply supply the data set used to
estimate the model. To predict
, supply
a new data set instead (though for some model specifications, this
cannot be done, and
must be specified
in the
function). If the new data set does not have
, then create
in the list and set it
equal to something sensible, such as mean(y)
from the
original data set.
The variable y
must be a vector. If instead it is matrix
, then it will be converted to vector y
. The vectorized
length of y
or Y
must be equal to the vectorized length
of yhat
, the fourth component of the return list of the
Parallel processing may be performed when the user specifies
to be greater than one, implying that the specified number
of CPUs exists and is available. Parallelization may be performed on a
multicore computer or a computer cluster. Either a Simple Network of
Workstations (SNOW) or Message Passing Interface is used (MPI). With
small data sets and few samples, parallel processing may be slower,
due to computer network communication. With larger data sets and more
samples, the user should experience a faster run-time.
For more information on posterior predictive checks, see https://web.archive.org/web/20150215050702/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/posteriorpredictivechecks.
This function returns an object of class pmc.ppc
ppc stands for posterior predictive checks). The returned object is
a list with the following components:
y |
This stores the vectorized form of |
yhat |
This is a |
Deviance |
This is a vector of predictive deviance. |
Statisticat, LLC.
This may be used to predict either new, unobserved instances of
) or
replicates of
), and then perform posterior
predictive checks. Either
is predicted given an object of
, the model specification, and data. This function
requires that posterior samples were produced with
## S3 method for class 'vb' predict(object, Model, Data, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK", ...)
## S3 method for class 'vb' predict(object, Model, Data, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK", ...)
object |
An object of class |
Model |
The model specification function is required. |
Data |
A data set in a list is required. The dependent
variable is required to be named either |
CPUs |
This argument accepts an integer that specifies the number
of central processing units (CPUs) of the multicore computer or
computer cluster. This argument defaults to |
Type |
This argument specifies the type of parallel processing to
perform, accepting either |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
Since Variational Bayes characterizes marginal posterior
distributions with modes and variances, and posterior predictive
checks involve samples, the predict.vb
function requires
the use of independent samples of the marginal posterior
distributions, provided by VariationalBayes
The samples of the marginal posterior distributions of the target
distributions (the parameters) are passed along with the data to the
specification and used to draw samples from the deviance
and monitored variables. At the same time, the fourth component in the
returned list, which is labeled yhat
, is a vector of
expectations of , given the samples, model
specification, and data. To predict
simply supply the data set used to estimate the model. To predict
, supply a new data set instead (though
for some model specifications, this cannot be done, and
must be specified in the
function). If the new data set does not have , then
in the list and set it equal to something sensible,
such as mean(y)
from the original data set.
The variable y
must be a vector. If instead it is matrix
, then it will be converted to vector y
. The vectorized
length of y
or Y
must be equal to the vectorized length
of yhat
, the fourth component of the returned list of the
Parallel processing may be performed when the user specifies
to be greater than one, implying that the specified number
of CPUs exists and is available. Parallelization may be performed on a
multicore computer or a computer cluster. Either a Simple Network of
Workstations (SNOW) or Message Passing Interface is used (MPI). With
small data sets and few samples, parallel processing may be slower,
due to computer network communication. With larger data sets and more
samples, the user should experience a faster run-time.
For more information on posterior predictive checks, see https://web.archive.org/web/20150215050702/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/posteriorpredictivechecks.
This function returns an object of class vb.ppc
“ppc” stands for posterior predictive checks). The returned object
is a list with the following components:
y |
This stores |
yhat |
This is a |
Deviance |
This is a vector of length |
monitor |
This is a |
Statisticat, LLC.
to the screen.This may be used to print the contents of an object of class
to the screen.
## S3 method for class 'demonoid' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'demonoid' print(x, ...)
x |
An object of class |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
If the user has an object of class demonoid.hpc
, then the
function may still be used by specifying the chain as a
component in a list, such as printing the second chain with
when the demonoid.hpc
object is named
, for example.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
### See the LaplacesDemon function for an example.
### See the LaplacesDemon function for an example.
to the screen.This may be used to print the contents of an object of class
to the screen.
## S3 method for class 'heidelberger' print(x, digits=3, ...)
## S3 method for class 'heidelberger' print(x, digits=3, ...)
x |
An object of class |
digits |
This is the number of digits to print. |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
### See the Heidelberger.Diagnostic function for an example.
### See the Heidelberger.Diagnostic function for an example.
to the screen.This may be used to print the contents of an object of class
to the screen.
## S3 method for class 'iterquad' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'iterquad' print(x, ...)
x |
An object of class |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
### See the IterativeQuadrature function for an example.
### See the IterativeQuadrature function for an example.
to the screen.This may be used to print the contents of an object of class
to the screen.
## S3 method for class 'laplace' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'laplace' print(x, ...)
x |
An object of class |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
### See the LaplaceApproximation function for an example.
### See the LaplaceApproximation function for an example.
to the screen.This may be used to print the contents of an object of class
to the screen.
## S3 method for class 'miss' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'miss' print(x, ...)
x |
An object of class |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
### See the MISS function for an example.
### See the MISS function for an example.
to the screen.This may be used to print the contents of an object of class
to the screen.
## S3 method for class 'pmc' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'pmc' print(x, ...)
x |
An object of class |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
### See the PMC function for an example.
### See the PMC function for an example.
to the screen.This may be used to print the contents of an object of class
to the screen.
## S3 method for class 'raftery' print(x, digits=3, ...)
## S3 method for class 'raftery' print(x, digits=3, ...)
x |
An object of class |
digits |
This is the number of digits to print. |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
### See the Raftery.Diagnostic function for an example.
### See the Raftery.Diagnostic function for an example.
to the screen.This may be used to print the contents of an object of class
to the screen.
## S3 method for class 'vb' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'vb' print(x, ...)
x |
An object of class |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
### See the VariationalBayes function for an example.
### See the VariationalBayes function for an example.
Raftery and Lewis (1992) introduced an MCMC diagnostic that estimates the number of iterations needed for a given level of precision in posterior samples, as well as estimating burn-in, when quantiles are the posterior summaries of interest.
Raftery.Diagnostic(x, q=0.025, r=0.005, s=0.95, eps=0.001)
Raftery.Diagnostic(x, q=0.025, r=0.005, s=0.95, eps=0.001)
x |
This required argument accepts an object of class
q |
This is the quantile to be estimated. |
r |
This is the desired margin of error of the estimate, also called the accuracy. |
s |
This is the probability of obtaining an estimate in the interval (q-r, q+r). |
eps |
This is the precision required for the estimate of time to convergence. |
In this MCMC diagnostic, a posterior quantile of interest is
specified. Next, an acceptable tolerance
is specified for
, which means that it is desired to measure
with an
accuracy of +/-
. Finally, the user selects a probability
, which is the probability of being within the interval
. The
then estimates the
number of iterations and the number
of burn-in
iterations that are necessary to satisfy the specified conditions
regarding quantile
The diagnostic was designed to test a short, initial update, in which the chains were called pilot chains, and the application was later suggested for iterative use after any update as a general method for pursuing convergence (Raftery and Lewis, 1996).
Results of the Raftery.Diagnostic
differ depending on the
chosen quantile . Estimates are conservative, so more
iterations are suggested than necessary.
The Raftery.Diagnostic
function returns an object of class
that is list. A print method is available for objects
of this class. The list has the following components:
tspar |
These are the time-series parameters of the posterior
samples in |
params |
This is a vector containing the parameters |
Niters |
This is the number of iterations in the posterior
samples in |
resmatrix |
This is a 3-dimensional array containing the
results: |
The Raftery.Diagnostic
function was adapted from the
function in the coda package, which was adapted
from the FORTRAN program ‘gibbsit’, written by Steven Lewis.
Raftery, A.E. and Lewis, S.M. (1992). "How Many Iterations in the Gibbs Sampler?" In Bayesian Statistics, 4 (J.M. Bernardo, J.O. Berger, A.P. Dawid and A.F.M. Smith, eds.). Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, p. 763–773.
Raftery, A.E. and Lewis, S.M. (1992). "One Long Run with Diagnostics: Implementation Strategies for Markov chain Monte Carlo". Statistical Science, 7, p. 493–497.
Raftery, A.E. and Lewis, S.M. (1996). "Implementing MCMC". In Practical Markov Chain Monte Carlo (W.R. Gilks, D.J. Spiegelhalter and S. Richardson, eds.). Chapman and Hall: Baton Rouge, FL.
, and
#library(LaplacesDemon) ###After updating with LaplacesDemon, do: #rd <- Raftery.Diagnostic(Fit) #print(rd)
#library(LaplacesDemon) ###After updating with LaplacesDemon, do: #rd <- Raftery.Diagnostic(Fit) #print(rd)
The RejectionSampling
function implements rejection sampling
of a target density given a proposal density.
RejectionSampling(Model, Data, mu, S, df=Inf, logc, n=1000, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK")
RejectionSampling(Model, Data, mu, S, df=Inf, logc, n=1000, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK")
Model |
This is a model specification function. For more
information, see |
Data |
This is a list of data. For more information, see
mu |
This is a mean vector |
S |
This is a convariance matrix |
df |
This is a scalar degrees of freedom parameter
logc |
This is the logarithm of the rejection sampling constant. |
n |
This is the number of independent draws to be simulated from the proposal density. |
CPUs |
This argument accepts an integer that specifies the number
of central processing units (CPUs) of the multicore computer or
computer cluster. This argument defaults to |
Type |
This argument specifies the type of parallel processing to
perform, accepting either |
Rejection sampling (von Neumann, 1951) is a Monte Carlo method for
drawing independent samples from a distribution that is proportional
to the target distribution, , given a sampling distribution,
, from which samples can readily be drawn, and for which
there is a finite constant
Here, the target distribution, , is the result of the
function. The sampling distribution, , is
either a multivariate normal or multivariate t-distribution. The
parameters of
, S
, and df
) are used
to create random draws, , of the sampling
. These draws,
, are used
to evaluate the target distribution,
, via the
specification function. The evaluations of the target distribution,
sampling distribution, and the constant are used to create a
probability of acceptance for each draw, by comparing to a vector of
uniform draws,
. Each draw,
accepted if
Before beginning rejection sampling, a goal of the user is to find the
bounding constant, , such that
for all
. These are all expressed in logarithms, so the
goal is to find
for all
. This is done by maximizing
over all
. By using, say,
to find the modes of the
parameters of interest, and using the resultant LP
, the mode
of the logarithm of the joint posterior distribution, as
The RejectionSampling
function performs one iteration of
rejection sampling. Rejection sampling is often iterated, then called
the rejection sampling algorithm, until a sufficient number or
proportion of is accepted. An efficient
rejection sampling algorithm has a high acceptance rate. However,
rejection sampling becomes less efficient as the model dimension (the
number of parameters) increases.
Extensions of rejection sampling include Adaptive Rejection Sampling (ARS) (either derivative-based or derivative-free) and Adaptive Rejection Metropolis Sampling (ARMS), as in Gilks et al. (1995). The random-walk Metropolis algorithm (Metropolis et al., 1953) combined the rejection sampling (a method of Monte Carlo simulation) of von Neumann (1951) with Markov chains.
Parallel processing may be performed when the user specifies
to be greater than one, implying that the specified number
of CPUs exists and is available. Parallelization may be performed on a
multicore computer or a computer cluster. Either a Simple Network of
Workstations (SNOW) or Message Passing Interface (MPI) is used. With
small data sets and few samples, parallel processing may be slower,
due to computer network communication. With larger data sets and more
samples, the user should experience a faster run-time.
This function is similar to the rejectsampling
function in the
The RejectionSampling
function returns an object of class
, which is a matrix of accepted, independent,
simulated draws from the target distribution.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Gilks, W.R., Best, N.G., Tan, K.K.C. (1995). "Adaptive Rejection Metropolis Sampling within Gibbs Sampling". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics), Vol. 44, No. 4, p. 455–472.
Metropolis, N., Rosenbluth, A.W., Rosenbluth, M.N., and Teller, E. (1953). "Equation of State Calculations by Fast Computing Machines". Journal of Chemical Physics, 21, p. 1087-1092.
von Neumann, J. (1951). "Various Techniques Used in Connection with Random Digits. Monte Carlo Methods". National Bureau Standards, 12, p. 36–38.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) ### Suppose an output object of class laplace is called Fit: #rs <- RejectionSampling(Model, MyData, mu=Fit$Summary1[,1], # S=Fit$Covar, df=Inf, logc=Fit$LP.Final, n=1000) #rs
library(LaplacesDemon) ### Suppose an output object of class laplace is called Fit: #rs <- RejectionSampling(Model, MyData, mu=Fit$Summary1[,1], # S=Fit$Covar, df=Inf, logc=Fit$LP.Final, n=1000) #rs
This function performs an elementary sensitivity analysis for two models regarding marginal posterior distributions and posterior inferences.
SensitivityAnalysis(Fit1, Fit2, Pred1, Pred2)
SensitivityAnalysis(Fit1, Fit2, Pred1, Pred2)
Fit1 |
This argument accepts an object of class |
Fit2 |
This argument accepts an object of class |
Pred1 |
This argument accepts an object of class
Pred2 |
This argument accepts an object of class
Sensitivity analysis is concerned with the influence from changes to the inputs of a model on the output. Comparing differences resulting from different prior distributions is the most common application of sensitivity analysis, though results from different likelihoods may be compared as well. The outputs of interest are the marginal posterior distributions and posterior inferences.
There are many more methods of conducting a sensitivity analysis than
exist in the SensitivityAnalysis
function. For more
information, see Oakley and O'Hagan (2004). The SIR
function is useful for approximating changes in the posterior due to
small changes in prior distributions.
The SensitivityAnalysis
function compares marginal posterior
distributions and posterior predictive distributions. Specifically,
it calculates the probability that each distribution in Fit1
and Pred1
is greater than the associated distribution in
and Pred2
, and returns a variance ratio of each
pair of distributions. If the probability is that a
distribution is greater than another, or if the variance ratio is
, then no difference is found due to the inputs.
Additional comparisons and methods are currently outside the scope of
the SensitivityAnalysis
function. The BayesFactor
function may also be considered, as well as comparing posterior
predictive checks resulting from summary.demonoid.ppc
, summary.pmc.ppc
, or
Regarding marginal posterior distributions, the
function compares only distributions with
identical parameter names. For example, suppose a statistician
conducts a sensitivity analysis to study differences resulting from
two prior distributions: a normal distribution and a Student t
distribution. These distributions have two and three parameters,
respectively. The statistician has named the parameters beta
and sigma
for the normal distribution, while for the Student
t distribution, the parameters are named beta
, sigma
and nu
. In this case, the SensitivityAnalysis
compares the marginal posterior distributions for beta
, though nu
is ignored because it is not in both
models. If the statistician does not want certain parameters compared,
then differing parameter names should be assigned.
Robust Bayesian analysis is a very similar topic, and often called simply Bayesian sensitivity analysis. In robust Bayesian analysis, the robustness of answers from a Bayesian analysis to uncertainty about the precise details of the analysis is studied. An answer is considered robust if it does not depend sensitively on the assumptions and inputs on which it is based. Robust Bayes methods acknowledge that it is sometimes very difficult to come up with precise distributions to be used as priors. Likewise the appropriate likelihood function that should be used for a particular problem may also be in doubt. In a robust Bayesian analysis, a standard Bayesian analysis is applied to all possible combinations of prior distributions and likelihood functions selected from classes of priors and likelihoods considered empirically plausible by the statistician.
This function returns a list with the following components:
Posterior |
This is a |
Post.Pred.Dist |
This is a |
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
Berger, J.O. (1984). "The Robust Bayesian Viewpoint (with discussion)". In J. B. Kadane, editor, Robustness of Bayesian Analyses, p. 63–144. North-Holland, Amsterdam.
Berger, J.O. (1985). "Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis". Springer-Verlag, New York.
Berger, J.O. (1994). "An Overview of Robust Bayesian Analysis (with discussion)". Test, 3, p. 5–124.
Oakley, J. and O'Hagan, A. (2004). "Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis of Complex Models: a Bayesian Approach". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 66, p. 751–769.
Weiss, R. (1995). "An Approach to Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 58, p. 739–750.
, and
#sa <- SensitivityAnalysis(Fit1, Fit2, Pred1, Pred2) #sa
#sa <- SensitivityAnalysis(Fit1, Fit2, Pred1, Pred2) #sa
function performs Sampling Importance Resampling, also
called Sequential Importance Resampling, and uses a multivariate normal
proposal density.
SIR(Model, Data, mu, Sigma, n=1000, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK")
SIR(Model, Data, mu, Sigma, n=1000, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK")
Model |
This is a model specification function. For more
information, see |
Data |
This is a list of data. For more information, see
mu |
This is a mean vector, |
Sigma |
This is a covariance matrix, |
n |
This is the number of samples to be drawn from the posterior distribution. |
CPUs |
This argument accepts an integer that specifies the number
of central processing units (CPUs) of the multicore computer or
computer cluster. This argument defaults to |
Type |
This argument specifies the type of parallel processing to
perform, accepting either |
Sampling Importance Resampling (SIR) was introduced in Gordon, et al. (1993), and is the original particle filtering algorithm (and this family of algorithms is also known as Sequential Monte Carlo). A distribution is approximated with importance weights, which are approximations to the relative posterior densities of the particles, and the sum of the weights is one. In this terminology, each sample in the distribution is a “particle”. SIR is a sequential or recursive form of importance sampling. As in importance sampling, the expectation of a function can be approximated as a weighted average. The optimal proposal distribution is the target distribution.
In the LaplacesDemon
package, the main use of the SIR
function is to produce posterior samples for iterative quadrature,
Laplace Approximation, or Variational Bayes, and SIR
is called
behind-the-scenes by the IterativeQuadrature
, or VariationalBayes
Iterative quadrature estimates the posterior mean and the associated
covariance matrix. Assuming normality, this output characterizes the
marginal posterior distributions. However, it is often useful to have
posterior samples, in which case the SIR
function is used to
draw samples. The number of samples, n
, should increase with
the number and intercorrelations of the parameters. Otherwise,
multimodal posterior distributions may occur.
Laplace Approximation estimates the posterior mode and the associated
covariance matrix. Assuming normality, this output characterizes the
marginal posterior distributions. However, it is often useful to have
posterior samples, in which case the SIR
function is used to
draw samples. The number of samples, n
, should increase with
the number and intercorrelations of the parameters. Otherwise,
multimodal posterior distributions may occur.
Variational Bayes estimates both the posterior mean and
variance. Assuming normality, this output characterizes the marginal
posterior distributions. However, it is often useful to have posterior
samples, in which case the SIR
function is used to draw
samples. The number of samples, n
, should increase with the
number of intercorrelations of the parameters. Otherwise, multimodal
posterior distributions may occur.
SIR is also commonly used when considering a mild change in a prior
distribution. For example, suppose a model was updated in
, and it had a least-informative prior
distribution, but the statistician would like to estimate the impact
of changing to a weakly-informative prior distribution. The change is
made in the model specification function, and the posterior means and
covariance are supplied to the SIR
function. The returned
samples are estimates of the posterior, given the different prior
distribution. This is akin to sensitivity analysis (see the
In other contexts (for which this function is not designed), SIR is used with dynamic linear models (DLMs) and state-space models (SSMs) for state filtering.
Parallel processing may be performed when the user specifies
to be greater than one, implying that the specified number
of CPUs exists and is available. Parallelization may be performed on a
multicore computer or a computer cluster. Either a Simple Network of
Workstations (SNOW) or Message Passing Interface (MPI) is used. With
small data sets and few samples, parallel processing may be slower,
due to computer network communication. With larger data sets and more
samples, the user should experience a faster run-time.
This function was adapted from the sir
function in the
function returns a matrix of samples drawn from the
posterior distribution.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Gordon, N.J., Salmond, D.J., and Smith, A.F.M. (1993). "Novel Approach to Nonlinear/Non-Gaussian Bayesian State Estimation". IEEE Proceedings F on Radar and Signal Processing, 140(2), p. 107–113.
, and
The Stick
function provides the utility of truncated
stick-breaking regarding the vector
. Stick-breaking is commonly referred to as a
stick-breaking process, and is used often in a Dirichlet
process (Sethuraman, 1994). It is commonly associated with
infinite-dimensional mixtures, but in practice, the ‘infinite’ number
is truncated to a finite number, since it is impossible to estimate an
infinite number of parameters (Ishwaran and James, 2001).
theta |
This required argument, |
The Dirichlet process (DP) is a stochastic process used in Bayesian nonparametric modeling, most commonly in DP mixture models, otherwise known as infinite mixture models. A DP is a distribution over distributions. Each draw from a DP is itself a discrete distribution. A DP is an infinite-dimensional generalization of Dirichlet distributions. It is called a DP because it has Dirichlet-distributed, finite-dimensional, marginal distributions, just as the Gaussian process has Gaussian-distributed, finite-dimensional, marginal distributions. Distributions drawn from a DP cannot be described using a finite number of parameters, thus the classification as a nonparametric model. The truncated stick-breaking (TSB) process is associated with a truncated Dirichlet process (TDP).
An example of a TSB process is cluster analysis, where the number of
clusters is unknown and treated as mixture components. In such a
model, the TSB process calculates probability vector
, given a user-specified maximum number of
clusters to explore as
, where
is the length of
. Vector
is assigned a TSB
prior distribution (for more information, see
Elsewhere, each element of is constrained to the
interval (0,1), and the original TSB form is beta-distributed with the
parameter of the beta distribution constrained
to 1 (Ishwaran and James, 2001). The
in the beta distribution is usually gamma-distributed.
A larger value for a given is associated
with a higher probability of the associated mixture component,
however, the proportion changes according to the position of the
element in the
A variety of stick-breaking processes exist. For example, rather than
each being beta-distributed, there have been other
forms introduced such as logistic and probit, among others.
The Stick
function returns a probability vector wherein each
element relates to a mixture component.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Ishwaran, H. and James, L. (2001). "Gibbs Sampling Methods for Stick Breaking Priors". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96(453), p. 161–173.
Sethuraman, J. (1994). "A Constructive Definition of Dirichlet Priors". Statistica Sinica, 4, p. 639–650.
, and
This may be used to summarize either new, unobserved instances of
) or
replicates of
). Either
is summarized, depending on
## S3 method for class 'demonoid.ppc' summary(object, Categorical, Rows, Discrep, d, Quiet, ...)
## S3 method for class 'demonoid.ppc' summary(object, Categorical, Rows, Discrep, d, Quiet, ...)
object |
An object of class |
Categorical |
Logical. If |
Rows |
An optional vector of row numbers, for example
Discrep |
A character string indicating a discrepancy
test. |
d |
This is an optional integer to be used with the
Quiet |
This logical argument defaults to |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
This function summarizes an object of class demonoid.ppc
, which
consists of posterior predictive checks on either
depending respectively on whether unobserved instances of
or the model sample of
used in the
The purpose of a posterior predictive check is to assess how well (or poorly) the model fits the data, or to assess discrepancies between the model and the data. For more information on posterior predictive checks, see https://web.archive.org/web/20150215050702/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/posteriorpredictivechecks.
When is continuous and known, this function
estimates the predictive concordance between
as per Gelfand (1996), and the
predictive quantile (PQ), which is for record-level outlier detection
used to calculate Gelfand's predictive concordance.
When is categorical and known, this function
estimates the record-level lift, which is
p(yhat[i,] = y[i]) / [p(y = j) / n]
, or
the number of correctly predicted samples over the rate of that
category of in vector
A discrepancy measure is an approach to studying discrepancies between the model and data (Gelman et al., 1996). Below is a list of discrepancy measures, followed by a brief introduction to discrepancy analysis:
The "Chi-Square"
discrepancy measure is the chi-square
goodness-of-fit test that is recommended by Gelman. For each record
i=1:N, this returns (y[i] - E(y[i]))^2 / var(yhat[i,]).
The "Chi-Square2"
discrepancy measure returns the
following for each record: Pr(chisq.rep[i,] > chisq.obs[i,]), where
chisq.obs[i,] <- (y[i] - E(y[i]))^2 / E(y[i]), and chisq.rep[i,] <-
(yhat[i,] - E(yhat[i,]))^2 / E(yhat[i,]), and the overall
discrepancy is the percent of records that were outside of the 95%
quantile-based probability interval (see p.interval
The "Kurtosis"
discrepancy measure returns the kurtosis
of for each record, and the discrepancy
statistic is the mean for all records. This does not measure
discrepancies between the model and data, and is useful for finding
kurtotic replicate distributions.
The "L-criterion"
discrepancy measure of Laud and Ibrahim
(1995) provides the record-level combination of two components (see
below), and the discrepancy statistic is the sum, L
, as well as
a calibration number, S.L
. For more information on the
L-criterion, see the accompanying vignette entitled "Bayesian
The "MASE"
(Mean Absolute Scaled Error) is a
discrepancy measure for the accuracy of time-series forecasts,
estimated as (|y - yhat|) / mean(abs(diff(y)))
. The discrepancy
statistic is the mean of the record-level values.
The "MSE"
(Mean Squared Error) discrepancy measure
provides the MSE for each record across all replicates, and the
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level MSEs. MSE and
quadratic loss are identical.
The "PPL"
(Posterior Predictive Loss) discrepancy
measure of Gelfand and Ghosh (1998) provides the record-level
combination of two components: one involves the predictive variance
and the other includes the accuracy of the means of the predictive
distribution. The d=0
argument applies the following weight to
the accuracy component, which is then added to the variance component:
. For
, use
. For
and model comparison,
commonly set to 1, 10, or 100000. Larger values of
put more
stress on fit and downgrade the precision of the estimates.
The "Quadratic Loss"
discrepancy measure provides the
mean quadratic loss for each record across all replicates, and the
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level mean quadratic
losses. Quadratic loss and MSE are identical, and quadratic loss is
the negative of quadratic utility.
The "Quadratic Utility"
discrepancy measure provides
the mean quadratic utility for each record across all replicates, and
the discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level mean
quadratic utilities. Quadratic utility is the negative of quadratic
The "RMSE"
(Root Mean Squared Error) discrepancy
measure provides the RMSE for each record across all replicates, and
the discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level RMSEs.
The "Skewness"
discrepancy measure returns the skewness
of for each record, and the discrepancy
statistic is the mean for all records. This does not measure
discrepancies between the model and data, and is useful for finding
skewed replicate distributions.
The "max(yhat[i,]) > max(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when a record's maximum
exceeds the maximum of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
replications that exceed the maximum of
The "mean(yhat[i,]) > mean(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when the mean of a record's
is greater than the mean of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
mean replications that exceed the mean of
The "mean(yhat[i,] > d)"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level proportion of that
exceeds a specified value,
. The discrepancy statistic is the
mean of the record-level proportions.
The "mean(yhat[i,] > mean(y))"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level proportion of
that exceeds the mean of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level proportions.
The "min(yhat[i,]) < min(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when a record's minimum
is less than the minimum of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
replications less than the minimum of
The "round(yhat[i,]) = d"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level proportion of that,
when rounded, is equal to a specified discrete value,
. The
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level proportions.
The "sd(yhat[i,]) > sd(y)"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level indicator when the standard deviation of replicates is
larger than the standard deviation of all of . The
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level indicators,
reporting the proportion of records with larger standard deviations
The "p(yhat[i,] != y[i])"
discrepancy measure returns
the record-level probability that
is not equal to
. This is valid when
is categorical and
is the predicted
category. The probability is the proportion of replicates.
After observing a discrepancy statistic, the user attempts to improve the model by revising the model to account for discrepancies between data and the current model. This approach to model revision relies on an analysis of the discrepancy statistic. Given a discrepancy measure that is based on model fit, such as the L-criterion, the user may correlate the record-level discrepancy statistics with the dependent variable, independent variables, and interactions of independent variables. The discrepancy statistic should not correlate with the dependent and independent variables. Interaction variables may be useful for exploring new relationships that are not in the current model. Alternatively, a decision tree may be applied to the record-level discrepancy statistics, given the independent variables, in an effort to find relationships in the data that may be helpful in the model. Model revision may involve the addition of a finite mixture component to account for outliers in discrepancy, or specifying the model with a distribution that is more robust to outliers. There are too many suggestions to include here, and discrepancy analysis varies by model.
This function returns a list with the following components:
The Bayesian Predictive Information Criterion (BPIC) was
introduced by Ando (2007). BPIC is a variation of the Deviance
Information Criterion (DIC) that has been modified for predictive
distributions. For more information on DIC (Spiegelhalter
et al., 2002), see the accompanying vignette entitled "Bayesian
Inference". |
Concordance |
This is the percentage of the records of y that are
within the 95% quantile-based probability interval (see
Mean Lift |
This is the mean of the record-level lifts, and
occurs only when |
Discrepancy.Statistic |
This is only reported if the
L-criterion |
The L-criterion (Laud and Ibrahim, 1995) was
developed for model and variable selection. It is a sum of two
components: one involves the predictive variance and the other
includes the accuracy of the means of the predictive
distribution. The L-criterion measures model performance with a
combination of how close its predictions are to the observed data
and variability of the predictions. Better models have smaller
values of |
Summary |
When |
Statisticat, LLC.
Ando, T. (2007). "Bayesian Predictive Information Criterion for the Evaluation of Hierarchical Bayesian and Empirical Bayes Models". Biometrika, 94(2), p. 443–458.
Gelfand, A. (1996). "Model Determination Using Sampling Based Methods". In Gilks, W., Richardson, S., Spiegehalter, D., Chapter 9 in Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice. Chapman and Hall: Boca Raton, FL.
Gelfand, A. and Ghosh, S. (1998). "Model Choice: A Minimum Posterior Predictive Loss Approach". Biometrika, 85, p. 1–11.
Gelman, A., Meng, X.L., and Stern H. (1996). "Posterior Predictive Assessment of Model Fitness via Realized Discrepancies". Statistica Sinica, 6, p. 733–807.
Laud, P.W. and Ibrahim, J.G. (1995). "Predictive Model Selection". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 57, p. 247–262.
Spiegelhalter, D.J., Best, N.G., Carlin, B.P., and van der Linde, A. (2002). "Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit (with Discussion)". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 64, p. 583–639.
, and
### See the LaplacesDemon function for an example.
### See the LaplacesDemon function for an example.
This may be used to summarize either new, unobserved instances of
) or
replicates of
). Either
is summarized, depending on
## S3 method for class 'iterquad.ppc' summary(object, Categorical, Rows, Discrep, d, Quiet, ...)
## S3 method for class 'iterquad.ppc' summary(object, Categorical, Rows, Discrep, d, Quiet, ...)
object |
An object of class |
Categorical |
Logical. If |
Rows |
An optional vector of row numbers, for example
Discrep |
A character string indicating a discrepancy
test. |
d |
This is an optional integer to be used with the
Quiet |
This logical argument defaults to |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
This function summarizes an object of class iterquad.ppc
, which
consists of posterior predictive checks on either
depending respectively on whether unobserved instances of
or the model sample of
used in the
function. The deviance and
monitored variables are also summarized.
The purpose of a posterior predictive check is to assess how well (or poorly) the model fits the data, or to assess discrepancies between the model and the data. For more information on posterior predictive checks, see https://web.archive.org/web/20150215050702/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/posteriorpredictivechecks.
When is continuous and known, this function
estimates the predictive concordance between
as per Gelfand (1996), and the
predictive quantile (PQ), which is for record-level outlier detection
used to calculate Gelfand's predictive concordance.
When is categorical and known, this function
estimates the record-level lift, which is
p(yhat[i,] = y[i]) / [p(y = j) / n]
, or
the number of correctly predicted samples over the rate of that
category of in vector
A discrepancy measure is an approach to studying discrepancies between the model and data (Gelman et al., 1996). Below is a list of discrepancy measures, followed by a brief introduction to discrepancy analysis:
The "Chi-Square"
discrepancy measure is the chi-square
goodness-of-fit test that is recommended by Gelman. For each record
i=1:N, this returns (y[i] - E(y[i]))^2 / var(yhat[i,]).
The "Chi-Square2"
discrepancy measure returns the
following for each record: Pr(chisq.rep[i,] > chisq.obs[i,]), where
chisq.obs[i,] <- (y[i] - E(y[i]))^2 / E(y[i]), and chisq.rep[i,] <-
(yhat[i,] - E(yhat[i,]))^2 / E(yhat[i,]), and the overall
discrepancy is the percent of records that were outside of the 95%
quantile-based probability interval (see p.interval
The "Kurtosis"
discrepancy measure returns the kurtosis
of for each record, and the discrepancy
statistic is the mean for all records. This does not measure
discrepancies between the model and data, and is useful for finding
kurtotic replicate distributions.
The "L-criterion"
discrepancy measure of Laud and Ibrahim
(1995) provides the record-level combination of two components (see
below), and the discrepancy statistic is the sum, L
, as well as
a calibration number, S.L
. For more information on the
L-criterion, see the accompanying vignette entitled "Bayesian
The "MASE"
(Mean Absolute Scaled Error) is a
discrepancy measure for the accuracy of time-series forecasts,
estimated as (|y - yhat|) / mean(abs(diff(y)))
. The discrepancy
statistic is the mean of the record-level values.
The "MSE"
(Mean Squared Error) discrepancy measure
provides the MSE for each record across all replicates, and the
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level MSEs. MSE and
quadratic loss are identical.
The "PPL"
(Posterior Predictive Loss) discrepancy
measure of Gelfand and Ghosh (1998) provides the record-level
combination of two components: one involves the predictive variance
and the other includes the accuracy of the means of the predictive
distribution. The d=0
argument applies the following weight to
the accuracy component, which is then added to the variance component:
. For
, use
. For
and model comparison,
commonly set to 1, 10, or 100000. Larger values of
put more
stress on fit and downgrade the precision of the estimates.
The "Quadratic Loss"
discrepancy measure provides the
mean quadratic loss for each record across all replicates, and the
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level mean quadratic
losses. Quadratic loss and MSE are identical, and quadratic loss is
the negative of quadratic utility.
The "Quadratic Utility"
discrepancy measure provides
the mean quadratic utility for each record across all replicates, and
the discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level mean
quadratic utilities. Quadratic utility is the negative of quadratic
The "RMSE"
(Root Mean Squared Error) discrepancy
measure provides the RMSE for each record across all replicates, and
the discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level RMSEs.
The "Skewness"
discrepancy measure returns the skewness
of for each record, and the discrepancy
statistic is the mean for all records. This does not measure
discrepancies between the model and data, and is useful for finding
skewed replicate distributions.
The "max(yhat[i,]) > max(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when a record's maximum
exceeds the maximum of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
replications that exceed the maximum of
The "mean(yhat[i,]) > mean(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when the mean of a record's
is greater than the mean of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
mean replications that exceed the mean of
The "mean(yhat[i,] > d)"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level proportion of that
exceeds a specified value,
. The discrepancy statistic is the
mean of the record-level proportions.
The "mean(yhat[i,] > mean(y))"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level proportion of
that exceeds the mean of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level proportions.
The "min(yhat[i,]) < min(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when a record's minimum
is less than the minimum of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
replications less than the minimum of
The "round(yhat[i,]) = d"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level proportion of that,
when rounded, is equal to a specified discrete value,
. The
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level proportions.
The "sd(yhat[i,]) > sd(y)"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level indicator when the standard deviation of replicates is
larger than the standard deviation of all of . The
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level indicators,
reporting the proportion of records with larger standard deviations
The "p(yhat[i,] != y[i])"
discrepancy measure returns
the record-level probability that
is not equal to
. This is valid when
is categorical and
is the predicted
category. The probability is the proportion of replicates.
After observing a discrepancy statistic, the user attempts to improve the model by revising the model to account for discrepancies between data and the current model. This approach to model revision relies on an analysis of the discrepancy statistic. Given a discrepancy measure that is based on model fit, such as the L-criterion, the user may correlate the record-level discrepancy statistics with the dependent variable, independent variables, and interactions of independent variables. The discrepancy statistic should not correlate with the dependent and independent variables. Interaction variables may be useful for exploring new relationships that are not in the current model. Alternatively, a decision tree may be applied to the record-level discrepancy statistics, given the independent variables, in an effort to find relationships in the data that may be helpful in the model. Model revision may involve the addition of a finite mixture component to account for outliers in discrepancy, or specifying the model with a distribution that is more robust to outliers. There are too many suggestions to include here, and discrepancy analysis varies by model.
This function returns a list with the following components:
The Bayesian Predictive Information Criterion (BPIC) was
introduced by Ando (2007). BPIC is a variation of the Deviance
Information Criterion (DIC) that has been modified for predictive
distributions. For more information on DIC (Spiegelhalter
et al., 2002), see the accompanying vignette entitled "Bayesian
Inference". |
Concordance |
This is the percentage of the records of y that are
within the 95% quantile-based probability interval (see
Mean Lift |
This is the mean of the record-level lifts, and
occurs only when |
Discrepancy.Statistic |
This is only reported if the
L-criterion |
The L-criterion (Laud and Ibrahim, 1995) was
developed for model and variable selection. It is a sum of two
components: one involves the predictive variance and the other
includes the accuracy of the means of the predictive
distribution. The L-criterion measures model performance with a
combination of how close its predictions are to the observed data
and variability of the predictions. Better models have smaller
values of |
Monitor |
This is a |
Summary |
When |
Statisticat, LLC.
Ando, T. (2007). "Bayesian Predictive Information Criterion for the Evaluation of Hierarchical Bayesian and Empirical Bayes Models". Biometrika, 94(2), p. 443–458.
Gelfand, A. (1996). "Model Determination Using Sampling Based Methods". In Gilks, W., Richardson, S., Spiegehalter, D., Chapter 9 in Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice. Chapman and Hall: Boca Raton, FL.
Gelfand, A. and Ghosh, S. (1998). "Model Choice: A Minimum Posterior Predictive Loss Approach". Biometrika, 85, p. 1–11.
Gelman, A., Meng, X.L., and Stern H. (1996). "Posterior Predictive Assessment of Model Fitness via Realized Discrepancies". Statistica Sinica, 6, p. 733–807.
Laud, P.W. and Ibrahim, J.G. (1995). "Predictive Model Selection". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 57, p. 247–262.
Spiegelhalter, D.J., Best, N.G., Carlin, B.P., and van der Linde, A. (2002). "Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit (with Discussion)". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 64, p. 583–639.
, and
### See the IterativeQuadrature function for an example.
### See the IterativeQuadrature function for an example.
This may be used to summarize either new, unobserved instances of
) or
replicates of
). Either
is summarized, depending on
## S3 method for class 'laplace.ppc' summary(object, Categorical, Rows, Discrep, d, Quiet, ...)
## S3 method for class 'laplace.ppc' summary(object, Categorical, Rows, Discrep, d, Quiet, ...)
object |
An object of class |
Categorical |
Logical. If |
Rows |
An optional vector of row numbers, for example
Discrep |
A character string indicating a discrepancy
test. |
d |
This is an optional integer to be used with the
Quiet |
This logical argument defaults to |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
This function summarizes an object of class laplace.ppc
, which
consists of posterior predictive checks on either
depending respectively on whether unobserved instances of
or the model sample of
used in the
function. The deviance and
monitored variables are also summarized.
The purpose of a posterior predictive check is to assess how well (or poorly) the model fits the data, or to assess discrepancies between the model and the data. For more information on posterior predictive checks, see https://web.archive.org/web/20150215050702/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/posteriorpredictivechecks.
When is continuous and known, this function
estimates the predictive concordance between
as per Gelfand (1996), and the
predictive quantile (PQ), which is for record-level outlier detection
used to calculate Gelfand's predictive concordance.
When is categorical and known, this function
estimates the record-level lift, which is
p(yhat[i,] = y[i]) / [p(y = j) / n]
, or
the number of correctly predicted samples over the rate of that
category of in vector
A discrepancy measure is an approach to studying discrepancies between the model and data (Gelman et al., 1996). Below is a list of discrepancy measures, followed by a brief introduction to discrepancy analysis:
The "Chi-Square"
discrepancy measure is the chi-square
goodness-of-fit test that is recommended by Gelman. For each record
i=1:N, this returns (y[i] - E(y[i]))^2 / var(yhat[i,]).
The "Chi-Square2"
discrepancy measure returns the
following for each record: Pr(chisq.rep[i,] > chisq.obs[i,]), where
chisq.obs[i,] <- (y[i] - E(y[i]))^2 / E(y[i]), and chisq.rep[i,] <-
(yhat[i,] - E(yhat[i,]))^2 / E(yhat[i,]), and the overall
discrepancy is the percent of records that were outside of the 95%
quantile-based probability interval (see p.interval
The "Kurtosis"
discrepancy measure returns the kurtosis
of for each record, and the discrepancy
statistic is the mean for all records. This does not measure
discrepancies between the model and data, and is useful for finding
kurtotic replicate distributions.
The "L-criterion"
discrepancy measure of Laud and Ibrahim
(1995) provides the record-level combination of two components (see
below), and the discrepancy statistic is the sum, L
, as well as
a calibration number, S.L
. For more information on the
L-criterion, see the accompanying vignette entitled "Bayesian
The "MASE"
(Mean Absolute Scaled Error) is a
discrepancy measure for the accuracy of time-series forecasts,
estimated as (|y - yhat|) / mean(abs(diff(y)))
. The discrepancy
statistic is the mean of the record-level values.
The "MSE"
(Mean Squared Error) discrepancy measure
provides the MSE for each record across all replicates, and the
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level MSEs. MSE and
quadratic loss are identical.
The "PPL"
(Posterior Predictive Loss) discrepancy
measure of Gelfand and Ghosh (1998) provides the record-level
combination of two components: one involves the predictive variance
and the other includes the accuracy of the means of the predictive
distribution. The d=0
argument applies the following weight to
the accuracy component, which is then added to the variance component:
. For
, use
. For
and model comparison,
commonly set to 1, 10, or 100000. Larger values of
put more
stress on fit and downgrade the precision of the estimates.
The "Quadratic Loss"
discrepancy measure provides the
mean quadratic loss for each record across all replicates, and the
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level mean quadratic
losses. Quadratic loss and MSE are identical, and quadratic loss is
the negative of quadratic utility.
The "Quadratic Utility"
discrepancy measure provides
the mean quadratic utility for each record across all replicates, and
the discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level mean
quadratic utilities. Quadratic utility is the negative of quadratic
The "RMSE"
(Root Mean Squared Error) discrepancy
measure provides the RMSE for each record across all replicates, and
the discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level RMSEs.
The "Skewness"
discrepancy measure returns the skewness
of for each record, and the discrepancy
statistic is the mean for all records. This does not measure
discrepancies between the model and data, and is useful for finding
skewed replicate distributions.
The "max(yhat[i,]) > max(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when a record's maximum
exceeds the maximum of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
replications that exceed the maximum of
The "mean(yhat[i,]) > mean(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when the mean of a record's
is greater than the mean of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
mean replications that exceed the mean of
The "mean(yhat[i,] > d)"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level proportion of that
exceeds a specified value,
. The discrepancy statistic is the
mean of the record-level proportions.
The "mean(yhat[i,] > mean(y))"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level proportion of
that exceeds the mean of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level proportions.
The "min(yhat[i,]) < min(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when a record's minimum
is less than the minimum of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
replications less than the minimum of
The "round(yhat[i,]) = d"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level proportion of that,
when rounded, is equal to a specified discrete value,
. The
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level proportions.
The "sd(yhat[i,]) > sd(y)"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level indicator when the standard deviation of replicates is
larger than the standard deviation of all of . The
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level indicators,
reporting the proportion of records with larger standard deviations
The "p(yhat[i,] != y[i])"
discrepancy measure returns
the record-level probability that
is not equal to
. This is valid when
is categorical and
is the predicted
category. The probability is the proportion of replicates.
After observing a discrepancy statistic, the user attempts to improve the model by revising the model to account for discrepancies between data and the current model. This approach to model revision relies on an analysis of the discrepancy statistic. Given a discrepancy measure that is based on model fit, such as the L-criterion, the user may correlate the record-level discrepancy statistics with the dependent variable, independent variables, and interactions of independent variables. The discrepancy statistic should not correlate with the dependent and independent variables. Interaction variables may be useful for exploring new relationships that are not in the current model. Alternatively, a decision tree may be applied to the record-level discrepancy statistics, given the independent variables, in an effort to find relationships in the data that may be helpful in the model. Model revision may involve the addition of a finite mixture component to account for outliers in discrepancy, or specifying the model with a distribution that is more robust to outliers. There are too many suggestions to include here, and discrepancy analysis varies by model.
This function returns a list with the following components:
The Bayesian Predictive Information Criterion (BPIC) was
introduced by Ando (2007). BPIC is a variation of the Deviance
Information Criterion (DIC) that has been modified for predictive
distributions. For more information on DIC (Spiegelhalter
et al., 2002), see the accompanying vignette entitled "Bayesian
Inference". |
Concordance |
This is the percentage of the records of y that are
within the 95% quantile-based probability interval (see
Mean Lift |
This is the mean of the record-level lifts, and
occurs only when |
Discrepancy.Statistic |
This is only reported if the
L-criterion |
The L-criterion (Laud and Ibrahim, 1995) was
developed for model and variable selection. It is a sum of two
components: one involves the predictive variance and the other
includes the accuracy of the means of the predictive
distribution. The L-criterion measures model performance with a
combination of how close its predictions are to the observed data
and variability of the predictions. Better models have smaller
values of |
Monitor |
This is a |
Summary |
When |
Statisticat, LLC.
Ando, T. (2007). "Bayesian Predictive Information Criterion for the Evaluation of Hierarchical Bayesian and Empirical Bayes Models". Biometrika, 94(2), p. 443–458.
Gelfand, A. (1996). "Model Determination Using Sampling Based Methods". In Gilks, W., Richardson, S., Spiegehalter, D., Chapter 9 in Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice. Chapman and Hall: Boca Raton, FL.
Gelfand, A. and Ghosh, S. (1998). "Model Choice: A Minimum Posterior Predictive Loss Approach". Biometrika, 85, p. 1–11.
Gelman, A., Meng, X.L., and Stern H. (1996). "Posterior Predictive Assessment of Model Fitness via Realized Discrepancies". Statistica Sinica, 6, p. 733–807.
Laud, P.W. and Ibrahim, J.G. (1995). "Predictive Model Selection". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 57, p. 247–262.
Spiegelhalter, D.J., Best, N.G., Carlin, B.P., and van der Linde, A. (2002). "Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit (with Discussion)". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 64, p. 583–639.
, and
### See the LaplaceApproximation function for an example.
### See the LaplaceApproximation function for an example.
This function summarizes posterior predictive distributions from
an object of class miss
## S3 method for class 'miss' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'miss' summary(object, ...)
object |
An object of class |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
This function summarizes the posterior predictive distributions from
an object of class miss
This function returns a matrix, in which each
row is the posterior predictive distribution of one of
values. Columns are Mean, SD, MCSE, ESS, LB, Median, and UB.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
### See the MISS function for an example.
### See the MISS function for an example.
This may be used to summarize either new, unobserved instances of
) or
replicates of
). Either
is summarized, depending on
## S3 method for class 'pmc.ppc' summary(object, Categorical, Rows, Discrep, d, Quiet, ...)
## S3 method for class 'pmc.ppc' summary(object, Categorical, Rows, Discrep, d, Quiet, ...)
object |
An object of class |
Categorical |
Logical. If |
Rows |
An optional vector of row numbers, for example
Discrep |
A character string indicating a discrepancy
test. |
d |
This is an optional integer to be used with the
Quiet |
This logical argument defaults to |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
This function summarizes an object of class pmc.ppc
, which
consists of posterior predictive checks on either
depending respectively on whether unobserved instances of
or the model sample of
used in the
The purpose of a posterior predictive check is to assess how well (or poorly) the model fits the data, or to assess discrepancies between the model and the data. For more information on posterior predictive checks, see https://web.archive.org/web/20150215050702/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/posteriorpredictivechecks.
When is continuous and known, this function
estimates the predictive concordance between
as per Gelfand (1996), and the
predictive quantile (PQ), which is for record-level outlier detection
used to calculate Gelfand's predictive concordance.
When is categorical and known, this function
estimates the record-level lift, which is
p(yhat[i,] = y[i]) / [p(y = j) / n]
, or
the number of correctly predicted samples over the rate of that
category of in vector
A discrepancy measure is an approach to studying discrepancies between the model and data (Gelman et al., 1996). Below is a list of discrepancy measures, followed by a brief introduction to discrepancy analysis:
The "Chi-Square"
discrepancy measure is the chi-square
goodness-of-fit test that is recommended by Gelman. For each record
i=1:N, this returns (y[i] - E(y[i]))^2 / var(yhat[i,]).
The "Chi-Square2"
discrepancy measure returns the
following for each record: Pr(chisq.rep[i,] > chisq.obs[i,]), where
chisq.obs[i,] <- (y[i] - E(y[i]))^2 / E(y[i]), and chisq.rep[i,] <-
(yhat[i,] - E(yhat[i,]))^2 / E(yhat[i,]), and the overall
discrepancy is the percent of records that were outside of the 95%
quantile-based probability interval (see p.interval
The "Kurtosis"
discrepancy measure returns the kurtosis
of for each record, and the discrepancy
statistic is the mean for all records. This does not measure
discrepancies between the model and data, and is useful for finding
kurtotic replicate distributions.
The "L-criterion"
discrepancy measure of Laud and Ibrahim
(1995) provides the record-level combination of two components (see
below), and the discrepancy statistic is the sum, L
, as well as
a calibration number, S.L
. For more information on the
L-criterion, see the accompanying vignette entitled "Bayesian
The "MASE"
(Mean Absolute Scaled Error) is a
discrepancy measure for the accuracy of time-series forecasts,
estimated as (|y - yhat|) / mean(abs(diff(y)))
. The discrepancy
statistic is the mean of the record-level values.
The "MSE"
(Mean Squared Error) discrepancy measure
provides the MSE for each record across all replicates, and the
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level MSEs. MSE and
quadratic loss are identical.
The "PPL"
(Posterior Predictive Loss) discrepancy
measure of Gelfand and Ghosh (1998) provides the record-level
combination of two components: one involves the predictive variance
and the other includes the accuracy of the means of the predictive
distribution. The d=0
argument applies the following weight to
the accuracy component, which is then added to the variance component:
. For
, use
. For
and model comparison,
commonly set to 1, 10, or 100000. Larger values of
put more
stress on fit and downgrade the precision of the estimates.
The "Quadratic Loss"
discrepancy measure provides the
mean quadratic loss for each record across all replicates, and the
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level mean quadratic
losses. Quadratic loss and MSE are identical, and quadratic loss is
the negative of quadratic utility.
The "Quadratic Utility"
discrepancy measure provides
the mean quadratic utility for each record across all replicates, and
the discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level mean
quadratic utilities. Quadratic utility is the negative of quadratic
The "RMSE"
(Root Mean Squared Error) discrepancy
measure provides the RMSE for each record across all replicates, and
the discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level RMSEs.
The "Skewness"
discrepancy measure returns the skewness
of for each record, and the discrepancy
statistic is the mean for all records. This does not measure
discrepancies between the model and data, and is useful for finding
skewed replicate distributions.
The "max(yhat[i,]) > max(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when a record's maximum
exceeds the maximum of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
replications that exceed the maximum of
The "mean(yhat[i,]) > mean(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when the mean of a record's
is greater than the mean of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
mean replications that exceed the mean of
The "mean(yhat[i,] > d)"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level proportion of that
exceeds a specified value,
. The discrepancy statistic is the
mean of the record-level proportions.
The "mean(yhat[i,] > mean(y))"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level proportion of
that exceeds the mean of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level proportions.
The "min(yhat[i,]) < min(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when a record's minimum
is less than the minimum of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
replications less than the minimum of
The "round(yhat[i,]) = d"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level proportion of that,
when rounded, is equal to a specified discrete value,
. The
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level proportions.
The "sd(yhat[i,]) > sd(y)"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level indicator when the standard deviation of replicates is
larger than the standard deviation of all of . The
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level indicators,
reporting the proportion of records with larger standard deviations
The "p(yhat[i,] != y[i])"
discrepancy measure returns
the record-level probability that
is not equal to
. This is valid when
is categorical and
is the predicted
category. The probability is the proportion of replicates.
After observing a discrepancy statistic, the user attempts to improve the model by revising the model to account for discrepancies between data and the current model. This approach to model revision relies on an analysis of the discrepancy statistic. Given a discrepancy measure that is based on model fit, such as the L-criterion, the user may correlate the record-level discrepancy statistics with the dependent variable, independent variables, and interactions of independent variables. The discrepancy statistic should not correlate with the dependent and independent variables. Interaction variables may be useful for exploring new relationships that are not in the current model. Alternatively, a decision tree may be applied to the record-level discrepancy statistics, given the independent variables, in an effort to find relationships in the data that may be helpful in the model. Model revision may involve the addition of a finite mixture component to account for outliers in discrepancy, or specifying the model with a distribution that is more robust to outliers. There are too many suggestions to include here, and discrepancy analysis varies by model.
This function returns a list with the following components:
The Bayesian Predictive Information Criterion (BPIC) was
introduced by Ando (2007). BPIC is a variation of the Deviance
Information Criterion (DIC) that has been modified for predictive
distributions. For more information on DIC (Spiegelhalter
et al., 2002), see the accompanying vignette entitled "Bayesian
Inference". |
Concordance |
This is the percentage of the records of y that are
within the 95% quantile-based probability interval (see
Mean Lift |
This is the mean of the record-level lifts, and
occurs only when |
Discrepancy.Statistic |
This is only reported if the
L-criterion |
The L-criterion (Laud and Ibrahim, 1995) was
developed for model and variable selection. It is a sum of two
components: one involves the predictive variance and the other
includes the accuracy of the means of the predictive
distribution. The L-criterion measures model performance with a
combination of how close its predictions are to the observed data
and variability of the predictions. Better models have smaller
values of |
Summary |
When |
Statisticat, LLC.
Ando, T. (2007). "Bayesian Predictive Information Criterion for the Evaluation of Hierarchical Bayesian and Empirical Bayes Models". Biometrika, 94(2), p. 443–458.
Gelfand, A. (1996). "Model Determination Using Sampling Based Methods". In Gilks, W., Richardson, S., Spiegehalter, D., Chapter 9 in Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice. Chapman and Hall: Boca Raton, FL.
Gelfand, A. and Ghosh, S. (1998). "Model Choice: A Minimum Posterior Predictive Loss Approach". Biometrika, 85, p. 1–11.
Gelman, A., Meng, X.L., and Stern H. (1996). "Posterior Predictive Assessment of Model Fitness via Realized Discrepancies". Statistica Sinica, 6, p. 733–807.
Laud, P.W. and Ibrahim, J.G. (1995). "Predictive Model Selection". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 57, p. 247–262.
Spiegelhalter, D.J., Best, N.G., Carlin, B.P., and van der Linde, A. (2002). "Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit (with Discussion)". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 64, p. 583–639.
, and
### See the PMC function for an example.
### See the PMC function for an example.
This may be used to summarize either new, unobserved instances of
) or
replicates of
). Either
is summarized, depending on
## S3 method for class 'vb.ppc' summary(object, Categorical, Rows, Discrep, d, Quiet, ...)
## S3 method for class 'vb.ppc' summary(object, Categorical, Rows, Discrep, d, Quiet, ...)
object |
An object of class |
Categorical |
Logical. If |
Rows |
An optional vector of row numbers, for example
Discrep |
A character string indicating a discrepancy
test. |
d |
This is an optional integer to be used with the
Quiet |
This logical argument defaults to |
... |
Additional arguments are unused. |
This function summarizes an object of class vb.ppc
, which
consists of posterior predictive checks on either
depending respectively on whether unobserved instances of
or the model sample of
used in the
function. The deviance and
monitored variables are also summarized.
The purpose of a posterior predictive check is to assess how well (or poorly) the model fits the data, or to assess discrepancies between the model and the data. For more information on posterior predictive checks, see https://web.archive.org/web/20150215050702/http://www.bayesian-inference.com/posteriorpredictivechecks.
When is continuous and known, this function
estimates the predictive concordance between
as per Gelfand (1996), and the
predictive quantile (PQ), which is for record-level outlier detection
used to calculate Gelfand's predictive concordance.
When is categorical and known, this function
estimates the record-level lift, which is
p(yhat[i,] = y[i]) / [p(y = j) / n]
, or
the number of correctly predicted samples over the rate of that
category of in vector
A discrepancy measure is an approach to studying discrepancies between the model and data (Gelman et al., 1996). Below is a list of discrepancy measures, followed by a brief introduction to discrepancy analysis:
The "Chi-Square"
discrepancy measure is the chi-square
goodness-of-fit test that is recommended by Gelman. For each record
i=1:N, this returns (y[i] - E(y[i]))^2 / var(yhat[i,]).
The "Chi-Square2"
discrepancy measure returns the
following for each record: Pr(chisq.rep[i,] > chisq.obs[i,]), where
chisq.obs[i,] <- (y[i] - E(y[i]))^2 / E(y[i]), and chisq.rep[i,] <-
(yhat[i,] - E(yhat[i,]))^2 / E(yhat[i,]), and the overall
discrepancy is the percent of records that were outside of the 95%
quantile-based probability interval (see p.interval
The "Kurtosis"
discrepancy measure returns the kurtosis
of for each record, and the discrepancy
statistic is the mean for all records. This does not measure
discrepancies between the model and data, and is useful for finding
kurtotic replicate distributions.
The "L-criterion"
discrepancy measure of Laud and Ibrahim
(1995) provides the record-level combination of two components (see
below), and the discrepancy statistic is the sum, L
, as well as
a calibration number, S.L
. For more information on the
L-criterion, see the accompanying vignette entitled "Bayesian
The "MASE"
(Mean Absolute Scaled Error) is a
discrepancy measure for the accuracy of time-series forecasts,
estimated as (|y - yhat|) / mean(abs(diff(y)))
. The discrepancy
statistic is the mean of the record-level values.
The "MSE"
(Mean Squared Error) discrepancy measure
provides the MSE for each record across all replicates, and the
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level MSEs. MSE and
quadratic loss are identical.
The "PPL"
(Posterior Predictive Loss) discrepancy
measure of Gelfand and Ghosh (1998) provides the record-level
combination of two components: one involves the predictive variance
and the other includes the accuracy of the means of the predictive
distribution. The d=0
argument applies the following weight to
the accuracy component, which is then added to the variance component:
. For
, use
. For
and model comparison,
commonly set to 1, 10, or 100000. Larger values of
put more
stress on fit and downgrade the precision of the estimates.
The "Quadratic Loss"
discrepancy measure provides the
mean quadratic loss for each record across all replicates, and the
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level mean quadratic
losses. Quadratic loss and MSE are identical, and quadratic loss is
the negative of quadratic utility.
The "Quadratic Utility"
discrepancy measure provides
the mean quadratic utility for each record across all replicates, and
the discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level mean
quadratic utilities. Quadratic utility is the negative of quadratic
The "RMSE"
(Root Mean Squared Error) discrepancy
measure provides the RMSE for each record across all replicates, and
the discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level RMSEs.
The "Skewness"
discrepancy measure returns the skewness
of for each record, and the discrepancy
statistic is the mean for all records. This does not measure
discrepancies between the model and data, and is useful for finding
skewed replicate distributions.
The "max(yhat[i,]) > max(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when a record's maximum
exceeds the maximum of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
replications that exceed the maximum of
The "mean(yhat[i,]) > mean(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when the mean of a record's
is greater than the mean of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
mean replications that exceed the mean of
The "mean(yhat[i,] > d)"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level proportion of that
exceeds a specified value,
. The discrepancy statistic is the
mean of the record-level proportions.
The "mean(yhat[i,] > mean(y))"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level proportion of
that exceeds the mean of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level proportions.
The "min(yhat[i,]) < min(y)"
discrepancy measure
returns a record-level indicator when a record's minimum
is less than the minimum of
. The discrepancy statistic is the mean of the
record-level indicators, reporting the proportion of records with
replications less than the minimum of
The "round(yhat[i,]) = d"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level proportion of that,
when rounded, is equal to a specified discrete value,
. The
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level proportions.
The "sd(yhat[i,]) > sd(y)"
discrepancy measure returns a
record-level indicator when the standard deviation of replicates is
larger than the standard deviation of all of . The
discrepancy statistic is the mean of the record-level indicators,
reporting the proportion of records with larger standard deviations
The "p(yhat[i,] != y[i])"
discrepancy measure returns
the record-level probability that
is not equal to
. This is valid when
is categorical and
is the predicted
category. The probability is the proportion of replicates.
After observing a discrepancy statistic, the user attempts to improve the model by revising the model to account for discrepancies between data and the current model. This approach to model revision relies on an analysis of the discrepancy statistic. Given a discrepancy measure that is based on model fit, such as the L-criterion, the user may correlate the record-level discrepancy statistics with the dependent variable, independent variables, and interactions of independent variables. The discrepancy statistic should not correlate with the dependent and independent variables. Interaction variables may be useful for exploring new relationships that are not in the current model. Alternatively, a decision tree may be applied to the record-level discrepancy statistics, given the independent variables, in an effort to find relationships in the data that may be helpful in the model. Model revision may involve the addition of a finite mixture component to account for outliers in discrepancy, or specifying the model with a distribution that is more robust to outliers. There are too many suggestions to include here, and discrepancy analysis varies by model.
This function returns a list with the following components:
The Bayesian Predictive Information Criterion (BPIC) was
introduced by Ando (2007). BPIC is a variation of the Deviance
Information Criterion (DIC) that has been modified for predictive
distributions. For more information on DIC (Spiegelhalter
et al., 2002), see the accompanying vignette entitled "Bayesian
Inference". |
Concordance |
This is the percentage of the records of y that are
within the 95% quantile-based probability interval (see
Mean Lift |
This is the mean of the record-level lifts, and
occurs only when |
Discrepancy.Statistic |
This is only reported if the
L-criterion |
The L-criterion (Laud and Ibrahim, 1995) was
developed for model and variable selection. It is a sum of two
components: one involves the predictive variance and the other
includes the accuracy of the means of the predictive
distribution. The L-criterion measures model performance with a
combination of how close its predictions are to the observed data
and variability of the predictions. Better models have smaller
values of |
Monitor |
This is a |
Summary |
When |
Statisticat, LLC.
Ando, T. (2007). "Bayesian Predictive Information Criterion for the Evaluation of Hierarchical Bayesian and Empirical Bayes Models". Biometrika, 94(2), p. 443–458.
Gelfand, A. (1996). "Model Determination Using Sampling Based Methods". In Gilks, W., Richardson, S., Spiegehalter, D., Chapter 9 in Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice. Chapman and Hall: Boca Raton, FL.
Gelfand, A. and Ghosh, S. (1998). "Model Choice: A Minimum Posterior Predictive Loss Approach". Biometrika, 85, p. 1–11.
Gelman, A., Meng, X.L., and Stern H. (1996). "Posterior Predictive Assessment of Model Fitness via Realized Discrepancies". Statistica Sinica, 6, p. 733–807.
Laud, P.W. and Ibrahim, J.G. (1995). "Predictive Model Selection". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 57, p. 247–262.
Spiegelhalter, D.J., Best, N.G., Carlin, B.P., and van der Linde, A. (2002). "Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit (with Discussion)". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 64, p. 583–639.
, and
### See the VariationalBayes function for an example.
### See the VariationalBayes function for an example.
This function reduces the number of posterior samples by retaining
every th sample.
Thin(x, By=1)
Thin(x, By=1)
x |
This is a vector or matrix of posterior samples to be thinned. |
By |
This argument specifies that every |
A thinned matrix of posterior samples is a matrix in which only every
th posterior sample (or row) in the original matrix is
retained. The act of thinning posterior samples has been criticized as
throwing away information, which is correct. However, it is common
practice to thin posterior samples, usually associated with MCMC such
, for two reasons. First, Each chain
(column vector) in a matrix of posterior samples probably has higher
autocorrelation than desired, which reduces the effective sample size
(see ESS
for more information). Therefore, a thinned
matrix usually contains posterior samples that are closer to
independent than an un-thinned matrix. The other reason for the
popularity of thinning is that it a user may not have the
random-access memory (RAM) to store large, un-thinned matrices of
posterior samples.
and PMC
automatically thin
posterior samples, deviance samples, and samples of monitored
variables, according to its own user-specified argument. The
function is made available here, should it be necessary to
thin posterior samples outside of objects of class demonoid
The Thin
argument returns a thinned matrix. When x
is a
vector, the returned object is a matrix with 1 column.
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- matrix(runif(100), 10, 10) Thin(x, By=2)
library(LaplacesDemon) x <- matrix(runif(100), 10, 10) Thin(x, By=2)
This function performs holdout validation on an object of class
or pmc
, given both a modeled and validation
data set.
Validate(object, Model, Data, plot=FALSE, PDF=FALSE)
Validate(object, Model, Data, plot=FALSE, PDF=FALSE)
object |
This is an object of class |
Model |
This is a model specification function for
Data |
This is a list that contains two lists of data, as
specified for |
plot |
Logical. When |
Logical. When |
There are numerous ways to validate a model. In this context,
validation means to assess the predictive performance of a model on
out-of-sample data. If reasonable, leave-one-out cross-validation
(LOOCV) via the conditional predictive ordinate (CPO) should be
considered when using LaplacesDemon
. For more information on CPO, see the accompanying
vignettes entitled "Bayesian Inference" and "Examples". CPO is
unavailable when using LaplaceApproximation
For LaplaceApproximation
, it is recommended that the user
perform holdout validation by comparing posterior predictive checks,
comparing the differences in the specified discrepancy measure.
When LOOCV is unreasonable, popular alternatives include k-fold
cross-validation and holdout validation. Although k-fold
cross-validation is not performed explicitly here, the user may
accomplish it with some effort. Of these methods, holdout validation
includes the most bias, but is the most common in applied use, since
only one model is fitted, rather than models in k-fold
cross-validation. The
function performs holdout
For holdout validation, the observed data is sampled randomly into two
data sets of approximately equal size, or three data sets that
consists of two data sets of approximately equal size and a remainder
data set. Of the two data sets approximately equal in size, one is
called the modeled (or training) data set, and the other is called the
validation (or test) data set. The modeled data set is used when
updating the model. After the model is updated, both data sets are
predicted in the Validate
function, given the model. Predictive
loss is estimated for the validation data set, relative to the modeled
data set.
Predictive loss is associated with overfitting, differences between the model and validation data set, or model misspecification. Bayesian inference is reputed to be much more robust to overfitting than frequentist inference.
There are many ways to measure predictive loss, and within each approach, there are usually numerous possible loss functions. The log-likelihood of the model is a popular approximate utility function, and consequently, the deviance of the model is a popular loss function.
A vector of model-level (rather than record-level) deviance
samples is returned with each object of class demonoid
. The Validate
function obtains this vector for each
data set, and then calculates the Bayesian Predictive Information
Criterion (BPIC), as per Ando (2007). BPIC is a variation of the
Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) that has been modified for
predictive distributions. For more information on DIC (Spiegelhalter
et al., 2002), see the accompanying vignette entitled "Bayesian
Inference". The goal is to minimize BPIC.
When DIC is applied after the model, such as with a predictive
distribution, it is positively biased, or too small. The bias is due
to the same data being used both to construct the
posterior distributions and to evaluate pD, the penalty term for model
complexity. For example, for validation data set
, BPIC is:
When plot=TRUE
, the distributions of the modeled and validation
deviances are plotted above, and the lower plot is the modeled
deviance subtracted from the validation deviance. When positive, this
distribution of the change in deviance is the loss in predictive
deviance associated with moving from the modeled data set to the
validation data set.
After using the Validate
function, the user is encouraged to
perform posterior predictive checks on each data set via the
or summary.pmc.ppc
This function returns a list with three components. The first two
components are also lists. Each list consists of y
, and Deviance
. The third component is a matrix that
reports the expected deviance, pD, and BPIC. The object is of class
for LaplacesDemon
, or pmc.val
when associated with PMC
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Ando, T. (2007). "Bayesian Predictive Information Criterion for the Evaluation of Hierarchical Bayesian and Empirical Bayes Models". Biometrika, 94(2), p. 443–458.
Spiegelhalter, D.J., Best, N.G., Carlin, B.P., and van der Linde, A. (2002). "Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit (with Discussion)". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 64, p. 583–639.
, and
library(LaplacesDemon) #Given an object called Fit of class demonoid, a Model specification, #and a modeled data set (MyData.M) and validation data set (MyData.V): #Validate(Fit, Model, Data=list(MyData.M=MyData.M, MyData.V=MyData.V))
library(LaplacesDemon) #Given an object called Fit of class demonoid, a Model specification, #and a modeled data set (MyData.M) and validation data set (MyData.V): #Validate(Fit, Model, Data=list(MyData.M=MyData.M, MyData.V=MyData.V))
The VariationalBayes
function is a numerical approximation
method for deterministically estimating the marginal posterior
distributions, target distributions, in a Bayesian model with
approximated distributions by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler
Divergence (KLD
) between the target and its
VariationalBayes(Model, parm, Data, Covar=NULL, Interval=1.0E-6, Iterations=1000, Method="Salimans2", Samples=1000, sir=TRUE, Stop.Tolerance=1.0E-5, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK")
VariationalBayes(Model, parm, Data, Covar=NULL, Interval=1.0E-6, Iterations=1000, Method="Salimans2", Samples=1000, sir=TRUE, Stop.Tolerance=1.0E-5, CPUs=1, Type="PSOCK")
Model |
This required argument receives the model from a
user-defined function. The user-defined function is where the model
is specified. |
parm |
This argument requires a vector of initial values equal in
length to the number of parameters. |
Data |
This required argument accepts a list of data. The list of
data must include |
Covar |
This argument defaults to |
Interval |
This argument receives an interval for estimating approximate gradients. The logarithm of the unnormalized joint posterior density of the Bayesian model is evaluated at the current parameter value, and again at the current parameter value plus this interval. |
Iterations |
This argument accepts an integer that determines the
number of iterations that |
Method |
This optional argument currently accepts only
Samples |
This argument indicates the number of posterior samples
to be taken with sampling importance resampling via the
sir |
This logical argument indicates whether or not Sampling
Importance Resampling (SIR) is conducted via the |
Stop.Tolerance |
This argument accepts any positive number and
defaults to 1.0E-3. Tolerance is calculated each iteration, and the
criteria varies by algorithm. The algorithm is considered to have
converged to the user-specified |
CPUs |
This argument accepts an integer that specifies the number
of central processing units (CPUs) of the multicore computer or
computer cluster. This argument defaults to |
Type |
This argument specifies the type of parallel processing to
perform, accepting either |
Variational Bayes (VB) is a family of numerical approximation algorithms that is a subset of variational inference algorithms, or variational methods. Some examples of variational methods include the mean-field approximation, loopy belief propagation, tree-reweighted belief propagation, and expectation propagation (EP).
Variational inference for probabilistic models was introduced in the field of machine learning, influenced by statistical physics literature (Saul et al., 1996; Saul and Jordan, 1996; Jaakkola, 1997). The mean-field methods in Neal and Hinton (1999) led to variational algorithms.
Variational inference algorithms were later generalized for conjugate exponential-family models (Attias, 1999, 2000; Wiegerinck, 2000; Ghahramani and Beal, 2001; Xing et al., 2003). These algorithms still require different designs for different model forms. Salimans and Knowles (2013) introduced general-purpose VB algorithms for Gaussian posteriors.
A VB algorithm deterministically estimates the marginal posterior
distributions (target distributions) in a Bayesian model with
approximated distributions by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler
Divergence (KLD
) between the target and its
approximation. The complicated posterior distribution is approximated
with a simpler distribution. The simpler, approximated distribution is
called the variational approximation, or approximation distribution,
of the posterior. The term variational is derived from the calculus of
variations, and regards optimization algorithms that select the best
function (which is a distribution in VB), rather than merely selecting
the best parameters.
VB algorithms often use Gaussian distributions as approximating distributions. In this case, both the mean and variance of the parameters are estimated.
Usually, a VB algorithm is slower to convergence than a Laplace Approximation algorithm, and faster to convergence than a Monte Carlo algorithm such as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). VB often provides solutions with comparable accuracy to MCMC in less time. Though Monte Carlo algorithms provide a numerical approximation to the exact posterior using a set of samples, VB provides a locally-optimal, exact analytical solution to an approximation of the posterior. VB is often more applicable than MCMC to big data or large-dimensional models.
Since VB is deterministic, it is asymptotic and subject to the same limitations with respect to sample size as Laplace Approximation. However, VB estimates more parameters than Laplace Approximation, such as when Laplace Approximation optimizes the posterior mode of a Gaussian distribution, while VB optimizes both the Gaussian mean and variance.
Traditionally, VB algorithms required customized equations. The
function uses general-purpose algorithms. A
general-purpose VB algorithm is less efficient than an algorithm
custom designed for the model form. However, a general-purpose
algorithm is applied consistently and easily to numerous model forms.
When Method="Salimans2"
, the second algorithm of Salimans and
Knowles (2013) is used. This requires the gradient and Hessian, which
is more efficient with a small number of parameters as long as the
posterior is twice differentiable. The step size is constant. This
algorithm is suitable for marginal posterior distributions that are
Gaussian and unimodal. A stochastic approximation algorithm is used
in the context of fixed-form VB, inspired by considering fixed-form VB
to be equivalent to performing a linear regression with the sufficient
statistics of the approximation as independent variables and the
unnormalized logarithm of the joint posterior density as the dependent
variable. The number of requested iterations should be large, since the
step-size decreases for larger requested iterations, and a small
step-size will eventually converge. A large number of requested
iterations results in a smaller step-size and better convergence
properties, so hope for early convergence. However convergence is
checked only in the last half of the iterations after the algorithm
begins to average the mean and variance from the samples of the
stochastic approximation. The history of stochastic samples is
returns an object of class vb
that is a list with the following components:
Call |
This is the matched call of |
Converged |
This is a logical indicator of whether or not
Covar |
This is the estimated covariance matrix. The
Deviance |
This is a vector of the iterative history of the
deviance in the |
History |
This is an array of the iterative history of the
parameters in the |
Initial.Values |
This is the vector of initial values that was
originally given to |
This is an approximation of the logarithm of the marginal
likelihood of the data (see the |
LP.Final |
This reports the final scalar value for the logarithm of the unnormalized joint posterior density. |
LP.Initial |
This reports the initial scalar value for the logarithm of the unnormalized joint posterior density. |
Minutes |
This is the number of minutes that
Monitor |
When |
Posterior |
When |
Step.Size.Final |
This is the final, scalar |
Step.Size.Initial |
This is the initial, scalar |
Summary1 |
This is a summary matrix that summarizes the point-estimated posterior means and variances. Uncertainty around the posterior means is estimated from the estimated covariance matrix. Rows are parameters. The following columns are included: Mean, SD (Standard Deviation), LB (Lower Bound), and UB (Upper Bound). The bounds constitute a 95% probability interval. |
Summary2 |
This is a summary matrix that summarizes the
posterior samples drawn with sampling importance resampling
( |
Tolerance.Final |
This is the last |
Tolerance.Stop |
This is the |
Statisticat, LLC [email protected]
Attias, H. (1999). "Inferring Parameters and Structure of Latent Variable Models by Variational Bayes". In Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.
Attias, H. (2000). "A Variational Bayesian Framework for Graphical Models". In Neural Information Processing Systems.
Ghahramani, Z. and Beal, M. (2001). "Propagation Algorithms for Variational Bayesian Learning". In Neural Information Processing Systems, p. 507–513.
Jaakkola, T. (1997). "Variational Methods for Inference and Estimation in Graphical Models". PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Salimans, T. and Knowles, D.A. (2013). "Fixed-Form Variational Posterior Approximation through Stochastic Linear Regression". Bayesian Analysis, 8(4), p. 837–882.
Neal, R. and Hinton, G. (1999). "A View of the EM Algorithm that Justifies Incremental, Sparse, and Other Variants". In Learning in Graphical Models, p. 355–368. MIT Press, 1999.
Saul, L. and Jordan, M. (1996). "Exploiting Tractable Substructures in Intractable Networks". Neural Information Processing Systems.
Saul, L., Jaakkola, T., and Jordan, M. (1996). "Mean Field Theory for Sigmoid Belief Networks". Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 4, p. 61–76.
Wiegerinck, W. (2000). "Variational Approximations Between Mean Field Theory and the Junction Tree Algorithm". In Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.
Xing, E., Jordan, M., and Russell, S. (2003). "A Generalized Mean Field Algorithm for Variational Inference in Exponential Families". In Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.
, and
# The accompanying Examples vignette is a compendium of examples. #################### Load the LaplacesDemon Library ##################### library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,10]+1))) J <- ncol(X) for (j in 2:J) X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- "mu[1]" parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) { beta <- rnorm(Data$J) sigma <- runif(1) return(c(beta, sigma)) } MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log-Prior beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=mu[1], yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } ############################ Initial Values ############################# #Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) Initial.Values <- rep(0,J+1) #Fit <- VariationalBayes(Model, Initial.Values, Data=MyData, Covar=NULL, # Iterations=1000, Method="Salimans2", Stop.Tolerance=1e-3, CPUs=1) #Fit #print(Fit) #PosteriorChecks(Fit) #caterpillar.plot(Fit, Parms="beta") #plot(Fit, MyData, PDF=FALSE) #Pred <- predict(Fit, Model, MyData, CPUs=1) #summary(Pred, Discrep="Chi-Square") #plot(Pred, Style="Covariates", Data=MyData) #plot(Pred, Style="Density", Rows=1:9) #plot(Pred, Style="Fitted") #plot(Pred, Style="Jarque-Bera") #plot(Pred, Style="Predictive Quantiles") #plot(Pred, Style="Residual Density") #plot(Pred, Style="Residuals") #Levene.Test(Pred) #Importance(Fit, Model, MyData, Discrep="Chi-Square") #Fit$Covar is scaled (2.38^2/d) and submitted to LaplacesDemon as Covar. #Fit$Summary[,1] is submitted to LaplacesDemon as Initial.Values. #End
# The accompanying Examples vignette is a compendium of examples. #################### Load the LaplacesDemon Library ##################### library(LaplacesDemon) ############################## Demon Data ############################### data(demonsnacks) y <- log(demonsnacks$Calories) X <- cbind(1, as.matrix(log(demonsnacks[,10]+1))) J <- ncol(X) for (j in 2:J) X[,j] <- CenterScale(X[,j]) ######################### Data List Preparation ######################### mon.names <- "mu[1]" parm.names <- as.parm.names(list(beta=rep(0,J), sigma=0)) pos.beta <- grep("beta", parm.names) pos.sigma <- grep("sigma", parm.names) PGF <- function(Data) { beta <- rnorm(Data$J) sigma <- runif(1) return(c(beta, sigma)) } MyData <- list(J=J, PGF=PGF, X=X, mon.names=mon.names, parm.names=parm.names, pos.beta=pos.beta, pos.sigma=pos.sigma, y=y) ########################## Model Specification ########################## Model <- function(parm, Data) { ### Parameters beta <- parm[Data$pos.beta] sigma <- interval(parm[Data$pos.sigma], 1e-100, Inf) parm[Data$pos.sigma] <- sigma ### Log-Prior beta.prior <- sum(dnormv(beta, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)) sigma.prior <- dhalfcauchy(sigma, 25, log=TRUE) ### Log-Likelihood mu <- tcrossprod(Data$X, t(beta)) LL <- sum(dnorm(Data$y, mu, sigma, log=TRUE)) ### Log-Posterior LP <- LL + beta.prior + sigma.prior Modelout <- list(LP=LP, Dev=-2*LL, Monitor=mu[1], yhat=rnorm(length(mu), mu, sigma), parm=parm) return(Modelout) } ############################ Initial Values ############################# #Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, MyData, PGF=TRUE) Initial.Values <- rep(0,J+1) #Fit <- VariationalBayes(Model, Initial.Values, Data=MyData, Covar=NULL, # Iterations=1000, Method="Salimans2", Stop.Tolerance=1e-3, CPUs=1) #Fit #print(Fit) #PosteriorChecks(Fit) #caterpillar.plot(Fit, Parms="beta") #plot(Fit, MyData, PDF=FALSE) #Pred <- predict(Fit, Model, MyData, CPUs=1) #summary(Pred, Discrep="Chi-Square") #plot(Pred, Style="Covariates", Data=MyData) #plot(Pred, Style="Density", Rows=1:9) #plot(Pred, Style="Fitted") #plot(Pred, Style="Jarque-Bera") #plot(Pred, Style="Predictive Quantiles") #plot(Pred, Style="Residual Density") #plot(Pred, Style="Residuals") #Levene.Test(Pred) #Importance(Fit, Model, MyData, Discrep="Chi-Square") #Fit$Covar is scaled (2.38^2/d) and submitted to LaplacesDemon as Covar. #Fit$Summary[,1] is submitted to LaplacesDemon as Initial.Values. #End
This function calculates the Widely Applicable Information Criterion (WAIC), also known as the Widely Available Information Criterion or the Watanable-Akaike, of Watanabe (2010).
x |
This required argument accepts a |
WAIC is an extension of the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) that is more fully Bayesian than the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC).
Like DIC, WAIC estimates the effective number of parameters to adjust for overfitting. Two adjustments have been proposed. pWAIC1 is similar to pD in the original DIC. In contrast, pWAIC2 is calculated with variance more similarly to pV, which Gelman proposed for DIC. Gelman et al. (2014, p.174) recommends pWAIC2 because its results are closer in practice to the results of leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO-CV). pWAIC is considered an approximation to the number of unconstrained and uninformed parameters, where a parameter counts as 1 when estimated without contraint or any prior information, 0 if fully constrained or all information comes from the prior distribution, or an intermediate number if both the data and prior are informative, which is usually the case.
Gelman et al. (2014, p. 174) scale the WAIC of Watanabe (2010) by a
factor of 2 so that it is comparable to AIC and DIC. WAIC is then
reported as . Gelman et al. (2014) prefer WAIC
to AIC or DIC when feasible, which is less often than AIC or DIC.
function requires the model
specification function to return the model-level deviance, which is
, where
is the sum of the record-level
log-likelihood. Therefore, if the user desires to calculate WAIC, then
the record-level log-likelihood must be monitored.
argument returns a list with four components:
This is the Widely Applicable Information Criterion
(WAIC), which is |
lppd |
This is the log pointwise predictive density. For more information, see Gelman et al. (2014, p. 168). |
This is the effective number of parameters preferred by Gelman et al. (2014). |
pWAIC1 |
This is the effective number of parameters, is
calculated with an alternate method, and is included here for
completeness. It is not used to calculate WAIC in the |
Statisticat, LLC. [email protected]
Gelman, A., Carlin, J.B., Stern, H.S., Dunson, D.B., Vehtari, A., and Rubin, D.B. (2014). "Bayesian Data Analysis, 3rd ed.". CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL.
Watanabe, S. (2010). "Asymptotic Equivalence of Bayes Cross Validation and Widely Applicable Information Criterion in Singular Learning Theory". Journal of Machine Learning Research, 11, p. 3571–3594.
#library(LaplacesDemon) #N <- 10 #Number of records #S <- 1000 #Number of samples #LL <- t(rmvn(S, -70+rnorm(N), # as.positive.definite(matrix(rnorm(N*N),N,N)))) #WAIC(LL) ### Compare with DIC: #Dev <- -2*colSums(LL) #DIC <- list(DIC=mean(Dev) + var(Dev)/2, Dbar=mean(Dev), pV=var(Dev)/2) #DIC
#library(LaplacesDemon) #N <- 10 #Number of records #S <- 1000 #Number of samples #LL <- t(rmvn(S, -70+rnorm(N), # as.positive.definite(matrix(rnorm(N*N),N,N)))) #WAIC(LL) ### Compare with DIC: #Dev <- -2*colSums(LL) #DIC <- list(DIC=mean(Dev) + var(Dev)/2, Dbar=mean(Dev), pV=var(Dev)/2) #DIC